mm rflmr avmwMWWIFV Al COOKSIOWN Nurseries horse is unsurpassed for culilvrring between the tract Iiiiiisru NOTES this acreage will steadily lemurs The remainder of tbs two fsrrnr for lands kiices rod or slit of local buns sidebars Mr Verreuwren ax pisuied Will the ultimate our School Board Views Wamica School Site By binding at the site of the new warnica school for an lriapw tion the Board of Area in nlsfll was shown ovcr the well advauoed stnicture Monday Wit Members saw the floor construction Nady to pour the building roofed in and all work well advanced Gary Alex the ardiitect in char assured the Boardtbe bull would be ready for use before the school year starts The Board rdiourned to the board room ii Sunny Brae school for dirt oussions on color schemes and other matters including hiring caretakeri CLOSE KILLYLEABH SCHOOL Willi the changes in school or rangements the Board hru de ci ttliat for this year any wayl the oneroomod school at Kiliyicugh will be shattered However it will he kept in re serve for the decision of the township board as to the dispos al at thebuilding An inquiry from ratepayers fonthc use of the school and til records in order to hold reunion of former pu ils wu given favourable co deratlou The board ordered the Windows be covered with plywood to pro tcuv them CAKETAKEE APPLICATIONS iria matter of caretaker tor its new school was given con sideration Also there was proposal for placing the whole Painswick unit including the ill Warnica school in the hands of County Judging Competitors Set For Barrie Aug By ALAN scorn Associate Anicultural North Simeon this coming week chiefan Ming Liv Judging mpsiltlm to at new OO 3me on com on ndve etfort betweui the and South Simone Dr pnrtmaits of Agriculture as well as Junior Farmcr groups in Slmcoe County mien classes will be ed at whilethmihg ti W0 gigsses of beef and mcuu each of swine carcasses shew gilta potatoes Nd clover and OS Five sets of reasons will be reordred irom competitors Sen iol junior and novrce sections will be offered so that each wntedaot will be competing ii on at on prises or in each sururv on mugs no snows Ati 1N COLOUR bring The Whole My ono caretaker number of ap llcoilons come in froman sd hr The Examiner With earns 13 applications it would appear that if the work is to bs aoneporron Job making fulltime position it will mat about 00 our month on is monlh basis The Board will interview the applicants NEW lllAiiLthATlCS COURSE inspector it if lifackiurn so vised the Board that new lost books will he reun for teaching new mathematics curriculum to Grade and pu lis it rtarts with Grade year with Grade being optional this would require placing an order for textbooks to be avail able in all sdioolsi An order for iro books at $275 each was placed teach or who is now finishing sum mer course will instruct the teachers who will be teaching the new mathematics course it will at least stop parents from doing the childs honis work was the remark of one Board member iliis Fmiigtsvf th dale rope ira showad the innlsfil Fire Depart iricnt attended iivc firesin July grass fire at Horbï¬hanoris brought call when the fire got away from an oil tank garbage disposal and burned an acre of gross before being stopped by firemen Mrs John Clifford required several special prizes for indiv ual honors ltorth Sbnooe 4H members should remember that their 4H competition it is extremely important for them to attend the Jodsioiz birips titlon to receive mark on tilts sectim of 44 work This Canadian Naipaul Extith udging com on is scheduled tor September itHTmlrfl Junior Forums and crs nning on attending this years went should submit entriesorwellartheslentry fee to our office at Barrie by An art 716m mm an divisions it has on hills sections on livestock crops horticulture and farm engineering This is very worthwhile llia ti entry fee entitles competitor to free day at the fair including the evening grandstand show and coup com loo itself features ex alumna for Sailor Mi ethnic RMWWW ï¬lmmnm Wampum iii which one in Club iudg mark will be tak ti on from xtlllfl supper As well the runes so of shrubs and cm rmntslmshï¬s Iminimum who Irmllght bulb on some mattresses silted lire Art found be aired WIRIth inflated imam short in service motor Albert Gower rt Nantyr Paris called the equipment Mien In home An over bested stove had set fire to the partitions but with small damage fire in the garage of Art Limits which caused sbout $500 damage COUNT CASE large simunt ot liguor was oonlircated from tbe of Charles Crosby in Bell Ewart on Saturday night With the as sistance of couple of consists in borrowed from the OPP and Corporal Crone of the local pols ice suflicisot evidence wrs fund After search large Mods svsllflllc for the weekend holiday trade was removed The case will come up in court on Thursday Three children were iniured on Siaiday afternoon whens car with boat trailer backed into them at the entrance to ionis fli Pork They were taken to Royal Victoria Hospital in Barrie Dev id 3mm and Bruce Smitb were treated and allowed to re lurn home Linda Brown was kept for further treatment John PpClifford of St Johns Read all Stroud was the driver of little further lnvcstigstions An some OLD HAT AUCKLAND tCPl When an Auckland shoe shop displayed highbuttoned shoe in its windowaspartofanan nlversary celebration it had stream of youths in Beatledype garb asking to buy footwear of this type They were crestfailen to discover thaboot was made 70 years ago from Club members 15 years of an or older Both the county competition and the ONE udgiog corripeti on are ex lodging ss pcricnoes We hope the county juniors will takafuli advantage of them good on cauawonrr should be char ritrrctivs pearrnce and their pleasing io age colors Plan to get contrasting bright colors Prince Albert northern Saskatchewan drought area received total precipita tion of 165 ladies in period around Inn and urban homer should be FALSE WEN Garden catalogues and ad vertislog usually show flowering types of shrubs and trees in beautiful fall blossom which is all very nice but this gives the impression that these shotiidbs in fire threatened mum on led oruiis comments Mr Verscuwren But actually the owering period of most shrubs and trees does not extend beyond wads or two started from an unknown shrubs Therefore and omsmeatsl trees on more for their dolibt that low moisturn and dmttfllt have hint Prairie crop this year ltie full effectsvalued in dollars and added up in bullets lost may at be known until the sea lOfl Drought has been on the mink of farmers agricultural officials and Politicians out the through summer The federal overumsut the vehicle Police are making pounced an nosgm prosrarn oi old to Saskatchewan iamers micultural offidal said hi Calgary thrt drought in midi $000000 in losses 09 Another said some SM wan farmers may suffer oom pista crop loss The sundriestom Alberta rs gion and northern Saskatchewan appear to be Drought was slight in Manitoba Grain and livestock farmers both suffered The Winnipeg Grain Ex may coatsrap hardest hit inanportthat ceotmoftha April to July 25 none pamdwiflrltlsincbcslntha mpedodlsstycar OUMOILGOOD But tho overall picture looks widi favorable or bolts Yieldstpredictsd July raiiu iinproverrient and mood of opinions optimism pm veils among most farmers The federal government said it would contribute 50 per cent The MI Agricultural Clubs oftiia costofaf mu otuodntomv will beho iinalinaet lags iun the next would like remind that the final carom will be held at the August meeting good deal of study and Areview of years work will be noness BARRIE inciaiprograintngetfodder todroughtmiuï¬nskm 1964 ram DATES August 14 Fort William Port Arthur Canadian Lek hflhii til tton West August Attila Delta August 1245 Peter bomugir August ino Am prior August ms Lansc downs August ists Fairy River AugurtvlsisNavan HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE rum STRANGER iiitlii iLtlilrtLl r55 still mr llyforsllttlcmorss propertlu weeping ow For striking yellow contrast Imburrt locust and yellow alder are unucelled Juniper and cedar varieties are among the favorites for planting around 352 foundations to help in irons or to the ground Wiw do so rnsn shrubs and trees planted by no owners to survive the first year of planting hir Verrcuwren con riders getting good soil ccmnrn lion rround the roots as the most important Kart of successful tree and he plants by the thousands Just as important with larger shrubs and trees is staking WIND FEW Wind exerts cults pres sure on bushy shrubs and young trees rnd this movement trans mitted below lhc ground loos ens the roots so that they lose Drought Hurts Prairie Crops EDMONTON CF The wan Added assistance would be givsninthcrhipmmtotcsttie to pasturu in ivjutgn government or poor mum to but tor land How many famm have taken advantage oftho aid is not yet known Agriculture Mksistar if Mc Donald oéisskatchewan slid mm AMY of northern Saskatchewan will stif fer comle failure Stayher Camp Brings More Top Awards STAYNEII Staff Addition awards earned by youngsters attending the recent day camp here were announced Friday by Simone County recreation direc tor Jim Reid These are as follows beginner canoelst awardJennifer lves Liz Mason Mary tau Holland and Marielle Glenn Canoeists are Anne Matti ers Nancy Nixon Heather Duff and Cheryl More Gold awards for physical it our went to Gary Moonslane Heather Duff and Nanvy Nixon Gold awards are the highest retuevemeot ranking above the red and blue awards Most awards were handed out at parents night two nights are the camp ended These rd dltloerl awards were earned by the campers after parents night camp was sponsored by tho Simone County Community Recreation Service It took place in the Community Park with waterfront activities conducted at OakvlewBeacb KMammuï¬wm rub pigniing and mm gating cuttings is tricky business and so ri ml Ira extthrfmelymiliil cult overcome rural irilst frames are installed In this setup automatic sprayer will cutin to spend it over the cutting then cutout forts law irilnuter This will keep the lelvu and soil constantly moist be says Sun and dry air will often dehydrate diffth msttings bo fora they root think this new rystsm will be big im provement To make the sreatut possible use oi land without overuowd ing trees are planted five feet apart in rows 10 feet apart This leaves rpm to plant two rows of shrubs in between lg Then as the trees grow lsrm slirubr esn gradually be shipped to Toronto Then so other true is removed to give those remaining spacing of to feet apart in all directions Regular cultivation is by trac garden tractors hand hoe and horse and scuffleculti vstor This gives good weed control and keeps the roll loose to conserve moisture and per uir to circulate down to the Mice and rabbits are pest in the nurseries They would do truncations damage if we didnt put down treated bait and spray all the trunks of larger stock with chemical deterrent psi before ireeseup says Mri erseuwren if trees are girdled they soon die is wonderful in secticide to control aphidsl it sets right into the trees to kill the sghids as they feed rather than ycuntactlofrctyoucan spray one half of an infected Kshiiclmtlil DDT ozflldsprsadm tree ii there on the untreated ride sl so INSECT CONTROL its described how in agricul ture biological insect control LEGION BINGO WEDNESDAY AUG STARTING or pm JACKPOI $32000 LEGION HALL 7l COLLIER ST MAflNEE DAILY AT 100 pm mm mm 1rssns 030 pan til imitative ï¬nd of Dutch elrn disc to Stmcoe County Mr ï¬ll Egrgllg as You simply cant beat on rural rstiifrll but in dry slea ther you must irrigate to get tree growth he says For those concerned about the are in artisan pilot The Etnopun linden mem bermig mmmd family is no uiarit its dense shade rm ethical fast growth Trees rnd shrubs at the nur series wlll be shipped to To ronto in all sizes nie limit is trees with trunk diameterrnf six indies To prevent root in jury large stock will be du out with ball of earth and bound in burlrp Chemicals To Kill Driveway Weeds nonrandom Fl Elli MIMIC using chemicals to keep blra areas such as driveways and parking areas free of weeds if mixed population oi weeds present combination of clinical will kill different typ Use Sodium chlorate mixtums or Polybai chlorate or Animate at the rain of pounds of product per loo square feet Ap ply either dry Paraquat plus Slmaaina mixture may also be used where immediate topkl tulm sterilization rre desired ltlben using the 1ch chemicals ways ow manufactur ers instructions since these chemicals will kill any plant that they contact spe clai rare and forethought must be used in their application For instance if the area to he treat ed is highcr than nearby flower beds the chemicals may wash unto the flower with the fort rain It tree or rhnib roots ex tend under the treated area the chemicals may leach to these roots and mouse iniury HOP AUG 51 pin to II EMBASSY HALL Barrie ADMISSiON 50 PER PERSON GIRLS FREE ADMISSION Adult Entertslnnimt SHOWS AT and oils szs TOMORROW BARRIE ARENA GROUNDS WEDNESDAY ruousr 5il ltrlhltltltXltritltlt ONE DAY musss ONLY