Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1961, p. 12

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AEOUN THORNTON Mr and Mn EYoung who have sold their home have moved to Toronto Mrs Eb Harris of Barrie has been visiting with her son Ce cil Harris and daughter Mrs William Cornea of Ham ilton has been visiting her mo ther Mrs William Sharpe Thornton Loyal Orange Dodge journeyed to Beoverton on Sat urday Before leaving they marched through the village headed by the Bracebridge Band On Sunday morning they attended special service at Trinity United Church Last Sunday the family of Mr and Mrs Sander were entertained at the home of Mr and Mrs Gordon Henry by Jim Stewart of Toronto Sunday visitors with Mr and Mrs Sander were tied San der and Mrs Arhic of Oril lie and Mrs Ernie Heifron Bar ry Kathie and Beryl of Tim mins Mr and Mrs Roy Needhnm and children of Port Credit spent their holidays with Mrs Needhams parents Mr and Mrs Wilcox During the weekend Mr and Mrs Wilcox entertained Mr and Mrs Harold Stewart and Walton of Toronto TRINITY VA This months meeting of Trin tty Womans Association was held in the school room ofthe church with Mrs liarris presid ing The meeting opened by the singing of hymn followed by prayer The devotional was in charge of Mrs Purnell Carr The Scripture reading was tak en by Mrs Johnson who rend Psalm 24 Mrs Carr spoke on the need of Faith and Quiet Confidence following this with prayer The business part be gan following the minutes of last months meeting items concerning the bake sale at the lake on July 25 were discussed NEWS 01 On Saturday morning the Wy cliffe Guild held sale of home made baking on the lawn at Flos Municipal Building The tables all looked so tempting with such variety of good things MISS INGLETON HONORED On Saturday evening lends and neighbors assembled in the school room of St Johns Uni ted Church to honor Miss Myrna Ingleton with miscellaneous shower She received any lovely and useful gifts On July 22 her wedding will take place in St Johns Churdt The members of the LOBA and Lot chartered bus on Saturday and celebrated the 12th of July at Maclier Mus koka Mr and Mrs Ted Dickinson MI and Mrs Hoffman of Sud bury Mrs Lorne Manning of Markham were recent guests of Mr and Mrs Manning Miss Beryl Hockridge of Bar rie is spending the week with her grandparents Mr and Mrs Alvin Pinch Mr and Mrs Jack Watson Martie Oakes and Mr and Mrs Joe tiveran of Toronto wer guests of Mr and Mrs Gossling DOWNEY PICNIC The Downey reunion was held on Sunday July 16 at Spring water Park Midhurst There were 100 present Among them were Miss Verona Usher Mr and Mrs Thomas Cooper Mr and Mrs Frank Field Mr and Mrs Ray Usher Mr and Mrs Ken Cooper and family TO NEW BRUNSWICK Mr and Mrs Jack Hann have returned to St Stephen NB alter visiting with Mrs Eva Thomson and other rein tives Sunday guests at Man nings were Mr and Mrs David gellister and children of Lon on WIN SILVER DOLLAR At the Elmvale Fair silver dollar will be given to the first 10 in the childs pony class who are awarded shields and ribbons by the Canadian Pony Society Owners are not to be over 12 years GRADUATION BANQUET The graduation banquet was held on June so at The Red Rooster Restaurant for Grade 8pupils who were successful in passing into high school Elmvole Home School again sponsored annual event Mrs George Teuyt pre sidentelcct for 196162 was in the chair Grace was said by Billie Player graduate delicious dinner was enjoyed Mrs Terry welcomed the grad uates guestsand parents and related the assistance Home and School Association through its several projects had given the pupils She presented theme llnvies CONSTRUCTION Lrn Borrla PA sales Harold Marshall Those in charge of the bus trip to Toronto spoke on arrange ments motion to purchase some supplies ior the church kitchen was passed letter of thanks was to be sent Irs Waller Mulligan of Toronto for the gift of beautitul coffee urn in memory of her mother Mrs John Crosstey It was noted that the provisional eomv mittee for the joint WA and ms was appointed As there is to be no meeting next month an executive meeting is to be held on Wednesday Aug at the home of the president and the bus trip to Toronto in Sep tember is to take the place of the usual open meeting of that month The meeting was clos ed bya hymn and prayer The social hour with refreshments followed CBAIGHUBST Clifford Bell Tilden Lake The flowers in St Johns Church Sunday morning were in memory of the late Sarah Watkins Her family from To ronto attendedthe service Mrs Mary Allan of New York is spending some holidays in the village with relatives Miss Jean Caston was at her home here for few days Mrs Addison has sold her home and antique shop and will be moving She will be much missed here The village was saddened Sunday morning to learn of the death of Ernest Mowlorth Heartfelt sympathy goes to Mrs Newfoth and family Allan Ginton was home from Chalk River for the we Miss Sheila Craig is 111 in Hamilton We welcomeJiIr and Mrs Gordon Birney and family of Barrie who have moved to the Anglican rectory Mr Birncy is on the staff of The Barrie Examiner ELMVALE past presidents pin to the rciir ing president Mrs Frank Rob erts School trustee Howard Ritchie in proposing toast to the graduates congratulatcd them on being the largest class in the historyof Elmvale publt lie snhool Bruce Corbett re plied very graciously to the tdnst and thanked the teachers for their efforts Principal Rose in presenting the dip lomas urged the graduates not to forget the teachers who had helped them through pub lic school Principal Yarwood of Elmvale District High School congratulated the class and advised the graduates to assume responsibility and make going to high school business Miss Eva RumblE music supervisor conducted the graduates in two musical 11 bers School trustee Jack Rit ifiie brought greetings from the public school board and im pressed upon the class that edu cation was much more import ant now than few decades ago INSPECTOR SPEAKS James Hancock chairman of the high stiiool board hoped all would be present at high school when it reopens in the fall He felt the matriculation course was good Inspector Ellis of Midland the main speaker was introduced by Principal Rose He thanked the Home and Stdiool for the invilt tation to be guest This grad uation he said was the pore paration for further gradua tions lie encouraged them to finish high s$1ool He told in visiting at them not to think of what they could earn now but what they could be earning at 30 years of age locality is only as good as the education of the citizens in it We have more leisure time now and we must learn to use itwisely It gives us opportunity for better habits and hobbies to be creative and develop character In the midst of this shrinking world we have to knowmore about the world and is people so we can live as neighbors Always pursue that which is good was his closing remark Mrs Terry thanked Mr El lis and the banquet closed with Canada An hour of dancing was enjoyed with Peter Vollett HS emcee GRADUATING CLASS Grade graduates of 1961 are John Archer Billie Black Ferry Cain Bob Coe Bruce Corbett Dianne Crowe Lois Draper thid Elwell Linda Jamieson Lorraine Jordan Sandy Mclt Auley Judy McClung Billie Player Ricky Myers Larry Rance Francis Reynolds Jim Reynolds Bob Ritchie Jonn Ritchie Nancy Roberts Bob Storey Joanne Whitfield FOR EXPERT REPAIR WORK runner morons YOUR cthsLim DODGE omen RENAULT VALIANT DEALER 75 Bradford St PHONE PA 85971 HOLLY Mrs Collum and Kenny were recent weekend visitors with relatives at New Liskeard Miss Madeline Melvin and Ron Collum ot Port Credit visi ted his parents Mr and Mrs Coltum on Saturday Miss Connie Brown returned home from camp at Bass Lake and was successful passing her beginners swimming water safety tesL Mrs Ii Brown and Mrs Crawford visited at Bracehridgo on Saturday IlieScott family were recent weekend visitors with Mr and Mrs Weale mane scuoor Many children from the dis trict enjoyed two week Bible vacation school at Christian Reform Church in Barrie On Friday evening parents enjoyed the program and display work put on to close the school The group of lenders arefto be congratulated on their work with 125 children many of whom are from other churches in and around Barrie ALLISTON PICNIC On Sunday over 65 enjoyed picnic at Riverside Park Al listen The group included members and their families from Littles Hill WI Alter swimming bountiful potluck supper was enjoyed This was convened by Mrs Lockie Races convened by Mrs Emms and Mrs Campbell were enjoyed Winners were Dash and years Joyce Downing and years Derek Johnson and years Eliza bcth Rodgers and years Eileen Downing lo and 11 yearsl Beverly Leighton 12 and years Connie Brown l2 and 18 boys Brian Bentley 13 and over Elene Rodgers and Elaine Bentley wheelbarrow race Connie Brown and Mal colm Campbell womens walk Mrs Lackie mens back ward walk Campbell shoe scramble Elaine Bentley Bob Furyk Elizabeth Rodgers bal loon race Mrs Downing Lackle backward walk Mar garet Furyk Wendy Lackie We wish speedy recovery to Miss Marilyn Graham who has been ill The Rodgers family visited Mr and Mrs Brown on Sun day Mrs Johnson received bad scare on Saturday when lightning slruck close Mrs Broley of Egbert has been visiting her soninlaw and daughter Mr and Mrs Leighton Mr and Mrs Crow and family have been holidaying with relatives in Toronto UTOPIA Mrs Garfield Coulson and daughter Gail spent few days last week with her sister Mrs Borden Jennett and family Glad to report Mr and Mrs Harvey Dirnbull are the proud parents of baby girl in Roy at Victoria Hospital last week sister for Garry and Stephen Mr and Mrs Fred McCann returned home Thursday after spending week with their daughter and family in Coldwa ter Mrs Charlie Mills Sr is spending week in Barrie while her son and daughterin law Mr and Mrs Charlie Mills Jr are on holidays Mrs Andy Miller spent Sun day afternoon with Mr and Mrs Fred McCann Mr and Mrs John Jennett spent Sunday afternoon at Bor den Jennetts Mr and Mrs Jack McCann were in Toronto on Sunday to visit their son Dawson who is in Hospital for Sick ChildrEn Mr and Mrs Arnall Muir were in Alliston on Sunday and visited McKinley who is patient in Stevenson Memorial Hospital Mr and Mrs William Orr and Mr and Mrs Noble of Bar rie visited Saturday evening with Mr and Mrs Arnall Muir Miss Ruth Jennett came home Monday morning from London for few days visit with her parents Ni andMrs Borden Jennett and the boys The WA of St Georges Church has cancElled the meet ing for July Visitors at the Exells Bill Exell and Mrs Stan Exell of Barrie Mrs William Hancock ALLANDALE Bones Limited PRESCRIPTIONS venomous SUPPLIES your ALLANnALn hexane scone enqun IPA 3823 Mngratulations to Mr SIMCOE COUNTY of Undeayfhlr and Mrs Bruce Wilson and daughter of Bells Corners Johnstone of Carley Lynn and Chris Thomp son of Allandale Miss Helen Exell spent last week with Miss Cheryl Ann Armstrong at Carley Mrs Andy Lakntos Mrs Wil llam Gallop Mrs Tom Exell and Donnie visited Saturday with Mr and Mrs Orval Arm strong nt Carley lt TRACTOR ACCIDENT What might have resulted in serious accident occurred when Mr Van Campen and his boys were coming home from Grenfel with two loads of hay behind the tractor when the tongue of one of thewagons brake coming down hill Mr Van Campcn lumped off and has very badly sprained an kle Otherwise no one was hurt and Mrs Patterson no the birth of iflson in Hoynl Victoria Hospi Mr and Mrs Jack Ellis spent Sunday in Toronto with their daughter Mary and soninlaw Bari Hirons Mr and Mrs William Boyd and Vickie and Mrs Foster of Toronto spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs James Jackson Mrs Arthur Dobson spent the weekend with Mr and Mrs Clllarcnce MgQuay of New Low Roy MeCann of Detroit and Vern Hodgins of Angus called on Mr and Mrs Fred McCann Vic McMaster of Angus and Notman ltdtaster oi fWood stock called on the McCains oneday lust week Miss Ruth Jennett returned to London Wednesday after few days visit with her parentl Mr and Mrs Borden Jenneft NEWTON ROBINSON We are glad tosce Mr Rowe home from the hospital Mr and Mrs Allan Smith of Ottawa spent the weekend with Mrs Leeson and attended the Stratiord nieatre Mr and Mrs Keith Dermott and mily of Melancthon were Sunday visitors with Mrand Mrs Gordon Breedon Earl Bel is in the Alliston hospitalrecuperating after an appendix operation Lloyd Coborn Peter spent the weekend with Mrnnd Mrs borne Clement at Penetang Mrs Coborn re turned home with them after weeks holiday at the cottage ST pours Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Robert Molscy on the birth of their daughter Shelley Glenda on July John Hill Edmonton ls vis iting his niece Mrs John Ken and mily also renewing ac quoin anccs of his school days in Ontario Three more new homes are going up on the 12th Linc They belong to Ray Peters Mervin Jennett and George Julian The GA will have barbecue at Mrs Harry Holdcofts home on July 18 at pin Any girls age 1221 wishing to go contact by phone Mrs Holds croft or Mrs Gregory Paul and vice at linens The Angus Loyal Orange Lodge and the Pine River The Blue Lodge met at the Angus Orange Hail witha local pipe band and paraded to the cen otapb for Mint service led by Edward Brown Two bas kets of flowers were placed at the cenotaph The lodges then want to Grand Valley for celebration and grand march Mr and Mrs Gordon Withers attended the public school re union at Drayton Mr and Mrs Victor Brown and son David of Mitchell visit ed Mr and Mrs Gordon With ers flie Browns are holiday ing at cottage at Atherley Pte and Mrs Robert Broatch and family and Miss Sandra Duckworth are spending two weeks at their cottage at Fea ther Point Mrs Edith Shortt and family Meaiord visited Angus friends Mr and Mrs William Waller Margaret St have sold their home and have gone to Cali fornia to live Frank Higginson has return ed irom the Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie Miles CoulsonBarric Mrs Hurry Setphany of Flint Mich Mrs Bert Braney and Mrs Malchovich Toronto visit ed their cousins Mr and Mrs Duckworth Several lodge members from Angus attended the Orange ser Collingwood United Church Mr and Mrs Archie Simpson Kirkland Lake spent or few duys with Mr and Mrs MeMackon Congratulations to Gordon Bush who celebrated his 78th birthday TuesdayJuly ll Mr and Mrs Bush Mrs George l2 EXAMINER neon JULY Bridger Miss Joan and Mrs Josie OConnor spent the day with Mr and Mrs Harry He Gan at Collingwnod Mr and Mrs Harry McCann Cottingwood and Mr Ind Mrs Kenneth Bush Holly spent day with Mr and Mrs Built NY Mrs Wilmer Wilson and flmlly vlsited Mrs Wilsons parents Mr and Mrs Alfred Schunke Sardinia New York the past week Joe and Mal colm stayed for further two weeks holiday Mrs Harper and family have travelled to Lon don Ontario where they will be spending months holiday with Mrs Harpers parents Mrs Jennctt spent few days at the summer cot tage of Mr and Mrs Frank Hill Oro Christ Church Ivy WA are holding bake sale at Innis til Park on Friday July 28 Members or the congregation are asked to help and please have yourgoodr at the church basement on Thursday even ring July 27 The combined Presbyterian and Anglican Sunday School picnic willbe held on Wed nesday July 19 at the Orange Hall Mrs Arnold Banting enter tained friends and neighbors at surprise baby shower held CAltflBBLL LTD Furniture Moving and Storage Commercial Warehousing Agents for North American Van Lines PA 66555 Be ampere roman yams enioy the mellow flavourof orqualityolel on behllf of Mn Richard Price Monday July 10 The annual Vocational Bible School will be held the week 01 July lIZt and All children are welcome to at toad erl and JoAnnc Bert Toronto are holidwing at the bone oder end Mn Henry Davis Mrs Esteo Davis and John spent few days at Kapuskas ing rs Maude Wilson and Mr and Mrs Wilmer Wilson and family attended the WilsonGib son reunion at Mldh Pork Miss Ella MeLeainoronto spent the weekend with her sis ter Mrs HaroldArnold AUTOMATIt onwnnrs Form Home PETROLEUM r1iomz PA 82563 LTD Edson Wine Prop 75 Anna st Barrle

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