Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 20 Jun 1961, p. 8

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rspit pm AND MRS swrzrau fix ME AND MRS nonrm SINCLAIR GBANDDAU GHIEB JANE Qxillici EC buple Mark 50 Years and Mn William Swit rer of 66 Goldwater Road Dril lio received approximately an trienrk aid relatives on Sunday June ed the occasion of their 50th wedding anniversary The bride is the former bla tilda McKerroll They were married at Jarrett onMay 3t 11 by the late Rev Mac Vlcnr The groormman James Stlltul of Barrie brother of the groom was present for the anniversary The bridesmaid was the late Mrs LiloltlcPhee Mr and Mrs Switzcr moved to Orillia ttve years ago from Crown Hill where they had formed for the past 35 years They have faniily of live Har old of howl Mrs mu Manning Jenn of Creernore Dalia of Elmvnlc Mrs Stanley King Wilma of Barrie and Mrs Grsydon Colo Elsie of Orillla There are six grand Couple Mark Special Day Scottish couple who came to Canada St years ago celebrated their golden wedding anniver sary Sunday Mr and Mrs Robert Sinclair were married at double wed ding ceremony at Toronto June 14 1911 The bridels the former Mary Whvtc daughter of the late Mr and Mrs William Whyte The bridegroom is the son of the late Mr and Mrs James Sin clair my first resided in Toronto and Agincourt where Mr Sins cleir was associated with the Don Aida Forms for 32 years The celebrants have three daughters Mrs Lewis Beak Agincourt Mrs John Bell is liugton and Mrs Dean Burrows Toronto and two sons James and Robert of Crown Hill There aré seven grandchildren Mr and Mrs Sinclair receiv ed friends and relatives at their Crown Hill residence Stmdny T0 CHRISTEN SHIP MONTREAL CP The 000 ton lake carrier Mc Watters largest upper lakes vessel ever built in Canada is to be christened today and turned over to her owners Ne PigSgperfhcirkets Outdo fidld LOndon Shopkeepelrs By ROD CUREIE CInndlan Press Staff Wriler LONDON CP The Cana dianhousewite would probably be unimpressed with the aver age London supermarket but for the most part the women here are delighted with them When handful appeared on the shopping scene in 1956 crit ics said the supermarkets would never lure the women away from their traditional rounds to greengrocer butcher and fish mongeralmost social affair in the day of the British house wife Since then the number has grown to more than 500 with 236 of them in London and the south of England and present expansion plans will push the total to 1000 in two years Do the strong sentimental ties with Athefllittle shops the pro motersare investing heavily in bigger brighter and more elli clent outlets Already there are some super supermarkets but generally they are smaller than the Canadian variety the aisles narrower and the stock less varied STICK T0 GROCEKIES For the most part the super markets stick pretty close to the grocery lines avoiding mag azines nylons and other cloth ing kitchen utensils drugs and cosmetics They carry fresh meat but often shoppers return to their favorite butcher for the cuts And some supermarkets do not even attempt to compete with the neighborhood green grucers ul frag rant places with their clean firm fruit and vegetables and flowers displayed in damp interv iors and out onto the sidewalk Small tissue paper bags are used in many local shops and event those are often provided grudgingly since most shoppers carry their own baskets Inthe supermarkets the inex perienced shopper may find her self at the end of the check out counter confronted with her purchases and no equivalent of the heavy brown paper bag pro vided She may however buy paper shopping bag with string handleits called carrier for few pennies The little shops have always been popular here and because of the scarcity of refrigerators the housewife often made the traditional rounds three or four times week APPEALING IDEA Now withrefrigerators more common and more women work ing outside the home the idea of buying most of the weekly supplies under one roof is ap pealing Ode manager says the men stuck with the tedious job of shopping particularly like the supermarkets Many women find the decision difficult one The supermarket which EaVES time and pennies or the little shops with their chatty clerks and personal serv ICE SUN iSK ES RE Brisk win rid sinmy skies added final ochesn the nual soup and tea at Oh no ilTSAILPAST day Mrs Maurice Barrow wife of Commodore Barre pourstca whqu tea hostess months of 1962 Dont overtax yourself during Mrs Mansel Po ell stdnrh at big table vim Bargains are the supermar kets blg attraction Says the manager of market in fashion able Kensington Most women enjoy bargain even those with titles But the few pennies off is no bargain to the woman who boasts that she can phone her hutchu order steak and ask him to run across the street to the greengrocer for mushrooms to go with it gt He delivers the whole thing and theres no delivery charge To counter this appeal super market managers have used some extreme gimmicks One of the more ingenious is the sprink ling of sugar and coffee on the floorstogive the place the fnV mllinr grocery smell THE STARS SAY By nsrnELurs FOR TOMORROW Mixed planetary influences prevail now Business matters should continue to prosper and it will he good period in which to make long range plans Watch personal affairs however and dont expect too much in the way of romance FOR THE BIRTHDAY If tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that the next 12 menths will be ex tremely important where your career and finances are con cerned If you take advantage of all available opportlmities are cooperative with both su perinrs and associates and pro mote your highly original ideas in convincing manner results should rove truly rewarding duritg the current month in November late De cember and the first three Septemberhnwever and do not go to extremes during October Carelessnessiorlack of oonserv atism then could upset the apple Family and social interests will be under fine as pects for most of the year and romance will be generally well sspectedduring the balance of this month late December next May and June child born on this day will be warmhearted and sympo PAPERS owner LONDON Reuters The Sunday Dispatch Britain sec ond oldestSunduy newspaper was missing from British news vendorsf stands Sunday The dependent Conservative news paper has beenmarged after years with to av children hlJS Switch received the guesu in at dolphinlum blue mesh dress with corsoge of tiny yellow roses The dining room table was tastefully dcmldlcd RECEIVES AWARD The general proficiency award was presented to Miss June Bates at the graduation exercises held at Royal Vlc torla Hospital Barrie June The award was presented by Dr Smith June is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Melville Bates Stayncr BILLER SENTENCE MOSCOW Reuters Lev Biller 65 First World War prisoner of the Russions who later settled in the Soviet Un don has been convicted of smuggling gold and currency abroad with ihehelp of Soviet businessmen and tourism it was disclosed Sunday At his trial it was alleged that thou sands of dollars sent to one of his two sonsboth of whom left the Soviet Union alter the Sec ond World War40 help the son set up business in the United States The newspaper Lenin Banner said theMoscow re gional court severely punished Biller by isolating him from society His cxact sentence was unknown ed from Saskatchewan with lace cloth golden candles and ecentre of Talisman roses Pouring tea were Mrs James Switzer Barrie this Roy Porto ridge Crown Hill Mn Clayton Crawford Mellon Saskatche wan Mrs Vernon Caldwell Crown Hill Mrs Bessie Bell Orillia Mrs Marlorip Hunt reemore Assisting with relmhmmts were Mrs Harold Switzcr Miss es Maxine lVass Sandra King Carol Bowman and Jeanne Swit zer Mrs John Paterson Mrs mile Swilzcr and Mrs Stan Caiveriey The couple received many beautiful flowers gifts and cards Among the messages re ceived were letters of congratu lating from Prime Minister Dlefonbaker and Dr Ry nnrd MP It telegram from Alexunhan of Port Arthur Friends and relatives attend Call forntn Peterborough Toronto Barrie Crown Hill Jarrett Cer iev and prlllia RAZE OLD HOUSE MONTREALtCP Another llnk with Montreals historic past has fallen under the wreck ers hammer Demolition of building an east end St Go hrlel Street which dates back to lsalone of the few l7tbcen tury structures left in the city will he completed today Notes are Intended to cover the general sotJul life of the city and district Weddinl annlvarsurtes bridge parties birthdays continualego por tles visitor and traveller arean items of Interest to the women reader of thls page Your help in rnpplytng lhls new will be greatly Ip prectoted Please poem The Barrie Examiner PA 66537 and ask for the Womenl Page Holidaying the home of Mr and Mrs William Parr Cum berland Street for two weeks were Mrond Mrs Psrrs bro therinlaw and sister Mr and Mrs James Word of Montreal NEWFOUNDLAND GUESTS Mr and Mrs Dick Steele Coi lingwood Street are entertain ing Mrs Steeles twin sister Mrs Winterand daugh ter Miss Sally Winter St Johns Newfoundland during their two woeks visit In Barrie GOLDEN ANNIVERSARY Mr and Mrs Robert Sinclair Crown Hillde open house on the occasion of their golden wedding anniversary Sunday Guests at the event included Mr and Mrs Beak Agin court Mr and Mrs Bell Mi Susan Bell Donald Bell all of lslington Miss Coul son Unionville Mr and Mrs Thomas Connell Sr Mr and Mrs Thomas ConnellAJr and family all of Bexdale Mr and Mrs Jefifers Mr and Mrs PRODUCES FILM Torontoborn Helen Winston was winning praise in June 1961 for her productio1 ot Eminuto film called Band in Hand it had won six awards sfterbelog released in Febru ary Miss Wlnston started her acting career in 1949 and ap peared in more than 35 Holly wood feature films before turning to fl production In London Eng nndCP Photoi ANNOUNCES TREATY LONDON Reuters Bril atn Monday gave up its 62 yenr old protection of the oil rich Persian Gulf sheikhdom of Kuwait and instead announced treaty of friendship and con sultation SPEAKING OF PEOPLE AND PLACES Walker Mrs Marion Brown Mrs May all of Toronto the bridegrooms brother and sisterinlaw Mr and Mrs John Slnclolr and daughter Mar garet of Barrie SUNDAY GUESTS Mr and Mrs Albert Msglou ghlin Joan and David of Mid land visited with the farmers aunt Mrs Magloughlln Cimtbcrlund Street Sunday They were enrouto home from the Magle family reunion near chinburg MOTOR TRIP Mr and Mrs Donald Dicker son and daughter Ann Seaforth Street have returned from holiday motor trip Enroute they visited with Mr and Mrs Molson Pembroke Mrs chloersons parents Mr and Mrs Wmund RenfrEW and her grandmother Mrs ltntlvwell of Naval and Mr Dickersons parents Mr and Mrs Dickerson of North Bay BRIDEELECT ENTERTAINEJI Miss Marion Joyce Lambert Reg July hrideclect was guestof honor at kitchen shower held at the home of Mrs William Craig Codrington St with Mrs Jack Monkman as co hostess Miscellaneous showers were given by Mrs Fred An derton Owen Street and Mrs Iminson Lount Street with Mrs Alan Home and Mrs Lorne Carper as cohostmes Mrs Laura Maxwell Therm Kempenfeit Park was over run with kiddies saturday af ternoon when the nursery terian Church was entertain class of St Andrews Presby ed at an afternoon picnic ZMrs Art McLean wos in charge of the event assisted by Mrs JeffCunningham Tho youngstersahove won ribbons lnny WE guest of Mr and KIDDlES TAKE OVERjKEMPENFELT PARK PORPPICNIC for their racing abflitios They are left to right Lynn Knapp Beth Cotton Ann McCaw David Putt Bruce Gilfen Bev Verly Campbell Janice Rob son Examiner Photo Stroud Womens Institute June meetingwas held in the Corn munity Hall with on attendance of 18 Business included decision to limtthe number of banquets served to the year to five donation of $25 to family which has suffered fire loss bee to paint the hall kitchen cupboards on June 21 Committees were formed prepare for Barrie Fair and prize lists were distributed in the Flower Show August 23 The special district Wl meeting will be held in Thornton July 26 letterof appreciation was rend to Mrs Nelson and her committee for the lweedsmulr History up to date Mrs Cook and Mrs son gave reports of the District Annual held in Cookstown re ently Mrs Goodfellowl govecon raccollnt of re WI Member AtlendsCeIémony Honoring Institute Founder veiled in honor of Mr and Mrs Erland Lee who in 18M pi neered the first Womens lusti tuté It is interesting to note thatthe guests signed the spec ial book thatrested on the vial nut table in the Lee dining room at which Mrs iErlan Lee wrote in her ownhandwriting the constitution and bylaws of the Womens Institute Mrs Gordon Rlx eonvencr of homeEconomics had charge of the program which had as peeled guests and the motto was Wholesome homes are nation gave demonstration on prop er home tabls service and noted many pointsof etiquette which old iogracious living Mrs nix also gave hints on flower or rangements to help those who illhe exhibiting flowers Hostesses were Mrs Wat bonerlrs Alf Webb and Mrs roll call What serveunex the stepping stones of great Mrs Bill and Mrs FJackson Woman follows In Husbands Steps CALGARY CPlEvery spring for the last six years Mrs Jack thtup has followed the horseracing circuit through Alberta and Saskatchewan sthying with it until it closes in September Lately sue hastheen accom paoied by herjnfant son Mr Wittup himself has been doing the circuit for nine years But Mrs Wittup isnt gam bling tawny the housekeeping money she stenographer with the stern Canada Racing Circuit gt She took the job so she could he with her husband employed in the périmutuelsSheis the onl ForA fla Style 0f Dislinclion Vvrsrr Joan gumek HAIR srthsrs JI Mpio Avv ra stsot and Bracebridge McCusker CBE MC ED MI ofthe RCAMC Brig McCusker the RCAMC were present rellent weather for the adults and children who participated in Ed Brown of Centre Street ier having served in both world omen in tsman office YOUR HEALTH rm sums enemas TUESDAY JUNE mi Too Much Sunlight May Cause Cancer Jaysonrow FERN MD GLOWING tan is Sign of health True Faisth Sunbathing can make you sick True False Sun rays can cause hives True Pulse Suntoo lotions can give you true tan before sunbathing hue False Special pills prevent sunburn and speed tanning True fnl se False Wornout pl glands poor circulation and bratn disease can all give you that glowing tan Usually You tan when harmful sun rays get under your skin To defend ltsett the outer skin layer thickens while spclt ciui cells deeperdown manu facture brown pigment mel Mrs Anno Woss Sunnldalo Rood during the weekend Mrs Florence Ross Bayflcld Street entertained her grand daughter Miss Sandra Ross of coin Sun rnys can barely pierce this thick dark skin But all men arent created equal some have more pig ment than others nght blender and rodheodsalten freckle and burn and never ton True Sunlight may eventual ly lead to cancer After years of climbing crews nests and nniltng up scarecrows sailors and farmers find their weather beaten sunvsoaked leatherliko skin fertile ground for cancer Even darker tnns protected by that recessed filter of melanin arent immune to skin cancer me Allergic sunworship pers sometlma break out in hivos others battle suntrigger ed fever blisters False Tanning lotions put sun glasses on your skin so that you wont burn all at once Vthn your skin thickens and darkens You wont have to open bottles for lotion of pro tection FALSE TAN To give you that tan feeling before you sunbathe many to tions stain your skin with yellowbrown dye Thts false ten Cookstawn during the weekend can boost morale while youre VISIT KITClIENER Mrs Peggy MuePhorson Mlss Janet MocPhcrson Rose Street Mrs JR Smith Sophia Street and Larry Mulligan Camp Ear den motored to Kitchener on the weekend and were guests of Dr and Mrs Picher Rock wny Drive ENGAGEMENT Mr and Mrs Clarence At kinson Phelpston have an nounced the engagement of their daughter Mtg Beatrice Elaine Atkinson to John Campbell Steele Toronto son of Mr and Mrs Steele Belfast Ireland Tbevwedding ceremony will take place in Zion Presby tenan Church Sunuidale Com ers July Guess at thehome of Mr and Mrs Harry CooperpRoss Street at the weekend were their dau ghter Mrs Hurdle and grandchildren of Aurora Mr Hardie left from Barrie enrOute to Victoria British Columbia where he will be attending convention EMBLEM DINNER Members of Barrie BP and Club who motored to Huntsville last evening to attend the Hunts ville Clubs emblem dinner were Miss Evelyn Kightley Mrs Ralph Dawson president of the Barrie club Miss MildredMer edith and Miss Gladys Glibank The dinner was held stjhe Ern pire Hotel other clubs repre sented were Oriliia Collingwood BORDEN NOTES The CFMSTC Sgts Mess was the scene of great occasion when Mm Dinner was held recently in honor of Brig Honorary Colonel Corrrmnndant was introduced by Brig Smith CBE CD ASGZ Sur geon General Staff Ottawa Brig McCusker spoke on the Medical Services of both world wears This dinner also marked another unique occasion most of the Regimental Sgt Majors of lhe Trinity Chapel Sunday School held amost successful picnic this month The weather map was kind and provided ex this annual event The winner of the Camp Bor den Community and Schools As sociation Bermuda Raffle was Angus Ont Ll Ruther ford associationstreasurer pre sented Mr Brown with cheque for $400 Mr Brown presently employed as Civil Servant at the RCAF School isan old said wars TRIPLE WEDDING Three sisters married in triple ceremony at Cagnesn Sur mcr nce departed for hon to Spain Italy and Northern France waiting for your own pigment True Oxypsoralencapsules two hours heforc your run both prevent burning and speed tanningwhen you soak up the sun Because of side effects however oxypsoralen prescrip tions are often reserved for the fairest of the fair Was your score fair Or to your face red voice Of Women To wage Program TORONTO CPiA 1962 con stitution including an eightpoint program against outdoor war was endorsed Saturday at the closing session of the first an nualVoice of Women conven tion Heading the womens antinu clear planswas one for con ference of leading women of many countries to be held in Canada in mid1962 The VOW will ask the federal government to divert one per cent of its defence budgetto es tablish ministry of peace to undertake peace research and to encourage other countries to follow The government will be asked also to mtert its influence to pre vent resumption of nuclear test log The 60 delegates representing 5000 members were opposed to the spread or possession of nu clear weaponsead favored more international aid with emphasis on the Peace Corps type of work Mrs Tucker of Toronto was reelected notional presi dent of the central council 0n tario president is Mrs Gordon Conant of Oshawa NEWCOMER Havelyuu nrhas someone you know just moved to new hope vainwoman Winn Hostess will all with giftnand friendly

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