Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 4 Aug 1964, p. 4

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ittholiarrtr Published by Cllildlsn Newspapers limited Wl Walls hibllabl id Bayiield Street liarrie Ontario gt va mmatrtassse umnaraueuaseuetruoa Remarks By Politicians Bringing RepercuSSions Politicians who ahoot oil their mouths for political affect without cons siderlng the wider implications of their remarks can be real menace in this modern age of fut communications The most recent example is the nom ination of Barry Goldwater as its ublio an candidate for US resident ical race atrate an his comments oh international af airs are viewed with dis may around the world Much has been written since the Gold water nomination One comment seems to summarize viewpoint that is widely held it is from the Christian Century which says Ordinarily lhe Christin Century re lrains from endorsing or flatly oslng candidates But now we change flat ly state our opposition to Senator Gold water We are opposed to him not so much because he is conservative which in fact he is not contrary to his claimbut because he is an ldeologist ills sltion is doctrinaire and is not base on the considerations of practical liticswhlch have hitherto dominated merican elections We believe his candfi dacy regardless of whether he is elected will dangerously weaken the Republican arty end with it the two party system is election would in our inlon jeopar dize the osltion of the Un ted States in the worl would inflame the cold war and sap the confidence of our allies His position on civil rights and on other dom estic lssueswould set our coun back half century would exacerbate col or gestfon and undermine the position of poorer third of our po ulation We can see no gain to come rorn his election which would balance out tenth of the losses it would produce So much for Mr Goldwater But he is gym not the only politician who makes re marks that bringre rcuasions The Cal gary Herald gives British Labor party verbal an for some recent utter ances byf room are The Calgary editor aalrs Can Britain afford the lua of another Labor ovs emmentr Event eimminentpfios ec of having one has alread cost rltisb shipbuildin industry loss of sub atantial or from Spain The present overnment had com lets ed contract wi Spain to build or but modern armada oi frigates British shigyarde are always in need of orders an Spanish gold has long had reputa tion for being as good as any other But British Labor carries its intense dislike for Generalisalmo Francisco Franco and all his Fascietat le govern ment represents to the poln oi uncon cern about British shipyards And Labor spokesmen have been aylng at the Con servatlvos in as fine show oi ideological lndi nation for daring to sell frigatea to Faro ate in consequence the Spanish govern ment has decided to cancel the order it will buy its frigates from France or Sweden or the United States The Span iards in addition to being insulted by the coarse observations oi British Laborof flclels ex ect Mr Harold Wilson to take over in autumn and anticipate that he would cancel the deal on we So they are taking their business sew ere This is Just one more aspect of the added hen iceps Labor ro me will bring to Britain if one is elec ed as it seems likely to be It exemplifies one of the basic weaknesses of doctrineire Soc ialism which puts theory and sentiment above practicality 1an MEMORY LANE YEARS A60 IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 21 1939 Con servatives oi Simcoe North chose Fred Brock Collingwood to contest federal election He won over Herbert Robert son drugglst and former mayor of Ban rie There were seven other nominations Thomas Ross of Guthrie former Liberal MP for Slmcoe North narrowly escaped death when he was gored and trampled by bull on his farm for 20 min utes Terri ly injured he was attended by his brother Dr Fred Ross of Bar rle and rushed to Strethavenllospital Essa Road Allandale RCAF Station Camp Borden will get 27 new Fleettraln in aircraft at once from factory at Fort are Hugh Grant Orillfe lawyer set on his behalf advised Albert Tuck to nore Barrie Town Council edict can cel ng his licence and continue his so condhsnd goods store on Hayfield St Cliff Carley Barries unofficial water front guardian saved another oi many lives in his career This time it was young deer floundering lost in middle of 8y Wesaga Beach residents tool their troubles to the Munlcl at Board and asked to become police age CNR transferred John Walker divisional en ineer at Allandale to North Bay with Carriers coming from Hornepeyne DANGEROUS WARMONGSR Hamilton Spectator Senator Goldwaters obsession with warmongerlng theories and his refusal tochange course he must know is wrong cenonly remind historians oi remark Sir Winston Churchill once made about Sir Samuel Hoare former Bri tish war minister with footinmouth leanin Sir Samuel said the then Mr Churc ll occasionally stumbles over the truth but he alwayshplcks himself up arid carries on as it no Senator Goldwater we fear will tlnueto carry on in the fece Iote ch ng had happen in hisplace MajorGeneral Daniel William Bigelow Spry OBB VD pro minent mlltary figure in Canada for many years died in Toronto at age 07 Although born in Toronto he canteuto Barrie at age seven when his father was appointed postal inspector in his early Esau he served as re orter for Barrie seminar and one of is stories was the murder oi John Strathy mans er Bank of Toronto His milita career gan with enlistment in set lmcoe Foresters in 1690 Joe Milne scored eightend playing against ilar Wharton at Barrie Lawn Bowling Clu Demolition proceeding of old grist mill at Palnswlck Robert Warnlca recall ed when it was built christening was done having skilled atone thrower Joe Haggard break bottle of champagne hung from well Joe did it with one throw Stewart Page reported North Slmcoe has finest wheat crop in years At Camp Borden construction was bein rushed on buildings in both arm on air force sections Wilbur srrls gamed new garage service station and dealership at corner Toronto and Elizabeth Sts ieave George Holder of Minets Point returned to duty as able seamen with Royal Canadian Navys destroyer Skee na at Halifax OTHEREDITORS VIEWS spirited criticism oi his dangerous poli esas if nothing had happened Out 01 the stuff of such stubborness are fashj toned fanatics it none Wane APPROVED Christian Science Monitor It probably comes as surprise to edllsg Tire lied Ensign ing Can adlen coatoiarms has nevglieen do noted by Parliament iii Ottawa as Nile countrys banner But because of the ab sence of an oiflciall approved alterna tive that ensign has town overCanadian uhlic buildings throughout theworld as enatioaale blem TH 31 IILL IN tournament enasz bilifor years and we or th surprised tolearn hat Ha Kath nGrahehan ist in to uter ize till particu piecerhfgfoldlhglraon the treasur oith Unit is that an iiitleffamlllslrlty paid at The ii iii to School Battalion After months sick many that Canada has no legallyapprovi wamrm gt an =nvv= BUSHIN ROULETTE CENTENNIAL FLASHBACK Barries First Elementary School Rear Trinity Church On November 21 rest the Ex ecutive Council cl Upper Can ada recommended that Lot Ta in the town of Barrio be gran ted to the School Committee group of Wesleyan Metho dists for the purpose of erec ting aultoble building for schoolhouse and where Divine Worship might occasionally be held It Is known that an ele msntary school was operating in less near the old Victoria School rite now the Barrie port offico and there is sup port for the opinion that this was the Wesleyan Methodist use randomis SCHOOL the Grammar School was at ready ln existence it is recs aonoblor to infer that general elementary as well as religious education was imparted in the Anglican school The first public elementary education available to Barrie chlidrcn however wss in the little rural schoolhouse known as No Verpra it lay outside the town limits but Bar rie at that tlmd was still part of the township In less on the hlllwhlch then extended some distance to the rear of the present Trinity Church there was erected Bar An interesting and pathetic sldelight on the liver of the people who knew this school is found in brief news item in The Advance of January lose Mr John Black formerly heed rler first elementary public master of the Barrie Public school frame building of mm storeys so leet long by feet wide The school accommodated about seventy boys with two male teachers in charge George Sewreya Recoil actions of Barrie 13 to no to Fred Grants collected in contains some detalled lnlorm to school The nlorc swaafaughtbyltsr gar Black and later his broth in 1357 the Anglicans built John Black and later his bro parochial school lust east of ther John Black while the lun Bayfield on Slmcoe Si and he ior class was in charge of Alex McKenzie Mr Sewrey makes the general observation that mlv chlol was rife in the school in ferrlng that it lacked the res training influence of girls There he said attended girls school under female teacher at the cut end oi Collier Street where new is the Collier Street Methodist Sunday School it is probable that these schools were one and the same tests is tor catnNiflfinwillllll education ere into an nob Curran red ti School but who Is new teaching in Waverley recently lost his wile and two childrenby ty phoid fever which is epidemic in that locality This is also commentary on them of sanitation commences List of names recalled by his contempor ncluded iossph Rogers WI fem and John Bennett Thomas and wa Boyr George and John and James Dougsll Er and Wellington Palmer Lel li Fred and William Capon John and James Dougell En nest Bert id and King William and George Willi lnson Ed and Thompson Crew Peter and William Pee Alex Milne ii Arall William and Bird George and Ellis William and Warren nelo Murchison William James and ionic Valr All and John Carson and McKenzie and Craig Charles and Geo rge Plaxton Willfem and Dyment Ales McNabb George andG Carley Cheri Crease George Somera John Charles and Cameron John Molhes Laidiew Alerr and William ithsliihfhiafih my Thames Wilson Harry Motility and Ed Albert John Thomas Joseph George and Saul Saw ray MARK wrrsr am This aehoolwaa the probable scene of an an Boys which was rope in The Star after he had been made chief whip of tire Canaan votive party at Ottawa it told of him having removed knot Vfrom the floor of his classroom inordertoisootpeaaatths master in the classroom below the knot at course being rev Placehie la the face at Aida would health heal the lot eaaedyfreer the jwaa the year that aided first its school sooesn detioowse lnedequeh to and in our time weput great rentlum on counsel We do most use by counsel The Psalmist atsrts everything her Let us learnbnw l0wlilil¢l in him Tam mm oritiee atthevlfome Dulce te sbou Brit It per uneatary or as grown outdated It is needed stimulant to dlscussloo on how that system may be modern ised and adiusted to meet the reqtdrerneots oi the day patterns in the as system the uncle tive deselected except for the pmiduit and vlcrprealdmt is wants from the Gongsen Onallmaiwmsttemexoept incueaofntremeemersency itiastibiocitotisawliiledlv provalolthecongrees in the British system oi eoureetiregovernmentiapart of Parliament Mr nebu sees in the LLB system two main benefits One is that the elected rep resentatives have some real lmllitynandsooseihiog mmnmnmum govmmerurmdernmendln spectfonandreetraiate We have been vary die first maloraflMmeamwwnmmnVfir unaware inclined in Canada to take from ourpdghbordn the ways oi Imminent Mr Fisher says we have been snobs about it But the one msior improve ment we hsva made hu been blood on the UB system This is the much malordifl of peril oonuaifteea lite In we have one further then In lurlsdiction in was the use of commit flrls was brought about by tanner premier Leslie Prost an admirer of the US system and has been vary practical covered it Ill legislation or way tiuouab committees We have not gone this far here But today considerable legislation is being processed through committee and othar important work is being done in the downstairs rooms Tbishaebeengoodbothin keeping members busy and in more thorough handling oi our public elicits alone the Onthll writer is like to see more thmight along the lines of Mr Finherl nrposrrsom Find Imported Toys Coniahiliuch MclNiYlll HOOD LONDON Toys imported from Hong Kong and contain lng so much lead that they could be fatal to children who happened to suck them have been banned by an order from Home Office alter four children had to go to hospital for treat ment alter sucking the toys oTh51 discovml tlrfomeneoe ese po as ye was made by Dr William Fielding medical health officer of Bou nemouth shops where the serious toys were first noticed COULD BE FATAL Dr Fielding in reporting the danger of these toys to the au lead content is sohlgh that there is no doubt they could be fatal This would probably heppenonly in extreme cases Bont The Bomb From All Homes VICTORIA iCPi Navy demolition expert here fern vently believes in the slogan earn Bdmli Li Crndr ArthurBower wants Io see bombs banned from les homes He says Vi ans do the strangest things with bombs They drill holes in them wire them for lamps use them for doorstops end weld them to gather to make fireplace fend ers Ooe men had live loo squid bomb He was go to the top off to make bird th His neighbors would have been all upset LtCrndrllowsehoadofv diving and demolition tor the now said millions oi rnines are still floating in the Pacific lie samples oi Japanese German British Czechoslovak lan italics and Russian explo elves picked up in Victoria on kept as souvenirs Lead but there is definite risir drew in them would certainly make ch dran very sick The toys it is reported are all of polythene of varying col ors and retail for quite low bid on well under dollar The toys Dr Fielding reported that analysis showed first these toys ocntehred 1300 parts or lead to the million The Home Of lce safety limit is 250 parts to the million mostdaogomsarsthered These figures were applicable to file handle part of tool kit The other toys with den Genus load contest were in toy hairdressing set GUTBREAK PEAKED The possibility of wide spread outbreak was first notio cd when child was admitted to ChristchHICh Hospital suffer ing from leedmrolsoning The toys were fou at his home Dr Fielding was informed and he sent them for analysis to the Public Analyst at Southampton His figures showed that small screwdriver oontnlned 1560 arts of lead or the erge screwdriver 2630 parts and saw handle 1450 parts They were all colored red The anelyail reported that the other oolora were either not so bid or were below the danger limit Tbro or three children suffer hag from the some trouble were treated at Poole Hospital west of Bournemouth There public health have institu tedaeearohoiahopsendldov skabouoertalniianyofiheu toys are for sale there back from the Home Office Is fng first they are new prohibit ing the import ottheas WI still be on sale They must he fouod before child dies

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