Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1961, p. 11

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ARTICLES tor SALE FILL YOUR ARTICLES For SALE mm on Bonner tor sun 73 In Gmk Du ins Maple Avdnuo Bums ARTICLES for SALE AUTOMOTIVE DOGS PETS MOTOR CARS FOR SAL LOST FOUND ll Tunnel ion in ritlnlky oi Cilia Street north thiiue WORLD NEWS THE IA ZXAMINER Inna Iur the Austrian resort ad rmmr mu it im it the month oi August to take me XII Mocha an Mill PM elephan PA VIII GLABIH an pxir lost ministration laid the iunisinn oovuzr PkonucrION UP dun LONDON mm Soviet presi ha reservn on lot chronic throat inicctan Industrial production during the coon um nipple for IUD Dllfl IND nu PU ll Sfiw°mwumm hwy 12 Loann Thornton Idesu lien PA not Iuiphur inhumane or EEZER with anon You Get Finer dark 41 Queens mm MEATS ETC twat GnuIntrod opens Budlet Terms on order $5000 knd over Combine Line Of FRESH MEATS Ai TEE Lows PRICE5 In IVIIIahIO to tho who will optimu theieorderedtty II II KLEERPAK FOOD STORE II Tim mm BARRIE PHONE PA onm Free Delivery Open NW ULI on VACUUM CLEANERS $5900 USED rv SETS $4900 RERIGERAIDRS $9500 McFADDENS I28 PENETANG ST PA 89288 TENIS SLDLPING alias lhARIIEcUEs cm om or ale set Plywood Apply Ir Iotn Stair RE Ore Sutton Criteria zucfiuc nova or uh spurt ment the burners eiuu Inn in nod wor condition SelILnl Mummy cleanup PA salts CASE rilllief lite modal NationI electric in new condition ooh uuuu Tennhon BI 11 Sula Newmnriut Jud If hmdloom Koren men Almost new cost so in or poo rel noun PA use or further Inlarmatlnn PALnIxN PIANO or role in God condition Relrnnnhly priced lip Ely to School Street Elmo crtiln or telephone on comp Borden durum HALr03 Waterloo No 10 with cuitivrior end plow in ood condition reiophon PA Tod um pm hicYan finy ecu zhinch wheels In new condition Cost no will Inertch tor on Telephone PA m1 rorrurther toiormetion ITYLDMATIC 2i zap Machined now ln stock $5350 Also you budjozt Itrrixht stitch mncnlnu it 19 Come Ind then now at Sinflrl Telephone PA em alvmu 000D Uud so chine now in our stock on Ilnlo min N0 and up The havn to be citsred out lmmedislely Telephone PA 33m mAusr cenopy complete with piper end filters Suitole tor rnclt bar or reituinnt Moo two rshinr 12 liIurt he moved oil property Telephone PA om DIIAPDa rod end hook Ior in loot window Ploni with my hecx mund Prcdonrinniinr colon oi wine yellow and man Lined BOATS MOTORS INNISFIL OUTBOARD SERVICE Repairs to all makes oi OUIBOAED MUIORS CHAIN SAWS LAWN MOWERS useted ionisni Pickers deb net or Eixhw Ito rerndain an Nochente co ed by standard minnow Innituio mic Ph PA on Red PA Mold CASH mAN st or month Teium PA who men Finance 30 Dunlop 8K PLonoD non for all let trsiisr end Ii up Johnson motor In nod condition Co lut visa or best altar letephonr son aonNaoN motor tor no ll hp ured nnlyioue reson ceiirnt condition Dwner his second motor Apply ITI Ituy Street II Iier vaUnz now nuzrrt crhorouh Aluminum lidt moot reluinr 26 now mo StuGild en Prnllsslonnl witr this re dueed Sport linen PA avle Parana mit IALI attaiammn ee use on union pea with without motor km lacridco Call PA $737 liter iuu noltr new 1a 14 36 turn bottom deck hprdvvm end cover erllln or nail Can be seen It 39 cmphail Avenue or telephone HI Muse or onNsoN Motor to loot moulded plywood host with wind lhieid lint Ilrp plddlel Ill naverl spo nth er uphoutery etc to co Nee huvy duty gentler complete Toiophoue Ivy M010 anJAIAN AND LAND Rover With ton Rnhh tour whssi art nun tour Ipeed trons Thu ve biti un be turd or in arm only or all enuru nabbed in cont and white twe tour nabbed In ur III th Iepiour Ili liner reclininl again finished In In Ind with VR enflnn be lined Dr Iunmier um 1955DODGE4DOOR gitii tunnel blue TN unlt II Used Car Where the Finest New Cars are Sold AT VIAU RS LlID RAMBLER 10 DOWN 1960 LAND ROVER 38 III with inEGnd 1960mmme 4000R5EDAN This our In in Ad snipe 1959 DOOR 1957 PONTIAC D002 STATION WAGON tone on can Inn Thin SEDAN top runnlnr order rut In in mi Plies tele phone rA um mall Lon Home at susle Othle Jinnl Dedem why Eggt Cell count Unmiilen llenrd not our on sunny == I0 HELP WANTED murmur mm or lotl null tinnitus snorthnnd and knowiedle or no keepin poemn Good empln henna on week Apply to I5 EllI11 mull rAxx drivarl IInIQd hill and part tinil Imut hle tuna inc lldll at city reels Apply Delux Tlxl Ciawnrtcn Shit Barrio laud nprudntetlu required or doorlien Bey tflnrlet by estro llntlzd ninnulanurer buIIdlnl maintenance and unitntlon FID durtn with natlflnll distribution Requires rurultr contactn with hospitals Iconoh Inllitltlann and indiutry Apply to your toes Net Ionll annulment Ollkl MALE on mum CEpetent experiencod supern poor to serum dutiu or Court neporter Ind Iudse Brentlry Piere rt ouritnceuonr end IIIr1 ted Duties to coop mine on orbclon September In hexL Apply to writinl to JUDGE UARVIn COURT HOUSE BARRIE ONT Donahst refund or local bullnent Rep altl telphone it was announced today RETURNS nooo GRAND RAPIDS Minn AP first list 1961 was per cent higher than in the same period last year the Soviet new may Tm reported today TAKES OVER COMPANY COLOMBO Reuters The Ceylon Stnto Petroleum Corpor ation today took over eight oil atoraxe innit and is acres oi land used by the Shell Company of Ceylon An order signed by Commerce Minister linn grnrtzie would be paid compensation PLAN CONCERT TOUR THE HAGUEtReutersiflie Netherlandx chamber orchestr will make stcoucert Sitcity tour oI the lulled States and CanadaimmASept as to Dec young man unemployed until recently bought used car or 75 ioitod $7000 under the trunk money over to the Sherith oi fice here it might have be longed to some old mnn Rich mat and turned itho Thurman 11 laid at his discovery litoyhe it was the only money the owner had FIRED SEVENTH ROCKET AKliA Joplin AmJapan ere scientists tired it 12 ton rocket to an altitude of 96 miles today to collect data on elec tron temperntures and ion den sity in the ionosphere It was PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL ROWE ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM Brunch out Iowa QC CONDE COWAN orncs nerrirten do even at Barrm Noune runiTe TmL OWE Stu Mum hllucflbfl NolAnlas PUBLIC CONDIR BA SUGG AA mm gxnlop Er tut E7 COWAN BARRISTERS ROSS COWAN 53 COLLIER Si PA 54521 LIVINGSTON CT MYERS Barrister end solicitor Collier SL herri PA PA Sum WILSON MOORBY nAititIsrm SOLICan LAW OFFICF AT humor 51 SMITH McLEAN Haber Smith QC Arthur McLean Solicitors Conveyhem etc Barfl oEninll out sourpm at SUGG Ridden Trustee in WRIGHT Clfllflntl PHI Toronto eee mm Blfli OHICIs Wilson lred Gnu BlI PnoNs PA em HANDLE CPA BBL Prtner ROSE Cr HARRISON Churtercd Accountant Ulhlmt Samuel Rose GAG 59 Collier st PhonePA Hots MUSIC LESSONS Puptia oi theD PAW out solicitor rte Phone IA out tlou Piano lh JESSIE BRYSON Tndior Plnno Area tor arming ll Connery itnuc roropte An Ahtri Modern min 31 Radiant St PA m3 DAVIES or cANALA VOICE PIANO DRAMA NAPIER ET BARBIE ANGUS R0 Remtrnd Music Teacher com French Latin mu nthr Icth nib Ii lion st notri CAI Ind mom 55 BA In mios mm mm or VEGETABLES 1955 HHIMAN MINx nunnrr ex enee In my do PA him DOMINION TIRE STORE tin BRADFORD Sh BARRIE AnPIiALI DILIVEWAYR Telephon PA 50174 DisherFsrraud united PORTABLE TAPE Recorder tor solo arundilz model hailcry op ernted transistor Senior or 350 Telephone PA ems or iurther Inlorniatian rmwamaas Portlhlel In low or 359351 you rusnnteo Terms St down $1 pr weak Stu dent rentals repairs Star Writer 012 ll Brndtord st 66595 mum like rtzw Minor Spruder zi Cednr Boards rxi other 1100 holes or my Apply mom son ieet on out side too mphwoy on 6th Concen rIonoI ionlsol BUSINESS corrrINItNrAI and lot nie It me sir lprtnx EInctroItix Vie mun Ciennor Power iiower Pi er Pino All in ood condition Reeronnnir for an ctr esie rele phone PA Moot oNB USED 2o IIP Electric Motor phse volt perfect conni tlnu Ono ioi paint Jton vnrtlbio speed Freon in York condensing unit new runutee Telephone PA west or PA Mm evculnn Gm OSCILATING Sunder Tol ndn Computlnr white cnltnol Coun ter Scnle to lo capacity Pint iorm soul with scoop 150 cspecity elso William Class Trumpet good condition 116 up Erin and strsttori Guollnl En Kine Telephone Ivy mu my EXAIIDNER WANr ADS Phone Pu 414 SERVICE DIRECTORY Ask About Roofing Siding Insulation Driveways and II PAVING CO 55 DUNLOP 51 EAST nAniuz PHONE PA 87532 GAMING EQUIPIVmNT BARRIE GOVERNMENT SURPLUS STORE For the host pricol In all CAMPING EQUIPMW GENUINE woons 9x9 mm $3495 COMPLETE Also tarps host covers llie Jack eu skin diving equipment ROSS 5mm PA 60622 TENT AND CAIIIPING EQUIPMENT For RENT Tents and Tarps Comp cots and stoves Coolers BARRI TENT Er AWNING co LTD at BAYFIELD 5mm minnow PA $8437 CARPENTRY ARPENIER CONTRACTORS Alterations Renovstious And then OLD BUILDINGS REMOVED JAMES Er SON Phone Res PA 66800 DIAPER SERVICE BARRIES FINEST DIAPER SERVICE Twit weekly pieku at dcuvery ii FRANCIS ST REAR PA 68551 leu than pack or cigarettes dry EXCAVATING GIIAVEL SOIL SEPTIC TANKS PUllflED Exclvndnz and Grudinl Pinter Delivery cnished atone unis Yurd aechhoe or er DENNIS MORAN ll Ann Street PA MSW FOR SHOVEL WORK EXCAVATLNG BACKHOE CLAN DRAG LINE chum nuerNd ox nusiNd 5152 or nooal SEOVEL FRONT LDADNGLEIV me on snéimuirtn no EB WORK PHONE ART PAHOH so and PA Mair LAWN MOWERS LAWN moms or rent Ind repllrl on all types Apply it Whlil Bole Station 320 Blake St some PA unis PLASTEEURG STUCCO STONE QUIKBRICK AND PLASTERING CEILINGS ROOMS Arohwnys Patches FREE ESTIMATES TERMS N0 DOWN PAYMENT SIMCOE QUIKBRIK LEFROY 60M PHONE COLLECT Barrio tlry An Examiner Want Ad TELEPHONE PA 84414 Low Rates By Month or Year Telephone PA 82414 PAINTING AND PAPEREANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting Ind Plpcr Ruth Spray Paint Service Since 20 RR BARRIE PA HO SANITARY DISPOSAL WANTED DEAD OR CRIPPLED HORSES CATTLE HOGS Removed promptly ior dLrposnl Telephone Barrie PA ETISI Long distance Zenith 32800 at our expense ED PECONI AND SON LTD DRILLIA License No 69061 DEAD ANIMAL DISPOSAL ACT We hnvo been licensed to remove your dead and cnpvied arm rul mnir under this shows Ac FREE REMOVAL PhouezCOLLECT BARRIE PAikway 83517 GORDON YOUNG LIMITED BARRIE LICENSE 95061 SURVEYING Roger Wélsman Ontario Land Surveyor TELEPHONE PA om UPEOISIEEY UPHOLSTERING OF EVERY KIND ODraperies Siip covers CBroadloom OCommerciai furniture installation CHECK OUR PRICES SAVE MAYFAIR CUSTOM Upnoismncrigd AND RUG 64 BAYFIELD ST PA not PA user on or towncall eoiieet Complete rinse or rubrics shown Lu your home CLEANING For fine furniture and rug cleuning call MAYFAIR OF BARRIE ME Emma PA elm PA max WELL IJIGCIINGL WELLS DRILLED PUMPS lerALLISD or LICENSED DRILLERS FREE ESlmAlES Coupland Drilling No BARRIE PA 87646 WELL CLEANING Homing alttee you cleaned your We YEARSla YEARS YES WE CLEAN WELIS Weill Du Deopened hrprired elso adii Ind inmli Duro nitIin and Deep Wall Pumps Phone or write Km WINTERS 12 MARIA STREET BARRIE Judi north 400 Elihwl on Dnyliaid PA oolaz Phone PA 52417 Campbell Alon Ontario Mcomflm mm mm Dam dponaibleJor any dehta incurred MOTOR CARS FOR SALE RAnrnnuhuzs ror nit sold by box or onto Telephone PA Iwm or mnherlxdotdlll nAnPiIxILItIzS FOR lAlB Wei com to come and pick your own mile north on No iI Rizh PA 39542 ARTICLES WANTED LINGUAPEDNB Cortina or uthnr Germln iepruepe course wtnttd in pend eondltlon Apply to our 56 hurl Bummer we WILL PAY CASE tor and used ntrnlturo ornny lund uud article Individual or content iota 5FARMERS MARKET Lrvnsrocx Gunmetal cow tor role also Holstein Cow Apply Doug itcisen fiu Ethert or when Ivy wANm cALvla dayom Calves Must no load and stock PPLY Gildhfll Fatnu ER DID re or telephone PA 599 CORNEAL itAitIs tor uio rpm reflntcird Itock Apply Allan LlnnDX Psinrwlck or telephone ooiu Stroud YOUNG FRESH Holltein cows registered listed Accredited Aim Yorkshire Sowr lirat litter tlliiu hip or registration Apply Sour stroud own man iterirtercd uoutein cow hnd Call nine yeerr old ex ceiint printer Priced mo Pieno lurt or Wormlion snADnLAWNItARMS otterinl up to servicehid ere Yorkshire Bonn and sow priced to lei Sprould Strotid or ie mm strand POULTRY CHICKS finished in lovely dirk hiue Thin model conto tuned with the Im rnltno Finide In teen hnd White two why For hiriher netiii telephone Stine ope OML and NAT anlnl 50M lass mnch or dale untame tic with radio tour door body Ind enllnl In excellent condition Telephone PA M177 ian cnxvnom Beltr Enrdtop autnmltlt In to me Donor Roy1 Sedan or rail Vd motor nonan 000 mun Good lion dition Telephone PA weir mi PACKARD Sudan dio and whiter tr 2000 apply to in Mlpil Avenue Bub nu CDNRUL motor overhsuied now brakes Rood tires Also honvy duty drlvls PA was telc hone Cookstown mm or late PLYMOUTH Savoy sedan one mar tilt 41000 paint Ai condition ihrouhuottt 115 Mint be seen to he IFPIECII Mm MUZOECYCL feral ollnfld Ankinz price $460 Tele DOOR SEDAN 1954 FORD 2DOOR This car Is in very nod iv IGOWAN STREET PA was HAROLD JORY MOTORS WK it STANDARD DEALERS Repairn to All Mikel in mm my BARRI PA 34165 and condition ALIu wgnfahin Irr trl Ttlflphonl PA automatic tnnrniis bi 10 rl set of rockets onunch to inches Telephone mIiol new ad Telephanl HE 95960 14 Huiy with ilecen rebuilt Indrd hone Saturdnyn PA WM II or Jordan DEKALB CHICKS Pisce our order now tor deliv ery en dulrld We Mint Dehllii patient en unlity hur rov tits Also MR it Boolruend ed Stine Crouhredn Price not service on fauna HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 EBAY HA5 many vnrinties rtrted chloksnvatinbie ornmpt Shipment Deynids cw only shipment or to order Broiler chicks Avrilhie order now Agent It Copeland RR Beetun phone 18ml BALE HAY or file lbniII 7000 oeles If 10¢ per bale I1 Vcrwoerd RR Strolid telephone lull FARM MACHINERY DELAVAL SALES SERVICE Get your line and pointers eienn ed pow Service on all Milken HANK BROWN RR BARRIE HOLLY ins liramoo station Waxon are excellent runnan condtuon huiit motor standard trinnnlsrion Telephone or xood Ituhuity 103 morninrr or evenings Shirlly Avenue mucus rumpus manor lids Mercury Trunk rebuilt motor RJl tIrel all loan led tranlmlultm hx lttoot pItlorm 95 Downtown across iron rFlreatonn Telephone PA 54600 CQEHFOR your cur Lima plld FEED SEED GRAIN inandnle Motors he Road see ONE ALUMINUM Trniier lleep our Nlnrly now Cupboard alnk cub Tel inn PA gov nimm or rush linguist our no lolly dro wired one cm to noon at 119 Hnnry Street or telephone PA Ml re 33306 between uni ued rear pric Sole Motor Sturnll CARS wm TO our we trade up or down Ai Ie PA 9821 MOBILE norms non SALE on RENT Could no other equipment 9115 one PA onset or Iven 1032 clan condition aired App to Box to Belrte Hammer mm MENT WANTED WILL Luox Arltm Children in my own home Wiu nu ielr phone PA 51636 noonnsrtm tlrcd on service run or Accountpt ension otter no ynnrl Inonl nrm rcekinl Irblinin employmlnL John OF LAND FOR TAXES 11316 Street Telephone Japans seventh firing of that type rocket CANCEIS TREATMENT LINZ Austria AWTunisian President thib Bourguihn has cancelled treatment date lit the Austrian health resort of Bad isdiol apparently became of the Eizerto crisis spokes wo 13 AUCTION SALES ll LEGAL NOTICES 3y virtue or Writ ol Inert Fldu tuned out or The County Court or the county ot Simcoe Lnd mud to the Shnrill oi the county or Simeon eninst the road Ind coettelr oi WILLIAM DUSOME end Adm DUSDME nev oetred end trim in execu tion iii the rtlht tltto Ind equity to the raid wuiipm Dusonre sod Agnes Durorne in end to mo zt Delirut bolt flylnl bridge into In hp Johnnnn uutbolrd motor Eoni No min Au or wrucn nid rtrht tttic end equity oi thn nid Willinln ousomo Ind Ashes Diuoinl in and to the shovementioned bout end motor will ouer or role by public suction op iiruredev July 37th lost it 100 pm it DELANEY noAr LINE or smvtca neyIIcId st nerrle optdo Ross imam gt sheriir Countys Simon ruiy Ia tool TREASURERS SALE Townnhlp ol IunIlmr County Simcoo To Wit virtue of Weirant issued by no native ot the Township oi InnIlRl under his hind and tbs lea of the hid corporation henn In date the In It 1961 or lands in urnrs tires in the Township ol Innirni will be held It the Community Hall Strand It the hotn ol two oclock In the uternoon on the ith dry Swtembel IDOL unless the axon nnd costa Ire Sooner paid Notice is hereby Riven thit the list or land tor rule for nrreers tucs we published in The On ierio Gazette on tho lrd day at June ilm and that copies of the sold list only he hnd at my outcn It lands Are not sit raid on September nth in soJourried nits will he held on September 15th It the lame hour and Place lrBIaurera OIIIEE Ulla 5th III limit 61 IREiON CLERK TRme PA 60338 CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES SERVICE LCana Now Entilnd Beatgnggmmingdlémnnt I76 BURTON AVE PA $2373 EQUIPMENT or come VIKINU cum Scourtori and Milken Usad lidchitin Sale and parta P0 Box 41 Crallhlliatr OntarIo or telephone PA 68415 comm model 150 Case loit propciied with 10 harder and pickup Also 12 reir propelled Core Swener usedtwo yerrr Ap ply DIII Rnwu Elmvllo rum not FEEDER 12 door Big Huskeyv Iurt used one lummor Ap to Wiilinm McNiven 11R Drawstm PID drive seven root out and 1313 rent pIcIt up In and condition Tele Phone HE 9605 Franklln Hip bison AUTOMOTIVE 1954 CHEVROLET sedrn good tires runninz won with good but tery Priced Iiisuitably Fur lun tlter Intoruutlnn title name Lorne Archer Elmvain innit PERSONALS leenlllru need amount luvs arifl Evidence on every adult known JUNE are two such inflnlflelb Ilsten 12 hold it who chine into HARVE TI NG ety ll older children tiit becomes permnent part or your remtiy tnroupn JUNE Ir tell nir athletic rm and II In Grade 1X She tondn in be domineerinit but this often the cnu when younnter lmt certtn eoneone cnrna haa blue and flood be quiet pend lot on JUNE DIANE le In Grade Vi reedy to move into en edopttve home now ertedr Proteotant couples lhouid writer RELIABLE COUPLE gtwithnlti Lhll dren In llvn In new huliliilnw with widower one and onehalf tun capreitv mm mm hfl um JOHNSTON ot lMCoil Enrol chartered Ichaoi Whore thoroughly trottad in ALL nnnhor In henuty culture lme HAmDRPsSING SCHOOL CHILDREN FOR ADOPTION tmnidndnlu DIANE and he Earn 01 Childrena Aid Soci They could Adoption DIANE Us brown hllr She tend to armed and do Then children are Wculd you be Intel vm MINISTER or PUBLIC WARE PARLIAMENT BUILDINGS TORONTO Could trite some ion cru PA 87481 or Street Burris will not he re name utter till date July without my written con WOMENS COLUMN LEARN HAIRDRESSING now in thin government on In For Inlnrnntinn write Io COLLIER sra DR PHONE PAMlloz 12 TENDERS Township of Vespro TENDERS For Construction Of Munictpai Drain Tendon wililhe Melina by the undersigned clerkup In 11 oclock noon Monday July RI 196 for the nonrtruction oLthe Downey MIIDIEIPII Drlln In Con ll 12 and L1 Vuprl Apprnxlmlt length 12600 EEC Elm excavation 7051 cu ydn kcnvlwd mltnrial to be removed It least feet tron drltn 1nd lpleld not over foot in depth Work mud be done In the llLIJIIctlnn the engineer to churn nnd complntnd by Seft SO 1961 Certified cheque for of bid to company tender nu thnr Farticttiara re apeolilcattous eta Im the Elflrkl meat or any tender not rescuerin ltcept EARI RICHARDSON CLERK I7 OWEN ST BARRIE TENDER Wantedillondets to supply tuei oil to Verpre Township Area schoola from Scptemher lDBI to June 3019 Anmun SMITH secretuy MIDHUESI TENDER Wented Tendon for roprirtnp root Ind iuwerlril ceiling to ur rest and to strnpplnp anti lulu auction or wnll with Donnie Aldo to ineteiiinp nix Moot twotith rluorevcent leiuror wkeaeld Ind or Peerlerr Grentel School Pmtculers my be ohtniitu rom ARTKUR SMITH secretr31 IMIDHUIISI try in spinnerwintn PEDNE PA iiimi Auction an of all Baku store uI ment in mmItu or the Auctlon heiress equipment mnchln some household ettccts tor AUCTION SALE SATURDAY JULY RM SHARP Ironw hoop DUTCH PANTRY st the nor or DUNLOP Sfi BARRIE Opposite the Queens Hotel rennr cuh No reserve the owners are spin out or the lock SHERIFFSSALE Irv JERRY COUGRLIN AuctIopcr Walnut AUCTION THURSDAY EVENING JULY 27th AT PM SHARP nlo of Knittetn cows tresn arid lpilnlinl Diry sry truck and JACK BUNNALIS nt Lot ll Concussion ii Tecum Ieth Townhi mile rtrlllht north Term cub No reserve Mr hunndiis has sold till nrm JERRY COUGIILIN or Bee on Ontario Auctioneer GLADSTONE main on Burrister Ind dolitttor LII ouleu It Wilton Buildlnl Fred Grant Siren aerm Ontrid roldphoulr PArkwA in FUNERAL HOMES OPTOMETRY ROBERTRH SMITH anionic to Cl died Wanner afternoon PA mia STECKLEyFm HOME summit SERVICE Ago MODERATE COST so Worthy st Barrio Mum Pfoiso NOEL STEPHENSON RO Optoon Duniu St Burt Poop PA final Ra RIITO RRIIIO and III 29 COLLIER ST SALES AND SERVICE CENTRE FOR ONLY $4250 IN ANY CAR COMJLETELY INSTALLED WHILE YOU WAIT SALES AND SERVICE FULLY GUARANTEED ENTER PETER PIPERIS BABY PORTRAIT CONTEST EASY TO ENTER NOTHING TO BUY PI OFFERS YOU QUALITY CAB RADIOS ALSO CUSTOM PUSH BUIION SETS VALUED AT $11000 FOR ONLY 7450 We lave children justlike you who are parents and grandparents In tact everyone loves children and we at the Pied Piper shop Baby Portrait Contest are proud to sponsor title All pictures will he token free charge Our port able studio will be set up In our store All pictures will be mounted iront show windows Six winne contest rs will he announced at the end oi the frhe decision oirthe tropes will be filinl So bring your child to the Pied Piper Shops TODAY FRIDAY JULY 21 31ml oRDurs coN IfssT STARTS lNNERS BOYS nnrlums UNDER YEAR BOYS nlld GIRIAS to YEARS gt BOYS andGIELSRISOYEARB One boy and one girl will be chosen from each age group Each winner will red Va is Gilt meUle Pied PIPefIShops along with nudgenlnrged ititid framed ports finished In beautiful gold tone coloitr lid displayed in our

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