OUR TELEPHONES For Exanï¬ner Want Ad Tele phone PA bull The telepwa number to call for the Sunnis or Editorial Dept PA 655 91 YearNo 169 ASTRONAUT Virgil Gris som emerges from van unto launching pad for his flight into space from Cape Cana veral today In the back Yfiarrit Examim propelled Grissaln on his space ilight AP Wirephoto French Alliut or from RentersAR TUNlS Tunisia French planes were reported today to have begun dropping bombs in an allout assault on Bizerte near the big ir and naval base which Tunisia is trying to force France to abandon French paratroopers were re ported to have been dropped on thEcity alter the bombing at tack and fighting was reported going on in the streets Tunisian government com munique quoted by Reuters news agency said lowflying planes began dropping bombs shortlybefore noon and that French tanks were moving on the town The new assault came shortly after Tunisian President Habib Bourguiba announced he would accept volunteers from other countries in the fight to oust France from the strategic base OFFER HELP Algerian insurgent leaders at once offered to supply soldiers and arms to the Tunisians The Algerians have some 15000 welllt armed guerrillas in camps along Tunisias border with Frenchruled Algeria The Tunisian news agency Tunis Afrique Presse said TuA nisian troops still controlled the fnerve centres of the town of Bizerte but French troops had moved up to about 1000 yards from the town ground is the missile which French aircraft were sweep ing low over the town machine gunniog Tunisian barracks The is government iq accused the French of engaging in deliber ate genocide through its me ures against the civilian popu lation Bourguiba meanwhile disL closed that he had rejected French ultimatum to evacuate Eizerte town and ordered the Tunisian garrison to resist by all means the French oiien sive Bourguiba said he had or dered seizure of the French pipeline that carries the output of Frances Sahara oilfield The pipeline is at Sakhira in south em Tunisia and carried the output of Frances Edjele field 225 miles southeast of the Tunis ian border The president told huge crowd in the main square here he had ordered Tunisian forces at Bizerte to resist by all means the French offensive The French sought control of the city of Bizerte to prevent Tunisian interference with sea traffic to and from the French Base The city lies astride the narrow channel leading from the Mediterranean to the base and to the wide lake of Bizerte which is the anchoiage for the French flolilla Control of the city is essential if the French plan tostandoff protracted lunisian siege IN LNUTSHELL Motorist Killed In Car crash KIRKLAND LAKE CF motorist was killed andhis companion injured early today highway 15 miles south of here when their carspun off the Pedestrian Killed 3an roar ARTHUR 01gt middleaged male pedestrian was ldlled by been unable to identify car on the city outskirts early today Police have Man Electrocuted In RepairShop TORONTO CP JeanPaul Gagnon 29 was electrocuted Thursday night as he worked within ungrounded electric drill in an auto body repair shophe openedlfive days ago RussiansDont Comment On Flight LONDON Reuters The Soviet new agencyTass today re ported the space flight of American Virgil Grissom without comment Dead Man nun Responsible OAKVLLLE CP coroners jury ruled Thursdaynighb that Kenneth Carolyn of Trafalgar wasunder theinfluence of alcohol and was respomible for the accident in which he and two others died July Overweight Teacher Landswlob OAKVILLE CP Big Jim Babinetzywho wasexpelledtwo years agofrom LakeshnrauTeachers College because helwas mealeln haslanded teachingjob with androgen Township Launch duh Little direct news seeped from Bizerte itself 40 miles north of Tunis and the roads between were cut by numerous road blocks manned by Tunisian na tional guordsrrfen ad unarmed Youths French officials in Paris con firmed that ï¬ghting was under way in Bizerte and conceded that the Tunisian still were sol idly installed in the city The French claimed Tunis inns attacked several French positions around the Bigerte per imeter and had launched push toward admiralty headquarters This attack wasrepulsed the French said Arctic supply Ship Is Reported Sunk WINNIPEG CPlThe Free Press says the Hudsons Bay Companys arctic supply vessel Fort Hearne has been sunk by ice near Bernard Harbor NWT It says Capt Adey and his 12man crew were rescued by helicopters from the depart7 ment of transport lcebreaker Charles Camsell Most of the ships cargo des tined for the northern settle ments of Goppcrmine Bathurst lnlet and Read island is feared lost However company spokesman here said the com munities are not in danger of running out of supplies The newspaper says two of the crew are reported to have suffered minor injuries but be causeiof poor communications few details were available The Fort Hearne awton wondenhulled el vessel which has pliedvthe western Arctic for 13 years was grounded in feet of water The vessel left Taktoyaktuk 450 miles westof Bernard Har bor on her first trip of the season Monday Tuesday apparently bucking heavy ice floes the Fortvlleanle was badly holed Capt Adey nursed the vessel into shallow water before she had to be abandoned The Camsell oper atirlg in the vicinitysent heli copiersvto rescue the crew Man Breaks Neck lit Swimming Pool TORONTO 6P7 Francis Houston 24 is in condition illhospital afterbreak neck Thursday at the Tam OShanterclub swimmin pool Lifeguard Patricia ness 20 said she saw Houston on the bottom or the pool beneth the diving board She puile him out and artificial resplra lon by pool manager Murray edges restarted his breathing Mr Hedges said he co not establish how thewacclden hap pened donot want negotiations on the theeonclusion that the Com Bonk0niflo may rum July nylon MOSCOW Moscow com mentator said today the Ger man problem must be settled at the negotiation table The Soviet Union does not want war he added From beyond the ocean we can hear the mass beating of war drums in American news papers said Vladimir Zhukov described as Pravda ob server number of leading statesmen and politicians sen ntors and representatives have taken to the war path Provdli is the official organ of the Soviet Communist party Articles in it signed observer are usually taken to represent the official line Some hotheads inthe West West Berlin issue They do not want to make any construc tive proposals They want to preserve at any cost the present high cx plosive situation in Europe and they threaten war third world war against anyone who tries ifldmii Kuwait Duet llehemént CAIRO CPléAbdel Khalelé Hassouna secretarygeneral of the ArabLengue said today he wichonsult with Arab states and with hismilitary advisers Brltlsh troops in the oilrich Persian Gulf shelkdom The Arab League council ses sion late Thursday night ignored Iraqs vehement protests and admitted Ku it to league membership The council now made up of ll Arab states at the same time entrusted Hassouna with the necessary steps to safe guard Kuwaits independence against Iraqi threats of annexa tion The council resolution did not mention formation of an Arab force but itwas clearly under stood that the nine member states delegates who voted for the resolution hadin mind the formation of such force tore place as quickly as possible British troops sent to Kuwait after Iraqi PrerniecAbdel Ka rim Kassem made his claims on the sheikhdom Kuwaiti ruler Sheik Abduliah asASalim asSabah had promued he will ask the British to leave his country immediately if the league guarantees Kuwaitsin dependence by sending an Arab forceas replacement AsSabah made this pledge after some Arab countries including the United Arab Republic had con demned theBritish landings The lraqi delegation walked out of the council session Thurs day night after Kuwaits admis EDD LONDON Reuters Prime Minister Macmillan said Thurs day be will make statement July ill on pnssible British entry into the European Com monMarket Answering questions in the House of Commons Macmillan told legislators Perhaps it would be better if you would await the statement am to makenr In Paris French Foreign Minister Maurice Couve do Murville said thatlf Britain wished to join the Common Market she wouldhave to ac cept the political as well as the economic obligations of mem bership He told the National Assem bly believe that today all our partners havearrived atv HERES ONE you never knowi howlhey are going yo manage to get their ownww To Rabileague aim to an Arab force to Myrna tovdcpleco fashioned the final agreement after 11 months of negotiating and little more than 5V hours active payment and special retroactiveebonusrfor service in COMMON MARKET PM To Announce UK Plans Soon Ithe Commonwealth that Dont Want War Pravda Tells West to remove the delayed action bomb that is endangering the peace of the world The Soviet Union has been threatened more than once more than once it has been nt tackcd and every time the enemy got crushing blow in reply But we do not want war The German problem must be settled at the negotiation table That is the unanimous demand of all people of goodwill In London British Prime Minister Macmillan told the House of Commons he would approve of en EastWest confer cnce on the German and Berlin problem if current correspond ence with Russia showed that discussion was possible We are at present engaged in correspondence with the So viet government about Ger many and Berlin and if this can show that discussions are possiblei then he would Inot hesitate to call for confer ence Iraqi Protests Tho resollltlon admitting Kn wait to the league said the sheikdom should demand the HUMID WEATHER POR WEEKEND TORONTO CPTbe un settled weather in Southern Ontario this week will con iinue through the weekcnd the Toronto weather office said toddy Sultry humid air from southern states will domin ate the weather picture into Sunday This cnlLs for warm hazy humid weath er Widespread showers and thunderstorms appear like frequently Sunday Oncé ll Hero Now Demoted RIO de JANElRO AP Six months ago Capt Henrique Galvan was the darling of the Portuguese revolutionary move ment He had seized the Portuguese liner Santa Maria in daring raid to strike blowagainst the regime of Premier Antonio Salazaf Thursdoy Galvan andtwo col leagues were kicked out of their revolutionary group on the grounds they made spectacle of the Santa Marios seizure and that it was on set of dividual and spectacular char acter without political or revol withdrawal of British forces from its territory Arab coun tries should be obliged to pro vidceffective aid to Kuwaits inde ende he resolution urged iron to abstain from the use of force to annex Kuwait utionary ends Fernando Quiroga mem ber of the council of the ber ian Revolutionary Directorate new Souto Maior Spaniard and Prof Junqueira have been ejected Lasiltlinute Agreement Averts Strike OijTCE Attendants By my SMITH Canadian Press Staff Writer MONTREAL GP last minute agreement that provides for smallsalary increases and reduced working hours averted strike by 000 Trans Canada Air Lines fl gh attendants Thursday night jEoth compnny and union who before the strike was scheduled to start praised the settlement as fair just andequitable In addition to the salary in creases the twoyear pact gives the attendants genernlpretro jetairliners fewhours after the agree ment was announced it was ratified by groups of steward esses and pursers in Montreal Toronto Winnipeg and Calgary Vdncouver attendants still mon Market is not conceivable inthe long run without some form of political union in Eu rope The big question was whether Macmillan inhls month end statement will disclose the gov ernments posi ve intention to negotiate VISITS FAILED Robert furton Conserv atvie told the Commons gathered from newspaper re portsthat the sounding visits of British cabinet minisc ters had failed to3convinc tber would be no harmfuleffects if Britain joined the 30 Market Authoritat peoted the governrnent to hold series of ministmial meetings to study the Commonwealth actions as soon as all the istersl return to on The rigid the meetl Elgliuld were to rntify it but that was expected shortlyu Torn Mills presidentgtof the Canadian Air Line Flight Attendants Association CLO said the Winnipeg attendants were the onlygroup to offer any objections to the new pact They finally ratified it how ever The threat of strike out into TCAs passenger reservations during the next few days as passengers soug other meth ods of travel fear of being stranded by walkout Within minutes of the an nouncement how ev er calls started coming into TCAs Head office hereseeking space in planes The pact doesnot give the union the point it hadinsisted on rightupfatbe end of the negotiationsaspeed clause that wouldgive the attendants extra flyingtime credit for service in jets or turbo prop planes LOCAL warms Warm and humidwith scattered thunderstorms tomorrow Low tonight High Saturday 55 For full may use page two ly late Saturday and less Not More ml per Copy12 Page Wims For His Life After Space Ride US Astronauts Capsule Sinks By holyinn asNgolcr CANAVERAL Fla AmAstronaut Virgil Grlssom safely took 5780mllennhour rocket ride into space today then hadto swim for his llc as his capsulecraft sank in 2800 fathom 16800 feet of water Loss of the capsule may cause some delay in the United Statns space program Grissom blew his escape hatch and left the sinking capsule in the manner all astronauts had been taught in their rigorous training After swimming about 70 feet Grissom was picked up by helicopter two minutes after his escape from the capsule At tempts to recover the spacecraft failed as it rank to the bottom Give me something to blow my nose My head is full of sea water Then when the capsule was lifted it dropped off the hook craihed back into the sea and san JUltIZPS reopen Except for inhaling the wa ter Grissom come through in great shape He jumped nimny from the coptcr when it settled on the deck of the aircraft carrier Randolph Americas second space man rocketed 118 miles high and came down in the Atlantic 305 miles down range in akthrilling lsemioute journey At one point in the flight Grissom reported he was so fas cinated by the view of the earth below that he momentarily for got to work ï¬rst helicopter hauled the 35 yearold air force captain from his capsule after it parachuted into the sea northeast of Grand Bahama Island Grissom Was ferried to the nearby carrier Randolph for im mediate physical examination SMILES ON CARRIER The Randolph reported at 901 am EDT that Grissom was on the deck He was smiling and appeared in excellent condition apparently surviving the brutal effect of the crushingforces of liftoff and reentry and giddy fiveminute period of weightless ness Thepickup came at a51 am 31 minutes after theRedstone booster rocket thundered away from Cape Canaveral to fling the United States latest space hero over almost the same sublt orbital course covered by astro naut Alan Shepard May The flight had been delayed twice previously Tuesday and vThursdéyiby heavy clouds over the ilaunching area that pre1 vented camera tracking of the Redstone during powered flight Today thin layer of clouds was over the cape but hot sun burned the cloudsiaway helicopter dropped the capsule an it sank in the Atlantic issom asked to remain ln the bapsule an additional two After Grissom was retrieved After 5310 MileéIlnllour Ride vmorn GRLSSOM minutes after he landed to com plete check of instruments in side the vehicle An Associated Press reporter aboard the Randolph sent word Liberty Bell splashed on the surface at 836 am not far from the prime recovery shin Calling on his many years of ï¬nerignite as cornbat and test rssom per armed va oily of tasks on the flight or brief periods be con trolled the twoton space ship by swrtcbing its roll pitch and yaw Throughout the flight Gns sum of Mitchell lnd radioed assurances that his condition was good and that all capsule sysetms performed normally Aibk Abk be eral times almfi As the Redstone res pilot reported The sun is really bright Through his 19inch picture WlndowJ he reported seenig the east coast of therUnlited States but was unable to identify land marllshecause of the bright sun Nineminutes after launhhing as hls space craft reentered the atmosphere he reported feel very good Everything is looking good Shepard the astronaut who preceded Glissom to the thresh old ofinfinity was at the vital capsule communicator post in the control centre The two fellow astronaut maintained almost voice communication through out the flight However communication with thelliberty Bell was trouble some at two periodsonce when the radio frequency was switched from ultra high to high frequency The other time was when the space craft passed over the horizon down range and project officials reported diff cultyin hearing him The flight was almost as per Ifect las Shepards Americas first space man travelled 116 miles high and 302mllesdown rangeln 15 minutes