3ARTICLES for SALE SFARMERSMARKET PERSONALS BOATS MOTORS BOAT BARGAINS in loot mimetic to up Sent Mailer motor Iully equipped look Ml Itrl bolt need controls 45 hp gunman so It loot cedar ltd steering sane troll ll hp trailer it Ioot nsnaboul upholstered mention steering eele mica cattery so hp slum xv Lluu mo 11 foot iiihorny Dilnxnd ru bout homered mntmh bli Xuy bu Ha gas tank 1961 John snn than now 595 Diverg Air station Dmns BOATS Lulflm email PA Luci GA LOANS$500 at or month Telephone PA wettan ï¬nance ac Dunlop St BOAT NEW 16 74 deck hlrdwan real bargain Ior run Coma lnli To thil on at 59 Clmpbell Avonul IHODT am Sail lloai Ior salt In dheron lull Aberlilu ruin Ankh new runni fllllnl Reid or raclhl or La Uni Telephonl PA Morn cunt nuAT flberxiln is it new mnolton ALIu loss Mercury motor in will sell separate No reuonahia otter renuee only Allies street LHOOT PACE sIIIP or rule as hp Johnson Electric Motor comt Ister Sgttipped TceNee Trailer new elephone PA mill otter pan 14 Poor runshout or sale maul ded hull to hp Mercury motor TeeNao trailer steering controls lights etc Apply at 155 Victoria Street West Aulstoln 006 ll PETS noxxn tor sale It months old nicely marked well trained oDe dieit and land at cnlldrun Selling reuonshly Telephone PA Soon Top mums tar aale realstex ld lo weeln old not lbs May he soon at the Modern Pet Shop peter street Oxiiiln 0n tnrio on Saturday Inns 5FARMERS MARKET ImOILm on chicken toulplnent tor nil In good condition to Pro flue Broaders approximately zoo reet automatic chain ieeder and watering equipment Priced ror wok allc Telephone Alllaton BE in LIVESTOCK HDHTIIN Burn Ia aaio coming in soon Telephone Siroud 1124 or further lnlormltion II PIGS averaging about so lhs unlit Apply to George McGladrey Thornton Ont or telephone Ivy ls Ewls and lamps or this alsn urchred ram to Jo Inn 334 Pine treat coulng wond Ontlrio HOLSTEW an8 three so is tared two due in two weeks two Holstein reliltnred Halters one due In October one LyeMid Mr Norusia R11 cnumhm Telephone Lerroy 1mm FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH FARM SUPPLIES Er SERVICE Case New Hoiilnd Dlvid Brown Iiestty Farm Equipment 175 BURTON AVE PA 5237 TIME lOil EAYING EQUIPMENT Balers Iialrerr Mowers Harvesters and wagons SPECIAL 0N BALDIS Mlueylerll No 10 one year old Oliver No so see the famoul New Haulrid No as at Silos Au AVAnlAnLn Now CASH TRADE TERMS DELAVAL SALES SERVICE Get your line and pulsatora clean Elstmw iin lot our an on nor can Service all mike HANK BROWN ER BARBIE HOLLY PA 60338 WANTED Used walker Dale stacker Apply to Donald Catn eron 1111 EliPie or telephone PA 89356 NEW IDEA Hay Machinery new and used Part and service Ap ply to Henley Bros Sehomhcrg gntlrio Telephone now Open till pnn FEED sm GRAIN 0001 IfKDLND Day or ula non trons lnl pasture mixture Now one PA on ï¬mrmmrmii limit and Ivy Ru Sm Buckwheat or sale 317 111081 13011 BB on or II 13 rnnrz lamp to Him Boy or sale mo or halad bolted at huy And sixth Lina or in ElliId or elephant PA Mm Luca Anna at rhelu tand isg Said mixed has also Iona nl Ieee cats Apply to George wuia is Cancerion anianl Thie phuna stepud mm nuns Nine In tor Inl er on share bins Also Cormlclr men root binder Priced to seiL Ap ly nowud Gill tilonurat Te iepSoae PA Hm MIXED lllndill hl or all or up be hrrlnled or bailn1 and ltnokinl situated confused road Apply in Mr Art or Cult tht or Teispllnno PA AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE on WHO ms WANTS NEW CAR nay it Now with LawCDfl weinaured seem PLAN LOAN THE BANK or NOVA SCOTIA HAROLD IQRY MOTORS TRIUMPH summit Dumas napalm to All Manes mu and NAI Towing service 15 human 81 BARRI PA 34165 MOTORS VIAU RAMBLER HILLMAN AND LAND ROVER 107i DOWN i7 GOWAN STREET PA 55488 isst BUICK our door pinch and red In and condition Ileaaona For In el dolhlls taiepnnna PA $1769 LTD 1551 Moms MINOR Ior sale in good condition good tires and good body Best eIIer Tclupnone PA S1755 loss nonaz immaculate condi tion with new motor exeeuent tiru Talsphone PA man or turther wormlion 155s IoIID Ranch wagon or sale white with red trim new motor hralrea etc Telephone Lerroy 60R or turther details gt Icon AUSTIN CAD Illre new dark grey with red upholstery Clean thmuxllnut Selling rehsonlbiy Apply at 41 Snniosd street or rurthcr inlomhtlon MOTORCYCLE Triumph 50 cc twin new paint lob good condi tioh Priced reasonlhiy Telephone Shroud 17111111 Ior Iurther inform on 1352 PLYMOUTH Sedan sloo Good motor Nerds some body work can he seen at as WorsIey street or telephone PA H568 at ter pm 1954 PLYMOUTH our door two tone green and white Take ever payments $660 per week in good condltlnn Telc hone PA 60280 or Iurther pn cuim WOMENS 001019 LEARN wmmq ham new in this government eharterod school where on are thoroughly trained in all the or MAW culture an ror inrormatioamvgita on mzxr II coum an PHONE PA um LOST FOUND mo lou men including Dlddll lilo lskcu and cushions at Lake Simeon Will Ilndrr lean Telephone Toronto BA WRIST WATCH genumana muewatczallmuï¬hurmyst the Cun es on one ot the lrcinen Finder tliephonl PA um BLACK LleADoII Ratli lostx vlclnig ot romdala Answers to Yntle Smll boy ei ha turd Pin telephone 6711 between oclock noon 10 HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED WILL LOOK alter pro school ch11 limit In in own home Vicinig Oakley Par schooL Penccd in yard PA mo YOUNG LADY oillined seem tan requireI Intlrutinl position with prolpects Not necessarily secretarial vrite urn sheua Sweeney so owen 5L Bum uLlAnLE PERSON will hoard children or care or them dolly Clnln hotne tented back yard Will pick them up Telphona PA was or Inrther details GlertAL maintenance man no quires employment Will lsscpt any kind or work Cln drive any hind heavy vehicle Telephone heetnn 199w Ior iniernlaiion aunmum Aecountant plur urea on cnslon alter art leniea wth Iocll om noting lull nr artiuma employnl nL lohn Laing Elan street clephone PA ml LADY in early iortles would Illa houuhcper position Clam rllt liable and odd airt cook cheers Ilii disposlton casonahle wa Vlllixo lnywnrrl Apply OX 11 Barrie Exlminer FEMALE IIELP RETAIL CLASSI Fl ED SALESWOMEN To SERVICE AND SELL NEWS PAPER CLASSIFIED ADVENTIS lNG THIS iNTERETiNG POSI TION ENTAIIS ERSONAL CDN TAcr WITH mGAI BUSINESS Firms 01 ALL TYPES YOU NEED NOT HAVE NEWSPAPER IENCE As WE WILL Til You Plan1n APPLIO ANT HAVE TYPING AND DE AIILI To DRIVE 11 YOU WOULD LIKE CHALLENGING POSI TIoN wlriI CONSIDERANLE 0P PORTUNTY FOR ADVANCE MENT PLY IN WIIITING SHRIER ADVERTISING MANAGER THE BARRIE EXAMINER PROOFREADER Required It THE DAHRIE EXAMINER This Is lulltime position or lady with good Imowied English grammar and aptling Please apply in your cm band wrltns to TEIE nARluE EXAMINER Po nox 70 TYPIST rtaeulrcn AFTERNOONS ONLY 5DAY VEEK Plonsnnt air conditioned office ly givin experience etc to Elliot is Emu PJIAMINER laso CHEVROLET Sedan darlr hlue ghed running order new battery new smaller and Ant cilss tires sits Apply to heevle Shanty Bay 1351 CHEVROLET stutlon wagon Va with automatic trhnnnlssion In excellent condition private Slle Telephone PA wool Ior run ther deta is loss consume sedan in tsir runnln condition automatic tran slon power steeimg won der Dhr radio iron and back spealrer back up lights spot light and good tires Needs some body work as any car would years old This car has been priced very rchsonhbly You must hurry to see it at Comet Gas Station on Duri mflstreet or Telephone CARS an To BUY CASE FOR your oar Lisnl paid all W3 trndo up or down A1 iandele Motors 21 hits Iioa rie PA Him ALLIS CKALMERS combination Power my Rake and Tedder in new condition Apply to air Iicg Need at McKue Harvester Service Building Cooltstown Ont Tin VIKING Cream separators and miners Used machines sales and puts Craighurst Dntarto 540 Box 4i or Telephone PA 1B char moron Driven Bnlur also Gore power Mower case Side Rake used two lensnm Reason ably priced Also me Ford its ran Tmelr slop Telephone mini nioonsto Tflnlsrmm MACHINE George White No Threshing Machine or shite also Massey Harris foot Power Binder Apply Everett Knecshaw RR Bradford or tele phone P11 52601 PoaLTIelz CKIuKS BARRED ROCKS Still hard to hrntior eggs and meat to years personal aelee tien behind our closed iloelr RE lstereli hatchery Accredited rienic nahy chinks started chlelra hnri eapona TOM KENNY sIsANTlt BAY DEKALB CHICKS Place your order now tor oeuv ery when desired We suggest neitth or good iivahllity ear eallant egs uauty higher ro dis Also lie it Rock and ed Sussex Crossbreda Prices and service on request HUNTERS POULTRY FARM STROUD PHONE 77 pohnnrs zoo Kemp and Sussex pallets in weeks 150 Rhoda IS land lied and Columbia lioelt lay lng hens mantllsuiciephone stayner JIIIINE Pullets Ior sale no 21 weulu old Stlrtlllg to la Dre benkcd and wormed Appy to Maurice Hayes at Eliglr Tele phone PA H500 nrutlt has good supp old ehielu most varieit prllmpt shipment some atarte Last re gular hatch June 27th nroller ï¬llings léllinlblc crï¬r nnw Agent hpean Phone ism nfm TRUCKS 85 TRAILERS 195 mmAflONAlvCombinl tion threeton dump truck for sale $15 cash oi will trade tor panel or station wagon Telephone PA 68961 or turfDer particulars TRAILER for sale new root with springszitoot racks adjustable dual wheels on tongue and lights new tarpauiin 10 12 foot Telephone PA osias MOBILE HOMES ron SALE on RENT 15 Poor CABIN trailer Sleeps two Bunk electrical wired Priced at 295 Gnod elean con dltinn Teiephone PA 89701 PERSONALS CHILD FOR ADOPTION Six year in 1303 is an engaging child anuI could he your son throuzh ndaptinrl The out thing we will he locking ier in prospec tlvsparenis lI their ahtity to ac cept the tact that non has sumo Indian in hiahaeltground Prom experience we lrnow there are such people It you were to meet on you would be aware or his mixed racial background Hes all boyactive interested and accord ing to his teacher delight to have in nilhs and doing excellent work could you give him this through our love and permanent place your home We invite enquir Ies from Iioman Catlmiic cnu ice with view to 3013s adopt on Writt THE Nimile 01 PUBLIC WELFARE PARLIAMENT BUILDING Tahon rortTiiNn TELLING no you went your rortune told hy cardsl Per an appointment telephone PA M90 anytime 554 WOMENSCOLUMN num SIIoP Coldwlvol etc by ceriloed hairdresser in your cwn home Phone nsrnica ct PA soon or PA um Tlui EXAMINER WANT Ans PuoNs pA srili DOB deserves ehance NURSES Practical Nurses required for musing hnme Various shirts Age not over 50 years PHONE 678W24$TAYNER smNoclmpiilalt required ror parttime employment in Allie ton Telephone Alliston In 51270 In turther lniormatlnn $25 PEII WEEK plus room and board ior girl with good charne ter to do housework in name home Apply Box 11 EnIIio Ex Iminer WOULD LIKE middle aged waln ah to actaacompanion tor rnoth or with two children tor one year while husband is away Iloom and heard tree wrlte Box 41 Camp Borden TnENAGIm WANTED lid for sumch mot helplnl with hilly dishes Duds nth from 10 to Apply to Box is Barri Inrsminer stating age address and telephone number wmow with one chnd aged to is wanted to Spend summer months at cottage in return ror care or one child In ll please give rererances Apply to he Barrio msmlner MALE 0E FEMALE Service department order desk clerlr REQUIREMENTS Typing and pricing parta orders some experience In purchasipl and expediting ports presetred Typing necessity APPLY Pox la BARR EXAMINER PADTTIMIt CHEF and dish warh or required immediately In sum merlnonths Apply In pcrsonto QueensIIintel 94 Dunlop Street East Barrie annnsmnN Arm Salesladiesi Ilere is your opportunity We hnvo an opening ortwo more sales peopla who meet with our require ments Must have car he tron to to andhavo some experience in selling Telephone PA oasll ark tor min to pm MALE IIELP CARPENTERS Inr part time hlnst he available to work evenings and Saturdays Only experienced men need apply to Denver Luisl her Company 121 Bradford Strcst THREE MEN tor patMilne even ing work MOHdIYp Tuesdly and Wednesday or rloor Glennlnd sen vice Write sthting age height and weight tonal 21 Dari1e Erin miner nor WANTED or summer months interested In earning ren ral gardening would suit High School student cuttingroady ior Agriculture Colisgc Room and board uvnilnblc Small wages to start Hillcrest Gardens phsipstou Telephonn Elmvnle 737 ll 14 SINGS age so to 45 top light Iarm duties looking lfler anlalistable at home on private astataeloro to Metropolitan Ter onto Trill posltleu entaua no general term worlr Applicant must be neat good worker and ahatainer Excellent living condi Itlnnl and shiny or right man Apply Box is Barrie Examiner Il MALE OR FEMALE Arnott Pridny lunn 10 HELP WANTED mam SALESMEN required DANGERF ELD MOTORS Mil Couldn No cu Tn Ins Wlnl must IIIMIG ll In III cu supplied yam or ago energetic and desire capstan is net nuelluy mm uh mm kill you nylon inï¬ll Apply In person to CAR SALES OFFICEm BRADFORD STREET 0R PHONE PA W27 FOR APPOINTMENT Emu lcnooL no wanted or allr urn Arils lb Cï¬anxll ny an Strum Telephone 1311 strand WEE TREASURERSSALE OF LAND FOR TAXES Township ol Innile County Slim lo Wit virtue of Vlrrlnl 11qu by Lea Recon the Townthip or Innlsnl under his hand and the sell Ihn llid curporlliln lieIs Luf data the let any oi lid 1N1 amp 1mm flirlin flu taxes is ow no will he held the Community Hall It the hour ulthtwoaoclsck pen on th of September 1M1 unless taxes and coats are sooner pa Noliea LI hereby given that the 1st or lands or sale Ior Imus of In was published In Tho 0n Into Gazette on the and day of June 1961 and that topics oi the said list may he had at my OHIth it lands are not all sold on September nth In Adjourned this will be held on so temper Isih at the same hour ln place Treasurers miles this 6th or June ml minor Cm TREASURER 12 TENDERS DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORT UiiAWA ONTARIO TENDERS 51min minis addremd to the undenirncd merited Tender rer watch House Trent Calill wili received up to 11111 12115 iviy llth ital tor coh rtruruon or two which lionea at Loch so and to on the Trent Canal near Gunebriiu Ontario Plush apenocatienl it other tender documents may he exam tried at the arms or The super intending Engineer met Canal Department or Transport rederai nu no her 567 microns outn otario and copies obtained on deposit or an aece ted cheque for moo Dlylblo to lieceivor Goncrli or Could Plana lnd eeiAcatiens will also be on ole pay at the humour archages at mill and panic Ontlrio COLLINS Secretary Juno ltth 1961 TENDERS FOR PAVING Sclied Tend will be receide Dy till undersigned up to 500 3111 lIIondly lune mm or L000 tuna morn nr its 01 not mix Dot Ilid Asphalt to hellid on city street at various locations Tile speci ï¬cations and further inlomltlun can be obtained It the Ci Hall at 74 Robert Street in HI On tario Lowest or lily tender not Deceit lrtiy accepted STRAUGHAN CITY cLEliK Its wonderful the wgy Classified Ads get re sults Phone PA 82414 12 TENDERS TENDER Tile planema mmNs LAND ALT OFFICE FOR BALI BY FUBUC TENDER Mll ill 11 Ind Pill lslr lty at an in County at Shame Term IllaIII Cub Whor IIII amount 131 lender is wornercltmnuhcae Commld by accepted Cl tor am with the balan paya ll ll landr ll not win as gt ened at Toronto en the Ll day iuly 1961 The ill In tender not aeceuari aeee ad irhdu should he in pla envelope marked Tendli Dr in DEMlo Lain 10 11 Ind 13 Plan ills clot Bun1o county 01 Simone nlsTlOEGTSIITEigdmmm lamr m5 LAND ACT MAEKENZLE BUILDING ADELAIDE 5mm 51 TONDNN ONT 13 AUCTION SALES BANKRUPTCY AUCTION SALE no understated luctlonnr bu received instructions ruin THE WALiVJN COMPANY LICENSED TRUSTEE To sell by public Auction oulcs Equi ment Irgo Tank rarm Sup es I656 International nuck ln some Farm Machinery on MONDAY JUNE AT PM SHARP AT 151 TIFFIN STREET HARRIS RIGHT ON THE CAMPhollth HIGHWAY THE NwalNo Moiuscl1lnk Worlr peach and equipment Re non hand Add ing Machine neatory Shelv neslr countr and Ann ch izMMIaih ێu arms ll IX set at Sr Ier panels cwrit er Table ltegiater rower Chain able Electric Sign dim and Metal slgna Counter sealer Set or Truck Chains re placement llnlrsr Tool pox paper nags Delta Gears Chlinl Dll rulers Set at Meir Rushers sets or Food hells rain Eleva tor steel Piattonn Plate lost Ilrgo Vedon Truck good condi tion lose International ston truslr with min and spare wheel equipped ier llqu reeds Scphrlior Sprayer Burlap nag roughly as bundlesIo hara par handle Lawn Mowers pressure Grease Gun new Grllnln HogPeeders Chicken Feeders Electric Mot on complete laying nest tor hens ls ploclrr 01 Salt to naps or neet Pulp bln er Sail hall 01 iaylnn grit Dliry nip ment consisting or host gas eta etc Drurlios milk airliners pails water howls Chicken water inunv iains rilier dish Cabin Wash lng Powders lland Sprayers Purina water rountalns Pen Cleaners lnlnray Electric nnlba 21 cold Soul Milk inns Inns hose candies Filters 12 boxes ot on flow Plltexc 25 bags or Clrllolr milk cooler Brushes International Ioruh seed drul good condition Cochshutt No Manure Spreader on ruhher Oliver llJunuro Smolder Rub llcr tiled Wagon and lack Armin International Tractor Plow Set of sectionan Harrow with draw hlr complete brand new TERMHASH No reserve as hahitruptcy has to he settled No thing to he removed untIi settled or FRANK WEBB Clerk JERRY C0 SHLIN AilCTlo PHONE 13Aan PA awn 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTIONEEITS ANDERSON PMM AND mougflui mu view In PA maul Fun ham rl Ad rtiaing Ptcteialonli uni Satisued customers We WEDNESDAY EVENING JUNE 580 p111 Auction slid Bill sill haul hoid Iiirnltun tor PETER VICKS Lot concession it ianiuli Township right on wly ii to nail rota the dty uh henu Pul floppyl Cabins Ecru Calls Ne rmm as house to JERRY OOUGHLIN Alimon AUCTION SALE FRIDAY EVENING JUNE 30 1981 at no pain sharp Auction ul ol good used household tnrnilurc tor MRS Mum At loo Dunlop street Wart Barrie Term llh Na ruer Mn Julia home Is lnr Mil JERRY COUGHLIN AUCTIon BARRIE AUCTION ROOMS AND snooNn HAND STORE Friday Juné 23 l96l pm Sharp It PROFESSIONAL DIRECTORY LEGAL BOYS SEAGRAM ROWE Barristers Solicitors Notation Public convulncul OIL GUILDll Owen 5L Barri 5T °€l°1lirm flnrdon Tully CONDER SUGG nAltlusTEltS oilucrrolis Norm PUBLIC It caNleR BA Slide AA lulu Dunlap St East PA com COWAN COWAN BARRISTERS mass cowan 53 COLLIER ST PA 114521 LIVINGSTON MYERS Ehrflsiun and solicitora Collier St Elmo FD PA 66401 WILSON MOORBY BARRISTER st souuiTolt LAW OFFICI AT 1M DUNLOP ST PA 60238 SMITH f7 McLEAN Beher Smith to Arthur MlleQ11 Barristers Soliciio etc Owen St whom PA H7 GLADSTONE CURRIE qc Barrister and Solicitor Law oIIlces at Wilson Buildinl Fred Grlnl Strlli Blrrla Ontario FUNEW STECKLEY FUNERAL HOME SUPERIOR SERVICE AT MODERATE COST CO Tums do wordey st Barrie cose of Collodas Iasiestgidwiilgole I3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE MONDAY EVENING JULY 10 AT PM SHARP Auction oeia loan noel imple meats psi lumber and halal house olo ailm tor CARL PEEVER At Lot 11 oneeuion ll Tecum ulnie miltl south of Cooknuvn muu straight uat Bl Hill 27 Terms than No reserve as iha IllIn Is sold JERRY COUGHLIN AUCTIONER IN YOUR AIIIC CELLAR OE GARAGE Is thus anything there you can sell Ior cash Hundreds at people use Examiner Want Ads to sell articles they no Ioiizer need want or use CLASSIFIED WANT ADS PA 82414 ADVERTISE IN EXAMINER THE BARRI ACCOUNTANTS HARRIS NEEDHAM WRIGHT eeruoed Public Accountant Toronto and Barrie nanIa otIicowusoo nidg Prod Grant Soure PHONE PA 5997 NepaliIn CPA Rmflu Plrtner ROSE HARRISON Chartered Accountants Emistéo Ill Bankruptcy Samuel Rose CA 59 Collier St Phone PA 84919 MUSIC LESSONS JESSIE BRYSQN Teacher oi Piano singing ibeor pupils prepared tor examinaqu or the Royal Comervltorv 01 Music Toronto Al trades and AlicI Modern methods Studio landlord EL PA stile THE DAVIES OF CANADA VOICE PIANO DRAMA 211 NAPIER ST 13 ANGUS ROSS Registered lilnaic Teacher Instruo tlurl Piano Theory colchinl in French Latin other school nib Jectl oi Iioss st Barrie PA L577 OPTOMETRY ROBERT SMITH R0 Optomctmt to no closed Wednen moinoon as nuniop St East Buri PA 82586 NOEL STEPHENSON R10 Upth DDIIIDDVSS nst hatli phone PA uzol Korean veterans TEE BARRI EXAMINER FRIDAY JUNE 23 1961 Frost Is Mum 0n Plans But May Quit Sooli THESSALON CPI Premier inst declined to comment Wed nesday on immediate retirement plans but lie recognized his re tirement was written on the wall At press conlcrenco alter opening ceremonies at Ihe Red Rock Falls generaling station he said Im 65 years old My public servlce commenced to years ago as on infantry Ilen tenant In the war lve been on the road over sill Ht added he realizes hes not Indestruct nhlc Premier Frost referred to speech he made in Kingston June al ceremony commune crating Sir John Mncdolinld when he said Public men are not lndastructnbleiile said one oI the greatest errors in Cali hdnh history was to think that Sir John was indestructoblc Mr Frost said his purchase oi on interest ill lim hometown ra dio station In Lindsny hasnt the remotest or Iogglest thing to do with retirement He said his Interest in it was solely as community niinir in regard to Finance ll nister Flemings budget Mr Frost said ilTl nil expansionist It would appear that this Is the course lilr Fleming has also taken Increase To Help Rebellion Survivor OTTAWA CPISeven surviv ors of the Riel Rebellion oi 1835 Among 47865 veterans to benefit from proposed 20pm cent increase In veterans Bl ow anceo Approved Thursday by Senatei committe The Increases are in the same proportion as those for disabil ity pensions approved earlier in the session and now in effect Allowances are granted to veterans so and over who are not capable of maintaining themselves to their widows 50 and over and to orphans to the age of 16 for boys and 17 for girls They will be incleased from $70 to $81 ior single and wide owed veterans and from $120 to $144 or married persons Majority of the allowances 39570 go to ï¬rst World War veterans And another 1112 saw service ill both world wars There are 7580vetcrans of the Second WorldWar and 71 paid the hi lowalice TEENS 1N JAPAN Japans national pollu agency recorded more than 1000000 the reports In 1960 involving losses of $56000000 CAMPBELLTD Furniture Moving andSInrazl Commercial WhrrJlousing Agents ior North American