SKIRTING THE BAY By MEN DIXON loos Channen Direelo seam Mldhurst has been the ladies of Simone county in the century for moral years of the one Count Mu collsculfgm owns worln by The ladies of Simcoe County have been most co operative and many rainy afternoon has been spent searching attics for gowns worn by grandmothers and greatgrandmothers lho gowns have been lent to the Simcoo Coun Museum and on Sunday afternoon the will be mode led by women of the county blue corded silk from to pm There is gown with white and black ornamental lace trim from the wardrobe of Lady Courtright whose family was well known in early Barrie days Mrs Anderson of Barrie area has donated pure silk gown with vs dons full skirt Mrs George Moth of Bar brown shot silk An anonymous at has iy donated opera gem of about 1860 will also be shown Models are Miss da Ha ha Mrs Elisabe Letoumeau Mira lee Nancy Oraer Mrs Maxwell Mrs onteith Mclaan Minosing Miss Victor Thaw Miss it Matthews and two women from New lowell Promises to be an interesting afternoon so why not plan on taking tho children along for look into the Pm Other treaaum of the past are being used on fam lly dinner tables in the us People are always in search of something different and an English antique dealer says that the latest trend has left aspingi she has been exporting china chamberpots to he Un Ited States for use on dinner tables there Apparent thlzyre used for sorvin ue leed it seems to be tureon salads the antique dealer fashionable trend there it all gen when friend of the dealers in San Fran cisco asked for ahl mentof tho coliectora ltems She sent off dozen an got re ueot for more One cham ber pot was sent off to the to be used as alsoup london antique dealers are scourin the Surrey ma trying to keep up with the demand chamber pots about eight to 10 inches in diameter and made of the finest En ilsh As much as china are being sold to the U3 salads and antiques refer tossed greens served in more modern con inor unfriendly po for about IMO 840 each my Ladies have you ever had difficulty parking your oar onva busy citï¬ street only to receive scow rorn comanf This is not the case in Elk More courteous police officer is only too willing an to be of service and assist fair damsel in distress The redioced policemen who was quite content to do his good turn in secret was unaware that half of the ate of The Barrie Examiner during lunch hour were viewing his courteous actions from an up stairs window In fact this same group of onlookers had been view ing the poor womens vain attemptto parallel park her litfoot Corvair in nalpeiie proximately so foot va lon 0n the officers or members of the eta gathered to watch the activities of tho long arm of the law The officer had no sooner arked the vehicle and left with the thanks of the rat or fiustered woman driver when she immediatelg pulled away from the yourb Butvnot without first citing into and gently dangling the car that was parked behind her ter watching the episode and making the usual comments about women drivers one of the advartielreig types cemented You can certaian go her one ter on just abandon your car in per spaces Phone Eileen Dixon or Vim CALIFORNIA Ronald Batters and his bro th Rica Painswirk Heights ads at accompanied by Geor Price of Toronto The trio wll return by motor following three weak vacation Samara iitOM Athens Mr and Mrs Frank laseona Linda and Warns of Wellington the city follow ng months va eation The Harris travellers Km tored west via the firms Highway and north along the Alaaka Highway to pointer to holiday with Mrs Tasconns brother Morris Palle jittery They also saw the disaster aren and toured one of the lar goat museums inAncherage Ab aska Returning to Vancouver valley were eats of Mr las eonas bro or Jim lasoone 3and visited other relatives and friends Other hi lights of tire vtsit included holdaya at Lake louise 3er and deeper Park Alhe mnrrve euzere Mr and Mrs Harry Wil of Eugenia street are in baraiimn today to attend the Wedding of Miss Betty Jack and Donald Ra Ellis Dawson The noodcerov rsndny was held in St Agnes turrets with reception foi dowlnlin the Knitilta of 0121 Crown Hill umbua Hall tannin amnramno Prior to her wedding larteve nlng to ion EllisPowell in Iiile Lutheran Oh oh oi the Good Shepherd schirhart was of horror at motll parties The brides ï¬laysamateo olMdfflalagmflgéaligg new oyce Lowden shower her with avariety of the miscellaneous ahowes neaasbeid trred HIIEgins of as is host ofan momentum middle of ton But really think hes exaggerating juat little PEOPLE AND PLACES Audrey Coulson 7104691 hart Guests at title party were and her parents Mr and Mrs Edward mhirhart Altlb ehen shower wu hoateased Mn Jack Millikan at her Kitch ener residence Mlas Karen Em berson of Letitia Street was hes teas of normal shower Mr and Mrs ll Clarke of for onto entertained the bride at luneheonand also at dinner or rawhide egmoms parents Mr and Mrs John Powell of Toronto entertained at dinner party following the wedding rehearsal AUGUUA WEDDING wedding of local interest took place today in Baskatdlb wanwhon Miss Regina Mario thollc Gourds at MAP Station Dana bask lhe bride is the dau ter of Mr and Mra Paul not in an son and Mrs lvan 011 of Barrio Mr and Mrs Gordon Duns more of Barrio have announ cod the forthcoming marriage oitbeir daughter Mary Ella to am of Mr and Mrs Percy Ford also of Barrie The Woddlnl will take place in the United Church Aug HOLIDAY CUBE Mlle bored at the home of her parents Mr anders Fred Couladn flood momentum lntise city today to attend the Mensrdltodgson wedding at Latimer Mrs Murtel Wis er icon Ch are mflms ntotherm Mrs Norma Menard Mr and M11 gMaflnd WW Mm not hers and friends of the brirlI Andre and Donald lvah Orr werematrledinthellomanCn ivnron avenue vamp Gurch the amino for thaund Miss Karen Anne lfare and Robert Williun Oral Little on Aug it Mr and rs Wli iiam ohn it hava announced on ma ENGAGEMENT ltll1 been announced of hills Nor ma Enyle Norris eldest dau tor of Mr and Mrs orrls Bunnidals ltosd to Thomas Robert tioorse son of and lira Ceorpe Mn AND Verne aus woman Beers of Barrio an more the engagement of their daughter Barbara Ann to Carl Keith Constable son of Mr and Mrs Keith Constable of Stroud Emmanuel Baptist Church will be the scene of the nuptials which will be held on Aug lit at it noon Following their Held In Carol Ada White and Alters orman Day eoschanged vows in the United Missionaryï¬burdr ateyneratanevooingoone by mony July to standards of summer flowers and candelabra adorned the church for the wedding conduco ted by llev Berry Mrs Jack Grieves presided at the organ and accompanied the sol oist Vernon Thompson of Colb lngwood The bride Is the deuahter of Mr and Mrs William White of it it diaynes the bridegroom is the aon of Mr and Mrs Or ville Roy Day also of it it Siayner wu fashioned of organza over peels do solo The rounded neck line of the bodice and frmt pane of the gown were eoham brim axes Mr and mixeuh limb of Cilllland Miss Kay nobinaon andaary all of Stimuli Mr and MrsAllasr Carsnny mu Bandy Cnrson Mr and Coulson of Top dug Brewster of Pains onto la holiday weekend guest David Hanneford from Harry lots lralnor of Ottawa Mr and Mrs titan Walt Dalston lo tmuriisandcarnationa Dettman all We Guelphildr and Mil Glen all eisrlst of Klidtener Mrs Lila DIWIMMiud we guy Letwav Nnvugwtm arty new of the brideeleot lbs niche is the eon ii iii Miami it it and hour meleot is employed by mulberyatoahviiie haves edlhe itionoimbla agoris outihe with or di have the knee melohla patternedutatmck woollen stock Cardin alto of Am Ontario The wood in will take one at Collier ntroet United inch on Aug at that pm Rev Enroat isewia of Exam will olflciata attheouomooyilbotoaby marriage the couple will reside in in Wayne lndians tostii Janu where the bride will oomple wort for bachelor ll CY wilrlake up residence in ion view Texas where Mr Cons able will complete Bachelor Science degree at to Tour neau College DayWhite Vows Stayner iant veil of silk illusion was catsuit to tiara of seed pearls and crystals The bride carried cascade of red roses AIAINDANII Mrs Allan McLeanof Don Mills attended as matron oi owner imitfldiii ruses ink or am over taffeta 45 insert of loos Yunnan at the waist and actsvpanel oi the ns wore heedpleces of ink rose male and veiling carried quote of white Waverly ï¬les of Clarksbrng was the best man Vernon Day and ArtillehWhiid both of Stay nor acted mamg oosns mother as III Wit of hill at land organu with white so Iand corsage of pink ronto guests lociudeidr llld Mrs John Ghent Bflddltlfllifl Michelle Mrï¬litd Mrs Charla David lewis Miss Bonnie lewla lining Wle Aitdiiloil Miss in area Altohlson David Alscrnb Mnmand Mrs Drill and iomflears Mr anererilan Miss Margie lhdrne and CW Guest are attendln lfalb feat Nova docile Maroetta are attendinlirpm Cdllaryï¬Alhettl we assume 1w out well with snug as tartana tweed or stockinll his nest shat fitted linings steel embroida that hill mountains isea AD ii to the it at mln ANGIE CAM Walea lisrlecb Cutie built the southern ap Snowdonian wu completed ill testimonies announces Wisdom InPoetryv Promoted ll Change Dear All blooms lwaa see those teenasm who thought had to have the val the erewdia ave all it thougbll was smart lull like else read poem in the assent paper dont ma gnaw who wrote It but lichens my life Maybe if on print itt will change the veo oi otiwex How absurd to be dlfieieoi tbeemd Mm Not too loud Not too proud Not too flashy Not too Milly lidtwioloI nlhiauey Not on Na too long an am it uh an Take it easy Not too smart it it Dont1iake tae n7 Why Wï¬ksnts to lead And maybe Doaat aiich your me out one trachea fantasy th of stockings with brilliant colored floral patients matched to long ptniflu and multi twaeds matched with isley patterned or honora with little city auiis with iacirets beat numbers are his trouser suits and hostess fashions made of barium my flannel trinuned with any out rï¬ï¬‚and chinchilla turns out to he humbe grey and white rabbit ah itnown who are Douse ills film let avsryone be the same Without name No DlCllVlD Dsar Anauadml want with this eatraordinari beauti ful girl for five man She bus egos and millions of bleak eyelas ea read her poems by Rage and dpendar She listen bough lies and uiat thoughtfulness ahedr the beauty of the muslo enouisits to behold One day when attempted to engage her in rious conversation it be pparent that bar silence born of stupidity and Ignor lha girl is fraud and had me completely fooled Will you warn otbe pl commences Equipped With Air Conditioned Dryers nettzad me with viola wonderful THESTARS SAY milLITA ry influences snaka thisadaylnwhirhloberbah lrelationahlps lteer clear of persons hm Kevin souroe of irritation to had pram try to avoid Rib mo close circles Do not put toe Dear less Wb is the my fraudl Did the toll Tï¬ï¬‚g president of had far Illanoo whether ICE fill BIRTHDAY pldite or wisdom ii to now is our birthday name The girl did not deco vs your roscopa ndicatea that you You deceived yourseli so me on ma not have slop beetles attained you set for reeli ear this or its to take heart while you may not achieve all new INVITATION Dear Ana tendon Will on use answers simple ones um all fonWMMMMM ta myonlha stars do indicate in is to friends who live um mm mm hm thousands of miles away when mm Wm they know and well they mm 11 pm cannot pout attend To me an mu an is MW hall The March lo ba alert to an op 1° portunltiss to capitaliu on your mWhnm bby be idle ï¬burmsnduwhiw at my was re are mall tilhose raetouslittle aae tattoo wtl depend lads seslllg Wei lm here ll deal on ihistesrs af Reigtsdl whitewash orts Aitbou ill have an excellentme olary period butldid wanttoput anyone mm lobermb be well to choke rinse this letter and your budget and senoraiiyre map up Thank you evaluate financial position alter thl since you wont see Dear Alaska Behave ltor not real In financial mat but some people mil wedding tsrs an next July Dont let invitations and birth usnwnee that discourage you however meatsth amen them win good mans eraser mi howavarandlhave aai sore even better tu Lino peaiedly should make out very well firm that the le who dont speculate especial in are interested KNO that November and December est hitching or birth took laoe periodafor romance the run because in are in tou by rent month September laia Co phone or The others couldnt care so why bother them lobar next May and June for travel the next three weeks September and neat May child born this is ill be sensitive lrlluitivz and BIC WDBLD highly trustworthy Washington has orid globe that musur fast around the equator nd it feet from TRY EXAMINER WAM ADI PHONE Mid OPENING SPECIAL 29OFF ALL PERMANENng Guzuuo aSTtVEF iFiiMO iPsopsietosl Extends torrid intent to visit or sDelon located in theheart of Barrieat 15 ettheFivePointe logs with thou ll