IOHELPWANTED MOVIE COLUMN George Bundliworlrs Harder Than It Beetle MALI HILP Learn Trade While Being Paid Mm Royal Canadian AIR FORCE IF YOU Care 11 to 29 years old Ohave Grade education or hlnher Oars physically lit Ind Ilnlie tire Canadian citizen or British subject WE OFFER emu month while traininl in electronics mechanchl mmmunicaiion administra tion or many other fields llree medical Ind dental care elm uniformI Ofree sports facilities 0a very generous pension plan eopportunity for wide travel Ct weeka annual holiday with pay WHY not visit us to discus your possible future as tech nician in tire RCAF NO OBLIGATION Data of Mobile Visit Is WEDNESDAY 5th AUGUST 1064 between noon and pm ADDRESS Basement of the Federal Building Post Olflce Barrie PARTTIME to 10 pin should earn $60 weekly Must be neat age If 35 If you are having difficulty making ends meet cell mom FOURTH CLASS STATIONERY ENGINEER required by Local Industry WRITE BOX 93 BARRIE EXAMINER CANADIAN ARMY om fllera are career opportunlllu for young single men who have attained their 17th but not their Zitlr birthday or to with Grade See the Army Recruiter It the Barrie Armoury from to pm HEW August Ind August In 13 AUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Every Thursday pm sharp at ELMVALE SALES STAPLES LTD mile west of Elmvale on Highway 92 Fresh and sprlnger cows stock cattle calves brood sows boars wean er and fceder pigs sheep horses It pays to BUY or by AUCTION ARCHER OOLWILL Auctioneer Phone Barrie moot Canada Completes lied Wheat Deal MONTREAL Cm1110 final shipments mmpleilng Canadas bigwlreat deal with Russia should clear the at Lawrence Riven by the middle of thin mondl Bev Corbett general manager ofdia March Shipping Agency said Monday the gigantic opera tion to deliver ttre 220000000 bushels of wheat to Russia now as well into the moppingnrp static Two of the last five shiploads Involved in the $500000000 wheat deal are waiting to be loaded at St Lawrence River ports Miss Universe celebrates Iivont MIAMI BEACH an in tier coronation ball was the big gest party of her life and the new Miss Universe Kirlaki Tsopei of Greece stayed out in cl lost dawn to celebrate drouacnd perm came to since Hundreds more milled ugh the hotel where the bell washeldinhoiielofseetogtha regal bayouold Aflrenlanror to other beautlcsl Miidhl ll of olrn oodb wurvmwan aw rumv ly non moms HOLLYWOOD AP when Gracia retired went to work My George Burnt GO and working harder than beatle burns hId lust returned from ï¬ve weeks in Nevada when he rerlled the dice throwers with sons and pIter He reported to Warner Brothers to begin his starring role in Ind Me television series ch he also ls producing and helping to write In addition he is piodilcfng and supervising the script of another Warners series No Time for Serchntt And he coninued overseeinc Mister Ed which he helped create It be is overworked he doesnt irow It lm doing what love to do Burns said Retire Never was retired during all those years worked with Gracie Its no wonder nhe wanted to quit die did all the work If we had 35 pages of dialogue she had to memorizetopIges of it All did was any tell me about LUCKY NUMBERY ROME tAPtl1la number for Italys new government is as was formed so dnya Ifter the previous government collapsed on June 26 It is italyr 26th postwar government It has on cabinet members matching the former governmentr CHOICE AUTOS WARSAW APlSovlct PIG ruler Nikita Khrushchev Czech oalovak President Antonin No volny and East German Com munist leader Welter Ulbrlcht motored to Itate reception at their meeting here In Soviet mIda limousines Polish Com munist leader Wiadyslaw Coma ulka went in his own car Woast German Mercedes Benz STAR STONE VOTE IIIEXICOCITY iAPIJIIalM the centuries old Aztec stone Rod recently moved to Mexico City received one vote in the July presidential election Movie star Cantlnfiaa got two INTERNAL BUSINESS LAGOS Nigeria AP Sir Abubakar Tafawa Balawa prime minister of this African nation says the appointment oi Moiserlshombe as Consolesa premier is an internal matter lie made the remark on his re turn from the African summit conferuroe in Cairo where widespan opposition to Tehomba led Congo President Joseph Kasavubu to boywtt the meeting AEDLISII FOItltlALlTIES AMMAN Jordan AP Iitro United Arab Republic has de cided to abolish entry visa for malities for all Jordanians The Cairo and Amman governments had long been at odds until re cent reconciliation DENY CHARGE UNITED NATIONS APiIn letter to the president of the UN Security Council the United States Moudayderlied Cambo dian charges of dropping pom ous chemicals in Cambodia and added it would welcome no im partial investigation US Am besaador SalariesW Yost ad dressed the letter toNorwegnn Ambassador Sivert Nielsen council president for August with request that it be circu lated as council document WORLD NEWS IN your brother and that would Itart her oil Burris told how be folud newhome It Warner Brothers The studio bad Connie Sfe vens whom greatly admired andlhcdtheldeaforeseriu whim WIrnerI liked The story hIs me GWIIIBurns buying an apartment building to we me an audience for my One at the tenants is Connie who plays In airlines stewar deg wave In and out of the stories talk to the audience and sing long now and than Warner wu so pleased with how Wendy and Me turned out that he liked me to tIke ovar No time for Sergeant Is it possible that George is Ihflestruckf Sure am he said But thats true of all oi us who bake done well in the business we Ill love to work Jack Benny is that way So is Bob Hope Mll tcn Berle Why all you have to do is open relrigerator door and the light cause him to no into 20 minutes of lakes sin noer owner WASHINGTON API 1he state department said Monday the United States has no obleo tions to Congolese Premier Moiae Tshombes deduction of Michel Struclena as special envoy to the US Prue officer Robert McCIwkey acid the aoycuoold Belgian civil servant told Stats Undersecretary Averi eli IiarrImnn and presidultial adviser Mchorge Buddy dur lng meetlnl hare July II tth he had been asked by lsbombe to serve as an adviser ENDS TRIP SAN FRANCISCO tAPlLy man Umstend Frain Sr 00 of Philadelphia reached the end of costtocoast bicycle trip Mon day He said he pedalled 31M miter thorn New York City and kept his strength up on orange juice and steaks The trip took 56 days His only trouble he said was In Indiana when truck clipped his cycle and knocked him out PROJECT BURIED CALCUIIA India landslide has ell but buried West Bengals prize twdroelec trio power pmiect under con strucUon at Ialdhaiin Unofficial reports were that 10 workmen were killed drier MinisterEC Sen announced Monday Sen told the legislative amembly the slide occurred during the week end lihere was heavy damage to machinery and equipment and ibis feared the project willbe cat back several months he said REVEALS TOLL HYDERABAD India All Cholera claimed 522 lives in the last six months in Andlue Fra desh state Ghulam Ahmed di rcctor of public health told re porters Monday LABOR LEADER DIES CHICAGO AP Michael Frank Darling 61 known as the Flo Ziegfeld oi the labor move ment died Monday In Houston liar lie was president of the SOHOmember local 1031 Inter national Brotherhood of Electri cal Workers Darling came to be known as lebora Ziegfeld through his use of huge spec tacltlars with professional enter tainers in his ï¬ght against Corn muriLst and hoodlum infiltration rnnIArlais mum winner iuousr on weekehdiMiSIlag Claim 67 Lives AtleItlTpernolrIdiedin Ceasdaduringtbeweekendal moetblllottbemlhoflarlo Manitoba and Alberta when Donald 81W lryti til Kit Turin mall municipalitiu celebrated albinoday Civic Hotlch week there we is fatalities 11 died In traffic mishaps end one pec ein was drowned BritiIr ColumblI hId nine deaths seven of thorn in trellis Accidents one in dmwnind Io cider Ind one In fire Nova Scotla had five fatalities four on the hghwaye and boy who died of broken neck alter he fell into the flywheel of about motor Newfoundland had folrr fatall tlea two on the roads end two in fire New Bninswidr Ind Manitoba each had two traffic deaths wIdla In Alberta one peri aon died entire roads and one was drowned Saskatchewan mone deathin traffic Iccl Prince Edward Island reported no accidental deaths the survey does not Include known suicides slayings net llrel or industrial deaths MONDAY Doris Olivere 25 died In Irw pltal oi injuriu suffered in twocar accident at Beileville Vncent Robert Dunnlgan 24 of Toronto believed drowned whar he at out of twosealer pedal boat while crossing Ibr onto Bay from Centre Island Beverly Sanford l7 and has brother Philip Jay 10 both of Windsor drowned in the Detroit River Diane Marie Gagnc 10 Co bourg drowned in Lake Ontario am mu It Ottawa ttle otth Riverm Henry Victor Pruder 58 Rose ville Mich in twour colli sion at iflntore Demts screen so Mallard in twocea oolilnon near Ool llnlmod Frank Dny Ir Hamilton northwest oi Hamilton Debbie Wuargler Waterloo whentruck by car while crossing street Reginald Tnvlor ll AlIx when in car bit tree near Whitby live miles wut of Oil Iwc John Kopinak t8 Wellrnd ill twocar collision at Port Coi borne William Petenar or London when run over by city blla PbIlle Heard 24 0mm when thrown from his truck Ilter It left the road near Deh AWE CommunishBacked Rebels Threat To Belgian Colony LEOPOLDVILLE AP Chnrged with witchdnctnrs brew Communistbacked rebel wardorshava dILYEILMKBLKflVL emment from sixth oi The Congo ltley threaten to Split the former Belgian colony into warring factions Each new day brings frighten ing news to Leopoldvllle capi tal oi Premier Moira Tshombos reconciliation govenrment Towns in the east ere fell ing without fight to howling warriors anned with spcnra er rows and few captured mod ern weapons Rebels menace the north ern hub city of Stanleyvllla and the big my base at Kemina in North Ketenga province Rebels have crossed the Congo River from the neighbor ing Congo Republic Brazzaville and have reached point 105 miles from this capital vowing Io RITA it Rebels control the towns of Muskie and Kwamoutll imperil ling traffic on the Kasai River the key export route from Ker tango provinces copper stombe is in race alalnst time Searcer three weeks alter it gt gttdputup 0N5 iNotIny CATII home onlwheels taking office he must find ways nl turning the warriors back be fore the country collapses into anarchye APPEALS T0 PEOPLE in most rebel areas local tribcsuicn claim that adminis lrntnrs often did little more then line their own pockets Tshombe has tackled this charge vigor ously In eight duya of burn stormlng around the eastern Congo be appealed direct to the people over the heads the politicians Promising new deal Tshombe was given delirious welcomes oven in Stanleyvllk where the people once held him responsible fortha 1061 murder oi leftist Patrice Lumumba The Congos first remlcr Chinese diplomats in Africa are aiding the rebels ache is the army hem of the July 1060 mutiny which sent the days after independence The soldier has no stomach for tight inl rebels who charge in the be lief their magic dawn medi cine turns bullets into water THEN ll Indie of who museummelamine Tshombe cnims Communist But Tshombea biggest hesd country intocbcoI only seven Dtshlle the crislsdaveloping Caledonien Garner at View with precision at the rear this competitor in the IniiorI hompipe It the eouver completed hlr dance ice who photo Agent Reporter Played Roles In cube Crisis WASHINGTON AP The story of how Sole intelli gence agent and In American mortar iayed key rdier in re ving 1062 Cuba missiles crisir has been told by former state department Intelligence chief The reporter was John Scab of American Broadcasting Company Ind formerly of The Annotated Press ills unusual role in very informal and un official USSovict exchan es was discloscdb liner is man in an etc or look magarlrte Iiiisman was atnte depart ment intelligence head during the eyeball to eyebull 0c tober 1m confrontation be tween the two nuclcar powers and thus was one of the Inner strategistswho knew as he now reportshow close we were to wer Scali came Into the crisis plc lure when the WashingtonMoi cow communications of more normal diplomatic times had broken down It started with an urgent tele phone cail to Scull Friday Oct cthfrom senior Soviet IDENTIFIED AS MR Hllsman identified the Rus sian only as Mr known to be head of Soviet intelligence In the United States and man with direct channels tax the Kremlin other sources said the Eusalnnhas since left the Soviet Embassy According to Ililsman President Kennedy had ulrv llciy demanded the remove of the Soviet offensive weapons from Cuba and had ordered the US naval quarantine of the is iand Some Soviet ships headed for Cuba had slowed up but work on the Russian missile Who said they were the good oldiidays LOOK How FOLKS HAD To rAlte THEIR VA Sometimes you even had with the Indiana rPuckjup your sum 999 hells Iron CMrcliMobiiif Homes With tollelsend Fridge I7 Ft General Beaver wotI $1899 1i FT DELUXE sites there wII going forward It lull speed In the Cuban rials two of the chInnolI were probably do cisivethe very formal letlarr shuffling between pmldent Kennedy and Premier Khrush chev and set of communch tlonr throu very foiormal and unofflc cl channel The call from Mr to Scull turned out to be title sec ond channel Mr who had had lunch with Scull on revious occa sions asked on Friday alt ernoon that they have lunch right away They met It downtown restaurant and Mr went straight to the point lie naked Scall to find out at once from his hi it level frlendsln the state epartment whether the United States would be Interested In Cuba crisis solution under which Russia pulled out Its misalles United Nations inspectors were allowed to supervise the re moval Moscow would promise not to reintroduce mla sllcs to Cuba and it the United States would publicly lpledge not to invade Cuba OFFICIALS IIAD DOUBTS This was the outline of an apt preach which subsequently led to solution of the crisir but some Kennedy administration officials had doubts It first about whether this was real approach from the Kremlin Scalt went to Illlsrnari with the proposal than was called in to one State Secretary Dean Rusk secretly Rusk told Scull thatthe Mr approach was our first di root word thatithe Soviets might be thinkllll of adeallle lir atrlictedScall tofeil TMr that the us government recs real possibilities and migrated meeting olewpresenta van at the UNbut time II urge all met Mr wittr the answer Issuing the Russian only that it came trom vary high sources Mr tried then to sticker on other pointr sugeatlno there ougb to be Inr on US bases in Florida too Scell turned down the idea of further conditions and em aired that time was im Mr hurried off to report to Moscow In the meantime one of the famous Khrushchav letters to Kennedy had started to come in by cable lhiI one has never been made DIIIIIIBDUI It showed willingness to negotiate ï¬rst win Friday night Satur day morninn Khrushchev message washroarkut that re ucgedon the communionth of the night before Moscow now was setting forth ncw condi Llons This was the blnckcst holler of the crlIiIcnd US strate gists desperately sought way to return to the more promlring proposals of the day before Ituak called Stall and told him to see Mr it again to Ilnd out what had happened BAYCITY UPHOISTERING Aurloue sun MODERN WORK iicauttfui Samples Free Estimates FREE PICKUP AND onurvcnv Phone 1257403 BARIUE Upholrtaring In our Burl neII Not Jurt sideline is BRADPORD er