Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jun 1961, p. 1

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OUR TELEPHONES For Examiner Want Ads Tele phone PA 32414 The tniephone number topcall for the Busing or Editorial Depbls PA 67 LOCAL WEATHER Sunny with cloudy intervaLs to marrow Low tonlgit 50 High Saturday 70 Bill summary please turn to page two but IconNo 146 one harm5 Barrie0ntarfo Canada Friday Jun 23 1961 THIS LADY Mrs John Winr puts her hands to her head yesterday as milkman Don Trohjabn sur prises her and her family with real live cow in Palos Ver has IistatES Calif Seems Mrs Wier left note to the milk man saying that at the rate the family uses milk it might be better to just leave cow With an assist from the dairy association he did just that bring Holsth Corncy to the font to 0051 llKED rim 0WBUT ii front door Mrs Wier dead ed shed rather just have her milk delivered the easy way So Corney went back to the farm along with milking ma chine lower right Wirephoto GRAVE smomo ShciwdowhOnBerlin Could Erupt Into War WASIHNGTON AF Con gress generally agrees that the West faces an early showdown with Soviet Premier Khrush ohev over Berlin that could mommy worldview This view is reflected by weeklong debate partlcularly in the Senatestirred by the suggestion of Senator llfike Mansfield Montana Democrat that all Berlin be declared it freecity its neutrality and safety guaranteed by both sides He called this way out of the stalemate Mansfield the Senate Demolt cratic leader warned in ispeech wcek ago that the commitment to defend West Berlin ranges all the way to final pledge of the lives and fortunes of every man woman and child in this nation Most of those who have spoken opposed Mansfields solt lutinn butnnne has sought to minimize the gravity of the situation N0 BACKING DOWN Most of the speakers particu larly the Republicans agreed with Senator Jacob Javits New York Republican th at the United States should not back down on policy of keeping until Germany can be reunited on the basishf free elections resolution to put the Senate on record in support of that stand He said it was not without risk limit is imperative to choose whatmay seem to the harder way but whiit is by far the more secure and surcr way The Republican pressure for new commitments by the ad ministration to the oftrepeated policy of standing firm on West Berlin built up despite the fact President Kennedy himself had declared his own similar posi tion on his return from Vienna talks with Khrushchev people he had informed Khrush chev that US security is deeply involved in access rights to West Berlin and we are de termined to maintain these rights at any risk And after Mansfields speech State Secretary Dean Rusk said there has been no change what soever in US policy on Berlin Kennedy told the American Western troops in West Berlin and that none was in conlcm plation Monsfi id said he was float ing on trial balloon for the admi stratioobut was speak Javits Thursdays offered owing out one individualuergtr Still the Republicans who criticized Mansfields ee said it was difficult for other nations particularly West Gen many to dissociate speech by the administrations too spokes man in the Senate from the views of the administration it self gt Rusk moved again at press conference Thursday to try to clear up any possible doubts He said the Russians cannot extinguishthc rights of West ern powers in Berlin CANT WIPE OUT The Western powers he said have powerful position in Ber lin and clear obligations that cannot be wiped out by one sidednSoviet action such as signing separate peace treaty with Communist East Germany The thread of feeling ran through congressional speeches that Khrushchev if he mis calculates the Western stand could touch off nuclear war stamina Not More Than To peFCopyld PageV OYHE PRESENT In nous CHANGED PROPOSAL Tractor KEY WEST Fla APlFidel Castro today rejected the latest offer of the tractorsforfreedom chmmittee saying the commit tee did not tell the truth when it slatted Castro had changed his proposal in order to confuse public opinion Havnn radio reported Castro was quoted as saying however that he is willing to let the committee of prisoners go once more to the United States and this time meet with the trnctorsforfreedom com mittee and to explain the Cuban position to the American public originally to negotiate the ex change The radio quoted Castro as saying that from the first he had clearly specified the num her and type of tractors he wanted gt Castro originally offered to ex ln the April 17 invasionfor 500 bulldozers In his proposal madc May 17 Castro used the word bulldozers After meeting in Havana with representatives of the Tractors for Freedom committee Castro said he would accept smaller type tractors but hesaid he would have to receive 1000 of them Prime Minister From Japan WASHINGTON AP Prcsilt dentKenncdy left hissick bed today and was host to Japanese Prime Ministerlfayato lkedo Kennedy confined to bed Thursday by virus infection posed for photographs with the prime minister and then walked into the ddvcway ot the White House to bid personal fare well after three days of talks here Kennedy discardcd the crut ches he had been using to ease an ailing back HEBES ONE Smith Do yollmean to say they put him in jail or some thing he didnt do lanes Yes He didnt pay his income tax Strikers warned Unions+ TO Steer ClearOf Violence TORONTO 0P Striking Toronto construction workers today pressed their fight for better deal from employers un dcr new orders from strike leaders to steer clear of vio fence in future Charles Irvine strike comA mittec chief and leader of the Plasterers and CementMasons International Union tCLC in Canada ordered Ia meeting of use strikers here Thursday night tokeap your handsdn your pockets while picketing to strengthen the stoppage Mr Irvine issued his order after the law and two building contractors dealt out triple blows against the strikers Magistrate Rogers ordered sixmonth jail term for Giancarlo Stetanini busi ness agent for the International Lahorers Union CLO for an structing police The magis trate said the stiff sentence first to striker inthe current dispute was designed to deter others from similar offences Meanwhile cm er Frost said Thursday night appoint merit of members of royal commission to investigate labor management strife may be made by the end of this week or early next week He an nounced the commissionand other peace measuresJune Labor Minister Daley said one of the measures investigation of working conditions in the con struction industry already is in progress Ho said the workers are reluctant to to but no evidence that contractors are cheating has been found yet to The main contractor on the oouthern part of the strike hitr University Avenue subway project Johnson Perini lt Kie wit sought permission from the Dhtario Labor Relations Board to prosecute Local 183 of the Laborers Union and its secreA tary treasurer Gerald Gal lagher The Toronto Builders Exchange took similar action against Mr Gallagher earlier this month Thedioard reserved decisi meeting that the unions them selves would discipline men guiltyof violence At the same time be blamed Communists and union thugs for instigating large share of the violence which has led to police arresting more than 100 men in three wéeks Mr Irvine cautimed strikers vagainsrbeing influenced by such outsiders He referred to Stefa ini as Rat Attacks Baby Condition Critical OTTAWA CPlThreemonth old Kimberley Scott attacked Wednesday by field rat as she slept inher crib remained in critical condition in hospital here today The tiny tot daughter of Mr and Mrs Floyd Scott of Four oier 0nt about 45 miles south of here had her nose chewed off and herdips gums arms and legs bitten Doctors fighting to soveher life said today itwill be mat ter of years before plastic sur gery will be able to replaceth features of the child Mr Irvine wanted strike kind man and gentleman Stefanini 20 is kid who be lieved inthe labor movement Mr Irvine said All he wanted to do was help doctors orders his office Liberals Celebraie general elections Thursday FIND HUGE NIJGGET MOSCOW APlThe Soviet news agency Tass reported to day that gold nugget weighing 14150grams more than if poundshas been found in golf field in northwest Siberia At the official US price of $35 Troy ounce the nugget is worth approximately $16000 NUTSHELL PM Macmillanlnaé Cold LONDON AP Prime Minister Macmillan has cold and sore throat and has canoellediall weekend engagements on his today Anniversary QUEBEC GP Provincial Liberal party supporters turned out 4000 strong ataQucbec hotel Thursday night to celebrate the first anniversary of the partys triumph over the longreigning Union Nationale government in the 1960 Boy Drowns to Hamilton Harbor HAM1LTON CF Ronald Matthews drowned in Hamilton harbor Thursday after running offthe edge of pier while playing with friends Gerald Sabodos 15 dived off the dock in an attempt torescue him Forecast Rise InlBread Prices ronomo cof The price of bread will rise as at sult of the budg ts lowering the exchange value of the Carla dian dollar the president of General Bakeries Limited said ncnr Will Get Planes InIan OTTAWA OP The RCAF WilLlake new interceptor the American mom Voodoo mer or early fallvan airforca spokesman said Thursday The prisoners went to the US change 1214 prisoners captured LKennedyHosts Castro Rejects The radio Iurihcr quoted Cas tro as saying that the committee had been silent about another proposal to cxchunge the inva sion leaders for Francisco The Hook Molina proCastro Cu ban who is awaiting sentonclog In New York on seconddegree murder charge Albizu Campos Puerto hicao nationalist leader who is undcr custody in hospital in Pucrto Rico and Henry Winston on American Communist party lcadcr now in prison Vaniers BviWild YELLOWKNIFE CP This goldmining town in The North westTerritories had only half an hourto prepare welcome for GovernorGeneral and Ma dame Vanicr Thursday but the result was the wildest demon stration so far durng the 6000 mile viceregal tour that began June 12 The planes carrying the vice regal party were already in the air when Yelllprwknifb my 13 Ho adasl um ywa Whiting atTYclldwknife three days ahead of schedules The town was caught flat posted When thcfirst aircraft landed 15 minutes ahead of the viceregal plane the reporters aboard found the airport almost deserted Reason for the sudden chahge of program was steady rains which if out airstrip ahead of the Vaniers giant C5 orcraft RAIN DISRUPTS PLANS The confusion began in Fort Simpson previous stop on the tour The party had already been delayed 24 hours thereaby the rains When reports of more rain came in from Norman wrnrnsnm mouss ronscnsr TORONTO CPlA bright weekend with occasional showers was predch today for Southern Ontario Weather officials said nor lhvwesterly winds will push out rain and bring improved weather to southwestern Ontario this afternoon and Eastern Ontario tonight It wil be partly cloudy Sat urday with temperatures slightly cooler than normal Showers may fall Saturday afternoi More settled weather con ditions nre cxpccted by Sun day with sunny skies and warmer temperatures over allof Southern Ontario Greeted Cheering At Yellowknife Wells and Fort Normannext stop along the routeit was de bated whether to fly ahead to Iouvtk or go to Yellowknife The Vaniers had been sched uled to nrrive in Yellowknife Sunday on their way back from lnuvik in the Mackenzie River delta The 30 man party finally transferred ut baggage int twin engine DC 35 which had beeobnckstoppiog that tdoioolfutoipYellowt an unchonnira Tfiiddfcs flying time awa DINNER DELAYED The Vaniers arrived hungry an electrical maltoncti put outthe galley aboard thei air crpftand were driven to dinner downtown On arrival at the airport Mme Vanier said Arartt we nuisance Hcrewe are little early but we knew nothing would faze yoh the Governor Gencrnl said toMayor Horton Crowds of cheering children lined the streetsfwiLleags and thé din was so loud that people rushed from stores as the pro cession of viceregal cars turned into town players and unions deadlocked in thellS shipping tieup today pondered governmentpeace plan to end the eightday strike short of an otherwise expected court injunction President Kennedy is ready if the ship owners and six striking unions agree to name all issues and come up with recommended solution The plan calls for saltday strike rsuspehsion immediate comment officially from ship owners orfrom the various unions representing the striking seamen With losses already counted in millions of dollars more than 70000 men idle and ships stalled at their docks Labor Secretary Arthur Goldberg said this is toll the nation cannot afford at time when every effort is be ing made to stimulate the economy Among issues besides wage demands and other proposals that would go to the threevman panel is the matter of union in Refuse Commjentfi Co Court Action MONTREAL CPl Th Royal Bank of Canada toda de clined to comment on cou tion in New York by thelUnited States government which is su the bankJor $352 wsaidm Shannon associate general go of the book the moneymntbe ground the bank was it gligent infoilingto threeman committee to weigh In New Yorktherc was no government claims Leaders Study PéacePlani In Effort To Settle Deadlock WASHINGTON APY Em sistence that ship owners grant collective bargainingrighis on Americanowned vessels flying foreign flags The three man committee woilld have up to 45days to come up with its recommenda tions leaving 15 days of the day strike moratorium for the parties to negotiate on the basis ofthe suggestions The plan called for any settle mentto be retroactive to June 15 the date that the contracts expired and the strike began Stormy Debate Expected On Bill OTTAWA CPD The govern ments bill for the ouster of James Coyne as Bank of Canada governor was intro duccd in the Commons today The short blunt bill is entitled An Act respecting thKBank of Canada It says Her Majesty by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Can ada enacts as follows The office of governor of file Bank of Canoda shall be deemed to have become vacant immediately upon the coming into force of this act An explanatory note that fol lows says The purpose of this bill is to provide that vacancy in the office of governor of the Bank of Canada shall arise upon its coming intoforce Thebill will come into effect automatically once it receives royal assent expecied some time next week PASSES FIRST srAcn It was introduced by Finance Minister Fleming andreceived first reading onwhicu there is no debate The Liberals refused thene cessary unanimous consent for second reading oftha bill today move on which they had served notice Thursdaypight Mr Fleming saldthe govern ment was ready to proceed with the second reading debate at once The Opposition objected Thcro is no unanimous con scni said Pickersgill if Bonavistafwilliogntci Pucao 0N AGENDA Speaker Roland Michencr nr dcred the bill put on the Com fnons agenda for debate at ths nextsitting of the house which enables it be coiled Saturday or whenever the government wishes The bill is planned to cut short what normally would havc been seven yeor tenure of Mr Coyne in the $50ooonyear post length of service that would have transpired Dec 31 this Year under normal circumstan ces Notice of the governments ln tention lo inlroduce the measure was given on the Commons orp der paper Thursday Any idea the governor would be vigorously supported by tit Liberals was ruled out Thurs day night by Liberal Leader Pearsons statement on tclevi sion that it was impossible for him Mr Coyne to stay on But the fact he stood alone against the government did not seem to deter the gnvernm from his dccision to stay on until lirgd Reports earlierThursdayithat the governor was going toAro sign before the mgrits gallons5 blll was passed defiled by his office were EichmaniiJClaims He Sisveil ews By Diverting Them ToPoland JERUSALEM AP Adolf Eichmann claimed today that he saved 20000 Jews from ex termination by diverting them to an dy overcrowded ghetto in Lodz Poland The former Gestapo officer by lsrael with major ity for the Nazi EXP termination of 5000000 Jews also claimed that the diversion of the 20000 to Lodz was the first and only time that he had the chance to make such de cision Otherwise he asserted his superiors were responsible for extermination orders and he only arranged for the transport of the Jewsto thedentb camps bad the choice personally to determine the fate of these 20009 Jews he told the three judge Israeli court and di not want them to be sent to the East where knew extermina tion was goingon but sentihem to Lodz where knew that no such thing was going Eichmanns counser Robert Servatiushad cited document previously introduced by the representatives in occupied Po land complained that Eichmaoo was responsible for sending transports of to tho crowdedLodz ghetto Yes this complaint was jus tified Eichmann said INSISTS ro BLAME Again and again Eichmano in sisted that his superiors were to blame forthe mass slaughter of the Jews and that he was only an underling who carried out policies not one who made them iheformer Gestapo lieuten antcdlonol in his fourth ay on the witness stand tcstit SS Gen Heinrich Mueller his immediate in charge of Department of tho seCuirty police had the direct contact with the einsatz corri mandos the blitz battalions that murdered 2000000 Jews par tisons and gypsies in the cast interior Minister 1Wilhelm Frick and SS Reichstuehrcr Heinrich Himmler teamed to create the framework that led to the deliberate exterminatioh ofthe Jews on an order fro factions slg urich prosecution in which German Adolf Hitler

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