Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 6 Aug 1964, p. 11

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ANNOUNCEMENTS BURTON LODGE NURSINGmIINwEc waiver ARK EDEN NURSING HOME built tor title work Accomm detlona tor bed and up oetieota Male and tenule ood lood televtlloo lieIon ratee ll stroud Isateal ROLLINO ACRES FARM Putatoea now available Any quantity No Sunday Ialel leaIe FRANK ELP CK RR UNFIA ADOPTION NUIVgtML old In Cyril Run III R0 In In lb nou the adoption II on Dlvld Cyril DI ve brother to Lyndl lionnle HIS DOMI afiTlTs PROUD PARENTS THE NEWS at the BIeaIed Event can be announced to your irienda and mine tor only 0150 Juli lelaphone 7zn2ili 0M tr towa Jam church DEATHS rananaou amt Mane on mommy Aulual me name Maud iarher beloved wit to la Clarence Pallereon and ma IMlher nl Ollnert FIIleraen nvnly llay need an IPI yoar flellln run at ruanNln loving memory at dear hulblllfl Ind Illlllr Dnrll Rtundm who peeled IWIV All IS father ol all we to 11m Var film we love but Iflliur Orlnt hlm IIIY rather at all we pray to Thee or him we IOVI but III ll lonler aunt hlrn Thy peace III per llull IRIIII upon In lid In by lovlnl wledoln aimlenty power work In hire the nod our oee oi my what IIUA throueil llul CIllIIl IMO Inn Lovingl remembered lg wile None on Paul catny eanor and urie IlultltlNln lovina memory til fllll llfllfl Ind MlIll Gem Stillman who peeled away Illa mile to me lerever And me band we oarrot tau Illlli we have Io many nauno ea the one we loved Io moon on Inmary II our armII With which well never PM Ind III Mill III III ROWIIIS We IIIVI him in our helm lver remembered and aadiy mined by Ian Ruuell deufihieh twlaw Carolyn and Irandch dm Olly Wlmn Int Cindy CARDS OF THANKS llLlSflYWI VIII our hearlelt mum to mi tar IYMPIIIII tribute Ind don one to In cor Illndl loan at daar spell Illlnkl lrl Bria Dl Nll conIoIlM Verde to on Coax alraet nelanboae Hark Relaahoy and amtlln PRIDEI with to think III tore Ind mm tor ttlelr end wflnfltrltel In while Vieto Iamlly wlen any LSl llllnltl Ind lWl VI to llllvol lrlenda and ll IIer or half let Itllldllel area Iym In our allown nnWm Mu 5am Erwin of Annie WIIIIM to lle Ill than who rent rlrdl or ullrrll Ilia Dr MIDPIIIIIMI Ind III the nur Ware Itllld to III In Wrecked Car Yields Some Silver Ore HAILEYBURY Ont CPI Diawvery at pouride at all vor are in wrocxed oar marked on interlelye hlghgratl inn investigation that led to the arreet oi three men polloeaatd Wednesday Provlnoia vPolioe earned the are day night when invuttgated twocor oolllelon on Highway 11 near title town 65 milee louth oi Kirkland Lake and called in expelti tram the OPP orectouemetele Iquad lhechar tileom ta oionzotttlemcdrePa la motM Itinan Andreas Negy mm at both at lbw411th 111ml fioaeeeelorl oi allver ore Naue rother cerloe 29 wee later eou Ioaaa All three were remanded luudav uottlmrldarm their own real Lamothe urea atlll In ital recovering heed lrl he waived in the oolllelotl md police laid it wee anal Esters PROPERTY FOR SALI STOUTT AGENCIES LTD 10 COLLIER ST SARRIE Central Ontarioe Argent Reel Delete Smurf ELI RIIIIII NOW VACANT Owner would like to III an on title bedroom brick bung ow cloaa to adloole mo Iquere eat ot LIheoed llvlna room and dininl area large kitchen hell lander ienoed lot Cell anyone our IaleIIneo ior lurther detella OFFICE BUILDING mod rloee to the burl with bedroom at on Ieoond floor with entreoe paved drive way ehed ear Would melt an excellent lurenoe oill OLDER BEDROOM ROUSE on Codrlogton street large th cm llvlnn room dining room and bathroom Hot water led AIltlng moon with mig it down oaynlent $1000 DOWN ll Willowdele Avenue drive by and then call Alex Duncan tor detelle White clapboard bungalow with cem enl block oerege bedroom newly pointed owner out oi Muat be aold Aaltlng 500 lunlnga eellx um and canto4mm All DiwaliTull Oord nanny11M FRANK NELLES PHOTO MLS REALTOR 79 SAVFIELD ST 7261105 AUGUST SPECIALS be ROSE 5TH choice bedroom anllt level home llnlahed roe room paved drive Carrlel or 397 per month including inler eIt orinoloal and tom OWNERS TRANSFERRED Lovely bedroom bungalow not end at city cloae to Ichoole and Ihopplng No to chooae tram Dont dela call any oi our courletlue Ieeemon to Ice three aoeolela EVENINGS ERIC DWINAP LEI POPE RN RE NflCHUC EcolIAN mom HA HELL Hm lumber cl thl Dlrrll Ilifl Dlllflet Roll Allie Solid Emory MILLER PHOTO REALTOR 19 COLLIER ST 7mm TOPS IN VALUE Amelia Beautllul lreed location cuetorn bullt Itona ranth home attached girlie one Queen near St Mar and downtown Real iamly alza brick bungalow attached gar age 072 CumberlandAllende bedroom brch ounnalow vac ant For lull detalla call Rita Seandrolt ROOM SUNGALOW lhla home lI complete In every way with lovely tlreplace paved drive attached garage and irnord lt Priced to rail owner leaving city Telephone Percy Ford NEARLY SCHOOL TIME lniorreled in Seniomber pola aaalon7 have liatlnge to qual lty Well located NHA reaale bungalow vacant lo Auguat Modoetly orleed home with in come evnrlmenl vacant now No exoluelva no alzn llIllnnI with early ooIIoaIlon deter and two home iuIt out or town have lull the home lot you Call Emeuonjwalm EVENING coon RITA SCANDREII 72M EMESSOI SWAIN PER DRD KARL MARSHALL EMORY MIIJlR ID PH DIS nulmnuaIIra more BILLS REALTOR 58 woaslav ST Mortllge Fonda Available ALSO PROPERTIES 71M 7M8 TIMI 7mm 7mm 7M unocteln flutter he would be will mandatoaooeerflaoourt primer Drive OdieJ Dont no new manna rauaeoarneuoun nu ROGERS CONNEILL PHOTO Mus REALTOR DUNLOP STREET am PHONE 7285568 levelllee with Our Photo Pliea avamnoa cam MEMBER SARRIE AND DISTRICT REAL ESTATE SO MacArthurmom Routem Mn Norloe Roammean DA Cantrellm CAMPBELL Real Estate and Insurance Photo MES 32 HIGH ST on Joan Lunamm Del Colemm Don bi Campbell71M 7250241 We Funde Ayalllble ant lanaiii Ian oi Value Jae longtln new Member lune ua mu Ilul nut lane SHELSWELL and WILLSQN Photo lils Realtora COMPLETE MORTGAGE SERVICE HS DUNLOP ST 7261422 17261428 IDree llowrl Nbflh Rllhll leek WIIIIIII HAROLD FORSTER AND COMPANY Photo libs Realtorl 98 RAYFIELD ST 73 MORTGAGE FUNDS AVAILABLE EVENTNOS CALL ur Klooaterrnan In Xoulll MI art Moore Do Nutiveombe IIIIflfld Munro 72 Til211 IllIn SOII Adele NAM Art MINrel IVY HIIIIn Gordon AlIIIIorI will AMI In Thornton IIRSI Irene orb Oro Mild GARVEY Real Estate Broker RR BARRIE nuqu DAY on Nlnnr 77379 OWNER IRANSIERRED MIND PRIVATE SALE lLarKe living room wllh broad loom on who dlnlng room ePowder room oEpaolouI kitchen and utlilty room 04 bedroom and bathroom eFull baaelnent ILarle treed lot MUST SELL BY AUGUST Id APPLY 1v EUGENIA FT RETIRE IN THE COUNTRY $900 DOWN MILES FROM SARRIE Beaulliul home Ipllllavol bedrooma tiled bathroom all modernlzed and newly decora ted in aorta included Ollmo lull price eloo monthly prlnel gal and lateral Phone Mr Murray 77am daye LEAVING COUNTRY Threeyearoid three bedroom brick bunEalow ln eoat end cloaa to all achoola immediate occupancy Sarrllloe for quick aala ae owner in going abroad CALL 7761037 EAST ENDX Srlrl blinllluw Ila reliant rendition PIIVIII Ill ODDS down plynknt nqulfld of would exotlenn or income name or older houae TIIIDIIunI mm ERICK HOUSE IIJMU Three bed room large llvine room and nth anon IflLI baaemnt lovel land eeeyed lot Near IOIIWL NHA monlall Telephone m7 la llVlN mu year round heuee tor me or rent Three bedroom llama luv tom on Beadl relaonoae III n1 EAST Ml Dmk three bedroom dinette ou nornmgiwlloe carport Ave id Im eue TIMI MODERN fllfll hm hall plywood lnonelllna throughout on tl¥l°tlarl Tllqiltonl 712 III wooded In with dull all In ion Ind tors FOR SALE ADI of LI Slim III Alla eunlrnar 3212 mun en eerie IS ACRE ml near EIMI It to me irontue on omo Adelaa No Ex AeolI WellInd ideal annulaan now or luture Bufldlnl 11ml ll deatred Come out or holldly weekend You mid anV or III eee nun aaat oil Ne way newt pub in ARCRlTlfTUIALLY dellgned or CARSION INSURANCI MOVING Dont iornet totranaier your INSURANCE and It you need extre menu at any kind SEE STEVENSONS in Dunlop St Eeet 7261501 movaae MOVING For romoiete moving eater and ruler call COOKE CARTAGE STORAGE LTD vouo ALLIED AN Luvae AGENT 7AM IIII ANNE ST FINANCIAL 5127 Interest Paid 0n Guaranteed Trust Certificates UR LYEAR TERM JIOO MINIMUM AND UP SIERUNQ TRUSTS CORPORATION Toronto Barrie EM+7485 TMMFS MORTOAOES IMMEDIATE lat and 2nd Mortgage Alana Anwyhera on at Home mm COMMERCIAL rnnanhu Ratul aI low ll YOU NEED MONEY era oonaolldata dable mortuge aomlnl due oml Ina mealan Any war willie eauIe Write or Phone millet Mortgage Funding aver Sim annSeara legume er ember rte Moflleae Iroltara Auoelatlen WANT AMORTOAGEI Elm or Second at low Illople lotereet up to 60 oi your prop erty value low monthly pey menta up to litteeo yeara to re pay For an mortgage probleme lee RRY Roll mm 09 Dunlap St 7mm Killed Iner In London Crash munch one cple oou ple trorn nearby Rlorodale were killed Wednuday him and their treeymoldJrM Ion orltically lnileedln mgr Dorothy Wright to the iiret lrl to walk her Yorkehlije two wearing toolaedteae lint Mre erzllttflilebl le flotilla out of keeplnl her nmoy brlvete RENTALS HOUSE TO RENT IN ANDUll Two bedroom DIM Iln BILIlronm IM Illicit Wilma aellu IIDIOD HI ID Norm Cal III RIISWWI VIM if bout or two children No It than lephflnl 11 oaoaoon Sawtooth In Full tan 1046 Ill Niall TWO BEDROOM Moll Ill room and IIIlGlII anrea hot and on HVIII elrlv WIer Irena S0 monthly lllawey 17 elanhone Ivy RH lvllt name Mealadrey Thom HOUSES WANTED TO RENT me all Hall to rent I1 infill SRENTWOOD TERRACE bedroom IEIIeCOillSIMtI wart mend Large living room kit riled Tellyullll rnertolrl rmwra wanperv wannaawe Iowa or enaums APARTMENT TO RINT ml no Iflfllll Mill hi med and ID Mid DIR WI PROD FIT All II lumllhld rid uniurn all wlth lrel cloae to downla Stall In all of Ivvo huIneIa Ir It Perkin SID IM RENTATRUCK and MOVE YOURSELF Call AVIS 7261412 APTS wanrao re RENT Young Bualneaa Couple REQUIRE bedroom modern Iali contained arlment by or tober ould nraiar hoe oltal vlclnlt Pirate wrlte lvlng detail to roll It ARRIE EXAMINER TEACHING CouIlI II unlum laneo Rangoon lemmldrflfluh Box herri hamlna um um muna Inuit nu ma pSantana ol Paneln1 or or near one rou ohan lull beaement with lean ml dry tuba Close to Item aohoola Parking Iacliltlea Immediate pomdlofl Phone 7239238 alter pan 3950597 Newmarkel rwo nannoonv rt rent in new manfuntfllml nan to twat phone III III alter 359 Jul ROOM llrIIlIIld mini 14le DR Mn to duty Anulbconlatoed phone new SILTCONTAINED Ila lhld liIIIIII Email 61 room an beta IM sacral vague monthly ielI 9am rzum Illnewt two neloa moo ll room when end All Heai What llflufifi LI and town relgoon melon rwo namo tomorrow Apartment HOITLI ID Dido completer Can iltlttlltlt 447 ml LAIOI Ire IAWIWIIIITRMIMXMEQZHAPJVdM Ina aerator mutton onamvt fining unit Rae Ilfiymla lnnie emu mm IEDMI MEI MUM amt me or IIirlunior of M11 only filth IO very antral Inc It Aural 1e amt glamTuvalu 3e relepnoae men noon new animrtim am now atmogtlyrsiedlg MID Ill and are gr lmflhcflagw at all um 4e lvery Contut tie II ROOMS TO LET URNIIIISD Iedrooni ior rent In will widowa ham £10 to downta not over It were hnnl 115W ltoanae te Board milligram Nla Muno am an hone 11 WELL DiGGlNG WATER PUMPS TILE REDS INSTALLED Llcloeod Plumber wv ammo Im mdll laeIIw realm er tee neyaeld 5SUMMER RESORTS MI new IA droone tn rmthoflrIlfltlll lidl Manhunt 100 unit at we to oh IAOLI LAKE Collin IO III on II Mil south ll dy beach rotor fifv and ball lenient TITS Tflgphlill 7m corneas son sale MUD Mona Witt it httlle IIIIII eonvanleno Pua two bedroom Mil Private LIIt New and unlde IeiI Camera corn lete met at hone bage beta brulhu Ro aide to all mam Authorlud oover BI ADVANCE SERVICE it quueter matte annual amt land Nun Iieehlaea all to on ie Ian nuomi ouoate atria aloha urbtuloeaaet Vleareaerryvreeennet Ill 3635 PRINTS 25 are new to You RoomGrou 1160 S259 l8 NowOpen To Public EASY TERMS TO SUIT when mom mvmonu Beiore You Buy Dy lrvns TRADING 72E2301 as Collier Street Barrie iellol°lilw an no IOIIOD SolUlNII III RTE Telephone want attenuator loot eonai enter muEwan TOP QUALITY ll tron telI II IEL bind III II Tool III III LVLN no 4M7 Ind other heuuheld III III If rent by Arm on Co II It TilIT TRY PHONE 7281414 BUSINESS DIRE saulrer JUST ONE CALL DOES IT ALL Septic Tanks Pumped Only $1850 and ran MDDUploIIID oed Telephone illme who all AR itcuafleurao lg iuagelflale Ill eighteenéi lflklfid Iflula FRUITS IVIOITAILIS mane mom IOATI MOTORS WWW rrie ll omun whee gram that n23 out to out an figs Afelrtinlulilallenda Ill DIOR TI Ilelal WINEWax on illegal Ima7 de II II all one man mun D005 PETS DACHSHUNDS Male 45 Female 40 Black tan ourevbred in intelligent houae nela pntle with children Do not moult or email iltllapectaet 1th Figure Grand aw nee Townehlo or PURIRRID an an no or are rel lira we Nlnl Levin ea or our fllh on yo on II crown lndlv dual rune hum end hannela Telephone roonnaa twirl It III drluaw euauo taekweod Ave one anuth at lnniedl rata SERVICE croav TELEPHONE 7282414 Aak about Low Rates by Month or Year ION SERVICE Ad TII Aug 15 Regular Price $25 KEN WINTER CO leleohone llama ASPHALT PAVINO DECKERT PAVING Aenhalt DrivewayI rand Lola FREE heirloom ALL WORKOUARANTEED Telephone 7287710 formerly employed with MeFIddeo Paving DRIVING SCHOOL nooann DRIVING acnool Duet controlled care Fully lnettred BARR loatructor mmo DRY WALL INSULATION ORUMPUS ROOM Qualltgogoaranteed Vlelep 77W mutilate Dacemmo enaealls esmcovnna ORECOVERING ETC YOUR MATERIAL on OURB Reaeooable rater All work guaranteed MRSL FAIRSURN 71M JANITOR SERVICE ALBC CLEANING INSIDE OR OUTSIDE Wm Industrial Commercial llid fwdenllll IETC 131 BRADFORD STREET PLASTSRINO PLASTERING REPAIRS NEW CEILINGS AND PAIOHINtlt Free Elm STUCCO SAM CRYER 7316 PAINTINO AND PAPSRHANOINO RM Walt an Spray Pam Service Since me on Barrie 7mm PAUL HAIDLE AND SONS Painting and Paper Henging Spray Painting rperlanoe eelm it their minded to CHECKn your lowly PRINTING for heat valueolace your larder NIW ALLJYPEB or Panama We are tally enulpp handle your rintln re all For 0U and VAL UE have your PRINTING done in BARRIE gt COMMERCIAL PRINTING SERVICE tenure TDINO MENT Klleh Wmatern mid rneII

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