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Joey almap allurey NIbt Item The name hlpur New and SIturda Nlht Movi iCleopIrII aurnurl Loo AM aem Autrynla In Clutch arro Cartoon Portrait at my Pea la Chlidrenl Goa Ii our uo ltiut tnr Pm aen drum on unnam oo Dupallt been no NIH and Weather la Awlrd lnutra Public PIaon No One TAIL PROTEï¬lON Congolese carry lion and leap Hum ill WM PROGRAMS Channel Toronto tuner mount we aim uuuu club uo Kiddo IAva omen mum or lperu 100 evil in by Voual Andy Dfllfllh Gunmen Outr unite cn Nan and learnt Trill 838 == UIDAV AUGUII Cartoon 2228 222 Nilht Itole Or Lem MI Show tm Mob IUNIIAV AUOUII 100 Mail Pnlultl 10 Woman on he Doulill Fairblllll Petunia 100 iilliln Album Len Channel Nine Thulre Kilian at mumrum Loo Ontarla Leeroua an ueu In Itaher and loo Pillorm III Hllllt 300 Elite too all Dlmay PIIIItliI 7lo nlr Novek flund Nllht MIMI Iboya boiler 1th Ever The lllliIII 00 01 NIIlonIi NIIII 13 Metro linll luo Leta ehaw ilIpIII MONDAY AIJuUal to 1200 Noondly Raï¬urt than Playtime wit Unela lobby Chlllnlli CIIIVIII 100 Channel Nine Theatre Oriental Drum litany Home Club more oelnck Melton mu auunmu Lady NI uu Walther loom Daulbllr men Movie my mum Navy hlalro apart Ioue Dallllll FIllbIllh Prlulltl Chennai Buffalo IIIDAV AUDUII The Iaerat atone Leave it To lull Riverboat lluaune can name People lllllly amt Adventure haula Twill ht Zone All Hitchcock Na weather It loom Thl it Show ilInlllr incident The mom awry IArulllMY AuolJfl la Po Filyhollle oo mega carnival uo lie lrtp lonn Quick Draw MoorIr than lllrhl Moun Playhauu llon run lla Tin EEEE we 38823323833 Adventure at Wm lIll Amateur Hour Wlutllnl Headline New Iporu HE leil ilha Plunalretl IUNDAY AUOUII no Word at all Poplyae Playhouu Lealo into My book Up and Li Earner lhlII inl Neon lnauata Panda Pace Nation Film EIIIbIU GIntI till Walk llIVIl Film coo Ioeru Boeetaeular Planet EIrlh TWIntlItiI century Mr Ed £5 =229 222222 Laraia Feveriia MIlllIlI Sullivan celebrity GIllII Brenar Candid CImIII till Newt Weather 14 avorta MW 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aplllinp the wear in the urine can be hirher than uml ihia ellualion rather than disease Thus with renal ï¬coeurla the urine alwaye much eufor and the immediate thought Title mutt be dia betoo But when lulther teeta are made it turn out that it isnt diabetoe it in that rIrer condition renal llyooeurla mar tolerance teat dil Aro obootlmnm you Illll IVII on peculiarity la wetoo ililaetui Lite ornament the two test titadhere Webbedlieutenant of Mel IPtly III lid itlvo the qur tolerance taIt reputed low uro lomakaoluoth real labele yatrnalbodbi Dear Dr Meteor Im 11 and in aix your have had tour mlroIrfi ea Ileo have thy roid trouba and Im very much overwei Can you explain why eeo having theeo mil earrlaaea and what can do to prevmt themto Then an oaueea oi mluarrlapea correction at obellty and thyroid trouble on 1m nt approaehea to the pro lam But in view oi our wet ht lhtnk you Ihouiti ave ouoh check tor die betel ineludinr Ir tot ance teat Unrecozn led betel ia oilen tactor in mie oarrlaxea other poulble eaueea eon be oonaldered by your doctor in eome inetancea there ta no Irlawer but mIny timer there Dear Dr ltlolnerx have the terrible habit ot chewlnl miiee rotunda la thin hIrmtui1 Ive been told it will dry up my blood call it quirk oi Ippetite rather than terrible habit loee no harm in it and it cer tain wont our blood Ty up CONTRACT BRIDGE By JAY BECKER You are the dealer neither lino vulnerable and have open ed One Diamond Partner re Ipondl One Heart What would you bid now with each at the allowing tour handel e1 Moe onenee Mt was we owe nose an wine exam um van Mum Four hearts it would be wrong to bid threelhearta or three diamonds neither et which la forcing the Jump to tour heart la slam try alone it eaye in eilect that lamb cootraot la teaalble even though the heart reaporue may have been baled M15 polnu The urnp to game by tho ldder ll in vastly dlierent category from the Jump to game by the reeoonder Obviouely the hand cannot be played tor leaa than me once partner responds with heart it la hard to conceive oi purtnere ioalng tour trieke No cluba The problem here to to repreaent lopelnt hand without exaggerating or underalarming the value hold rebld at one nolrumn would reuroaent band oi the mini mum olaea with maximum at lohpointa millage rebld oi two no ump repreeont it or 19 Mm Such problem are best wived by making an ambiguour rebid luoh or two oiubl lhla bid charlie oi eultI by the bidder to sometimes berg minimum Valuer and rome ilmee on value above mini mum ooenlnl bid the two club bid to of come not torelno but there ahould be no concern about mtulnl name it part ner latte to bid again Three huï¬e hill ta by no meme perfect rabid but It cornea closer to hitting the mark than any other bid The trouble with the tum raise to three beam to tho it implies tour trumps and we have only three However thia deilcleney in than la auttldently mm by the Mid value it pointa to make the bid raoeonably accurate The Jump roleo la not torcin but in prac tice partner eel om plane adee lhla bid beinil iumpmh it to too bent forcing and etatea in loot that game can be made even the partner may have only po ta The destination of the hand is not yet clear the linal contract may be played in apadee haarta amde or no depending on partnere There are two obiootione to bidding only one spade over heart Flrrt partner may peas and thin to certainly not dealr abie and eeqond it it turn out that there in elem in the hand it may be mieeed because oi the taliltra to identity that pouibii ity immediately Tomorrow Counterntroiia DAILY CROSSWORD A0303 dd Com Imam munlItI lelbiu DOWN MI pain 114m II in bundle tooth 1M 10110 of IWool the taro ummln 121w II on own 14x re of MIMI Emir Jun od ILA puddle 196mm mine than minnow to be BMlnilatioa 180mm aouna Jillian river aerate eateny reltlloue lament to Battle cbIrobar ZEN nllx renalre IIIl IliJouudItion 31 Dry ea PolII Mumsnuupxenen pagan war JULIET JONS DONALD DUCK BLONDIE GRANDMA BUZ SAWYER wseowmalm rouuo zvevrnl wm mom unwarranuwmwn an wm new new mewINF VIIIll HEWLTMDAY IIIth new on Two LADifl cult presume our op wow THINKOF ALLTH Teoolrlc mvmnoua le Mowes no AND MOONLIGHT wobble WHO lNVENiID KISSING You mew wm move ooul re My uusmor l5 EMWERRED mm Ltmmï¬leuze WM ea ARE You tumor oavs