wont like This dint Wrvrwszmaï¬lnvm newr ranP mean GOSSIP slightly chewy in the Stored in tightly weil ready to add and sucks The re nu value instead cup milk Preheat oven to 850 grease baking sheets Blend together margarine or butter and sugar Mtsin rolled oats With fork blend flour baking er salt and sp cea work into oat mixture Stir in our mix well She into small balls about inch in diameter Place wel apart on reased bak in sheets Cookies flatten somewhat du Ba in preheated moderate even 12 to is until edges are golden brown rants and mil racks to cool Freahiromthegarden vegetables are at their peak right now For homemakers who own home freezers is one of the busiest times at the summer How ever thelr efforts are well rewarded durin the long cold winter months when they can serve the amily veg etables with natural fresh itavor The ex erts foods free iorfreezin isiacic sible Iue inke rom blemishes are iound in culture Man vegetables lose quality quickly siter harvest be frozen within few hours after ickingr if there is necessary delay cool vegetables in ce wat er and refrigerate them Prepare vegetables as for table use and then blanch Unbleached vegetables lose color and lhou and vitamins become tou ore and flavors quickly iiaily sterilizes vegeta packing ihvo large kettles oi hot water are best for blanch Place ve stables one pound per or wire basket and for 80 seconds second kettle of boiling water ter returns to oil This should it longer thanone minute Blanch ingcheese clo kettle oi water time as soon as we take with the size of vegetables Cool vegetables in runnin water cold Continue coo stables iaels cool and ireeze immediately lif Karly blanched frozen Iy IILIIN DIXON Hot weather doesnt put halt to the demand for cookies Currant 0st Crisps which are aim is to make and which bake quickly are suited to scheme iheyre nicel ddelltsp around the edges and covered tin or Jar the kee htly eweet touch to ligli men rltious too and offer good food empty calories CURRANT OAT caters YieldH to doten cup margarine or butter cup granulatedsugar cups rolled oats to cup presifted allpurpose flour teaspoons baking powder Va teaspoon salt its teaspoon round cloves Vs teaspoon nnamen Vs cup dried currents recommend that only iullymature Certain varieties oi produce are more sat for ireezlnï¬ï¬and these should be used if pos ll Green beans freeze well Brittle Wax beans are also ood irozen Other oklet Frozen loods the information Branch Ontario Department of Agri gh ter freezing es and makes them softer for ior example two minutes while cornonthecob requires is minutes then drain quickl Package in MVP tmoisturevaponproo containers gh quality vegetables pro and stored at degrees will eep well for six months to one year summer moderate Lightly powd baking utes or immediately remove to aroma and color and spoilage are suitable and Rival greenanap and Pure old Wax uggeste varieties available from and develo offensive od lanching per gallon oi water Then quickly lace in Be It to count big nchin ng time varies peas require water or use ice to keep until water around veg ower into first boo en vamp mm complete fertiin as stem at the rats of hsif Moon pot oi fertiliser plus the aama amount of phais bushel bi iud soil will best results vipg pants maxi mum on against Insects diseases nematodes and weeds sterilise the soil before fertiliser is added Small smotmts mas be steadi ised in lbs even see pan of moist soil in the oven and beat it to degrees for at least so situates Another meth odistopouraoou hbollingwa tar through the sol to heat it to 170200 degrees Allow the soil to drain and dry to the right moisture content before use THE STARS SAY tetanusrs With spirit oi enterprise and keen analysis of all mile tlons you should be able to handle slrnoet any lob well now Do not however consider plans made for the future as final You may have to do bit of resvaluatlng malts some inv provamsnte FOR THE BIRTHDAY if tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope indicates that within the neat year you will have chant to ex loit some of the Jolies beat sitsnot ably your courage in theiace oi obstacles and the ability to fare situations realistically The fact is that during the next ismonihs youwill face some ups and downs in job and financial matters and it will be up to you to lake ad vantage of the good periods and to be cautious during those which an somewhat adverse For instance The September October period will be fine for finances but you may have to do some heavy retrenching and maintain policy oi ultracon servstlarn in November and De cember Earl lees will prob ably be to Iluil where monetary matters are con corned since no really good at alonlzthesellneais pre ssged before next July So be guided accordingly Beat periods for lob concerns November December and next March ialte sdvaniaga of all portunliles to forge ahead en Personal matters will be gov erned by generous influences for most oi the year ahead with emphasis on romance be tween now and the and of Sep tember late October next May and June on travel during the next three weeks in early Sep lts Time To Change Routine It Life HCiS Last Its Flavor 31 ROBERTA 30250 Too much oi the time life has lost its flavor reader writes On the surface suppose haveeveryihing to make my seli comfortable and my living easy My husband ttcntlve ibava level be in chil dren do well have part4lms iob And everyone thinks have it made But in reality have no in terest in anything Most of the tims fee an almost over whelming urge to lie down close my eyes and sleep away the hours And every day live through the day with no real snloyment oi anything dont know Why this is happening My health is good We had rsunt checku woman does does not mental theaith Chances are she is in ruta soft and cornfnrh able nitiiiat as much womanin drab rut rihese chances for rule are in sveryonee world and the come in all sizes and above But they all quick death is anagust even when they look appealing do here are some are to wake up and live if your world has become rut NEW COMMITMENT Stgrt today to movs away from your regular routine by committing curseliio thing new or really new challenge Involve ourqu in something ours raid to do er someth as you think on as lsin rd and to oral it with nail preach to new soottor vi etia line lotto someihi best habits get dull when theyre always done by rote When you have choice between an old way or new way taste the flavor of the new armourn vounsnnr Put new goal into our life and stintulata yourseli to win it by reading books on philosophy biography or inspiration They are wonderful menial vitamins and as free as your public library Renew your spiritual life and setyourself ina good mood each day by being happy about the opportunities you have its trite or course but its also true that its good to count our blessings Flashy burn down the walls thatclrcle your rut by building fire of excitement and meal ing under every minute and every hour ve good larreurton vAplplleailensier nrellmsM NOW BEING ACCEPTED Frerhihe HARRIS ARIA Nowuaou can train to be Prs al Nurse sinus an inerrfed needed as Practical Nurses indociorff linicsfi aniï¬tnï¬t inaiead oi closing youreyel to llie wake up and meeitha dayl BEAUTY IALON FERMANENIS Panel Reg 00 Now 000 Perms moo and 01500 NOW WWW flalrlreatndlet Mitzi homes High febooi eduov into the forefront of fashion with cardigan knit in love ly mohair ihese cardigans If win the cable as shown or left perfectly plain The sites given are for and Some Timely Tips For Water Skiers been published by tho Dep meat of Transport to make this to popular sport safer for skier swl must be beat in addition to titepperetor AI Honda nur vnp ï¬1vrvrï¬ï¬sfllhu mum purportneg up its mavng 11d Canvas Provides For mass oron Summer time means change oi scenery tor most people At vacation time some people either take oti for far away places or two weeks at coilsgamiz the lake While others their retreat in holiday under slim oi the are ar vary aiseahole 1v tbï¬l perplhsps on are ans ll not not lhlnkuit am seriously children would love ii Barrie residents are fortunate in having variety of camp sites to choose from to the north there are campsites at gï¬m anglers lelth near as near Oriliis all less than an hours drive away its the south near Alister Is the Earl Rows Park Barrieltas ran leave the city alter work on Pride evening and be all set up be ore dusk CARDIGANS and No needles are used for fast and easy knitting if ou would like the leaflet wi the instructions for these cardigans simply send siembed Ieliaddressed en veiope to the Neediecrait De parirnent at this paper rr questing hiolane Cardigans leaflet number see MOLANA Put the very young ladies knitted with raglan leaves which can be trimmed to keep an on the skier It in tile to water ski be tween one our after sunset and one hour helm sunrise it is an 0an not to stop after being involved in boat nccident itia alao an offence operate best while impaired by alcohol or drugs booklet Safety Afloat is available on nest mm the Department oi ansport Otta wa or from the RCMP Water siding regulations vs mmera and beats when towing skier there second person in the before the ï¬nite opened and afterwands You may store unused portt ing that the StartSeal ier by oliering you thesc the 55 they do your baby new last lifetime one the refrigerator know iinvvilipreeerve the delicate satisfying flavour And Heinz makes storage even eae sanitary tin tops They snap on every tin of Heinz Baby Foodve APPEAL CHILDREN Camping is especially appeal lng to the younger members oi the family and even it hiom isnt true camper at heart shsll tind herself eeioylng the life in the outdoors favorite spot of this writeri the is Lake oi No Rivers in the Algonquin Park area which is in the heart of one of Ontarior most pictures as Provincial Parks and ideal or family cam Dad there is rfcct fishing spot and for the lddlu there is no end of things to see and do not mention the swimming sslbillilee with Da and the offspring taken care of Mom can relax In the sun lhera are even supervised na National Gallery Plans Exhibition Oi Canadian Art The National Gallery in at tawa plans on hold the eth Bi eruliei showln oi Contemporary Canadian ntlngs during the summer of rose single turn will visit var ious locations ithroughwt CnnA eds during the months of Sen ember and October 10 to sel ect works for this exhibition Artists and dealers are urged to make available aii msicr works for this time food Irjee labole irons if Venerab tf lure traits and this particular is rprovides reeves on wildllis held in the evening the main building at this site Is equipped with everything but libs bath ii on are beginner and one tag weekend under the stars why not rent equip mam from npttiabla firm and log large investment However if you have already decided bars are few hints on purchasing the tent of your dreams and also where to pitch BIGGEST PURCHASE vs camper must the kind of camp leg to undertaken and the sire oi family good teut Summer Safety For Family Pet Some dogs never seem to team they will tangle with por cupine every time they go to cutters and end up with mouth full of quills others not itnowingwhst porcupine is are lus to blame but no less susceptible St John Ambulance recom mends that the family taking their do them take along aheavy tran quiilrer or sedative for inst such prickly emergency it will ease the dogs pain until vet erinarian can be found if the quilts are in the anlmhia mouflt forcing the pill down his tluoet will bediillcult but washith Because We qu ls barbed removing them without causing the dog agony is almost impossible such laymen meth ods as cutting off the quilt heads and pouring keroene into the hollow tubes are not only in effective but make movsi cf the quill even than diiiicult While painful quills can be leitinadoguptouhours without danger After this time the ineacrabla migration oi the quills may cause blindness crip piirts orevee death As with all first aid says St John prevenflon is mm aiieeb five treatinentN1ain vat og eave porcu ea other animals alone if he does get quills take him to at arineri or unior Trust liernz to give you the tar onyour baby needsthe variety your Heinz quality at regular prices How To nervous FRI Jueoclip the coupon below and send italong with then see bosLyou like it beforemah on vacation with cousins floor and in most Ientafiynsoreaeieg at the entrance This in usuain cloud with ab fasten st or tledie place mh°flut £6 moo of medium we truism prsfenbllelï¬hia tab easy it and ID dydrylas of ear morning deal eaml ls lately and iii inn for easy downpour camping under trees sspsrlt laiiy pine tress can be is the tent fabric sirimam naesseitlssmareII lla nsceas on cam dayu was uzï¬ntbii and ean ar non frhold lbs adhuive dress elo Arraan all items in and close ghily fut biY ul ntth twill nvs us eq pm rove worth its weight in gold nciudea strong sopa suitable for airing sleeping bags and drying bathln suis newspap aia for atsrtng fires dish panaad covered lastie pail matches in was root tin container and an ass lh long handle Whatever you do dont forget it take along large economy sin bottle of insect repellent and flashlight Another tip seed along to us is to always save one of the car windows open so you can ratrievethe car keys you left inside your locked car Avoiding Accidente In Thunderstorms treat poop fear shitting but if the pattern isconsctotn should be ksptmsuiet warm and Imnforubw is given stunts if he is tntconsetens sea bmthing has artifch respiration be given at erab ba reasura Mflnhdmo ta babyllkee rates any HeinZVStrsined or Juimo Foods and your three tin tops FiiEE seeps teamrlor pm on estrous ï¬nd Hm Baby to labels roan send nae Strained Heine outer Baby Foods