mew WM mm wv man WWInth urn as in rare sv wr ltimbVzmï¬iklv9mbWfr smwwruwfl mammmntmmeuuv Tpt CAPSULE NEWS 50tlt Anniversary it r= gears gigs it cavetit swauows antiserum itlvs members at the tarn at white gold mines in nuvooxutucht three mills ï¬gmï¬nï¬a llepori Rocks Govt and three homes were swal lowed early Monday In cavs In which leit tbls gapplng hole tram Carleton South Alrica Johannes Onstlntltea so his wits and three children wsre AP Wirepboto via cabizplrcnt tendon Southern US Negroes ATLANTA tAPiAnned with no vote power and iew litl succeaaea Negroes in Sis sotflteirt United States IN try nu cu tor white to con at In making some gain survey the Associated Press Negroes boldln Important southern eiedivs oSiees today are lets Bttt they have In re testtyeara broken the solidly gill raw southernt lpolitics some can pee There are Nam tor tits Nov US enerai elec tion in Miselaallw Alabama and South Carolina as well ns Dulfliheimillileotl es range torn Us congressional seats to city Wine and board at edtteatim WIheir most dramch success came In Georgia two years ago Radar Telescope Undergoes Tests SAN JUAN APiA huge new radar telescope In Puetto Rico may tell man tor the ï¬rst time whether tttere is lite and shove ntant en the planets Iha teiesco at the Areoibo Ionos bertc bservatory com pi nine months ago Is still under adjustments But It lire has been used be con tirnt several specs titeoriea witit titeeiectlnnnl Negro state push senator No other southern state has Negro in its legislature although Negro has won Democratic nomination lot North Carolina limes oi Repre sentatives seat Negroes won election this year totwoclt eounciiseatainVin girls only other victory In at sis was the ING election oi Negro councilman Negroes hold council post In North Carolina and Tennessee And tour Negroes have won nomina tion to otiieea in In Alabama Elsewhere lh Indthe South gtnas ve no imports gains Allho they comprise so per cent the papttietion In it southern dates Negroes have US Senator Raps Gooi Balls WASINNGNNAPlI Sena tor Titomns Dodd dearged Monday that the Illegal sale oi addicting drugs pepularl called loot bulls andpep III has reached enormous proportion in the United Stem Poseiny greater then their legal sale In testimony prepeted tor Senate public waiters subcom mittee on health be peeled lor swllt swtnvnl oi leg lation he has sponsored whidt would give law euinrcament oliicisie brand new powars to deal with the problem the subcommittee is conducting hearings on the bill bcvanada Will Support Move To Settle Laotian Problem communalemanates indndtb nets do try ers at or bavepowerbnncottvane Vimflenevscontereneeon butwiiisu Becsvét Boat OI Reeves tvasnvniss Tenn er The bodles oi cuunttyrelgfar la IImBeeVes Ia and his pia amendmentspr oltsacttlngasetsiernentoi ntiantntemai trottbiesuoen dadiwilidnwhetttm as Cctnctdidn Soldier Buried In Cyprus NIGOSIA CPI II it killed Friday my lt 933 an Memos serving with the United tNations peace loses murmured wood retidgnt Idatttilied is toad htaneserpbeen Manual to body were lound near here Sundaylu thedisintigrated wreckage oi mu tst to Balesville Ark The plane tell into treeswhleit higtbewreckege tor almost Is twins mush Illa was In the isshlon to suburban Brentwood area less than one Sprain some the home oi Grand fmm as sole with Ids 1868 recording Mexican which sold more than the bi cities 29 at New Water Seek Public Offices ed mohair voting power only to ut is per cent Mott oi now Is concentrated in line Georgias doyearold Negro senator Lawyer tardy loiatsnn oi Atlanta cites three reasons lot the increase in Negro candi deb Gsnodwtheit successes ml oi the Sens made Wm eiectinn he said dis trict is new Negro Then on Is awareness on the part oi to register and vote Joinson ILS Island Bans Autos MACKINAC ISLAND Midi AlliFor want at shoeot etxuaily 5000 sheentime was serious concern two weeks ago on claims to be the horse and My Mildl at the United States The three by titres mile island whim bids autos and depends on horses and bicycles tor transportation touttd hull with lut twoweek supply oi the special rubbercoat tense shoes whieit island law metres lor solely on hills Carriage Touts lnwrpora principal user of dines on Island discovered that that msnttlacturat In Chic had qttit making the nearly year ago Ad rnents tailed bo tttttt up IV other sources story about the Islands pii CamInge Tours said it ha do cilats oi help the tint week wholesaler icund supply at the shoes in along Carriage Totuu oiilclals say lorthisyearattdprobablyttm Cyprus will atiimd the its nerai to be conducted by Ms Wï¬mlar oi 5t Hys Catholie onQprus Canadian govermnintpoliey tor burlslabroadratbsrtbin turning the home Campbell died sitarths car which was as patrol swerved on tnotnttainous road It the Ky reuie district to avoid hitting worms and tied at Iltedriyer1tlVBi oi NeaitwaeksisfpNJu Wu seriously Injured Itlanitobettsllrged Io Strengthen Icelandic Ties Guru Men tcti Minister Marni Benedibtssom Iceland Monday Urged Manito midi mlltulidlccuiiur an with the Islandrnatintt oi gurlnntlcel tiottal day celebrationtitllcbi reason or the prime ministers twoweelr Vistt ito Wmernflsn ade wbldteonlistues cenadian Killed of Fuel World War In Mitre Mieitctp gr er Eli ES 53 2E1 MIAWA icPlNDF leader milled that he had been de lingtant up to new In issuing su lnlructlnua to the RCMP llS Pays Indians MIAMI Fla AHï¬ts us alone said the 70yearold triareh oi Seminole uummmmmm by military term eludes Iii Floridas 30000000 acres exoem the northem ed tmnity Building Bums the that said It would boycott the new ptwsa conunlssion which empowered to radar correction and apologies by pomsets pm aasoeieilotu magazines and radio ttatinru tinder the legislation ad ad by the national assembly the adhomuuocialiocn mooted new one nine mission tnstttbers deli newsp Whmwdm minuumbtgnmh Rebel Bends Clash LEOPOLDVILLII Rebel bands clIstted new with Cmgoisea soldiers at tile Itukuls about so miles oi Stenieyvtlle messages mm the Eastern Congo said WEN flunk Isbeliaad to eoes poallion against rebel advance on Btanieyviiis main oily oi the norfltesstertt Congo Iha muscles gava no details nt tits lighting Wild robots have sstnsd about onesixth nt Iba Gongs In commandmeme lswsnon Meanwhile new constitution tor the We came Into letca Sunday President Joseph Kasa vubu signed decree Saturday use murmur the new en stltution which won the over WWW Wm ot Congolese its two wsdts oi voting ltt ptendtgn In Jtnn and July the constitution makes Kean subu the countrys citieiexecu live with powers to dismiss the premier and his cubism MARK FLIGHT SHONEIIAM England CPI IItirty moth Ii piattu iiew scion the Earl Channel to this Sussex town to mark the both Ittttivers oi Louis Bier iots pioneer July Id ION at light on tar intitswsabttttbalabAuitbwas total Inverter ttrst lessees divided cabins um aad ltitaia was um giyihglt long nose an 525 aside conscience with clean hands clad House oi dominoes lite garland Foreign bacte Edward Grey daline tlsb obligations to beigium News bttba Belsiaa invasion was toilowsd by an ultimatum to mt IItIt nisbt standing at Whitehall window or uttered biaiatngiuasita liarntta Its ou over utope We not see then ilt again tt atoee ssstsoa sauce utedona West Ind saw NM day Klnl teem scenes ttnaqusttas pm at lined the mobilisation orders guyw mi Medal recruiting station at bucbiegham Palace and led VIM had to be km ball waving Freud and British open all nllht him flags gluing pg streams oi man enlisting triotle Ibsir noise could As Ills ban tirueit II tile be heard the cabinet ronnt terms to rubberstamped at to Downin Street whara they Md War Germany liberal Prime intstar itarbsrt sct upon instrttetlons gig gggfl E3 er Eié =5 Er mmm all has demands WI and ave ciared war ca asia LINED 10 AID BELGIUM France estt ht in the web ol alliances we be Germanys at Advertising Is News The many as oi this ttswspapsr are tltil ot rim many thing we of people and their doings in nearby places and to the tar centers at the earth And most recently In the upper reaches oi outer space But there Is another tried at news that you hold in your hands as you read newspaper Not the news of people but oi products and services the news ottdvsrtiumsnts It hssoitsn been said that the iuneiiott oi advsrtitlng is to Improve tit dard oi living It does have such lune tiott nut It must unnecessarily with the manuiseturars who malts the products What advertising does Is to tail people about new and better thingsInd new ittturu ot established lavoritas and wher they can be bought In very real ease to Increase demand and lead the way to lower prices It ll literally and actually true that practically everything you buy wpuld cost you most it titer were no advertising Without advertising to iniortn the public titers could not its mass production as we knew it today with Ill its Iconcmlss and advantages People cant buy thingsor want things uniess they knew they exist Iha big problem In this country It this moment and likely to be big problem let some time to costs Is not to much ourproduction as underconsumption Advertising is tit deal technique tor mass communication because it Is the cheapest quickestand most responsible wsy to reach the people it is isct that advertising will speed unsslss anti create valuable goodwill tor brand or store Witness the actual money value at any wallsdvartiud wailregarded name It is equally certain um suit of on name or that we duct must behettssty ialr dealing and lull value or the price ihsrais bttlitvlnpsnaiiy tor ovary misrepresentation Advertising In unworthy product or servicesttstply means litan at people will discover Its disadvantages ileum immunity Eli