JUNE Is POPULAR WEDDING MONTHF03BABRIE BRIDES who Cowper Photo MR AND MRS DAWSON TRACEY LEAVE THE CHURCH Bride Chooses Chifï¬on Gown For June Wedding Date St Georges Anglican Church Allaudnle was the setting for the afternoon wedding of Miss Dorcco Shirley Harris and Daw son Raymond Tracey The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Nelson Harris Barrie The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Robert lra coy Utopia Rev Walter Dyer officiated at the ceremony BRIDAL GOWN The bride was escorted down the aisle by her father Her gown was floor length design of white chiffon over taffeta The bodice was adorned with pearls and rhinestones clown of rhinestones held her veil of nylon tulle She car ried bouquet of red Sweetheart roses Bridal attendants were Mrs Grace Lougheed Believille sis ter of the bride matron of hon or Mrs Donna Neely Elmvale and Misc Sandro Harris and Sandra Warrod of Barrie were bridesmaids The attendants were gowned alike in rocks of mint green chiffon over taffeta They car ried bouquets of white and pink murns AFTERNOON CEREMONY St Georges Anglican Church Scene 0f OrrMuir Wedding Wearing gown of Chantilly lace and net over satin Miss Virginia Dawn Muir became the bride of William Hamilton Orr at St Georges Anglican Chundi Utopia June Rev Harper officiated at the afternoon ceremony The bride wm given in mar riage by her father Her tradi tional gown was fashioned with fitted bodice scooped neck line and lily point sleeves She carried white prayer book adorned with redSweot boart roses lily of the valley and white streamers Bridal attendants were Miss Heather Muir sister of the bride maid of honor Miss Grace Applegate and Miss Judy Orr were bridmmaids The attendants were gowned alike in pale pink chiffon over tatfeta Tiny white bows were lash toned into headdresses for the attendants They carried nose gays of white and pink carolt ations The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Amati Muir Utopia The bridegroom is the son of Mr and Mrs Ivan Orr Barrio Donald Orr brother of the groom was groomran The ushers were LaVern Orr and Jerry Donnelly Barrie The flower girl was Mim Mar llyn Harris and the ringbearer was Danny McBride Mrs John Muir aunt of the bride was organist Miss Ruth Higginson was soloist reception was held at the Utopia Community Centre where the mother of the bride receiv ed guests wearing navy blue sheath dress complemented by corsage of pink roses She was assisted by the math or of the bridegroom Follong wedding trip to Northern Ontario and Quebec the couple will reside in Barrie Among the guests were the couples five grandparents Mr and Mrs Fred McCanu Utopia Mrs Walter Muir Mr and Mrs Orr of Stanton Other guests were present from Fin gal Chilliwack British Cohan bia Clinton Strand Stanton and Toronto Their hcaddrcscs were crowns of rhinestones Robert Parr rrie vns groomsman The ushers were Wallace Harris Barrie David Neely Elrnvale Aurel Dorian Utopia reception was held at St Georgesllall where the moth er of the bride received guests wearingva mint green frock com plemented by white accesories and corsnge of pink roses The mother of the bridegroom assisted wearing printedsilk frock with white accessories and corsage of tawnyvroses For wedding trip to Rants ville the bride wore white 1in ea suit with lilac accosories Mr and Mrs Tracey will make their home in Barrie Out of city guests at the wed dink were from Toronto Utopia Bellevilie Churchill Elnwol and Oak Ridges Farewell Party Held For Couple Nov and Mrs Robert Trimble were guests of honor at an out door barbecue party prior to their departure for Londtm Ont ario The party was held at the summer residence of Mr and Mrs Hap Ems at Gull Rock and hosts were members nfthe Couples Club of Burton Avenue United Church special program entitled This is your lit was present ed depicting highlights in the lives of the guests of honor scrapbook of memoirs and gifts were presented to the couple Venner Lambert conducted the worship service Refreshment committee meni bers were Mr and Mrs How ard Fairweather Mr and Mrs Bob Robinson Mr and Mrs Harry Haddeo and Mr and Mrs Venuer Lambert Out of city guests at the event were Mr and Mrs Jim Gilmore and Rev and Mrs Gordon Wan ilass Family Of Four Adquired BY COuple Sight Unseen wssron Vt Amway are we going to Troy todayi the child asked Itwas tough question for Mrs William Newhall of Weston to answer She thought moment as she and her husband drove toward lroy NY She glanced at the four childrenthe two boys one Korean one Navajo and the two girls Canadian Chippewa and Negro Then she replied Because some people seem to think were an unusual fam flyn Mrs Newhail at at the fragment of dialogue alter meeting of the board of direc tors of the Troy YMCA The Newhalls were the guests of honor Newhall had just been signed as director of Camp Van Schoonhaven The Newballsshes school teacher hes distributor of health foods and afanner plainly do not think their fam isas unusual as other folk ADOPTED smar unseen We took them all sight unv seen Newhall ruddyvfaoed quicksmiling lean man said In the last five years the Newhalls have taken these chil dren of different racial and cul tural backgrounds into their BAYCIIY UPIIOLSIEIIING JUNE SPECIAL WITH EVERY 2PC home and adopted them Kim 13yearold Korean boy Vir gil Iayearold Navajo Mona Lisa an eightyearold Chip pewa and Linda Ann five yearold Negro The story of the origin of this humracial family begins with the death of son of theNew halls It hit hard You cant have familyit you dout have children New hall said malteroffactly We went to recognized adopt lion agencies his wife contin ued picking up the story But we were told we were too old to adopt child and they told us we didnt have enough money So when we heard that you could adopt K01 rean war orphans we jumpdd at the chance SKIN AND BONES Several months and few hundred miles of red tape later Kim frightened hungep weakened nine year old boy stepped off an airplane and into the hearts of the Newba He was just skin and bones Newhall recalls He had no coordination at all Today Kims good musician Reg 94900 COTTAGE OPEN TILL PM SALESMAN 0N DUTY EVERY EVENING DEMONSTRATION MODEL SKYRLDGE SALE PRICE artist and hardworking far mer Next came Virgil now strapping baseball player One day we heard about Vir gil Mrs Newhall continued And the next Bill was flying out to Denver to adopt him Mona Lisa comes from large Canadian Indian family Two of her aldervsisters visited the Newhalls before Mouas arA rival asked the mother if we could keep Mona Mrs New bail said And she said yes Linda Ann found her home through the Vermont welfare service All of the children were quick to respond to the affec tion the Newhalls provide Shes Mom and hes Dad solemn OFF Ile DUNKIRK NY The Pint Gratiot lighthouse which has beamed steady finger of llgbt to Lake Erie sailors for so years will be shut down June 30 theUS coast guard said Thursdayhlhelight is be ing replaced by more power ful beam mounted on the citys municipal pier DISPLAY 749 ME AND nuts ROBERT GEOEGE PEEBLES Miss Anne Stafford Marries At IuneiWedding Ceremony Miss Muriel Anne Stafford Barrie became the bride of Ho bert George Peobles of Toronto at the Studio June Rev Cecil Erenn officiated at the evening ceremony assist cd by the brides imcle Rev Roy Stafford The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Stafford Barrie The bridegroom is tho son of Mrs JO Council To mato The bride was given in mar riage by her father For her special day she chose street length hock of pink penu do sole matching bandeau held her shoulderlength veil She car ried bouquet of Shasta daisies and pink r0565 Her only attendant was her sister Mrs Lorne hicEvoy wearing frock of pale blue poau dc sole She carried moment bouquet of pink carn atiols Mrs Alvin Robinson Barrie wns soloist and Mrs George Holloway was pianist reception was held at The Studio following the ceremony The mother of the bride receiv ed guests wearing an afternoon dress of blue organza Her at cessories were white Shc was assisted by the moth or of the bridegroom wearing blue lace dress with navy access series For travelling the bride chose wool suit of Nile gleao Her accessories were beige On their return the couple will make their home in Toronto Outofcity guests at the wed ding were from Ottawa Hamil ton Montreal and Detroit President Hosts lune Meeting Of Barrie WI Barrio Womens Institute out at the home of the president Mrs CediPrlngle Sanford Street June Seventeen mem ber were present Minutes were read and ap proved also the heesnrers relt Dim given by Mia Baker Final arrangements wor made for the spring ten and bake sale and discussion was also held regarding bus trip Mn Newman read report of the district annual meeting as propaer by Mrs Reg Adams who was unable to be present At the Red Cross Blood Donor Clinic held on June at Trin ity Parish Hall number of members helped to serve cook ies and tea The meeting closed with the customary singing of The Queen after refreshments had been served by the hostess £5 The next meeting slated for September at the home of Mrs Baker Victoria Street CENTUle HAS FIRST FLIGHT VANCOUVER CmMrs Christina Eroughtou of Peace River Alta tookher ï¬rst plane ride this week at the age of 102 Now she is planning second flight or hist them and it mo Mrs Broughtou said of her trip to Vancouver where she has come to live with dough t2 thought was home in my rocking chair Mrs Broughton said she is planning another flight to visit other relatives SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Notes oro lntclidedto cover the general social life of the city and district Wedding anniversaries bridge parties birthdnyl comingolago par ties visitors and travellers are all items of Interest to the women renders of this page Your help tn supplying this new will be greatly ap predated Please phone The Barrie Examiner PA 66587 and ask for thor Womens Page Mrs 13 Perkins was hostess at the Barrie Lawn Bowling Club Saturday evening assist ed by Mrs 15 Sutherland Prize winners for double games were Gordon Spencer and Emerson Swain Ralph Rowe and Fred Bowen Albert McFadden and Mrs Vair GARDEN TEA Convener of the Ys Meoettes and Ladies Auxiliary annual garden ten Mrs Nielsen has reported that the event was most successful Mrs Nielsen was assisted by Mrs Charlie Reyworth and Mrs Neils Ander son Presiding at the tea table were Mrs Russell Davey Mrs Willard Kinzie Mrs McKay Mrs Hotrum and Mrs Patterson and Mrs Dorothy Vance Receiving guests were Mrs Russell Dingman hostess Mrs Taylor and Mrs Dudley iver SILVER ANNIVERSARY The 25th wedding anniversary of Mr and Mrs Earl Wil liams Steele Street will be re lebrated at an open house celebration in the afternoon and evening of June Assisting the hostess willbe Mrs0 Wil liams be of the bride groom Mrs Arthur Lawlor Mrs Cyril Huey Mrs Demplt ster Mrs Taylor allot Bar rie and Mrs 1er Heslip Al derwood The bride was the for mer Miss Marion CluteLdaughb er of Clute and the late Mrs Clute The couple were married in her parents Road home and Rev Rob Ert Sinclair officiated SWIMMINGzPAWlY The Wednesday afternoon se wers of the Royal Victoria Hos pital Auxiliary ended the sea sons work with aswimming par ty and picnic supper at the home of Mrs Tolt Sh ROCK STEAM BATHS OPEN DAILY am to 11 PA 871 ty Bay Guests included Mrs Page leader of the sewing group Mrs Ralph Sneigrove Mrs De la Hays Mrs Gemw Mrs Richard son Mrs Leighton Mrs Way Mrs Merriam Mrs Cartwright Mrs EmETY Mrs Calvin Mrs SD Cox Mrs Gow Mrs Jeoniuga also member of RVH Auxiliary was unable to be present COFFEE PARTY coffee party was held at the home of Miss Margaret Good fellow Edgehill Drve Wednes day evening folio the ban qu9tand installation the 1961 62 execuva of theBarrie Ven ture Club Out of city guests were Miss Audrey Balfyard and Miss Pat Long of Tomato TOUR ENGLAND Rev and Mrs Delaney of Midland will be attending the ï¬rst simmer course at St Au gustine College Canterbury England in July They will fly from New York Thursday Ju as on charter film of Episcopal Town and Country Clergy The theme of the Inter national course is jWolship and Life The second half of July will be spent touring Britain Rev Delaney is the son of Mrs Delaney Barrie Out ENTERTAIN BRIDEELECT Mrs Harry Nutter Toronto Streetwas hostess at recipe shower in honor of Miss Dorothy Harvey July brideelect The hostess presented the guest of honor with recipe cook book Mrs Harveylnother of the brideelect presided at the coffee table Miss Harvey was also enter tained at buffet presentation party at the home of Mrs Edna WigginsMary Street Guests in cluded teachers of VespraTown ship schools Miss Harvey is principal at 55 No Vespra Mrs Leighton Clarke Mrs Lorrie Clarke and Mrs Ted Clarke were ghostesses at mis cellaneous shower atthe Bay For Commercial or Industrial Photos Portraits Passoort Fjilm Developing gt CALL SMIIII STUDIO as Dunlap st EPA Mm tow aunts field Street residence of Mrs Leighton Clarke Agistlog the hostesses were Misses Joanue and Lorranle Clarke lidonnio Buffey and Mary and Christine Larklu wishing wall decorat ed by Mrs Fred long held the shower of gifts for the bride elect Presiding at the tea table were Mrs Harvey and Mrs Long Out of city mats were Mrs Margo Walton of Tor onto and Miss Doris Thompson Hllisdalc bridal attendant at the com event Miss Harvey will marry David Stanley James at an evening ceremony at Trinity Anglican Church July Life Membership Awarded Member Mrs Bell1etitia Street was hostess meeting of the Burton Avenue United Church WMS Forty wo men were present The highlight of the evening was the reseutatiou of life member ip to Mrs Gor don Mrs Bell made the presen tation behalf of the WMS and referred to Mrs Gordons great contribution to the work of the society Mrs Gordon was sup ply secretary for number of years and her work was deslt nbed as efficient and dedicated Mrs Gordons daughter Miss Edna Gordon pinned the life membership award to her moth ers dress The supper meeting ohmaxed the years work Try AnlEnmluor Want as For Hair Style or Distinction Wm inuuvgnrnck HAIR STYLYSKS at Ma an PA mu snor or sham 16 COLLIER ST PLAN NOWVTOVATIEND THIS SEPT more £10111 Garawav robreoaromu COMPLETE counsns Esrantlsuno 1397 65 TORONTO STREET oAkklE gt nonsensical OFFICE EMPLOYME at theJuue supper AND ausmsss pianos SEND ME possum ABOUT YOUR scaoor run BARRIE Ema FRIDAY JUNE 21 1961 Golden Circle Couples Club Hold Annual Chicken Barbecue On Saturday evening ls coup les from Golden Circle Couplu Club of First Baptist Church met for their annual chicken barbeque on the lawn of the home of Mr and Mrs Jack Westmao Tollendalo Road short business session took place after which everyone grouped around the fire for singsong Hermon Tonlllnsou gove fine support by accom ao 1ment on his pianoaccor on This was the last meeting of In held this year The new executive to take of YOUR HEALTH flee to this September is compose ea past dents Mr and Mrs Earl Tm sou presidents Mr and rs Ernest Watts viceprestdcnts Mr and Mrs Howard Burbidge secretarytreasurer Mrs Vera Lacey andes Earl Thomson assistant aecmtnryvtrcasumr Mr and Mrs John Codtburn Telephone committee members are Mr and Mrs Russell Mow forth Mr and Mrs Mike Day holos and Mr and Mrs Bill Hardy sick conveners Mr and Mrs Ron Gallupe publicity Mr and Mrs Jim Reyoard Encourages Club Dieters ay aunron rum in DEAR DOCTOR Have you heard about TOPS Beforo TOPS my overweight figure used to depress me until Ijust didntcare No pill no vitamin no crash diet would help Id take otf so pounds and than put back 30 or 40 Now through TOPSTako Off Pounds Sensiny Ive lost 19 pounds in months No feds or crash dietsi We suggest only one exercise pushing yourself away from the table Some members take pills which their doctors prescribe Once you slim down you join KOPS Keep Otf Pounds Sea sibly KOPS encourage TOPS our club has two KOPS already At weekly meetings we weigh in no doctors scale Pigs weightgainers are fined and penalized TOPS weightloa rrsl are rewarded and praised Turtles no change are noi ther praised nor penalized Our speakers include doctors dieticiaus and psychol ogistr We compete with each other slow steady loser usually wins The champion weightlos er each week is crowned queen She keeps this crown until the next meeting or queenofthe month receives corsage with her crown IIING All You run PROBLEMS to liarrlos that Rule rive Furrier who aloha and sells far only upon anamo Iw cocoa mull WliililllS TUBE nanlua ronomo DUNLDP ST Repairing Beluoddlu Cold storage Cleaning UNABLE PRICE rlrnerlou unuumn Last week our fifteen mem bers lost total of as pounds Our regional queen took off 87 pounds this year Shell oomlt petefor the national title at our convention REALLY ROYAL FAMILY Last year our national qucca king and princess lost total of 452V pounds Yes we have TOPS for men and children too Popular Stork TOPS allows expectant mothers to compete in their own clam providing each tells how much weight gain her doctor permits Tell your readers about TOPS We welcome both new iltelfl bera and new chapterd Our password is See YourLighter For more information write to TOPS Clubs life 2306 So Howell Ave Milwaukee Win cousin Slirncerely yours Mrs cm nonunion FREE illSiiEliliNs in i0 ozjar ln6 ozjar DISCOUNT FARES save you money Travel Tog eiher Lnada are the lowest in years You gatahig fnendiydiscount for the with yo big 40 nd the third and entraveiling beyonda thodlsoountforthose sensuous REDUCTIONS at apply on tourist and first lass hentwa CALL fPA at appliesoh yoor Can Moved To Your Lot $94900 cons 0N sans MON JUNE 12 WE ALSO HAVE COTTAGE 0N DISPLAY WHICH IS COMPLETELY WINTERIZED BEAVER wLUMBER 127 amnrono sr ea 55541 CHESTERme mnn roam nuance cushions FREE ARM COVERS Phone PA 51433 65 landlord Street moor ANY Oppression QNMY PART barn NAMEiFE ADDRESS