HARMERS MARKII iii as fun salmaisranmd free For rut esrvi OI PHONE HARM VIITill Collect or ask or NICKS DEAD STOCK mm Mm NO CHARGE he hears on days week iiasrnead Ontario Home No new Nick Montague Prop Potato ONIIOW but bill It In 11 LIVISTOCK FOR IALI ll FIG nine ll old Aylk mm mm Vermin IfeNliuIi fins omen wamdflnmm FIID ID GRAIN is ï¬ï¬lmï¬uhhtflmfl POULTRY CHICKS DEKALB PULLETS More and more trylnon are PULLETS $231th dd re oayan OldsrnowiorsaiI old chicks older disrount Ror service or he on your poultry problems Craig Hunter CRAIG HUNTER POULTRY FARM LID STROLD Hill tii€il AWL It Id ha nun FARM MACHINERY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies dz Service Case New Holland David Brown Baatty Farm Equipment luuwr null is HERE NEW AND USED Combines Swathars Thieshl Machinea several good use hinders in human AVE moan CASH TRADE TERMS MNAHDNAL IOIO Nssds nun salts 11 allusion Dn AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CARS FOR SALE lsroxbtrllalfleaur Iflnflflf IIII In ar Tsllphons illdeol Ill Dunlap treat Wut ya ms rumourll nu door span station own il 11 Ill It CHEVROLET II no ldlllllpl as Itdlilm en an at LIII Ont llll VOLKIWAUIN mahhlrll Idillid dtiion Cdllll tar in good nvartihis Im and out ltrlli TORI End blua and white hold Will loll reasons TICMIG is sen wit dt Cam harden thre uni lion flialil Jean oames mu atylistl us WI MALE it FEMALE ilsr cnsvnorea Blank with Iï¬ï¬‚ and In on condition appl wrlunstcn Heel ml ciisvnom all Air ii an nondigtlomturgvugiu and nix or Allon to In MOEIll Station under warrsn diiian Melt lbyr or Walen an winsmueabï¬ so ooi lama Ill CHI 25 um IT we door hard in war wit Itewoall ll CHIYILII bin and Mllfll or hrsissr all it eoodlt oilar Tsiaph TRUCKS TRAILERS will Nil Al rslspnons ml mm Ifldflpagléuflllyug mu um IVES mm FridayEvening August 14 umm windows and aroma omnluu mum Pm ï¬ll me am sun ltailiWe rovi tnisins For DoRtYiiIY LA ACE on riggggï¬gmw At Lot Concession lnnlsill MOBILE HOMES oflili noduyiomram Rléfl32fu°$ HOLIDAY SPECIAL Midnight 5° th ELENA the aggfloetiiï¬s cusltonl bldlllltuuyiitir grzï¬sgnymuicmzynfgm standing grain milking Maul nor an an rr tt folirswllyiliro CgltlIiinll prolage mflmfll glimnlw brandy up III IOI It burnei stove tIrlu miller llc Taillindlsfltgmï¬lurlllvmlidt Ewlfflhlmfuuu all esce lenmaal slig hithch install JERRY COUGIILIN linrIiIIpriertlalllninvym Inuitimnmfl i°y WAmliwIIIIItmnlflILL LIST pauper month on bank payment Hmofluslldlfk AUGUST lr man one mm mass i= E55 will We will eleven om spacracaassououu way il north tum north at Hawkestone Dose weekenda David Miller received all Osw Ctlurdr here in Surrey Dm Mm ver you tore siree has 3m ior public donations my pillar lnlng when he same the Looo of old spootacles or leprosy vie Trailer rn ll MMlllri Travel Trails wt OIIAE LAID aluminum wtntsrlssd Hullnlfllll MIN OFERSONALS ma GRAND Lanna any deb Illll l0 TIMI LlMOI DO pen 9LOST FOUND LonBlur Labrador xstriavsr we EMPLOYMENT WANTED riot in HISill lalrphona newts wamm Young woman ior rill liiilio NIH Moillllil imam Elia ma aura WIDDW Ile In camiorta and return In lia tea with arencee Telephone pm LOCAL IITAHLIIIIED oral nil BARRIE EXAMINER moussnr It Warmth HARLOW Millard UP MIL swimmer at this in door swimming pool my all E55 EE 35 35 ai is 593 533 YEARS ORIGINAL fllae esa Lsnglade Jamia Andemn FANCYGuam WIlllN Glam Martin CCMIC Michael Ora ham Debbi Martin 60 YEARS ORIGINAL Steven Dunn Steven Bald and time Key GAUTOMOTIVE MOBIL HOMES all let alone rluu chum ohm lto Burton Tel panes laurel lraiiar ahla WI uu Tillpheen niltimed as It or towed to want Ii id our ioriuns wanna mom Mint oilar do ta flingfern eh II To HELP WANTED rt rLInngroIIIr° n3 FEMALE HELP rillltll Outhfla Truck app all cars at two who or woralng ninth iasnller II Mn bohhs TAV bownlviaw Toronto in oils two sides and snnanant odtton in ther lea llII drilll to 65 El Batm Oh llns modern CARRIER ROUTES Application Forms available at CIRCULATION DEPT 16 BAYFIELD ST attired lull tiers salt air gIflLIla Mary GOLDSMITH Secretary l3 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE 1335 as in 2a 53 herpamtaCarolwbobad have expressed the wish that th in committee ior lnnisiil Fiel 0N LONDON oii Donna was tendon by Mrs Nelson atson and sisters Hilda and Sharon BIBLE SCHOOL segiatra on reached 101 with av mge attendance oi children drildren under Mrs Cam hell had rhythm band sroiciz May drill tile is girls Mrs Fred Jacksons mull senior be presented ieachingyoiJeaus he oi chorus led tell oi the eiiort put into the 10 elstante but all ielt it was well all went to the basement where reimhmenta were served and child taking home somethng he or she had made in Vocation Bible School Mr and Mrs McFarlnne and inmliy spent the weekend in Petorbolo and visited Mr and Mrs Jack McFarlano IZTENDERS TENDERS Sealed tenders meritedas such irom general contractors will be received by the undersigned up to pm AUGUST adih For preparing the ground build ing hasemellt moving and lacing thereon tile tirame eragn Beach Community Chords and leveling up to basement wall the grounds to designated height The low est or any tender not necessarily accepted by the Board Con tract to be insured Speeiiiaa giggle may be obtained from the Waaaga Eeachï¬o Gen Dely Phonemm Saturday Au uat 16 39 no thought oi award expressed her thanks Many throughout the township Day to Include something in lit Thanks to Don Gray iormerly oi CliVRTV Barrie the chain slon rollingptn thrower Donna esn Watson oi Stroud appeared on Londnn TV on Monday last Jack Hunter ehampion hrloir throwsr could not get the time WWW Vacation Bible School held in St James United Church con eluded with presentation by each oi the classes Attended by parents and tilends the eliti dren demonstrated some oi the things learned in the today one to 1130 classes Planned by Mra Jack Marquis asalstod by Mrs no Goodieiinw secretary Friday evening Rev Fred Jackson opened with devotional exertions and then the Junior hair under Mrs Donald Camp bail rendered welcome song and others trained kindergarten Dimean Marl Riddella by Mrs ii piw Good Samari itan by Mrs George Goheens senior girls had TV View oi Bible School and Mr Jacksons the senior pupils joined in ren Mrs will no ring and Mn can Campbell Mere words cannot mu days by lesdeia and their as Elia Egg thetrhome holidaywith their handmothm Mlulattilteownhu OIL Mr and Mm holiday at their oottag Drillia Alvin McClushie and Mrs lice and son 01 Lauderdelo Florida are lngsorne timewlth Mr and BEAHY REUNION Over an deeendante oi Beatty and early settle oi mum took lot the Hollows Community Park Mmjraalls Beam emu son oi Mr and Mrs ville Cameron oi Beimole dent Don and BRIDAL SHOWER ii 55 worth while Following closing If mam lk handiwork was viewed ands ï¬lm MMM attended the beam remlou st Spriegwater Paris Sindsy Mr and Mrs Page and family are enioyins months Bertha McCluelrio oi Bolton vial ted Mae MoCiusIde Sunday Gordon Mchaarile iemiiy Sarah Donneily id Con irvm the harm met tor reunion at only president was the oldest person present and Clark Cassi NIGWWMMMOIW simoundin Oidoera too soon include pred treasiner Mrs ii a5 552 35 E5 EF at li ii if £5 £5 Jobo Rataon the Weekend with 55 ran East Haven the weekend with ha Ti and Nill Mr nuaae nun POLICE TRANSFER Carl Banting has been pos ted Victoria Harbour OPP EE go Holy Communion wu obser ved in Christ Churdr on Sun day Aug Rev Newton is now on holidays or three weeks Mr Brass oi Oshawa and Arnold Banting will take the oervines during his absence Mr and MN McCiay 1hr LY spent the weekend with Rev and Mrs newton and iamlly Mire Ella Molean is holiday ing with friends here Miss Heather Cunningham is vaaatlonlng in the Deseronto dia RE DWI Our Eimvai Mr and Mrs hill Parr spent Sunday with Mr and Mrs John been Wslings Georgetown Margie Garry Wallnga returned with than tor law daya holl dry iiPTo By MRS CARSON Mr amidIra Each and daughters and Mr and Mrs II More oi Cayuga Falls Ohio visited ll Horn and Mrs Mur ray Carson her husband and iamily Moregoing on to vs ution at New Wasaga Mr and Mrs Bernard Loitue and daughter Margaret Anne visited ion few days in Wind DOT Mr and Mrs John Gait and family Toronto and Mr and Mrs Ed Kennedy oi Thonihiii were recent visitors atGerard Morans Anyone having news items please call yourcorreneondent eaaanrfr pear Miss Fort Mrs John who Hall in Or was clan attended rm iandon St are last Saturday Catharina Cannington rim ma Imm LIImlnngaeLneaouuann ForutPalaley Gormiey Ibr DOWNER REUNION mejunkwel Mainnlmmliu onto and diatriot The Henry Downer clan held their reunion at Bass Lake July as with so members pientfle aitemoon was epent in meeting members not seen ior sometime mm Mare HELP ail ms country garden was the idillmnï¬ihn WWI In 13 mm mm let for miscellaneous Friends came irons Peter muml CLASS mammal emu shower or Auauet brideelect manaumnomnlau STATIONERY SRI$ hï¬ï¬‚lgmms£ml° h°°lfidl°° mm room ENGlNEER 8510 of all household with Mooday waning Misses Dome relitan was spent NI luciudinr my ï¬lm and mu irem assisted on racee sum required by Tom wh mm lit one an many an waa served at or sites which mm mm MIMI that were concealed in pret there were few speeches Rev Meal Industry my COUGle HIV decanted wishingwell Downer gava sprayer Auctioneer um sum 91 local we at idr those who had died during WRITE BOX 93 Eon 51 tended the year The oflioorsJor next 3mm mm VACATION acaoor D°w AUCTION SALE CREAM Englflnd CPI St lilrla looted closing mm tinn School on Forty children Mr Page reads etory iroen book Yarns on The Book other lands Foilewingthe service the hayrhrna on dreme So iar the church ha col moo pal It mi the Vsoa ay morning Mg leriy received mum Woo mummiean 011m WM to It picture hemorkdllidm II Ietacoonapanied tile oer Part urns vicepresi the dent Lloyd Downer Toronto secretarytreasurer Esther Dw per Egbert it was ded to hold me reunion at ifsfluke Mr Cline Millard Mrs and Davidav Newton Downs no that E3 Eli Egg and Mrs Mel Rowat sale on Saturday morning on asthma at ltile telepb How CHARLIE can tool Heres how he dlIluit Charlie was cleaning sleighs the doll buggy rgiler skates and used tires had to 101 Charlie phoned iriend or his down at the pa per and she helped him write humdinger oi an ad The re sult was that the material Charlies happy and so are we nmamuwwmmmrr v3 when as El it is 55 pl 3a later ii xi Ea Er 3535 Egg trig E22 55 in age aE erg Eg vine Mm WED Par Mr and Mrs lisnweli and iamlly spent law days hoiiu dsylrrg at Niagara Falls NEW LOWELL My MRS PADDISON E25 ésag EH 52 as is 515 beaten for Miss Donna Marie Mason Many lovely wen opened by the bridewa En HOLLY By MESA DOWNING Closing United alurohBibla Vedas schoolwth July II drirrdrwltbalood gvber loo daiidm pldoipahed yeeerenhssae totlheleadersnd heipedlnanyway oneoiiice Theroasenodnlruhservl Ceci Noisy oiSaanla atHoily during tba BAKE BALE Lady oi hurries CWL held successful bake ORIAL égruï¬giiaeln Britains Kennedy Hm WWW lintmmm oi MADEA PILE or DOUGHIV at real profit Now Charlies our big bodeber now tells everybody our circulat inna BIG and that people read the adsi Chan that wevegot cov gt all help you