wry vumwmnu smvwrrrrr nan W00 wvvvoï¬uou val mmmummvmanM+vn=mtmnmmmrrï¬u Stateloliie 12 worm In Cooedo mid be obie to We moor it the ieii the or minim to hove tr HIM Colo ï¬eoo towtbe tundotnootm oie oi to me the totel lortthe loot ii yeore to If Iimwlhou with minted more on TELEVISION PItOGRlI Choonei lento 5333 woouee Mote on no Iuootleo otty Dora on our lonoroehoro Nome ei IotIle ll Irowo Iouu oo 10 our Iloouoee IDNIIDAY AUUUII on Toot Petterl New Nnvlo gtg 238 in IMUIIDAY AUflUIT To ieitern UIIMVIIY Bit Chill Wooloor lento eventa ï¬rm 228 melrlo one Ill VoeetiorI Ill oIIonol DI Kllfl Voeouon Pie heuoe Erie oykoe how lolltdl 83 rliior one IV Newo comm lentil Newo ï¬cmm no lrontertoi onotol 399914 3333382 Chonnel Buffalo IUHDAV AUDI Joe Coot ooh ooh Weed Woedouker one The Iilornoo eoo Tooy on one Ilunleonntlo 700 lleve tin WI 10 Novlk All evoi loort Ila AJIII lipaflfiw NIIDAY AUGUH up ob EE 21232 Newe th III willfll Tenlo AM Report DAY AUgUII frIlaruea Hound Th lm 22835 =s19 883338 DAILY CBOSSWORD ADM PIIM than we when me eln lo Mlermen Editable nor ibiieoi name 500w rivet ammo on at LauIlllko bird Apolloo Mo Ill Chonnol Toronto WIIDAIAUIWII 10° lit Home CIIII to III nluwnr ttouoeo III we ewu II It to north It mot III Newo At Deuoloellolm uo 1Coleen 135 Blue Club Yltlfnodri liotinoo II to oeodedt lporte loether Ntwo an my one lououeto ohe Pm unholy El IIJ oerlt Weetoor No lot too rln unto end Ieuouoto how ï¬ll ltonol Channel luiioio TUIIDAY AIIOIJI 30 The Intel lioll loo To leovor rt Mumn Who Turned To IDAY AUOUII he loom Atom ov to Deovnr Honeymoon llflvfll no em 123 83 353382 222 Zflul an my euouor ltTo lelvtl =5 332223 Mahmoud 11 Pinohoo IX Mimi oottntII l3 lreeklnl on VA IIVAHHIIVA AItltlilt Mtge flimurtteohoeoetuotvod an In Help With Caluout Iy your NotVII MD Deoo torngelneotdlmomflnot peteon no veo ompilmeoiol our tonne ere the beetwlphfro overrood downIonrth lo thet thoee who write to you coo undorolendt iolrx toteiiitent on on end on will omuoe you om euro hove clipped end ooved loroe number oi your are ticieo lo on title your own work or Ihotelecltoioorooroupoi doetorel Anyhow keep up the nod workm Thank you ior your ilotterlnl worde Well try to tree up Thot hot on edito oi we moon we For no title to not onemen moonshine no perooo con ovo knowied to techie the wide omy oueotlono heve two ertnere In tho proporotion oi to column All three oi uo ireouentiy oek the odvtoo oi outhoritlao in epo riolloed iioldo Beoidoo thio we receive eonolderebie help un eekedbut very woieomeirom dootoro who eufleet the odd tion oi tertoin idooe Bomb timoe they tell no in pereon oomotlmoe the on union come In ieltero imn octore In other perto oi the counlr it to our motor prooleo not to lump too quickly onto the bondwolorl when nine new troelmont or technique to on oounced Not oil at thou live up to ooriy ex eotetiooo We pro Ier to wot until wbotontioi otudy end eoperleooe hoo eoroed reiioble oupport in thlo think we elreo with moot phyoiolenenot to be the iirot to empt every new on noummont oo ooopei but eer tolniy not the loot lo ebendon old concepto when nowor ooeo prove thorneeivee ouperior SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS cooxsrowrt ly DOREEN ANDERHON Mro EarI lomoo oi Toronto vlolied on the wookend with her eiotor end brotheriniow Mr and Mro Ruooell Drover Mr end hiro Dill ilomtnon end Nonoy oi Polnowlclr violted on sundey with the tenure Ereole Mr end Mro Doul mmon Mloo Audrey Me oi Dorrie epont the poet woo end with her mother Mro tlorb Mopoo Recent vlol or Iew doyo with Mr end Mro Ruoooii Dre or were Mro Fred Doioo oi Or llo end douohtor Ruth oi Ottowe Al PINE BEACH Mro Norman Baker Down Pool ond Dwoyno Andorran hovo returned home iollowino ilvo wook vocation at Pine Beech Mr nd Mro Donoid Woloon liy hove returned home tionlno In the Toner mory or Eundey vieitoro with Mr and Mro Doom Fiidey were Mr ond Mro Don lambort end iom Ily oi Seorboroulh ondMr ond Mro Roy Eovoe end Iomily oi shoron WEDDING ANNIVERIARY Conrotuieliono to Mr end Mro Grohom who coiebrob ed their 30th weddlno onnivor oery on Bundoy July to For the ocdoeion Mr end Mro Grohom were entertained to dinner oi the Coder Roll Dorrie by their iomlly THE COOPER Funorol vie wuhoidirom Cookotown United Church on Set urday eitemoon luiï¬ lo ior Howord Wlillom Mott or who polled owoy ot Steven oon Memorial Hoopltol Aliloton on Thulodoy July re ioiiowinz linderinl Iiineoo Rev Harold Dovieo conducted the oervloe with interment ot Thornton Un Ion Cemetery Mr Cooper woo born In Cooke iown on July to me oon oi the late Motthew Cooper end Mo Dutchan lie woo an or Iermer ond lived in the Cookotown oree ell hie lilo tie wee member oi Cook town United Church indie olneo mo end ehorter member oi Cookotown i00F Ietor olilliltted with Eorrie Mr Cooperwoe morried in Vloooot Belheodo theiorrner wt on on ueueoml 7232433 ieob lo bin who prodo no olilv you ourv Arthur oi Cohkololtvn ltdltdohlldr ow Coop Door Dr Molan lo It herm runabout the initetoleteyroidmltobeb become prudent Thyroid ugogoy new one re on ere anoint low nunolluu ty nlyroid meterioio lhould hUt be token without medial ed vice ihoy obould ito lone only It toeto hove ehowo thot you need ï¬lm it you dont need thorn they can bormhli ii you no need thorn they will not be harmful ti token to euitebio orrmoto lat your doo lot decide that Door Do Meteor Whot oouid ceuoo yollowieh dleehoroo lrom the ooveii should be worried ebout III lll lfltl RA Doubtieeo on lnlecilon Yu Ild lwovrlry ebout alto Ill tent my or more the one trouble Theo let him cure it Door Dr Melnerr ltiond who lnllete tllet never hovo ooutthot it mone dluoee odmit thot you heor oi more men then women with it but do the letter hove even thourh momMite Yer they only hove rout too it to not known why but to per cent at tho woe occur in men ilvo per mt in women Door Denier Doeo nmovoi oi the III biedder ohortee pereono liloiati oil bloddor to more con venionce then oeoeoolty otorole plooe ior reoerve oupply oi bile dloootivo Iuloo ï¬redueed by the iivor Borne moo but ior irom oiwoyot eroon hoo to edluot eetinl oblto oomewhot otter romnvoi oi the roll bioddor but ttuo doeoot ohorteo iiie Iomee Cooper oi Ceokotownr three oiotoro tire Mor rlolr oi Dorrie Mro Drone oi Toronto end Mro Me Mootor oi Cookotownr end one brother Joeeph Cooper of Edmonton The oilboorero were Kidd hicioridon Ooorgo Forte Bontlnl Cor rih end Roblneon ny booutliui iioroi tribute were received irom irionde um whooe ioree eoriylofl wool boipod quell rooieI violence Acute on Rodolollero Inotntou lion eteto Police Parliament Hill Glance MONDAY It voioo roleeted Intro duotlon oi bill it Auqttnto MIMIC title thot would moke Cooodo Iiettelel Iteie not on iron moor Douotee geoted oompromloo pin to oltmtilel Ooneervouviexdooleito on rm no eoy tion doomonth euro mer rooeeo Enternot Aiiolro Minioier Morita coiled It worthy ouneotlon but expreoood doubt thet the Conoorvetiveo would woe to it OpponLIon Moder Diem betr oliered to meet Prime hIInloter Peorm end dieeuoe the Doorloo propoooi hioreei Lembert PCEd monton Weoil oeeo1ied com mentotoro eod writoro who were eccuei the Connerve tlvee oi Ollieo Grenolre Creditioio Lonointel oompieined glee end wellted out oi uoe rite are woo dreooed in notive eeolume which woo iv en to her upon ieovlno Air eo Min Croeiey hod mony Inter ooliol ortlcioo to ehow the women which mode moot enjoyobie meeting end woo derlui opportunity to no end hear about the work iiret hend irom one oi their own miooion or or WI DISTRIUI MEET MI In tEW wolri to Kihl rm Foul on reietlvee olten ed irom Ni olore Folio dt Cotherineo Tor onto Borrle Aiiloton end Thorn on PETIRDDRO VIGII Mr and Mro Chorieo Bieek more hovo returned home irom vieitln their oon ond dou ohterv iew Mr end Mro Alvin Dieekmnre Petorborouoh Tom Meyer and daughter Mro Herold Meliiiileen hove return ed home irorn two weeko vote tion with Mr Meyeo brother Elmer In Trelorvo Seek Mr end Mro llm my end iomlly hove returned home irom veootion In Mindon WAITORD FROM one lMioo Doreen Iomee RN oi New York City end iriend lrom South Corolino vieitod re cently with her ount end unoie Mr end Mro ltooooil Duper moron on tons room Borne United Church Women held their lul meeting In the iorm oi piene et Mro Georoe Joiireye cottope ot Wooooo Beech Mro shepherd Mro Elmer Connell Mro stall Smell end Miro Ruth oi Aiileion were him who enoned the picnic with the Enron women EUROPEAN TOUR Mr oodMr llm MoKerey Mr end it Molielve Erneot Voreo end Ken ln etor oi Altioton in party oi over to item thio dieiriet 1qu by eIr to tour Europe ior three weeke othm tram Boeton Cooketown end Tottonholn Are emono the porty TALK ONAPRICA Milo Phyllio Croeley who her rt returned home to the torus community irorn Ntoerie eve to very intereotino talk on or it or teoeherln Ai voyeur Mro Smell Mro Lotimer Mro Roy Petormon Mro Merritt Mro MtMuiltIn end hire Whllolldo oi the Aliloton institute attended diotrict meetin in Cookotown ior Booth Elmcoe to beer the report oi the Dominion Womene ineutute held in Wollvllio Novo Beotio reeenliyond given by Mro Win at Tottenhom diotrtet prooldont WITH MANAFIELD UCW Former membero Ind Ion lor clilzeno oi the Monniield Uniteg Church nviied to the uly United ChurchWo meno meetloo In the ohuroh ood elterwerde oot down to bountliul euoper provided by the iodiee Mro Choriea Deli ey Mro Gennlnlo end Mro Potion Sr irom Aliletoo were mote Mro Potion beiooo iormer member oitho to iield doureh end choir The Lordo My Bhophord In very eieor ewoot voice which mode one wonder whete oinller ohe muet hove been In her younoer dey Mre Biolr oi Aiiloto talk on Grow Old Alon Me the Rent loYat To Mro Dolley thanked tho Iediee ior the ovon oitornoon end slipper ond Mro Gennlnzo very heertliy recorded the mo tion All ielt thot it woo worthwhile oiiort on the port oi lelilid ledle who or omo mutt ere very dedlooted end enthueleeile to their church one community ov ll Ire eovnpenioo oetor tiork Horton provided photo 8111 Recommends Iee Reduction Memon or mu meo ior the SooIorero interne tlortll Union oi conno 1nd ooid Monde ninetenttei undue tlooo in in otion and other leer ior new when will be eoulht thlo yeor Reeomrnendotbne will be out ro aroi Inemberohlp oiono to other wooeed oom etiluttonoi attendeebelow the uniooo iiret election thie ieil oinee the diomllooi oi ito iormer boll till Bonito Maroon ooid floeoelei ourvoy to under woy to oeeeoo the oeneroi ilnoociol structure oi the union The ilrldlnle oi lilo ourvoy would iorm the boot oi iono reo tlnonoiel require monto ior union to the meontirnel union mem berohlp will be oetred to Mduee the onto tnltiolibn tee to em lrom tzIo It in being ouueotod to the memberelu thot on oddi tionol membere lee oi uoo be mimd to too lnodditton en onnuel otend Int eeeeoernenio ito oi ele oeernan woo Irn in the poet to cover the unono lonerni op erouumolotethlt in beinopgo posed oueeomen olimlnotod TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS PHONE mom wire and two dl dured liv vrv contour moo orr ro none Judy Oeriend end rephoro with on onlmoted to catch et landed olrport lri They we on their we mm ior mi or Wiropboto Pocked Ball Park Watches In Honor Ilerialist Falls Dmorr APliwentytwo tboueond pereono wotdted In honor Sundey nizht no on oer loiiot loll to loot to hlo deoth in Detroito iloodiiohted Amerieon Leelue booeboii pork nlï¬hhh rs ew Driï¬n Conn onun toword bio deeth thot ourer there woo eoioty rope oroundon ontie thot 59 would brook the loll There wasnt Koipechioid woe perierminl in on ennuei police iield doy whidt ioeturoo opedoouior etunlo emu end iuloIwor ltloetwoen Detroit end Toronto po Cl loin Eddie on Knipeohieid blii hlmoeii ior hie looioot high oot on owuyinz pole be come the victim oi Dntmlto no and coteotmphe to beieli on oeru loi periormonoe in the loot yeero It wee In Dotmite Iolrlmunde coileeum Jen on ma that the human pyramid oi tho in Woiieodoo come wee pore red ior liie Three In to periorm onlo loop at twine the Contain DRY LAND Almnot quarter of the worldo ourieoe lo erid duert or olony end eroded plolno on end onotherv Eddie used to donate ebove nound broke end opporentiy conned bio decolhgdoitlruhhgrlitp MARI or 01 oitorwnrd on why he tell The broken twine had deterioretod imm ode onld mildew under oovertn oi tope oold Deuolt Police loo tor Hiram Phipo who lï¬new ielt end exomlned Quick Frozen tee cubes ior oool and reireenlno oleaeure let me Will ond keep on bond COMET emlée euuao Rwy eo Perodole Open Dolly1 on to Midntlltt 8428 No more on outv