Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1964, p. 5

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3AM IOX oomaining conesiustbroughtintnthear traction building irom the cone shed is abort to be emptiedborehyplsotsmpioy EUPPEMoi galvanised mflaioairytheseodirorntho roosting drums to the bottom iloor oi the extractionbuild sane crnsrvnvo indndca several processes before the seedismwmatoreJnflrle lioyel Cprhmlhsion To Probe Windlall venom QBAnoran royal commission withthe iuli ladiitiasoi the Ontario govern nsedst its dimoaal wiiibeup inted by Premier Robnris to Eris into the Windioll Oils and lilneami siiair dieting that ireceut events meanan Windlailvpropertyln ths ilrnmirrs areairavc been roost aiding pan we vrrryvpmrmsvm Mv Vern rw nwmywvmmihwmw Battle Killsl injures Four urooars so One Greek Cypriot was killed and our oth ers wase wounded Wednesday night in gun battle wih lurk mm United Nations oiildai re turni irom ihe iurklrh sector said ere were reports oi lurklsh caarsldes All the Greek castlelties were oiiioieiiy identuied as either poiicemen or manners oivtlra national guard ihsgun bettieempted soon arm dark According to UN with burnt oi emu mmmnm fire aimed iodra the main shopp coo NlooeiasGroek sector Forthaoexttwohoursthe altresoimdedtotheetutteroi iigtandheevy machineguns endtisecreckoirlilamAt one stage the guniire was no drownedbytheheavythumpoi expi bmoko or mortar The engagement was the heaviest since the pitdsedstrcet bottles oi int December When near civil war between the Greek and nlrldah Cypriot moununltia broke out Sudburyfiouncil Favors Blngos srmeunv crrci oouov silflnhasb on rec Has fa no lows nired degradable organizations and service clubs Ommnil authorised Mayor Joe Fahbro to notify city organiza tiom of their support even thouds ltla illegal to book hall or arena regularly ior bnrgo games Earlier this summer city po lice mead crackdownfin arnes intbe on Mayor Mhro told oonnoll that Sunburys poiloe clamp down was not being allowed in other communities lie said it are born muted that local actionwouldneinstepwrih ac tron takes in ohm nlmidpaii tier photo plant maximum Jeekploaseedthmgh anaemia coveries in ilr llmmlnsares lheosrrrrrrieaionetwlli requ complete his closure from all concerned and willmnhereoommcodations ior drangeslln rules regulations or legislation where such Are in dicated have lhe rtunlt inlaecertain the clam emu truer Joe shun day declined to ornament on the councils resolution Cmmdflor Donia Deanrarals said he objected to ootnrcils condoning of hinges wouldnethereea this as notice oi motion and see it an approach ucennoot be milder thmgh attorney dqiestment in MG the law Abierman Vic Whalers said since the at bingo Kama in the city bingo in outlying areas have overflow crowds because at dty people come to play John Greavee sod Vie Eaton Tree Seed Plant saunter Maenousm Examiner District News Editor Where do all the trees come irom Children around here can be told lot oi them come irom rt around home At Angus 15 mile west oi Barrie is the tree seed plant which supplies most oi the seeds ior trees planted throughout Ontario The Ontario area Bead Plant of the Department oi Lands and Forest is unique in Its iield inject its the only one in the province Already it supplies over 300 000000 viable tree seed every year to meet present demands it is aiming ior higher produc tion all the time Viable seeds are one that will germinate year moooooovishie seeds were shipped to meet De partment requireman in tarlo said Edward perinlcndcnt oi the tree aed plant fhiost at these went to new in on pg or one on the site frequently on burned over areas he explained Atrial seedingis still in the experime tal stage Mr Ed wards said MILUDNB 0F SEEDS Seed in storage at the Angus plant runs as high as in tons representing to tree species This adds to overona hill ion soo viable reads We have to store iiva or six year supply of each species as guarantee against year Edwards said The seeds are when crop failures occur Mr kept in storage vaults wbsrs both the air temperature and moisture content are rigidLv con trolled when seed cleaning is com pieleo the seed is dried to about six per not moisture content sndthen sealed in rivegailon glass jars Until shipped out to the nurseries it stays in the storage vault It steady term pereture ei 40 degrees Samples oi seed are taken out oi storage at intervals and grownunder controlled condi troos in the seed testing labor atory This gives the Angus stall anaccurats estimate oi the proportion oi seeds which will sprout and new with this aduormatigr fiery shipmsg bio nurse es seeomp reliable count or the number of viable seedsit contains This helps the nursery stall achieve the best density in planting MOSTLY EVENGREEN Cooliers evsrgreensi head theiistin the seed plant op erations and their bones make up more than 09 per cent oi the annual seed collections Con her also layed tree reed plants location at Arr us The accessihie red and white ins stand around An us since earliest days or sei meat msde it natural site or the plant built in Thsnsw extractary building rt centiy completed gear the plant to supply enough seed every year to produce 100000 000 tree 9stth each year in years when there is and seed crop more than 19000 us heir of tones are harvested They are gathered throughout Ontario under the direction oi the Ontario Department oi Lands and Forests trlct oiiices They issue contra to local realdents ior cone pckiu accor to quotas set by hes oillc cone collected are shipped by truck and railway in AIWIV Cones oi most evsrgrecos re collected inll Mr Edwards said Jack glue is the only kin that are collected all yesr Mr Edwards said white pine and white spruce provide the tightest limitations Semetirm as there is only may period between the tims the seed ripl ens and the time the cones open lbcreiore the cons must he collected without delay The biggest quantity oi cones handled at the plant are white pine But these supply the unal lcst number of seeds because the seeds themselves are so big norms ACTIVITY Some cones are sold ior de curative purposes alter the seedsnre removed Mr Ed wards snld Around the first oi September plant employees begin their bus est round oi seed operations Boom time continues all winter or the plants nine permanent employees Caring tor the extracted seed in storage and other mainten ance work plus read extraction possible in the summertime makes the tree seed plant ac tivity year round one This year 106364 was vary small year here at the plant Mr Edwards recalled Our volume dropped to about 7000 bushels whereas last year we had over 10000 bushels in peak year our volume would run as high as 19000 user when the cones arrive sttha plant they need iurther drying to remove the excess moistur They are iirst spread on tr in in large cone sheds he These are open to the breeze but screened to prevent loss at seed through high winds bird or rodents They must be turn ed over periodically with wooden paddle to prevent mould partlnthei IfifoKOredn vaewar The new Vietnamese trlsie ashroughttheworlddoqerio the brink oi malot Brewed war than it has been alone 1962 Xihm crisis thyi The oucetim isrrrade upoi many smaller questions and the none oi ihcmisjrasrwaahla si Fore ihe HIMUS charges unprovoked attack in inherndimal waters wh did are none No navydéeécide oh the question is slithemore guzzling since Communists are hear so clearly steward iniheir strikearrdrun ground he icinarrress attack in ilwsouth civil War suspected to keep on with their winning manila While the US miflst be ex pectcdooisynewtactluoo get the South vistnemsscpovcra mentiorces back on the oiian ve lrI inert doesz side wowmomthvoo xllsoflifimldofllot ltadedrevcnbeiiore ptisaprescrsaialstoadd5000 men totheltmo American already advising Vist MMLMHIIMJIWI The 0th Variances vc upper reason Mar broad The cat tits at all oi come wM Comm China is prepared to back up itsihreotsendbetterlswsy sermon At Angus Unique As they are stored the cones are segregated by species Each species is divided into nine siia regions nri separation is con timed throughout the process irom cone to seedling to make sure seedlings are planted in the locality irom which tho seed corner Mr Edwards said the division of Ontario into nine alia regions copes with the considerable var iation in soil conditions and tom persture ranges in the province For example seed tslran irom tho most southerly pert oi the province would not thrive ii planted in more northerly area Seed extraction at the pisnt begins when seeds are brought lg gs usilolncilrheds lsold um ro oppers no extraction dnuns on the floor below Streams oi hot dry arc in the hilns blow across the ro tating drums until the cones open allowing the seeds to isli inie hoppers under the drurrrr Kiln temperatures are kept at an even 120 degrees Fahren heit ior white pine white men and scotch pine and us egre es ior red pine lack pine and hlseir spnrco Kiln times irom eight to or hours ing on the species being rlcd iTha seed then goes through several cleaning processes iirsi dewingar then real Aiier drying period on tr stacked shove srrnlt hes the partial cleaned seed is led through soning mill it blows oli dust ohaii and hollow seeds The iinal step in the cleaning process is treatment the needler which leaves the argar seed with less than one per cent iorelgn material leader naval ireialsiions Canadidn Gov Defends US Vret Nam Action UliAWA Prime Miro national trues Commission in in later Pearsm External Allahs dochi Missile Martin and Opposition Dieienhaker deieoded in United states action in North Viet Nam against criti cism in the ed36 daybme Mr Douglas said Us action ageirut naval hrstaiiatinru on shore wu tent to dec imtlm oi war lie said Can shouid not support any ac tion buttrusins what he termed the discredited regime in South Viet Nam Mr Dieisssbslrar opening the on names he realiicd reopens er pruervog peace rats with the United Stats and Melted to North VietNams apparently unpro yoked attack as completely in excusable Mr Martin said State Store tary Dean flush oi lhe United States iniormed Prime Minister sarson nsead night oi the North Vietnamese attack on 15 ship and that the 13 in tended to take action to deter uriher attache Mr Douglas asked whether tth5hadlaneclearlnlts consultations with Cured that pdndingt no res theirs and US attacks onhdlrorI seem tantamount to declara lion of war USED GENERAL TERMS Mr Pearson said than had been no eouuliatton but the had merely tutormed Can member oi the int no ads The action taken by the United States was reaction t0 us attack msda on the run sees again no strips Mr earmn added his Douglas said Canada should make it clear we on on sees to support the perpetuation ot regime in South Viet Nam un nprosanistlve oi the people Mr Pearson said there can be no derwing that Us forces are mulled to deiend them selves agoin aliack ihe Norilr Vic Nam regime was Coma muant limp and ii it had lived up to the Genev ac cord whidr set up the truce lup arvianry commissions there would not have been trouble Social hodlt Leader ihornp sonpuked whether Canada has been in consultation with New Zoningflush Australia Wllallih are some re ties in the Viet Nam Mr Barron said Canada has been in touch with the two other Conunonwenlth countries boss rrrs erG JOBS nine Yeu Cant thtuv BETTER LESS fCObliluoi HEATING Horwsrnr

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