aMoka FIRE lau ter and luaelou fried chic on war the order of the day at Barrie Rotary Club annual barbecue In at Vincent Park yeaterday the 1100 portion of chicken prepared the pile were complete allout for one of aNuuna annarcun Rotary Serves 1400 Dinners Member at Barrie Rotary Club turned cook and waltera yeaterday to acne chicken din her to more than Lioo city and liatrlct cltlzana Buatncaa man and indualrtal late to doctor and in art donated apron and covera to barbecue hundred of chlckena and um the aucoulent food to ataady mom of Many people we the liih annual club Qarbecue and in the opinion of official wa one oi the meat aucceaaiui ever held The eventwaa complete aellv out pm when the ale of tic eta had to be atopped By thl time the club had laid the L400 dlnnera each at which umprlrcl half chlckan po Drivetiniurod Onjifarlring Let Ontario Provincial Police at biayner Baturday nloht invaatl aated headon coltlaton in parklna lot at New Lowell that rent one man to hoapltal and cauacd 00 damage Police aid Harold Malcolm DeYoung oiof Croomore waa hla car in the parking lot ana car driven by Harry Gordon of New Lowell came gilt the highway and drove into Mr DaYoung we taken to lilngwood General and Mar ne Hoapliai for obaervation and ï¬nallamnt of minor injurle and ac Conic Fry inhumane tato aIad cole law butt icelkcream and either coffee or lrv Ellement barbecue com mittee chairman waa in charge Member were organized into it rubcommitteea roaponalble for uch taak fire building tent erection and ticket alea The rat committee mem ber moved into St Vincent Park about am yertorday to net the event aolng Fire were going merrily by noon and the ilrat aroma of cooking chicken filled the Blake St nelahborhood long before the tint ervlna at no By title lime the weather ad clear ed and pen le had arrived to enjoy the lcken and llaten to gledbarrie Citlma Concert an acorns tendonHarold Howe Carter 67 aecrptary ol Rueuter nest array or name year fore hi retirement in rear linowitoa Que Cam bell Lain oz once landingfgura in meat preceaaina and packing industry in Canada and Great Britain Brennilie NAGL Andrew Reinhard 72 architect who helpeddealpn Rockefeller Cea ire in New York City La Verne NeroJack Kirk wood no comedian whore ca reer apanned vaudeville and televialon of heart attack Montreallaraal Medrea 7o member of the editorial board at the Jewlah Daily Ellie Moreflhan mo and Oiiicers tWillPolice Merinoaafeaiival More than too auxiliary off ietala will help police the Mari poaa Folk Futivai title year in aireffort to prevent recurrch of rowdyiam and lal it in ted the nniiiti anlaer ted WWW reduea ex Becomeofpmtert following hootlganlam tau yearit war thought advilnble to hold lira tion feaiivai elmher edr Therefore It will botheld in town Medonta iwnihip about if fmm0rlitia Regularpellce in munlci at ttiea mnoundln the feet val have been aulaned double duty Ontario Provincial policegiw ownahinare inereadng their alter5th with auxiliartea Simcoe Barrie Enreraea Mumor 1attontn to pro di xllln dice la aiao arr eme en comma Mnlhgtlailont the am link lall municipal police dapart matumnauo moron gogaatdttirfaltthat more at may triinad uniobtain formed police will act detkrent to trottbtemalter Auxiilariea irom Coltlngwood Stayner Creemore Aliteton and or on handpAnd trained communication otltcera from Drliiia and Becamethe festival altehe tew facilities and no accommo crowda are ax to aplll over into the neaiiborlng of Midland Peoetaaaand 0rllllaand probably into the em com plicated by the Black Knight parade width ia being held on Saturday oflthe ieativaliand are ibie for lid tile elem which annually more than H000 to vneca°aruwunmn be covetedby the lmuni cationa network Metropolitan iomnto Phil 1haafprnvldled MM the cairn pollen expected rev membera of the EMU oommi timwmntih it ntu mm nunw um wmvmwwrmvnï¬wv the mart ucceraful barbecue ever held in Dorrie TOP flotarian Rob Angelolf aba fork into lulln chi en Examiner Photot Comes To Rescue Of His Old Love Court Gordon Selwoodyof the Barrie city police an etarall roader tlll ha love for lo comotive and like to aa them intact lhl proved the undoing of two juvenilca Saturday night when they were acouled at an tornptln to my the bell and hanger from the ONE locomo tive in Klnrmen Park Police raid the bell and han ger were diaconneoted and load ed in car and ready to go when Conat Sclwood arreated lhenboy and charged them with attempted thett Oonat Belwood tlil eporta the railroad type watch and chain and klddcd fallow officer about bl rairoading par grawlvwwVWKMMMC41WMMWM€ Wu law we Injured entry to In atora VIII made by arcing panel out oi the back door of the weary atora propri am it Mun iiWiï¬i an aaab dour eooklu called and other foodaiuila Polite aaid very little of the atoiea good valued at from we to had been recovered Conat llael Gatiie who in vaatlaatad uld the beya two of them from Craantora were ptdcad up dintn tha weekend Trailer Hits 4Children inniatil ibwnrhb Police an inveatigatlng an accident In Which four children year and under were knocked down by boat trailer Saturday alt ernoon at the entrance to in niatit Park Police ald the boat trailer of car and lratie John Ciliford St Johna RR atroud raid to have knocked the children down and run over them Taken to Royal Victoria Hoa pleal for treatment were Marla Btahop it David Brown hi later Linda Brown and Bruce Smith All were releaaed except Lin da Brown who we held over night and released yeaterday afternoon following everal raye itiVGltlflilOilJl pendina Conat Aral barley and Conat Rota Crone attended the accid en Hit By iiuto 0n Barrie Lot Barrie City Police inveatlga three car accident on Bradford 5L Sunday night Poliae ald Ruth Burke so oi Toronto wa making turn from Bradford Bl into park lnl lot she we followed by car driven by Vernon Pilder ill of Toronto third car driven by lamea Praaer Murray to or Barrie bunt lattha aetondcar1 whl had aio Conat Ken cltenala tnvaa tlaated the accident Police lnveatllated four ml nor accident Saturday night in the tlrat email My rode off the aldawalk into the nth of car He won not er oua ly injured There were two aecldenta on Rayiield at one in oomlle an banana and one in the iiimile area Police alri both were canard by heavy traffic in the fourth car skidded at the corner of Sunnidale and kindle and truck mail box and didnt atop in critical agar Winding can ramme no accident ever thewa noiaoueaauiiiarypoilcauaad tbaiunctl averyavailahiemanuwndtba clocktokeepacioeewatehen thebaavyiratttclathediatrttt III II II Vlct aharbour flingmdu mt If and hoe mum three 13 on Phelpatoo Saturday alibi Victor iarmtnareai ID at Du pont ht ioronto luiierod min or laiurtea Bothhtand hla wifer Elna are in Mount Sinai Hoapitll in Toronto and aha condition Three other in the Termln areal car ulfcnd only minor lnjuriu are Kim Kev thlle me and certain Driver of the other car Hel crltieal condition in Royal Vic torlalloapltal pamnger in her car Mar ant Olen aut fered minor urine The Wolie car waa convertible Police alao lnveailtated Wild cnlltaicn at Thornton cloverleat that caused 50 dam age to the two can LOCill GENERAL EMERGENCY WARD Peraona auiferlng from be mm and accident victims were among the patient treated by Royal Victoria Hoa pttal emergency ward during the weekend From pm Eri day to 11 noon Monday pa tienla were admitted tram the emergency ward BRADFORD ACCIDENTS Ontario Provincial Police at Bradford had good weekend up to yeaterday morning They investigated two minor acclde one during the night there were no tniurlaa and no aeri on property damaga BREAK IN HOUSE Barrie City Police inventl ai tcd tia breaking and enter of houae over the holiday The realdcnca ol David Pollar 298 Bayiield Sit wu broken late while be we on holidaya and mall radio waa atolen gatinz Plumb BY KNIFE iario Provincial Police lnvaa ligated ruekua Saturday night In which Daniel Fienunlnl it of Angus we prlclred with knife and rent to Royal Viclt torla Hoaplial Fleming wa treated at hoapltal and Micah ed Police aaid no charge would be Water Levél Crontrbls Control of water level of Lake Huronend theGeoraian Bay ufiered rather aevere heart attack atta water level con ierenceheld in Eaat Laneinl Michiaan Neville Keefe gener ai manager oi the Gaorntan Roi gavetopment Auocietloo ate Mr Keefe waareferrtnato report praiented to the Confer ence by Harley Lawhead chief of the hydraulic branch of the UBAnny Corpai oi En aineera Mr Lavdread revealed that their repertltobe releaaed later thlayear will indicate that Elanartovreyuiate theee water not economically feasibl Btatedhir Lawhead From an engineertn and int there lakea nouldbe vregu alcdlto rce duce the extrema of iage that have been experienced min tits are no comp andce ently anythingr that can be aflnew with to our findinna ta The indication atth iimeare that ihereluiation of the level and outflowa of Lake Erie may be juattiied but our afforteto date to develop an economically iuatifiedplan ot rekulaiion the ievel and outilowa at Lake Mlciriganiiurcnhave not been auccueitdfihe report on the lake lreruiali phaae of the atudle la acheduled for compla tton by the North Central Div ialon office thiaoalendar year aaoNaona The conlerenceoniniipron aored by the attorney general of the State of Michigan and the Univerelty of Michigan coast inlet to apeakere each cover in partwlor pbaae at the adverae effect ol the present iowwatr levela drew an audio ence of over zoo peraone vitally interested in water Midland cruiser Wlte thin otter Ileart atlvtllaiod wt tale water levelcyclearac cur Mr Nnvraannarn yr aravboover the iaat yearn chow no cycleth can atand up for redtction purposes home it va one cycle have beenot fared varyin hornvaeven yearn to yeare the bulk beln Dre telem agiter tune or re ya to ey $91 take oral deyeemta feetaot lovvwatar level harbor manerelal tenninala the iron ore and cemant industriear the bulb lake carrieratthechcmu teal lemma public ulilitlu lflllU boat havtution can aervatlon of wildlife Hydroioay and clima the areatbatre we to indicate the recon low waterilavelanon and it wa empha Ray Mrlteefe pointed out that tha Army report baled aolcly onan economic evalua tion and doe not neeeaearlly take into account the many in tankibla motto of exeeaaive low waterian Until the detailed report tie reieaaed It would be improper for the GBDA to argue the mar it of the pmwed recommen dation laid Koala but the annotation will tudy the re rt to relate the eecoornioam it with our own knowledze of com dittona th occurin the Georgian Bay nnncrr non Precipitation for Lake Huron for the period raootorroae av crazed anpmxi telyottncbea iii pro no on increaae inwater level of one and onehalflfeet in rm aavenindr extra precipitation inlast cataaed aonovfootrl in rose and at inch ever nlahtln ana Wolia ii of Ibronto in own road icadina into caroleaa driving Gout loran tnvntigated Ontario Provincial Police at Alllaton lnveetiuied three ac cldenta Saturday and Sunday One car we com leter wreck ed and live poope were not to hnalplal About pm Sat email 0mg make car van by Raf n3 to want outof coo tm on fifth maceaaion of Derenooto half mill weat of Runway ec ioney in Steven on Mmortalllovpital with fractured akuii amt laceration paaaenaer Arthur wtntere of Gleacalm we treated for enia one Sunday alternoon and Conat Stan Hunter ta taveatl Conat Hogs of the On name in ma cauaeda rluof giloéeet in 1960 Sailfish time iavera pr from our raven niche readied in decree year Preliminary ti JanuaryttoJuhe tbia ham lam iaveati no aa weakened for about Simona Memorial Hoapttat NW Omit NI Atylom am 0ku Invaatigated headon teach in which two lJacob to stavanaen arm with undetermined lnjuriaa amall car with two pie believed in be Mr Mrs Ryan at Beaten cranbed head on with In or vehicle driven by William Keenan of tor eio Mranal hire Man are in Stevenaon Memorial Hospital with undetermined injurlea Mr Keenan and to hi car were uninjured Conat Matti in atcd afï¬rm CRASH Al BMDNRD Ontario Provincial Police ln realigned tivecar accident at the Bradford Saturday llentoon Antxbera¢cidd lot atvtha Filth High Neilaidiivacan anothet tha Nth 01me an maboutlraOpmsat uadyauiotaldamuawaaaa time athmrglioauldlt war tall and no ram out be me on tiiahway Ouncealoe caiaaed too demon bmli ve Scarboao and tolerant nomad WWI Drive ibrontn were both Mylo vehicle noth and uerebotbrnthe lane hononacarahidxauanae hit the other Conn 417 Ru pert taveatiaetad Eimvale Qntario Provincial Police had it comparative out at to Monday oorntna The lifmtéiat lumum at Stduoad The also lnv ated anal legedycar rollevalrubut found no aimhue ï¬dzntdg killed by car Ontario Provincial Poll at Victoria Harbour had one it busiest weekend or the year invertiutlng more than an the tor vehicle accident inn Sat mav ntaht to NW Police ma it no lucky nah Moat oi them were in minor and none waa arioua