imlflrflw hnvrrv movu tooth Yser Ne ill carom roimaoN be made iiveminuts Radio TV broadcast to the Anteri en people lets yesterday on the hostile sctions MUw Coolie to ex wllh Memegd WWII flat in the Guli oi Tankin The resident speeltl irorn the white House said has ordered the military iorcee oi the United States to teite ec lion in reply AP wimphoto Congolese Army Drives Rebels 3131From Sianleyville vs barbeg WOPOLDVILLE GirlThe Congolese Army has driven in vading ilormntnristbsckedgeb eltout oiStanieyviiiesiter lighting Tuesday in thestreets oi the northern Oceans mod rtanteltv sdlomeaeesessaldthedty hesing niaht otter babies inthe Weoentxesrsisrormd housemate However other messages tbelrmyetillhadnotdislodged erebelbandiromcamplcet mmburackedssbend snortream 9mset1rrninlirom6tanley villeseldlhecountersttack the rebels had been carried out by men oi the WIMOommando Beleeb innloopsoithiemutwere nowntostenieyviileeiewdaye Dim Frederick Burke oi Low Ill Mount Air Three pilot oi the lastmilitary plane to leave Sianieyville Tuesday night said the dtys airport was oecupiadby shoutedCon golese soldiers Premiers Seélr Some oi these were believed to be former Ketange gm darmee who sewed Premier Mohejhiranbewhmhehcsded BULLET EWDHWILLE AP stsnloyvllle lsey oily oi the northeastern Bongo was re ported midst he the hands at communistbuild rebel werrioru message from Stanleyvilie st rnlseidx The centre dty rebel hands Katangs Tshomb had called drernbaclttoiimmdmm being airllitod from Elisabeth viiia to Stanleyvilie civilian airliner brought iive wounded Congolese soldiers to logoidvilie imm Stanley Vllie urhe out the goleae police captain and said all persons who reached the air port Tuesday were evacuated Federal Aid KT° Take People on nature rsarnn Alta ice but edsl premiers have leit no doubt ey do not isvor asking sbleabodicdpereons on Where to work tortheir assistance Premier Jean locale oLQue bec speahlng on betrali oi the premiere told press coruerI em Tuesday that what the prox antlers wan liegdezelmkeid ior srns eagn weliare soles and pm lair with was or Foss Tlisiolm oi Saskatchewan Only Premier Joseph stood at Newfoundlanddid not 1th the twoday conference which endedluesday night with one jjTglksiC duetlam canciiistor toethe Ontario aovcmnwnhuoounud nda aiternoon that negotb Maï¬a tween Torontoand Jams new pers lhing Dario have collapled The printer oi members international vaostcal linian CW walked oii their jowï¬lghflwunion cells opera hm lng Globe gnu Mall and svcning Siarend lele Ja ii lli strllte icon wsrrr Discussion suite mum conierence will be held stWinnipeg Alberta Premier Man ning chairman of the center ence praised the value oi the meetings despite the restricted egqsds and prior agreement to discuss mutual topics4mm education to time runeson general basis and make no at tempt to reach conclusions Both Mr Lesage and Mr Thatcher said they wanted to sea the questiunvoi iederoi aid ior paniccia designed tohelp get empioyable persons on wciiare roles back towarkdiscussod at the iedereiprovlnctsl level ollapse wherein maimed composing room tasks However the publishers have introduced 0th The pere have oliered liiedme guarantee to present icomposlng room employees against unemplayment ruult ing irnmeutomstion in return theyhave asked tor the shell lion oi whatcflthey term leather the secessionist govemment in wide and iive children oi Conl animals proposed maple lcai WASHINGTON APlFEI di top and Ticonderoga bottom helped heat oil attack by Com Ierrle Ontario Ceneds Wednesday August him destroyers Maddox en lbrner Joy oii North Vist vamimr arms rains Future For Govt itleg mews ca The hair was let today ior auclal talks among the party leaders to da termine the iuture oi the Com mono i1 debate and bly the iateuoi the mpgdila Prima Minister Pearecn wee to meet tion leader Diei enbairer vater ior the sec ond time on the issue Their talk will iollow Progressive tak we no case at resolving I1the Commons deadlock and paving the way for iinai decision on the gui Later on the atti tude oi the at al opposition all iiva party leaders were to conier on course at action Mr Pearson and Mr Dieien baker mot privately May for 75 minutes to ditch the set oi compromise suggestions made by NDP leader Doriglal Monday and accepted in prim cl is by Mr Pearson niesday agreed to todays fur ther private talk and mother meeting it necessaryuwlhr Mr Douglas Sociel0redst Leader Thompenn and Crodltists leader Camiette coma MEAN amnion Failure oi the negotiations could resent in weeks oi bitter demo in Parliamentin 69 cisiors on the flag and poselbl Hungarian Bodies 0i Civil highis Workers radar Edgar Viloover air mneed today that two oi the three bodies tormd Trresday nearPhiladelphia Mien had been identitiedea those at civil rights workers missingwior six weeks Enainhiationotihe and le eondmringw gt Hoovers announcement said the two bodies had hear him titled as those oi Andrew Good man no end Michael slimmer both at New York Goodman Bchwerner and James granny nyearcld Me ridlarnMisa Negro disap peared June iteiter authorities theyware med mm as oi Mississippi Jack lead ultimately to die third gen eral election in titres years toMr Dwgiass proposals seek Fix an agreed time limit week or some other period acceptable to ellwithin which Commons vote would be taken this iail nnthe proposed flag design Provide that voielbe on soon on Conservative amendment to the flag mil lion calling tor plebiscite on the ilsg This would be followed by summer vaide ior ouick approval oi the two legislative items that the government has scheduled beiore the Commons picks up silo the debate WM July Give the We summer recess between the decision on the Goneervativee pleblsdte amendment and the agreed time tor the tlnal stage oi the flag debate Farris Exitlayorsiace Charges In NONG Stock Deal TORONTO i0 Four inr mer Ontario mayors and Ralph Farris at Vancouver presi dent at Northern materio Nat ursi Gee Company limited were charged Tuesday in con nocilunvwith the granting oi natural gea iranohlsea in tour Ontario municipalities Others charged are Mr ius lleeieo Landrevllleloi the On iario Supreme Coint iermer mayor oi SudburyM Wanda Miller of Gravenhurst Glen Coatee oi Bracebridge and Wu bur Orernp oiOIiliiia Mr undraviile appeared in Sodomy msghtrates court Tuesday onlthree charges end charity the attorney gen erals department said rail1511mm timed guilty II one Pel ury Marge arising irern statements con cerning stock distribution he made at provincial government inquiries lie was sentenced to nine months dciinlte andthree months indeï¬nite but ls appeal ing the sentence He was an quilted ot second periury charge The him alleges thatvhe altered or agreed to oiier Mr undreville wasreieasedbntioottb He the theother three iormer more were issuedwith surn mnnses and will appear in coirrt momentum tu iledsorusds were detected iodsy in drill hole onMontliive rtwo limestone iorm an oiiiclal act that is the will of the iranchlee doc um new charge egainst Mar LocahWeaihgr anticipatesu In It Wnfln emrymlepeeem ms Mere rm riso Genll Prue Torpedo Basie Oil Depot Targets forlluRetaliation mmmmw erus all or eunsgad or destroyed dozen North Vietnamese PT hosts today and made rubble oi besee tom which they tacked Wham vessels The retaliatory gave thunder em heels to psonuse imm ilgreeidelht Johnsonl No pesee sgmasicn and no immunity than MU lhspresldentiesusdhiestsrn had st we termeddreeestayrea on 6th at on arenas which and Robert Mciglernmsre the out come ve torpedom boatewWU an in lamination waters oi the Gut oi llonido The senetsry said two Uh aircreit had been shot down by ground iire end two bed been damagedduring sltscls sor tiu hunched irorn ihmeirtrldt carriers Ticonderoga and Con stellation i1re secretary said sppm imstely an petrol boats were damaged or destroyed The attack was in Ieteileiion ioreneueuitbythresnedm bostslest Sunday sgainst the destroyer Maddox in which one oi the boats was sunk and two others damaged and another iieroer ensslement involving two v5 cratt hlesdsy The second sttecit was aimed at the Maddox end the da stroyer Turner ioy whichhad been sent to hippest the Med dos At least three oi the slum smell craitwsre believed in the second attack MoNsmsrd said in response to questions that whether this the retaliatory blow will be all that is neceueryis up to the North Vietnamese His summary oi the its re sponse was swilt iollowu to the announcement by Pre dent Johnson Tuesday night that navy lanes had been sent an the salon to give positive reply to the lied sttscks liseareas oi the 78 bomb ing attack were given by Mo Namaraas iour PT boet the iirst at liongey user the mouth at the Red River close to Hal on and leading south the no Phue isriI and Qu anl Kits in addition the oil storage depot st Vinh near Qusng Kile wssbrought under attack by The oil storage depot con taining 14 tanks and represent ing to per cent at the petroleum storage cspacity oi the country was 90 per cent de stroyed McNamara said edd tng smoke was ohlerved ris ing to 14000 leet McNamara said there were no civilian viiisges nearthe target areas PLANES SEIPBVON WAY The secretary said he had moved iueads night to rein iorce the Pauli area and these moves included rler group iromthe let Fleet in the Atlantic to the western Paciiic Movement pi interceptor and bomber aircrsit into South Viet Nam errant contrary to section lot at Code the Orlminel tighter bomber unmannm the planes irom the carrier Transier oi an atteclrcsr lion Although there was no more n3 Navy destroyers Med dos and mm In the our oi mun oti North Nam U8 cat rllers Comte stion rilghlthsng cover ior adlwmdtmm which were Melted by lied Movement oi lighter bomb are into iheilsnd lhnsisr oi interceptor and the United states to buss laud Promo Movement at so antidote he torce into the South Gains has The placing on the alert and making ready oi sel ted army and marine ioroee The army mlinieliuthe 25th Division in high state oi corn hst rssdineu st Honolulu lhe marines st Okinawa end brtledest Honolulu Asked it he could live an reason or the unusual No Vietnsmsee naval sctivitiea Mchmsrs replied cant plain them WILL PATROL He also said the navy would continue its patrols In the Gal oi Tunisia and would continue to tact iteeii against eg as omi No North Vietnamese eircrsit attempted to intercept the st tack sirerait irom the two car riere McNamara said he could not live more precise esti mate at damage to the tour torpedobest bases other than only it was very subsist The nest iew deys were ex pectcd to be critic lnthe v5 showdown in southeast Asia in Peking tirelcapitei oi Red China iterate correspondent Adam KellenLong esld thst diplomstic observers took very grave view at the situa dlete oiiicisl reaction iront the Red arineee pnvarnment the diplomats said vs attack on the Vietnamese mainland seemedvaetly to increase the Vernmentthrou pleads in series slnst the Bed PT boats and ieeiilties in North Viet Nam AP Wirepboo Map possibility oi disea conirotv rams IIin urinsgsnd the Us in BorriheerAeis And Iniasnghok Thel isnd headauen ersactlih satin command an uncon ilrmedr horn reliable retirees es the Pectiie Fleet had been pieced on the slert and msiorlhow oi tom was expected all the North Vietnsmeseposst While the resident in dre matic teie ion night all not ape ea hmlcked U49 oiiloisls in Riga VietNeï¬ tree instalistione ward th Night Vietnamese ind meet The North Vietnamese ov as that id news ency an that itsPT bolt had attacked Wdwnto7ull on Tonlrin end mud us nsvsl and air creel oi violsting sad strolling its territory lisdlo Hanoi acknowledged thecllehjundsy between North Vietnamese ET boats and the us destroyer Maddox but ssid the Pentagons that iotrr lien PT beets attackedth us warships in international waters Tuesdsyr was sheer lubrication The United States also tool precautions against Commu nlet counterthnrst irorn North VldleleogrmfldgmGrim by mov it panes into South VietvNem tor the iiret time The move came liter De ienmidecretary Robert iiich marsrdiaclosed early today that substantial military relhiarre meats are being moved into MinutemanN