imam in d6 NIH June mun Mm I4d Dell No 609 96ng mWwflJI MW wmvwv vflrwqw v3 tIortIottI tthehoudll Blueprint Include complete detail for building In either Holt or Frame Servicedoorieattheelde deowwmwig lerblaetebytbebneneway deeiredthiaeouldbeeloeedin MWedwedMmereie leeiouibranextre wadi roorninthebuernertlmation Itdlredlybelowttiebathroom Ilttieareh redudnaooetoi lumb terhr ration two on with wood accent but complete detaila tor bulldlna in irnrne are included on the Blue glam Standard Blueprint lor Dd N0 609 coat 500 Mmeiflutandté00 additional aete They are ave able In Cuteda by return mail Oratorio Maidente muat remit per cent Seine Tax The Sulldinl Editor The Barrie Examiner Barrie Ont book entitled mm ADDRESS FIRST IIID FOR THE HOM By ROGER WHITMAN PAINTING PEOPLE iIEITSiii it tee In two yeare ego qu watermix ed paint Some oi It in tight and hard to remove Should attempt to not It all oil or that the loose ht Also the win dowe In th mom will not hold aint The paint on the runner uet tinker Ind peell and there are large open line on the aide at the Irnmee We have no trouble with the run oi the woodwork in title room ANSWER The ueuIl cum oi rain peeling Ia moisture work nz irorn underneath the paint conï¬rm and pushing the point oil the euriaee Since you also mention peeling paint on the window tumor Ilronnly ree ornmend you have cereiul Ina Mermaid 1°I we own mm In are the irame meet the aidinl Even email notice will allow mournI to nominate and moi Iture la mbably enterlnl the top at the lrarne and vimkin doer out throng any neceaaary eorreetione beiore repainting Scrape oii all loose end illklns point tiuhtly adhering pain can remain Rut beaure the mince II absolutely tree oi Irene PAINTING LINOLIUM We are nettle dliierent dttrnlture im our Idtehen and the floor linoleum wont match the new set Howcenthellno learn be painted another color First wipe the lhwleum eurim with benzene to mom Iiitraoe oi wnx Irene RIM ete be very cereiul oi the tire bum he lure thevldtehenie well ventilated and that all open iiamee unit an pilotlizhu are hilt extinguished Then use my load quelity iioer paint or floor en amel ioliowina menuiaeturere toetructlone on the container cueiuily moon rrrxrunne l0Q We are Irlelnl pmugoud partition our downetaira hall or extra lava my How can bathroom ix el bare elm be attached to plaeterboerdi Hardware denim and variety Itoree II well In Inme housewarea dealere curry many llch epecial ot tutenrr ineludlne what known II to lie bolte tor thia human ie Ineerted throum hold drill ed In the the mew ahtene In place the toule Iproede to back oi the bond keeping the urew Ind iixture tiehtly in place AIIo epedai bathroom iixturea to be attached with Idhellve to wall auxtam are available It meny variety and hardware Item FAST WEATHERING COPPER QUESIION II there any way In Woodrow ve veeee wgh had iiniah oxidized upper ANSWER To live Itronz solution oi weeth lode then rtnae with clear bot weter leuterboIId and Ie Encloaed pleau ilnd ti ior which Iend me the new SUBUERAN AND OOUNIRY HOMES Pirate make remittance payable to The Barrie EIIminerl mum then rim with elur wa uigdté ih°°°i can Der eurtaoe ntedly with ed lineeed ah REMOVING WALL COVERING QUESTION We have lino Mae eoverine over the upper hall at our bathroom walla How can we remove thiIt ANSWER Fry oorner oi the wall cover near the ceiling iooee Then with ilrm etendy motion pull the rent oi it away hour the wait tinea Inch ea Ilene holder tow YEMWED TILE CEMENT We hive whke pearl yin tlo tile In our bathroom lire cement haI become yellow In there In can are that woulde tenthleendyeinot harm the the Apply bouaehold bleed eolutlou urine very unall pointed brush to yellowed oe ment then rinee oil thorouth with plenty oi water NETS the dietId at the WI Dmtl Ill Iianzbera oi Strutd WI landed at bill In evaaine when lire Oeom oi Ibtllnbam diatrlet fluid buried on the National lion bald Nova wiee ior anneal baptism Ileoptghm More ready or flower about Aue It Mr and hire John MW and to route with Mr and hire Neil Joan and iamily THORNTON ey hate naoeol noLr Mr and Mn Can Ind hiary mot Int weekend in too don with their on in and daughter Mr and Bob IIrman SympImy in extended to hire Ilarry Van Sedan and Com Van In the pa oi Harry Van Eeden in Roy Victoria Hoepitai on July Servieee were conducted by Rev Leonard Warr In the Huzhee Funeral Home in Goalie town with Interment In horn ton Union Cemetery WI DISTRICT RALLY Ihoee irom Thornton who at tended theSimeoe South WI Dietrict Rally in Coolutown Iaet Needayeveninu were Mra Raid Mrai It Evane and bin Geore Holt large crowd wII attendence in epite oi the heat It we at note that all live diatriet preeidenu well the area preaident oi Simeon County were present Mn Wicea reporte oi the NItloneI Convention tnlerIperaed with eoloriul Ilidu ehown by Iuek rrie made toe very Inlormailve evenina lMINIIY UNITED Lent Sundaye Iervlce It lfln ity United Church war ed by the Maaa Council of Sin me Praebytery Ron Mdadp den brought the meeule while Alvin Ihompeon nulatod by at plIinlnn the work oi thia The mom war Mr Max eon oi Smiths Fa pen led on piano by Mn Carroll oi Itnliy Holiday uueste oi Mr Mn Carr were Mr tollile and Min PER 73m Egigre M1 M11 VAN III the thewaeugeuddwtthllraad AleaGraham Mr and hire lawie ltoddart day the wart ooeet 1dr Ind hire Howard Drink wIter oi Rerdale Ipant the ledehd with Mr end Mn Sandaraon Elehteen membora oi SenderIon and Cameron iamiilu had dinner mother on Sunday to celebrate the weddlnl anniversary oi Mr and hire Sandman and the birthday oi Duncan Centeron Mr and hire Walton Craw Iord oi Allleton and Mar Iiewltt oi Oralehurat vielted Mr and hire hiax Idvinuton Sunday Rev RM and tire Writer oi III ewood NJ ulled on Mr In rm Alex Graham Int week Mr and hire Alan Fell and Iunily oi Orillia called at Cemerone tart Friday en route mmoT within the Welt Ooaet In Miehllan wMe Mre Sam eon melded at the Auzuatw routine at MrI Robert Campbelle The Scripture readinxand medl ion wera liven by Mra Cameron Mn Campbell led in the topic The CIlllllIllI Scene and nimnion ioliowed Ite porta on recent wedding ban oonduct ï¬lrete and the picnic were elven do Comm IVI Prawn Oonmtulatlona to Mr and hire George Andreea the Bligh eon brother tor Mlee Jeeale ailehrlet oi lor onto went the weekend with her Iieter hire hi Campbell hire IIth Blackeioeh nt Iiew ayalboiidey withei end near Parry Sound bFï¬ mu wen 115E 55 gfgiï¬irg sr PAULS Hut PRATT Mlle Colleen Ja Poet ie viaitine flint and until Mr Ind lira Howard Ind Mre EM Wemiea gramme weekand do Holiday visitore with Mra Georre Stratqu and unity were Mr Ind Mu Robert Clair end Waltu Sttnden Handheld Mr led him RID ell Stranded and family Barrie um um earner moan1 yuanturner and hire Spook Iéiii°t in qu mum at mine workaround menu no In WI line emu the melted with tivu Mileandwua Itatthe IiiIey Ratellit in Stout mile Balpilrt mum Ieturday Ind Idre Howard Archi bald and iamlly vlalted relativee in St OathIrineI dtttlnl the put lath Gerald and Wayne Maybe vu aw Simone hir Im lira album are boildaylnl at their oottm till lllli weddinl Monday Any In lrlnit lean Grand Bend Hui Armetron ot Sunday wit trlaede idland Allen any and Larry WilIon ramIlned It the Boya name at Midland where they upett to epaod two weal Vieiiore at the home oi Mr and hire Emma Dale durine the holiday weekend were Doo iore dads and Am and mix oi Don Mliil Mr and lira Slower and Holly oi Port Cre dit Mr and Mn Emereon Dale and iemily oi Brampton and Mr and hire Dela Brandtidle at Port Credit WI mil Bunnlnu mmtmms THEBEST COTTAGES BUILTV BEST FOR LESS WITHQUALITY MATERIALS FROM Thornlea CASH CARRY arm 728972 enema VB GROOVE PARTICLE BOARD IPANEIIING Wit Toll 0M PRIIINISIIED WOODGRAIN RANDOM V2 6300le gnemoano LAURENTIAN PROVINCIAL CHERRY eumrmur Sheet 320 CEILINGIIIE sawavarnaummwmmmtp wwmemquv coll ppgms IN BUILDING WINES Lon term credit arranienientev can be married with monthly