ï¬rnvnwflv 7w eiw¢Mmm hanmeWF wwwcrvvwrwwm evesw new nip Lancers sou can RelyOn Type When Picking Mate abs sot the me please Lenderswhat sou layoutBruin gt near an than are as many dlflsnnitgse at men as there tare vari what sea shellslNo we are Some men ova domineering battle ass and outer so tor the clinging vine You gotta know the territory Honey SECONDHAND Dear Ana Leaders My prob lem is bunch or square Mains They live in dliterlst city and we are all the same age which Is it set their clothes when that are through with them hate their clothes because they are so babyish My mine II are Eggges would tor ingmandulldludhmksr lets her Freezer Packages martini who Should Be Dated who mitt to sup Wham out AND Mas rm vancmxoov Home Reception Follows Ceremony reception at the home oi the brides parents lollowed the exchange at vows between halitemoma cousin was tlowar ton cousin oi the bride was Shirley Ann Lighuoot and Peter rtnghesrer VsnDerKooy Standards ot variegated glad toll and terncry decorated Con trol United Church tor the at tarnoon ceremony conducted by Rev Donald sy July 25 the bride the daughter at Mr and Mrs James Llnht hm lost at Ottawsy Avenue Bar rie The bridegroom srents are Mr and Mrs Van DerKooy ot Simud BRIDAL GOWN Given to marriage by her isthar the bride was gowned in lulilength dress or nylon and lace over taliota tho mold ed bodice of the gown teaturgt eds jewelied neckline and long ta sleeves The billowing air of the gown wal accented by double tier oi isec sweep ing to chapel train rhino atone tiara held the brides waistlength veil of illusion cutie inndlaee She carried prayer book adorned with sprayef rnauva orchids AHENDANIS The brides attendants includ ed her sister Miss Marion nghttcot ot Barrie as maid of honor Her cousin Miss Pa tricia Taylor oi Goderich wu the hridesnaid Mlal Jennie VanDarKooy of Stuuliviila the Early Collection Of Books The maid ol honor and the bridesmaid were attired to aim Uar gowns of pink nylon ovcr tatiets thalr headdreeses were tsbrlc roses and veiling to match their dresses Roses tinteduhlue isshioned their ue the flower girl wore track oi white nylon over tstiela with matching rose headgiece and she carrieda ba et otblue tinted roses Loo VanDerKooy of strand attended as but man Bob Givens also ot Stroud was the or Receiving the guests the brides mother wore twoptece ment green suit with white Ic cetsories and corsags white roses flse bridegrooms mother slated attired in pastel bius ensemble with matching acces sories and corsage ot white The bride chose navy blue suit accented with whiteaeces scriea tor travelling On return from the wedding tripto Southern Ontario points the newlyweds will take up real dence at Elil Stroud Guests attended irom Stroud Stourlville Kingston Goderlch and hith Albert Randy Clarita ot Kings who moans Standards OtSummer Flowers marriage oi Annico Dsrlene Seeiey and tiny Robst King in Cashs United aim Baskets oi yellow gisdioll and poms adorned the church tor the sitcrnoon ot tlciatad at by Roy Donald it our The church organist it ireisnd accompanied the soioist Donald Lalneon lhe bride la the dllllllhf of Mrs Albeit Saeley of Smith Gasoent Believtlia and the late Mr Seeiey grooms parents In Mr and Mn Robert King at Sophia Street West Barrie CWYLACE BOWN lbehridewssascortodtothe sitar by 0TSeeicyflartloor lengthgownwaaieahionedot Chantilly lace and slur organsa agfdhtenmoildagacehoï¬lneoewith scsope nee Ip pliqued withscqubsaAiewollad flowerclued pearlsandcry stallholdthebouftsnttln ttpvailolnylonlliualcnt lhebrldecamedabououotot yellowrosessndivystmmers Anus emu hermit tit iti mom and Miss Ruth Eigglhsors were bridemnalda lha attendants were gowned alike in sheet length sheath gowns at ydlow cotton ahansung dew with lam of yellow lace Their headdmsee wan Led To Libraridn Career By ROBERTA nonaca Seeds that take root in Im tly pursuits can sometimes grow up to full bloom yobs latcr on In ure in tact we hear oi this hap every now and then And the other day we heard it once more when we interviewed Pearl Sherman at River Vale that WW as ero books or school ï¬rm pub tï¬ libraries and school boo 15 While was growing up my family had secondhand book shop 50 my homciiie was geared to the world at books Mrs Sherman explained Later on both my brother and sister worked inthe hook field for their careers But had strictly nonbookish Job in busi ness Attelr my marriage how ever gave up working stayed at home tolive the typical life of wife and mother did maintain large personal collection oi hooks moumandiuadsmeatdcal and kept up in the ital Despite her collection ol books however Mrs Sscrman lookOut Meals or an dren caohel wlth Hernbengcrs take on erect flavor when cooked over chatcoals Served withaooidsaiadandloacream itivswnoistsmuycaogwyttle andyond Lar luau nus om cost For Family Treat rm never thought of then as the seeds at future blulnees But from the time her youngest child was year old she wanted some work she could do hou at horns one dayin library heard per son at the desk ask for hard toget cowlprint hook Since lhadthaboolsathomelol fared the librarian the chance to buy it lnrpressed with her pleased motion aiter sup ur ues the l3 that agar libr el ï¬ght he in need ol my books The idea seemed well worth tryBetore too long Mrs Sherman had tab so lying hooks mm her own on action STARTED ADVERTISING Later she said wan has my personal collection in 33 it newspapers or oftpnnt and used books Then set up business in the cierical work At tint my stacks weremade mm orange crates and my and their blflldl weremy stall As the buatnéss began to glow however and mm and more school litres years ago needed more space she said so moved from my home to new quartersan put in many kr each week surrounded by And history is repea lt sell right in my thirdly 11ng because when visit my grand son age six he asks What book are you bring New Spray Can for Tray lling immune can ev use in automobiles make dimmer driving inï¬nitely more condon able and less hausdons tor both drivers and passengers this Wgeazs white bee or oth El bunill around you lust reach totthe can which comes in special carton that can hath on car window or doorknob shoot the pleasantlyscented spray in the general direction at the pest and presto don tor ml The bride Edna from Bellsvilie Stirling homo lg HARRY KING nosesand times with white hat and cor saga oi Johanna Hill roses and white carnations For travelling the bride chm navy blue and white dress mentor wills Msiotflamccï¬wrics maze roses and white earmtlone The couple will malts their new home at 11c Panctsng Street Barrie Outoicity guests attended Woodstock and Midhurst it Good Breakfast Overcomes Fatigue $33 53 egg ti he as go go at Egg egg Eta Ea 53 552 it iEE 533 protects yous equipment Iengarl tta spook blended tee 533 egg and almond tiny baked to so Pm escaping sell edges wail top crust is inchlarserrthan pie liit lower crustad lap up per crust under Press tilt pastry isthlcls cut upper crust flulh with edgeoi lower crust with and press crusts at sea demos 555 it we 35 is as it ea at Aer it to Cherry no Summer Treat The tantalising aroma oi tresh cherry pie warm tram the oven lstommy la onsotths besttromsspdtw rial should be tlrm sumsnes Cher shiny ump tree lrosn and ave 1tu ripe cocr Wash cherries drain dry and retfl erste Cherries store tairly wa with its in but should be used quickEy cncs pitted Ontario wn cherries are plentiiul cherries taste eltc Irubttdsslads or served whole in Harare better cooked and metro mllllkwng recipe tor Pie Deluxe uses trash cherrl Black sweet ions In trash oi greens Red sour cher ies and preserves merry sour cannnvrraoaauxa lcups pitted tresh vsottr client tto taupe sussr cup tlour on tablespoons tapioca Vs teespoonf almond flavoring stabierpoons butter paslg tor 9inch twocrust Combine chmrise tiour sugar stry mkmnm or lti butter and OOVEt with close tan Cttt moisten or outer therBske or about so my mom WANI nos PHONELNW Mrs John Kennedy torn plane at tondm siter atltpht turn the tormar First To Feature it County mtlnbtthitti Entitled lilsto Ross Veal Sam Devil tlsh caught in County trout pleural Ellesmwn in orcha thlsoounty For bolts management at El hemloodr Wind muss her hair is New My mootheAdrlstioSea Cookbook earlyautumn at the simcoe countyMuaeum at Mldhurst th writer srnnt vacation antiseoo the yacht Clan tvfigkkorm damn um outot the country since walks airport York is en tor bio innn londom Simcoe Book Pioneer Recipes attire Huronla Museum sale in Museum Waters slke Fruits including rec tor ap dim me sows cook book will oontsln more than toil with each pa MIN essuring inches plastic binding wtti enable table it to open tlat oaths assassination oi President Kan seedy AP iWirvphoto via ca lt will also be on sale at the Nancy island notion counters gilt shops etc especially those cat orlng tothe tourist trade in the in the my area lag the hook wt contain sec ipes which have been tested and are rated delicious They hear names such as Madonte Pot eih Breast ot Idtord Beets with Sour Cream Cashtowh Cabbage Ocrllflanaisiand Blueberry ien Clio Etc Also included are tlsh dines oi thinks thaï¬t are that darling thnlts bsrhowllsdlho calls me seltldt and says am Lucky to have so many things wear When show up at school in suite and ruttlea and bowl rrty $ends howl Another came yesterday thost dresses are the worst m3 teal should be towed yIguassu clothesi hate need some advice and need it nowRags Dear item No layearold should be iorced to wear clothes able hates mm some the dytflsses somiwing the frills and dodl lt may be Within it are as should not be pressured lit whaling it that because it is Fsr better to have iiwsr clothesin which you test com tortable RETURN GAME Dear Ana Landassr rticulsrly interested in letter from the woman who wrote to say lie was unhappy because her invitations to play cards were on the decline She alt perhsgs the reason might be that own consistent winner hllitlsvingl been ilsiriy not payer mm or me then so years would like to give this woman something Io think aboutJoms card players love to he invited out they never want to hava the same at thstr house over the years ped savarnl excel loot cmi syers because they mums Ieresteti in return cour say You may thinlr am cold blooded but lteel that ho ital lty and triendshlp should twoway street woman who is togela or toocigeap to clean use prepare little snack tor her iricndl should not be entertained in deï¬nitely there Now canbgltsin back llilo minding LY own it can stead oi yawnCommittee ot have One Against Oar Drillers Dear Committee Many thanks for minding my bust nese Your iettcr was good one arullI asrce withdymy not clear as car are arndy concerned but all types at MUSICAL TONE Torres musical tnstnunents rsnga irom so vibrations sec and to 5000 her mum to no lo renames ransom