mnwv my mmmaaanmkue Bassist sistsr or R0 nonter or Thursday night 10 driver at one thegcars DARRIE EXAMINER FRIDAY AUGUST IN ll ANNOUNCEMENTS REAL ESTATE BURTON LODGE snorsarv son eats NURSING HOME home away tram borne tor Ill and bed patients Diets re habilitation programs meow or 7250913 octAm NVMINO FuIIIIOIIILSuINCS ONTARIO ARK EDEN NURSING HOME Built tor this work Accommo dations tor bed and up patients IMIIS and lemale aood lood itelevulon Reasonable rates Cali Stroud 4301401 ROLLING ACRES FARM Potatoes now svallsbla Any quantity No Sunday sales please mournerer RR UNPIA ATTENTION BARRI RESIDENTS In order that our healed swim ming pool may be made avail ahle to local citizens we have lnstltuted day rate THE CONTINENTAL INN roerm BIRTHS HAPPY OCCASION Th birth Ill chlldl Tb ill III 054 friends and slcl moon The llamle CII ilsd Stall orna yarnr us TD lllA II only ILLS roansir and um ntwasd atrr an one Station who to announcs error mu flauntr tnorem Haul on WI All ID It ml Royal vremn Hospllai larrls NEAR Mr and MN Donald Nsar of no Barrie an away armoursca the mini ol tour or daughter Denise nirabItIl all Wednesday ADEIII II at Ill Royi Vklofll os itai sum ENGAGEMENTS mosnoosan Mr sno Dill studs sum wish on annouoca tho ansurnenl or lr daulhtor Winmm to lidney Kleelemon son of Mr and Mrs John rrloommaa or Ewan rm earn an ay ï¬n the chumr huma larch Barrie Real Estate Erokers our street Barrie share at Barris nunm Ilaai nuu snare MORTGAGE MONEY AVAILABLE AT REASONABLE RATES RLIIER TAKE LOOK 011000 will buy this lovely can tre hall plan bungalow with ex cellent vlsw oi bay Larga kit chen separate dining room two large bedrooms exlrl nice luliy Insulated auntoom NOIIAWASAGA RIVER lilr storey insul brick shedroom home with complete new bath room Located next to ball park Highway or Edenvale Close to boat rarrip LOT CODRINGIDN ST no set lr iage south side ol Codrlnglon verage depth leet Could have walkout base maul PHON ES Ollch muss Emory MILLER PHOTO REALTOR 19 COLLIER 57 must ROME WITH INCOME Centrally located storey room home hu separate entrance tor one bedroom apart ment Garage nlee lot elm to schools Prompt possession and my payments Call Emer son Swain EVENINGS CALL RITA SCANDREIT ShiwkrrIW rust hlARSltAu usssir EMORY MILLER IIIUSS lldanabara ol Barrie and nunm Roulston lDll oI Roll hula Board and Mrs Joseph Roubton Coch CARS ON 11 ea SIIDMIY II It IllSI 58 WORSLEY ST Mortgage Funds Available ALSO PROPERTIES FOR RENT 7184001 BEFORE YOU DECIDE See these two outstanding boys ranch type bungalow near Johnson Street Sdrool This one has an extra large living room with llreplace and also din ing room Approximater 1000 for an architecturally designed our bedroom house on two levels near Oakley Park School Liv ltng room has cathedral ceil og Ask or Norm Synnott to show you these wills no obligation IN THE MARKET FOR FARM ecrlu I0 000 omlanydslza new you some ow own wwfll HBEF flush payments Isome with milk con easing south tracts others wrth assistmss acass rum no name No ca Ralph Eme Ansua would Illal lo toarur onI who he so av ur ter oraeyarreS eziwnrnr In gym5mm WEI are on runway so on rut riskier tsetsr 7157 none Thl III rssssss Heston Harm her brine to lose It JACOBS Marllat Allen At Ilse Royal Victoria ll fie millby her also mrvved by light nlndchllaran ne nlna mar ï¬nndchlldnn in an acre yur woet our her service later CARDS OF THANKS Yerek MUINI Dru and Iroutd slits to HHCITEIY uranEmtn Mcomoul tn It Mflymlï¬Voe ell FLEMINGWC will to express our gratitude to friends nslrb bore and Nlatlves 01 their lltlfl to ourm the loss at our Inved dlulhier and MIT also coma in an ltall In Mount SlnAi Hmltll Toronto the Rev alum or consolins words ta Msthars lMflBMr Walter south and sunny wish to mm lhair ah earemthanasn rung apranclatliglboto lm their acts or film me use IIIII PHOTO MIS REALTOR 79 3me 51 7261405 IICOMING EVENTS OlENinHouss BARRIEVIEW DANCING 18 Tower Crescent EVERY Glen Court SATURDAY can con ruseamou cnannar sma Friday m10 nr GOOPLES ONLY Saturdayl am all PINECREST Sundava 9r 50 couple For tabla reservations PHONE ELMVALE 75758 ntuaroucounr AGENCIES1Tb HOUSE Ohio iAPIEllht DBI 10 COLUEBST sons were killed when two cars mama 7735991 collided headon near Item Central Ontarios Leflteat Real Estate Brokers from ML Realtor henna can mo na Ithrillerarouse Alex bureaumalls ooro Spannerresorts LtdI EmEMEsAaleITA 181 Egllnton Ave Toronto 0873338 mmtmnmm LESGRIFFITHS passion =Fayette County Sherlll Don aid Thompson Identified the dead as Robert LamJohnson his passengers George Stoddard t0 Kenneth Elias El uron lo and John Richard Wright 00 all of nearhy Jel lereonvill John Frank Van dervort the other driver andhie wits Mario Nicholaa Vand Ollioers said the crash ap parently occurred what the northbound can carrylng the flouryoung mencrossed over lniotlusombhoundlauottrsb PHONE new rive Clare sereena oilvlunrace screened and on luhonthly wtu near 51 are eaorsarv roe sass TROGERSR CONNELL PHOTIJM LhSï¬EREALTOR am PHONE 7285568 Save sure with or soon run BROOM 2SIOREY BRICK l2200 DOWN SINGLE OPEN MORTGAGEI 011000 0a good treelined midentlai street in Allandals are histh recomsnea this as excellent vaius in larsatsml home With Income potential it required In Uptop condition ll bard rrood lloors upstairs and down It has Ilnest General Electric oil ltrcd hot water heating system and theres an extra washan en the main floor Basement Is at poured concrete divided and Illa walkout lo the garden Tha We open moflaags carries at only 000 monthly real opportunity tor large lsrniLvl Il MOUNIBAIIEN RD VERY CLOSE TO CODRINGION SCHOOL $15000 Garage attached Lbedroom bungalow in highly his location Thls spotch up his lront kitchen Easement foom desira dlvided into rec room lsuo storage room and large lruit cellar Owner tranrterred quick poueasloo and excellent terms 115 COLLIER STREET 2000 Very central with view at the day thedroom centre hall pl at traditional charm three ï¬replaces This is corner ro perty and Its nicely enclosed rounds oliar excellent privacy as good dry lull basement and oll lred hot water heating PHI mort gage excellent terms are otlered EVENINGS CALL MEMBER RARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD MacArthur7100031 Mrs Norlna Rogersmen Rogers7204502 Cantrell7700705 CAMPBELL Reai Estate and Insurance Photo MLS 32 HIGH ST 7260241 RES 4875274 01 ot Value Mortgage Funds Available SUNNIDALE nonnnnan Enticing newer home with living room tiireplace dining room kitchen knotty pine cupboards bedrooms large pce bath Large knotty pine recreation room with walkout door carport double drlve New exclusive listing call Ioan Lens NEW EUNGALOW CDOSE T0 BARRIE Just oil Highway ll north large living room kitchen combined bedrooms bathroom good well to acre land Listed price $0500 low down payment balance on one mortgage 50 ACRE FARM tram Close to highway Inga Contact Bill Rawn OUT OF TOWN LIVING acres with room house completely redecorated approximately in miles lrorn Barrio Priced at only $5500 Will consider amall down payment Carries ior 500 per month contact Bill Rawtl 81 MELROSE AVENUE bedroom spilt iivel large living and dining room combined extra large kltclren with Hanover cupboards and builtIn stove and oven liniahed recreation room laundry room extra toilet in basement carport with paved drive aluminum storms and screens largo lot 57 175 lsnced and nicely landscapedtcall Joan Lang NEW COTTAGE 0N NORTH SHORE OF LAKE SIMCOE Large living room and kitchen combined bedrooms bathroom gï¬ulatfldl st beautllul setting at pine trees sloping down to lake ce Mrs Joan LangltdSldl Del Cole720100 good land all working excellentbulld Charles Read7180017 Mrs Loreen Rice1424s Don Campbell7201705 Slit listen7100001 Joe LongUn muons Ilaaaear ee Eaartl and nunm nut ntara aeare SHELSWELL andv WILLSQN Photo MLS Realtors COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE IS DUNLOP ST 7261422 or 7281423 INCOME HOMES Downtown area one on Sophia St and one on Dunlop St Large lots loads oi room or parkinngall Orca Brown for all the details IMMEDIATE POSSESSION Central location llret time altered lovely brick bedroom bungalow living room and dining combin ation Master bedroom 11 10 years old Aluminum storms and screens Ienced yard nicely landscaped Low down payment Call any member ol our stall MLS DOWNTOWN AREA zbodroomhrlck bungalow heated by oil lull basement has garage and paved drive only live minutes to live points call John White BAREIE TERRACE 100 it lskeahore with lovely yearround home call Norah Retires MACRES with panoramic view at city on Highway 400 south b0 ACRES DriveInt Area south Cali Norah Retires lor details We have some very attractive outoltown aoreagea call any member our atoll 77bit In Allhille zoos honor muss OEVIIIILSH MODERN BRICK HOUSE Tallahdal Park MI Permanenv home panelled recreatl 72M 72 $34850 on South Shore olBey LES FROM CITY LIMITS accessible all year bedrooms bathrooms on room tlreplacea aluminum atoms and glaaaed verandah eaves wired lor icecontrol many other extras PRIVATE 7268164 EAST Ni and callant condition Prlva Olson down payment Ill woutdaxehanse Inr lneoml home or aluminum Tlllphnrla HHS naresrnoarss is re room am 1112558th Isnt lIll basemlnt lour land oat spbehs 77570 noon an house sale orrent 1am bedrooms dlnlrss roorn llvlns em kitehsn sun your oil hu n11 Athens on AN beach Tsiepitons at MS unworis Kznn sisrill gator Anhm sa Nb ear sansntsosr rurooa Jr GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR 4BARRIE Meets ass on roofs 73 51 owners musraanao Slim PRIVATE SALE OLarge living room with broad om swornmemoir room room brtclr Men In suite dining room OPowder room eSpsclous kitchen and utility olwiirrrnuirsn room OFuli basement bungalow en Is our rs ti marteasuy sr er Aaausradngggc result allfl and Aamncmalu the wooded lot with oh Isra tly room cathedral logs and beams throughout open Plan luontnls sputtea tIlsphortl lllANlIJIEW Dll lax VIII double ssrssa Earth Mitts III NW analllvlnscrom lllllntlry re an an Vllbnl 71ml IZIII Lllll Infl ucalsfl ham Ilflt I011 on my Emotes wnrrr ans our tmd lot MUST SELL DY AUGUST APPLY 29 auqalvza DIMEons living Huhh Ina thru pru ma All remodelled ll price M0 ate you can be sure olyqul in properties some with visit sellcontained Illicit wirwVVI Be Speeder Please Don home Is centrehall plan with Nomination ILT WSW matfl SINGLEle IRAN IA will lREAL ESTATE PROPERTY FOR SALE HAROLD FORSTER ANDCOMPANY Photo MIS Realtors 90 RAYFIELD 51 7706 MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE NEW HOMES READY FOR SEPTEMBER OCCUPANCY ll you act nowl Three tour and live bedroom homes located in one at the citys llnest residen tial men These homes are NHA linsoced with low down payments We are Impressed rve know you will be too in eluded In the rice are exhaust lans double snks French pro vincial cupboards ceramic tile baths with vanities Lcl Adele Hayne show you the lots the plant houses under eonstruc lion and answer any at your questions let ACRE FARM to nest bush balance good sandy loam Excellent house and barns lb miles north Barrie Priced to sell Call Irene Forbes ILOWMO WORTH OP PRIVA CY will be yours when you buy this welllocated dbedroorn brick bungalow on Letitia St in Barries Country Club area Look into this excellent buy tor only 010600 by calling Elaine lneson now SCHOOL IS ONLY WEEKS AWAY Ba ready SteelSt Public School or St Monicas only block away 8bedroom brick home in immaculate con dition with Ioncad yard patio attached garagel recreation tom and many other amenllt tlca wonderful neighborhood In which to live and ralaa your totally 90 monthly pays prin cipal and interest Your good deed or the day this lovely homes deed Call Gloria Koaaats leINGS CALL Curly Klanalslmln Gloria Kosllll Ma aret Moors Do Nuttycombl it more all Elainl Irrestln A535 33 Ill warden WAlsi0tl Thornton Ore IOuta Saws In Good R0 salt an talsybona 7mm Ilurlpn ACRE LW Ilia laWInul Vllw VI or his storm near Au rhmtli ti capou armi ml III It to 00 Iranian on psvad darned No It Elctliflll lull well irud Ideal Ia min lulldltll terms dsatrsd out our holiday week no You could Dulld slow or All occu ancy nrro east at No ilhlrly It Palmiel miles an own Grave INSURANCE MOVING Dootiorget to transier your INSURANCE sndli you need extra coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS Dunlap St East nelson Gall mam Anyenrol ure three classllled ad takers will Hawkaatona Come BUSINES OPPORTUNITI mama me and tea unit are rehrns moo ht Wbtimdalll may why NW oswa snows nrs 0mm VIIKNII ssosoo as tlsIvr MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE 1st and 2nd Mort ago Loans Anwyhere ON ROMEI FARMS AND Rates as low as st lee tittit Want Ad RENTALS APARTMINTS to NT re tncloacehr convenient to rm Turnou muss no Isoaoots Is hamm uiiiib iiIII Islar ca pglf Asanasant aunt Ir was Pufï¬nueflul oerrain his Nil mu II Moll I26 lira M4 hai Ell ca mas usoa uransniahod wtlh bath mum are am In Inter Inmate Laundry and math laeiiiltlsr asnnabla rent lelsphoaallll mas LAIOI ï¬lm til and still IPMWI Dan untumiar IIR Halli twill rtrasnt that More warer sngfrllsdltove aaa rslrtssrslor OD flfllL WI lstill Ia llltlas itd ar en tsllphlsn HI TWO IIDIOOM healed rasnt on batten floor oi modern Irt class to schools and Its nir orator Opillssbar Telyhnnl IIWONIAINBD one bedroom awnn tauran mum 37 tw aurorams LReader ZRENTALS APARTMINTI T0 RENT Isoaoosr sod Itaharh mraun Meal Use III lsillhlla Ilr adllltltdulyrfikéu ea or McDonald to Iarrts ONE AND no Im toro an ar unrunrrrhee Rant no and monthly llrtelly qulsr tan aata only Did Itesla and loss Calltas ltmt NINJIIIKD two bedroom Ilar maul fumillll sellcontslnsd sum rt aoeun very at iv err Mil Ilum alibi one AND no bedroom un arenas furnished and unturntah all with nuts nullbnll RIIIl rIlnl Iltllil flair location lellpbeoa FURNISH Milli meal and be Illlat Id very esnllal location Ava Ill Nth hawthorn In It IllIi 0r LIIISIS TI ROOM Iurssillal msnt complete with Ill at laundry Ilellllils rs iitiulb an phone III1M UNsurlesnID lsl Ileltbd Ivlmllerllr kitchv its not and apart roll Av Swilmber AP Inll anilsld Stall Aplmnertt phone IIHIII BUSINESS SERVICE COMMERCIAL PROP1WILI IF YOU NEED NEY Ira consolldsla on OII Illhllnl IIOHIIIII IDOIIIA CODIlIl GUI tanprovsnasnla werthwhua cum erte or Phone 77009 Mortgage Funding over Sim sonSears NLOP Member onlarte slortsasa liulan Association WANT MORTGAGE First or Second at low simple Interest up to 007 ol your prop erly value Low monthly pay menle up to tilteeo years to so pay For any mortgage problems sea COREY Real Estate Dunloo St rava as rates ill disculs your morillla with In conï¬dence and without nblIlstlon Call Coultl and Cm Owen SDOIL TIIIPRDIII MISS FINANCIAL DIRECTORY TELEPHONE ran2414 Ask about Low Rates by Month or Year SANITATION ssavics SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED We Meet All Cqmpotltive Prices Special Rate Month Only JULY 11 UNTIL AUGUST II CALL ARGO Sanitation Service 7268334 NOW EQUIPPED WITH 1500GAL CAPACITY TANK 7Day 24Hour Countywide Service days notice not required JUST ONE CALL DOES IT ALL SepticTanks Pumped Only $1850 and This Ad Ill Aug 15 Regular Price $25 hwus Taylor at May for FIRST MORTGAGES URBAN PROPERTIES Prompt Service STERLING TRUSTS Corporation Toronto EMHIDS RENTALS HOUSES TO RENT ern bathroom and ltltchl monthly includl MGM AV Septltnlllr OIIPIItInI TWO BEDROOM Runlllbw clnll but in North Co tste hardwood OH Ier so Into seen cl two bathroom air he nor monm TllIDIlan svanlnss IullII THREE BEDROOM semidltlchld house downtown ml anly earstad stov and rslrtsarator ap asantaen or Iuturs il two asoaoon rm in room and Ititeha as cold vs radii av loom flora HOUSES WANTED TO RENT ml IIIIUDM llausa wruh to rent Jahndon lie Sch Till1 Barrie IIIIS ac ool Apply Csrlsy lleusa FARM BOUSEI la It on on Telephone 7700707 ASPHALT PAVING DECKERT PAVING Asphalt Driveways and Lola FREE ESTIMATES ALL WORK GUARANTEED Telephone 7287710 Formerly employed with McFadden Paving MODERN DRIVING SCHOOL Dust controlled eara Fully Insured BARR Instntctor 7288915 DRY WALL INSULATION Board application and taping NEW CONSTRUCTION CRENOVATIONS ORUMPUS ROOM ETC Quality guaranteed Telephone 7280002 CONTRACTORS 70 Is lill top soil lront end loaders excavating studios backhocr mired limestone DENNIS MORAN LTD IIMWI BULLDOZING Road and Pond Construction Land and Stumps cl red CABINET MAKER SPECIALIZING lnrsatorl in snona mm Freanttmdaetlfs plclnl and DRIVING SCHOOL Dump trucks water delivery septic tanks pumped gravel LEE HART OSpeclsliud saddle and Harness WELL DIGGING WATER PUMPS TILE BEDS INSTALLED Llcenied Plilmlm KEN WINTER co BRADFORD STREET JANITOR SERVICI ABC CLEANING INSIDE 0R OUTSIDE Industrial Commercial and leeldcntial ALSO GARDEN GROOMING Prom reliable service sy or Night PHONE 7287l 33 PAINTING AND PAPERHANGING EDWARD SMITH AND SON Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting Service Sines 1020 All Barrie rzsesru rnrn HAIDLE AND sons Painting and Paper Hanging Spray Painting as years experience RR Oro IIIIL PRINTING limely Reminder to CHECK your suPPlJ oi PRINTING For best va placs urderNfW ALI TYPES OF PRINI NO We are fully equipped to handle your rlntlng re quiremente Including 234 color work For QUALITYond VAL UE have your PRINTING done In BABRIE By The EXAMINER COMMERClAL PRINTING SERVICE 1s BAYFIELD er amall saootss aroma common English and Western your Repair armors chroma aerarosaarrou STAN sifisoN