Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 21 Jul 1961, p. 10

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aNOUNOEMENTS REAL ESTATE stRTus HAPPY mxASiuN birth oi yimi eniinl To tell the good new to Iriead and neighbors The Barrie Examiner Ciauidec stall are as our your telephone The day birth un dial PA Mile The is only 50 ENG AGES ENTS Mn lra Vtilmn or Cookrlnwn On tirlo wish in Innourlc the en gigeaieni oi lhrlr only daughter Bflhlrl JO EegN in Illr John Harvey rhl ion of air and Mn rnhn wright at Vancouver be The marriage ii to tare or saturday Auguil la lui at no MD in Cookiiowa United church IIDFLANHOICS Mr and Mrs ilarwell Anthony Holland oi utroy who to announce lhe en gagemeril oi their daughter Cath criue Patricia io Lt Gordon Dd ward Iolce or Toronto ion at Mrs Doris Dnilard and the lots James Edward Ioice The nur rirge is In take place Saturday August Iv 19dl 550 to New beach United Chure an onto MARRIAGES DImNSONTAYIIJB ried quietly on wedne July It 1961 Kathleen Theresa rylar Ind tieiuirth Iii Morrison hath limit In rnnlty Anllican Church by Rev Sherrln IN MEMORIAL Claim lovinl memory or our wit mother and grandma er berth Green who passed viwa July 21 an Jurt ner hand to clasp ller patient race to see To hear her voice in no her smile Ar ln lha day that used to he not le tweet day well meet ri beyond the toil and alrlte And CIuD each other hand again In heaven that happy lite Amer remembered by husband Roy and iamlly COMING EVENTS MAD BARRIE HORTICULIURAL SOCIETY Conducted Tour 01 METRO TORONTO CONSERVATION AUTHORITY iheludinil THE PIONEER VILLAGE AT BLACK CREEK WEDNEDAY AUGUST Total tort 327 Talie plcnli lunch To RESERVE mRPIIONr Mris ARCHER PA 34m MM CAMPBELL PA 54611 MRS GAOLIE PA win DANCING EVERY SATURDAY CAEARE1 STYLD COUPuS ONLY PINECREST 3250 coupl For lahie reservation PHONE ELMVALE 757R Flower Arranging Demonstration BARRIE HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY gt lecn by MR5 NAN DOLLERY EATON CARDm CONstILlANT at RED CROSS ROOMS 119 DUNLOP ST PM Monday July 24 PM Thursday July 27 NO CHARGE To Assulu ACCOMMODATION mEPHONE PA scoot pA 3454i CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 824I4 Condensed and classified adver tisements are inserted at the rate oiic per word per insertion for one and two times do per word for three four or five times and 2m per word for or more insertions 10 addi tional charge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY CLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT IS 951 FOR WORDS WITHIN 10 DAYS OR stun FOR 24 WORDS IF CrARGbI PER SINGLE IN SERIION ERRORS on CORRECTIONS Advertisers are reminded that all phone Insertion order are accept ed as convenience to you the advertiser Tberelnra the classiiied Advertlrdn IJe artment requires all adv rer kindly recheck their advertisement immediately after first insertion in order that any errors nr omimoar may be reported beiors am In order that same may be rectified tor the touowtag days Lnserflori order We wish to point nut that The Barrie Exaxnlner is responsible tor only one incorrectly mated Insertion an any advert crucial and then only to th extent or portion of ad that involve thr misprlnt Errors which do not Index the value he advertise ment Are not eligible tor condo tloiis by make goods Rate and type styles tor remi dIApIBY classifieds ml be ob talaed through The Examiner Ad vertising department PROPER FOR SALE BOAKE REALTOR ui DRAhmluo slbm BARBIE PA $5381 OR PA S5833 still denial rams to tarmara tor taming Clare winemaaPA bull unityPA new or earri and Duhlei ii mu hoard ROSE RLAL rsTATz imam mm mm HARTlit CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 82379 Member or the Barrie and District Ru atria board Marshall REAL ESTATE BROKER ORCHARD DRIVE DARRIz PA 8591 tDAYS OR EVENINGS LOTS Ideally located In new area can arrin to build the home you wari LOOKING FOR HOME desirable onri In in part city BUSINESS Well established and ideally IOcI ted Cell Keith bimbali Real EAKAII Hrolier Llrung Invited Residential Parrn Commercial colleges ioduilriai business Member Ethnic and District Real Riiate board CORBY REAL ESTATE BROKER PHONE PA 82419 93 Dunlop St EAST OF BARRIE on paved roadmodern hen rconi hamo Panoramic view or Lake Simone Double garage Large lot 96 millage Pahailed living dining end den Thermo paue windows Pull baiemeni with recreation roam outstanding vs no NEW NHA HOMES With Just the kltbheri or which the hourewiie has been looking large bright and cupboards gai ore These compact live room hun galowe are exceptionally well built by one or the best builden Dont miia seeing lhese CENTRE OF CITY Four bedrooms two complete hathrootni lirge dining room This beiuiliuliy kept home ilti on large lot with lovely tree and is well iandsclped Large run Porch IISD EIIIEE QUEENS PARK AREA Two atorey home with attached Salage Well kept inside and out New furnace Low taxes Sea this or $12000 Lots At Painswick several choice building lotriuat an the highway MAHEI MARSHALL PA um COREY PA 55m WE WELCOME ALL TYPES OF LISTINGS OREIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL INDUSTRIAL CARSON REALTOR 45A DUNLOP ST WI Next door to the Imperial Theatre PA 66481 Member oi BanII And DIrIlIct Real Estate Board MOVING DunB forget to tranaler your INSURANCE anti It you need extra contain or any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA 8520 113 Dunlapst RANCH TYPE House with Illguin cent view oi the bay Large liv ing room with fireplace lull width picture window den two bedrooms bathroom and modern kitchen many extras on ground ilaor level Open stairw leads to lower level cantaihln laundry storeroombedroom 15 12 and bath kitchenette and knotty pine panelled recreation room with ground level exit to beautinllly Man at FARMS COTTAGE OBUSINESSPS lo rllz bARer EXAMINER FRIDAY JULY 21 lxl REAL ESTATE ROGERS Pnorzlm Port saris CONNELL REALTORS ONE DUNLOP 911m EAST First In Barrie Home SaksForemost In Guam 01 Samoa PA 85568 TRUNK LINES cvmmcscam 113 II MOOREPA um BOGlBSPA 58582 PompPA flu CONNIIJrPA MS was BARBIE DISTRICT EMI ETAII BOARD CLIFF BROWN REALTOR 22 HIGH STREET nARlim PHONES PA sow PA oom Smith CampbellPA 17339 rergui GarveyM well raia LangPA um Member the Barri Real male Board lJIGH CORBY Phone PA $24m MABEL MARSHALlrpA Misc BROKER c345 PRATT LTD ConStructs QUALITY HOMES See Us For GOOD LOCATIONS LOW DOWN PAYMENT TO INSPECT HOMES UNDER CONSTRUCTION PHONE PA 39399 OR PA 66 REAL ESTATE 93 Dunlop St cobaltPA HAM OWEN IONrsLPA emi CENTRAL ONTARIOS exciting return Inan Not nicer spot Present owner has too much in do outboard repair experience the op and cottages pass Olflce About IIIIA and today Merv CouldOra 75m Dflfll NuttycomhePA sol Edith Gould0rd 151d HOMES OF NOW BUILDING Exhciust Fans EVER FOR THIS HOUSE FOR aALla consisting or rooms and hithgfln good sired lot Low down payment Owner will carry mortgage Telephone PA Sinai or evenings PA Him sincedar 3711s mishap GWeep 61m 605 President annhlllolla IL PHYS Presulbfid angel regimen 1511 emu lode ooh PM 18 591 13 Women personified landsclped Tented yard Apply to Box oz Barrie Examiner LOthOOd Lodge Good Food Hospitality pleasant surroundings RESIDENTS OP EARRIE ARI INVITED To VISIT OUR COOL SPA CIOUS DINING ROOM AND BEAUTIFUL UND raw MOMENTS DRIVE PROM ALLANDALFEUIFOI 95 ON Southern Broiled steaks IIlmuSIIIOOInS ed chicken in basket Hungarign GouJash cuéine Nr Ammpmsmounemza For Reservation of Just Drop In VealI59 29Senll1dbd valley meat on mom Siouii Agencies Lid COLLIER STREET PA pssol LARGEST REALTORS SHADE FOR THE HOT SUMMER And stream at well mi part or this acre courilry property on which is nestled red brick two bedroom home custom built with many Among these are alone flrepilce unuiu lures dlilcrerit Iroiit door buemclit built to add an apartment more rooms Would eonrlcder Idiot in or oul or town In part to ay MARINE REPAIR SHOP And two collages with mi Ieet ol mainland water front Haney liarpour In the heart at the beautlnil light As isindr vacation paradlre Need young energetic man with Can be hour with the extra lot or iuii Elly terms call Inio our oiiico today LAKE nilly tumishtd our bedroom cottage SIic sandy beach Lovely trees Automatic washer new reirigeratnr electric heating Cell Into our EVENINBS CALL Harry SiersorPA 60673 Orca BrownPA was Prank CongdanPA b7415 DISTINCTION BY CROSLEY BERNICK CCNST BedrOomHomes Attached Garages Port Stone Fronts StOrrns 87 Screens Provided Castom BILIIII Cupboards In Kitchen FULL PRICE $14400 WIIII LOWEST DOWN PAYMENTS TYPE OF HOME V$987QO BlownPayment FOR INFORMATION PHONE PA 826770 Try All Exdminer Want Ad Phone Pa 82414 DAILY cadsswoltn nag 22mm MM Mlle hilly 25 German flon 28Eng1sh IIIer 28 Abound Yesterday Allow an Carotene necessity 39 Club nioimmna 4181mm unit Hon Iiiiifiiliifl IIIIOHIIII Effie illfl III 3VIper 30 Knnva Chill 37 New fillyAil Hfll IflVAVAVA REAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE REAL ESTATE LOTS FOR SALE RENTALS ms HOUSES T0 Rm Summertime and he LivifitisEOSY III Your Own Home Check the Want Ads RENTALS ms HOUSES TO DRIVE NORMAN Shelswell RzAI mitt Odom Dunlap mi not PA 89961 or PA 68742 EVENINGS CALL reg langua PA ma Ivaru CLIVE on El Howard Norm PA lack Wuhan PA lira union PA in Norman chitinu Pli equal HENDERSON REALTOR irfénhméfllmm INCOME PROPERTHB Douhlc home on Cilppcriod street Asking $10500 Dupiex central location 500 down Double muse Sophia Street is roomi Hurt be told to iettl uilie mm Drier triplex ranting ado moo thly Make an omr Duplex he Prrir street uklnr WM Duplix downtown aparaia heating and entrance Priced to II Phone Percy rard HIGH ON THE HILL sumo EJCrIIPni ireed location In the Ameli area Three bed room ranch red hricli bungalow shaped living and dining room Terms to wit buyer the owner wIll hold open rim mortgage Decimle Por riill detain call Rita ScandioIt APARTMENTS T0 RENT Thrdl room apartmeaii 70 monthly One available now Phone Percy Ford zvalNua Vine RrIA SOANDRLTI PA Hm PERCY FORD PA um Member or Harrie and District Ontario Real attit uoard HAROLD FORSTER REALTOR so so YFIELD 5T PA 68453 LOO What we have in the East End lovely live room bungalow With closed in brectewoy and nnge attached Three bedrooms modern kitchen and living room Partly Iluished rec room and bathroom in basement Grounds beauiuuliy landscaped For Nb their particulars call Emory billion PA Cloud BEDROOM HOUSE Large lot on quiet street aearly new brick home with living mum dining room kitchen and our bedroom iour piece tile vanity Iuii basement with three piece bath Oil healing Pull price $15 ibo Call Nor Raikes DONT DO THING Until you gee thli immaculate horde ieaturlng three lovely bed rooms modern kitchen Ind rpge lous living room with dining area Hir attached garage and NBA mortgage that Carrie or Wad Owner ha been trancierred and will accept any reasonable down payment For palatinenl call Marg Sherr NAPIER STREET 0105 T0 SHOPPING AND SCI10015 Lovely rtorcy and halt brick home with living room dining room large kitchen one bedroom piece bath and bedrooms and plece bath with Iota oi cup hoard space on second ilonr lull basement garage 0a large lot so eat with applepear cherry trees and raspberry canes Very low down payment will heri die this balance like rent For gigccudn Karl Marshall PA Member or Harri and Dlitrlct Real Estate Dnard EVENINGSCALL EMORY Mum PA Min JOE PALMER PA was KAI MARSHALL PA 59717 NORAD iiAlKrs Orn ma MARC SERRA PA 81555 CONTEMPORARY HOME toNECNLYl New NHA contemporary dwelling with carport rooms large liv lag room large kliehan dining Ilel mater bedroom ceramic tued bathroom with colored mt turer and vanity Lott or cup hoardi stems and Icreens large gridded lot good lacitioii corner Meleosabuclewarth Phon mer butlder ALLEN PA ml COLDWATHR room Telldenb ial IDIId brick boure Riverside Finished basement nicely lends taped Int APPIY Bernice Wullallr ion Box in Coldwaier Agent tor Langevln Broker SEVEN ROOM Brlck House with him an an Icrz oflalld Nat ural garmrriaee three piece bath built In Cupbqndd Next to the school on 11th Illli or Sunnldrle Road en all winter Telephone 56ml Stuner men film 10 do eel by In Ieet close to schools him on bu line Apply I45 Peel street Earth wa ROIIll or not three bed iiii triirflcfliiiii filler men ta ll PA Run or PA not two DRORODII College or lplrIA ment to rent the year round eruy iuraiabrd Teirphone mil wuu beach or deuila BUS OPPORTUNITIES IKch decorated modern reitrannt or rent seat approx iraiiely so people buth on may highway with or without NIKIPBMDI Ital turnover proximately $60000 wnt Box Harrie nImLDIr MONEY T0 LOAN PRESCRIPEION FOR PAYING Bills Pyem or with iowcefl lileliirurod THE BANK OF NOVA SOOTIA PINANC $5000 ONLY 471 FOR WEEKS ASK FOR MINI LOAN CRESCENT FINANCE 26 DUNLOP ST WEST ASK FOR iILL SIIIIMS PA 60203 MORTGAGES PRIVATE Money for First and Second Mortgages WRITE BOX 60 BARRIE HxAlllierli MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation of Bills Home Repairs etc NO BONUS LOW RATES LIFE INSURED $1549 at $56 Monthly $3544 at $90 Monthly Up to $5000 and 60 months to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT l4l Dunlop St PA 66477 MORTGAGESis Ind 2nd Mull sold and arranged Commercial Ind nllfllnull liilnayl IDInEd on existing monllfls Banll Mm In Brunta PA H504 IIRIIHDIATE MDnKBKBLOInl to consolidate debts pay all exIdIInE mortgager home mprovemehts etc Discuss your problems with us Call ior appointment PA Meal Mortgage Funding over lmpaOIuSum In Dualop st eat RENTALS STORAGE SPACE WANTED STORAGE SPACE wanted to rent ior Girl Guido group camp equlp meat Must be dry and clean and securely locked Telephone PA 84705 or PA 54535 PROPERTY FOR RENT SELF CONTAINED commercial buuding or rent 74 do reel with ample parking space Telephone PA 332 or Iurther intonation RSISNG HOMES ARK EDEN Nursing Home NOW OPEN BED AND JPPATIENTS AND HOLIDAY 8th Concessiorl STROUD 69R4 Hopewell Lodge LICENSED NURSING HOME STAYNEE ONT OFFICES STORES Business Opportunity RENTALS Oriiee or store mace i500 square feet on ground floor Excellent manual clean well located body and paint Ihop Immediate possession Used Car Lot or rent Dillon and gull included Exceptionally good ea FOR INFORMATION ON THE ABOVE OPPORTUNITIES CONTACT HAROLD HILL DUNLOP ST WEST TELEPHONE PA 82427 EXCELLENT erw overlabe east of town on paved road Modern bedroom home birch elled deli living and dhiliig roo Heated double garage Large lot Mvny Reduced ior nuielr sale PA ems or PA extras Owen Ioiiei 931 PROPERTY FOR SALE 0R RENT rive ROOM flungnlow All eon Vlnilellcel Garage included Large iraiit yard tenced Iii One ahllll welcome selling at $80m Rent at 70 iiiniitbiy Telephone PA Moat COW toe Want Ad Section accepted unfil Pm Day below publication APTS HOUSES 10 RENT ADJOININC PARK BesideLake One And two bedroom apartments complete with stave Ind retriuer Atoc Use or washer and dryer Redocorated InnIIIIIy PA on THREE ROOM House on lakefront estate Would rent fitmIdIled tor the balance ouhe summer Apply Wilson shanty Hay ONE AND TWO Bedroom liprt meals Stove reriigeratnr ienltor rervlca and laundry murder Renting rrdro sail monthly Tele phone Leech PA Maia FURNISHED three room apart meni lhrzl Piece bathhevy duly stove Self unlitbled Apply Ill Dunlop st or turther Iii orallion TmlEE bedroom hrlck bungalow or rent Full basement oil heat ed Cloae to schlml Telephone PA 87567 alter pm or iurther dotill mu noon lumIAhld aperb mull private bath beat hydro ml water nip lied Central Tele pboo PA anytime six more House On hullnl aniwaod norm In his reea be tweqevliflw ii Tiiila Telephone PALnot POUR ROOM eel contained rpm mad month Apply Ian ErratumRu Iinad Ai Iandaie tor iurlher iniormauon UPPER UPIIX MEIDUI In room apartment with naleony heated in dul wiring Au re decorled elrp one PA bulb meal hour or evenings ripen AND Lower Do plex not water heated large room One with rtove arid retrie erator Close to downtown laiuo dry large lot parking PA ruse an coNTAINzD Apartment or not in stroud Large bed amid room modern kitchen nuiin room Separate entrance Rent Telephone 31m strand AVAILABLE Immedixiely are tarnished apartment one aarura lined both reli enhtalned Oar child welcome Dtyi phone PA Hm evening PA 54303 us 355 ON AND Two lied lei contained heated hat Downtown racing lire Laundry and parking Telepho PA bull or timber intoneti Trim ROOM Apartment with trivan bathroom hot water all child remxentor Ind be duly stove Included Located on Burton Avenue Apply 43 Cent street CMRAI Locailan Three room unlurnlahed ground lioor apart ment or rent Privele hal fly on end water included rkin lplce Adults only Telephone 39 tier Din ruRNtslrxn Iilreo room apart ment three piece bith heavy only have and retrigeritor Hardwood ilpori Sell eontained Available my Apply Amrtronlr Hud wart unicornb Paireiaion lieted iurrilrlicd one bedroom apartment Separate entrance Use or IWImA rnlng pool Nu children or peu Telephone strand is Two ROOM iiiaimed apartment hnl and cold water suitable ior one or two adults Avniiubia now Telephone PA Malia evenlnll Inr ruriner pariiculara lmamn Apartment idr rant Large Mug room bedroom dia ette and kitchen wilh lloVaIfld reirigerator central Dusiaeii cau pla preterred Avallihle hamedl ely Telephone PA 63515 Two room apartment with Fully tarnished IIeai hydrn arid wiler gupplind Three minutes tram downtown clean and newly decorated Telephone PA sumo IbiilIHmAle possession hated unmrniahed two bedroom rtA meat in Stmud arlmerit uie Nochiidron or pets Telepbniia Simild HRrGIn nrrahihed two room part niciit ior rent with kitchen and hcdrlttlng room Heavy duty atove Available immediately Apply at Durtori Avenue MODERN bedroom brick bum gaiow piece hath lovely kitchen large living room Available Nov Isl For turther latorniatlop writ box or barns phranilner TIIRRR ROOM well built house piece bathroom hnrdwoadiioors all heating to rent or least proximately 50 Retired coup prcterred Apply Wilma Shanty Bay puRlerizD Apartment lag hiy Modern ielr contrincd tlicd bathroom with shower Down town 129 Dunlap St East Over SImPsdlfisears suit businesl ex ecutives Adults PA mal MODERN two bedroom unluraiah eil apartment Nell East Did Plaza Automatic laundry Iacluties Venetian blinds and bamboo draped Parking arer Telephone PA 52929 THREE AND FOUR Room Apart ments Stove arid relrlgeratar buP plied Use of warher and dryer See these apartments tonight Dgxhonn PA 54750 Ice lurthee MODERN two bedrooai unturn ished basement apartment Private entrance and bathroom 55 man thiy hedtedCIuse to shopping plhi Available August In Telephone PA Mm ovlllonko THREE ROOM heated unfurnished apartment Private bathroom and entrance on ground Iioor Private veranda Washer ind dryer Iur plied Appliance optional Free parking Telephone PA dom or PA om RHLP CONTAINED furnished apartment hedllfllnfl room kit then and bath Heavy duty wir lngGood location Suit two huaIA ness girls or couple Peel st or telephone PA5697L LOVELY VIEW with cheemil aur roiindingr Three roam sell cori taltied apartment stove and re trigeratar supplied Located in the east end Available immediately Telephone PA saws NEW AND Modern one had two bedroom apartments overlooking iconic ltempanrelt His Heat in ter parking and Janitor iaroioe included Autonuuc washing culties PA Milli THREE ROOM unturnlaiiad apart ment separate enlrcrice set can talned parking iacllitler Newly decorated Available Immediately Telephone PA 710 or inrther Informant LAILGB POUR Room Apartment heated hot and cold water Pri vate bathroom garage nd utility room Apply Mrs Green Bond Read or telephone Hradiurd Pros Pect 51509 BXCZPITDNALLY clean Um rim ILnlulnIShed heuted IIIrt nieni including rim and reiflzv orator Three blocks from Post Dulce Good parkinl $65 per month PA 54320 THREE ROOM uniurnisbed apart meat heat water snppUed Lau tad Risks and Dunlap Available immediately For lurtber Infar EEURR Telephone PA Mass or UNPURNIRHED our room dinn meat tnr reiit Heated and sell contained with private bath Pos session lmiiieillately Telephone PA assoc or PA mu tor arth er inrarmtiob liBLP CONTAINER uniuriilabed tour room apartment Heat and watersup lied 10 per month Edst end Ineatlon Available ini mediately Telephone PA 59558 tor iurtber detail THREE BOOM nMflmIShEd lfl merit new Close to MIND illld downtown Prlvllte nlllllce Tllbd ITIIIIIUU tnlnlur steel lIlIk and loads OI cupbflnld in kltchnn Rlngd Ind reirigeralor laundry frciiltiuGuue Hut Ind WI tcr mud Tollphdnl RA blood MODRRN two bedroom ortmeni lnurbin Austin Ki to with rcirlgentor and stove Laundry room with washer and dryer Ap ply cook street or telephone I1ll9 UNPURNISBIZD Apartment in any vt out crid district 0m hloelc iron plan and urinal Lam rib chin dining am living room two bedroom and tlird bath Gen arpur cupboards and closet rpm Parsing ares Available August Telephone PA troll WANTED TO RENT marl Icnnol Teacher want three or Iour bedroom home by Szplember Prelers nice dirtriet ar outikirtr Apply has is Harrie Examiner MANAGRR oi local iiim require Iourbedroom ban with gar by September Fiend wrlla tag details to Dar auri aminer Irv OR alx Room Hollie want ed to rent in or cloia to Barrie Required immedlalely Will rill land it nililhic Telephone PA 31352 UNYURNIBBED three bedroom home in ein Reasonable rent Relerehres it required wanted by August For iuriher lninrmatioii telephone PA lea or PA sllu uler lx UNPURNIAIIHI three roam apart ment with bath wanted in St Martin School are ior iereher by August Approximately not 360 per month Remencel box 57 Barrie Examiner Two OR 11pm bedroom houre wanted by August in Home area Oil healing preferred Rea roiiabie rent No email children Telephone betray lulu alter pm ROOMS TO LET FURNIst ROOM or rent Rougette rolrigtnlur and linen uppued Apply oi Mary st or iurthei Inlnmlunu kitchen Linen supplied On bug route Telephone PA will or lurther ihiormation ClNniAI location bright belle room Ind kitchen tor nbl nrlly mrrlhIRd reasonable rent with heat and lights included IdeII Ior couple Telephone PA scum SUMMER RESORTS Longwood Lodge Lovely playground apiclaui rooms hot and cold waier Very good tuning Only one mile to gait and tennis court EUROPEAN CHER EUROPEAN Cinst HOME COOKING Broiled Steaks With Mushrooms Southern Fried Chicken Very reasonable rates Mull can be rorvcd at all time or outsid en Weekend guests and amines are welcome Close to AIIIrldlII doll courre Tel Stroud 62r23 COTTAGES T0 RENT TWO BEDROOM Winterired Cot tage with runnlfll water indoor convenience lit Mineis Pollii Telephone PA Bm or PA easel bit on pom Clean inadera new cottage iuriilihedAll COW veulences Near good bathing beach and stores Two bedrooms Available July 29 Aug to Telr phone PA 34361 POUR HRRROOIII Cottage able lest three weeks in August also three bedroom cottage or the last two weeks in August also small cottage with two bunk beds available now Ail oii Ilkl front with good sandy beach Thunder Beach Apply Illcli Dundoririd st Harris ARTICLES for SALE HAVE YOU TRIED Barrie Auction Rooms and Second Hand Store 55 DUNLOP ST WEST PHONE PA um PATIO STONES 15 It thick WATER PROOPED COLOUR FAST Sarjeant Co Ltd Mary Street NEWSPAPER MATS strap iler tow the un rig hen houses attliI garages etc periect laminar 250 PER DOZEN Apply The barrio Examiner Barrie Ontario REFRIGERATED COUNTERS Stu larvevmeht and dalry Cnun teri daubla deck is and root tee tinnycurl bc Joined Sell serve irazen iood counter IIuasman Tyler ti and too rectlolir modern and sell defrost lng sell um Produce counters Hun irian modern Walk in boxer high and temp custom built We are complete groceterla and butcher store outfitters For Iuriher Information write NATIONAL REFRIGERATION BOX 42 JACKSONS POI NT ONTARIO or phone Sutton PA 13891 between llll and mm PIANO and bench or sale Up right Iuoli Very good condition will tell for roll Telephone PA H081 floraltie law

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