1an wrpu v4 nxwrynwImuwvw umeaoe MM eFP mwvmwmmwmvm anoarsarsow In on Published by Clllldien Newspspers remind Walls Weber so Bayfioid street Barrie Ontario men we on IAIUIDAY AUflUfl Barrie Taking Mctjor Step To Attract New Industries BIrrlee industrial Commission with the blessing and financial support of city Council is taking positive major step to attract new industries to the cit Under lIn arked by Industrial chairman Wllard axle an industrlsl park will be developed to draw both large and small industries The park will be situated on the west side of Highway too 350 yards aouth of the Universal Cooler plent it will be bounded Ardegh Road the fair grounds an Patterson Road The commissions plIn has simple et straight forward appeal The large act wii be serviced with sewers end water mains and access roads Factory buildln will also be erected on spccu lailon the commission can persuade private interests to invest And there is every reason to believe that such invest ors will come forward There are several Ipossible sources for building funds The aistance Corporation and local builders and investors will be given the first chance to erect buildings forleasing if local res onse is not forthcondngout elders be given the opportun ty Perha the key to the commissions pro oslt on is the speculation factor Ex pe once has shown that cities that have readymsde bulldln are most successful in attracting new ndustrlcs lnmetro politan Toronto for example 80 per cent of its new industries in recent yearsvhave moved into existing structures it would pear that it is no ion or enough to of er land alone at attract ve rices industry once incorporated wants move quick to get establishedlhe community that can provide advantages such as cheap land lower taxes and pro ximity to markets is first in line for an is YEARS AGO IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 25 1040 Thou sandsyof people Square to greet Viscount Alexander pf nsnls GovernorGeneral of Canada and LadyAlexander on the occsslon of their visit to Barrio His Excellency laid wreath on the BarrlclnnisfllVes ra Cenotaph in presence of Honor Gear from Canadian eglon Air Cadets and Sea Cadets Atr Townllsll Lord and Lady Alexander were welcomed by His Worship Mayor Grant Mayor and Mrs Mayor and intro duced to members of Council civic of ficials and dignitaries and their wives The GovernorGeneral resented lan Welsman with Medal of erit for ser vices to Scouting Barrie visit was final day of fourday tour of lluronla largely arranged by Norman Clarke presi ent of lluronia Historic Sites and Tourist lioyN Hickllng Reeve of Vespra Town ship wasrchairman for lm ortant series of meetingsheld in Be concerning Soil Conservation in Simcoe Count Toronto Tlp Tops with Charlie ustlce itching beat Barrie AllStars in exhibit on gameat Queens Park before largest crowd ever to witness softball hcre Pat Polandsand HarryCouse pitched for lo calsliarold llopper and Bud Kashner got only two hits off the Negro mound starvbut outï¬elder Cecil Cools ofBarrie EDITORS warts GENERALVSURRENDERS lt Winnipeg Free Press General Eisenhower will neverloolr back with ride on his performance at the hepubl can conventionlle came to Senltanclsco hesaw the strength of the Goldwater forces and he surrendered to them After healtating in delicate neu trality he iorsook the battle altogether As result he greatl strengthened Sen ator Goldwater pos tion General Eisenhower ls now committed to campai nlng for Senator Goldwater as the prcsi entlai candidate He sees no betrayal of Republican rinci les in Goldwater victory no to turning The Barrie Examiner thorised and class null FIVIMOII it for nwntol Iuiuroafï¬ arrie industrial Aa gathered at Post Office Mortgage awarded contract investor if it can also produce an empty building In the old days on aw short yeIrs ago municipali could sit back and wait for industries once it had Idverllsedsltes and economic ad vantages Now the Icksge must be neeter and wrapped li tle better its form of son vice he investor has been led to or set if Barrie ho es to progress Is it has one in the past mus be prepared to meet such new conditions It is hardly case of herrle pulling it self up by its own bootstre This city has much to offer and in ustrles that have established here can attest to this fact with their own successes it is rule rather that the exception that the average industry has shown ro markeble pro ress over the cars Lo catlng in Barr bee proved to right in every respect The major responsibility of putting over the new park wll rest on the com mission particularly on the shoulders of lndusirla Commissioner Jack Grayblel it will be largely his task to seek out and sell the new deveio mcnt to ros ectlve industries it will so be his on pur suade investors to risk substantial sums of money tn buildings which could be made available at almost moments no lice With their help however his efforts should prove rewarding for this com munity Barrie developed several industrial parks in the past and enticed several sizeable industries to them With the magnet of readymade buildings the commission should have equally good success in attracting more Lets ho so and the best ofluckto Mr Gray cl in this his first big move toqulcken indust rial expansion again Down MEMORY LANE made most brilliant fielding igyof game Rev John Morris egan duties as new minister atStroud andLefro UnltedVChurches Bert Churchill star ed dualrole as bulldtn inspector for Barrie and bandmaster Citizens Band Town Council had much discussion over lack of signs in town to direct toun lsts Reeve James Hart andAldcrman Reg Ayres offered some suggestions and matter of lakeshore drive was presented by Mayor Mayor Miss Jean of Toronto became assistant librarian in charge of juvenile department at Barrie Public Library Miss Elsie Dunn appointed librarian for County Library Codip Bob Livin aton Bil Coles Jim andy Roger We sman and lionald Shettell of Kempenfelt Division were attendin Scout Jamboree near Ottawa Centra for con struction 200 houses at Camp Borden Walter Glggwasengaged as deputy treasurer for Town of Barrie Abbey Gray formerresident presen ed modern ice sprinkler to Barrie Flyer Hockey Club Gordon Needham pass ed intermediate exams in accountancy Lions Club Street Erollc opened with big arade marshalled by Charlie Agn out was removed from barrio Arena enlargement project from 1200 000 seats began clot in the fortunes and hiiosophyof lie ublicsn party 0n two most sensitive issues clvilrights and the controlof nucle weapons be virtually destroyed Gov ernor Scrantonsposition He seemed utterly unconscious that he was usingSenator Goldwaters phrasing to ex ress totali differentdpurpose He desc bed the pro lens of at as essentially moral problem for evelHv American Not only is there ale al ob atlon to obey thelaw with olen ere also is an ethical duty racial discrimination and segregation ems WHiLE lT LA rs Catharines Standard The free worldis benefiting from the Communist klash ofideologies The more liedLChina ad Russia become concerned time they have can enjoy rights now Palilical Issues Corning Into Open down four main lseuu on wars nour vou rrusr ME vorrlws errors City Of Sudbury EngrosSed WithCentennial Controversy Patrick Nicholsons lueet noiumniei today ilDt Rod ger Mitchell liberal MP for ludbary By RDDGER MITCHELL UliAWAWhile the rest of Canada tussies with the tie issue and bilingualism and cuituraiism my city of sudhury is involved with hassle pecu liarly its own Like the selection of new Canadian fins and the slim ments of two separate cultures within our one country Sud burys problem must be settled with view to the future and the issue once decided must be vcd with harmoniously by all our sudbury citizens Residents of the Nickel capl tel of the world are divided in their choice of centunnlel memorial One segment of the population prefers something utilitarian namely police station Another segment would go even farther in what they call practical considerations and would forego memorial entirely in the interest of mu nicile thrilr gt But third segment of our population almlliinl heart and soul and fighting tooth and bell for centennial protect which has won much admira tion and endorsement from cen tennial authorities on the fed eral and provincial levels class pltethe fact that the protect has not yet recalveda go ead from on Sudhury city uncii mus third iect calls fora carillon belimuseum and hie torlcai museum to be installed the amount our new non enominatlonal Laurentien Uni versity Till will evolve within the next years futon 0000000 educea tlonsl com last and as of now tforthe year area but representativ cltisens commit tee to Ike choice from more ideas which lemmittoa came dramatic and Iulloue offer from oneof Nort Asuarlcaa welcbraled odriilonaurs Drlercival Price ollhe Usilversltyof dichlgirn mum and the mall rounded out the pro the ddillon of an as ill with rmieeurns thatour tie voted to hell appointed by the visit few weeks ago of group of parliamentarians from all parts of Canada llede apprehensive by the outcry from dissidents sud bury city council hastily set up centennial auh committee within the council This five man group promptly sore the beflHs the rrolect ll come to be calledn favor of new police station But the project may not rest these Bell proponents are talk ing about teidns out an lniuoo tion to prevent the council from proceeding with so mundane memorial to Cansdee tooth birthday ernor rant on Black Gold To The Tourists EDMONTON CDSouvenir bunting tourists will be able to my cenned black gold this sum din tenths lit ouan rs oferudeoilinthelr arege Ind distributing it thro Ions in Edmonton Were the oil capital one oi the brothu says Dont you think weehouid the real Alberta aouvenlrl Lawrence is tap men and measures four mm of crude for each can lim runethem through rented canner uie on the Black Goldaoi arte labels llthe pmieet is Ieuccus they have another idea We rni just do up some wheat in venir of Saskatchewan Most Ontario Crops Are Below Normal ly DON OlllARN TORONN We still need rain This may be somewhat start iing news to people in those parts of 0ntIrlo 1which not many days Igowentthrough one of the greatest and longest torrents In years Even this big downpour didnt bring the rainfall to de up to average And most cross it are bit below no The rain helped in ularly crops such growth hay still need we on Btthecrope ter IUllBloR honour The rehabilitation job on Lake Sliperlor is turning out to be big success the word from th fish brand of lands and forest The lake which was moved inio decline by the onsiiught of sea lamprey has me Me so last that off seri Iaimon in Ontario dehsuccgs with superior may news regarding ailm iIkesrarticulerly Etie which arosl llin decline lhelr prbbleme are different But at least the slum pron isms of thel an beeolved ONTARXO somrnar lha chaneo xperimsnt cldentelly will an interest ing one The Kokauee is andlocked WeatCosst salmon the sock3 eye varlety To sce if it will growth or will hep Perhaps as those lunch counter saien sandwiches be made from fresh uimon lfe arseu it was argued when the safety law wee put in diet the prov ince should be reeponplbie for inspection but the province out the onus on the local authorities And so iivemostoert themu nicipalities are not enforcing this provincial in Itronlilf enough 1r nrvlw tile bags for sou $59 53 oblnet ture and insurance the Ill been listed in leoi quertere aa ill so for neliooaiisetion And elders be one or instead uniform scale almid be siveu when it is most needed in this he recon nlsss that the time has come for Britain to move ihle new typo oi locill policy noun lawn The prime minister hu laid he bellevee the election cam palgn should be tough Time iii The mainlanence ot hall em loyrnent and the ve po tion of British Industry in export markets It Nauonallsatlon of whim be we that only put ot the leeber is showing ll rllllnl Independent nu clear deterrent no genuine difference be tween Conservative and labor policies APPEAL WOMEN Sir Also is convinced that the women of Britain are more like ly to vote Conservative than nor in enunclallng his era for the election he sa womans natural instinct is to he the homemelrer the homereserves with special concern for the family budget When the choioe her to be made she will think of what is at risk namely the etanderd of ii which has been built launder Conservative govemme hill employment with the assump tion that it will continue means that considerable part of the family income is earmarked for insiairnent payments on consum el dursbles such es para furni lure television sets or washing machinesv There isa great deal to be said for the loundnssa of the rims ministers thinking along are lines 0N NATIONMJZNHON From the Labor side there has come specific ledge as to whet sectors of Brtains so one will be nationalised shoui Labor government come into office This pledge came from George Brown de puty leader of the party but as il very often the case when hit Brown opens his mouth his Iihtement is likely to at him into serious trouble wth the left wing of his party which wants to gomuch further than be indicated in the field oi In tiooailsetion Jockeysd into making life lnite statement when he appear ed in television debate by Ed ward lleeth Tory cabinet min inter Mr Brown in the most an if erIhlp of the bee manufacturing in do if tbiI question leation comes to the rtant trade union Clariï¬cation of ï¬lm and alpbuilding Union is out for large snea publle control and electrics national fare on the hustlnga as the prime mlalr ierp Islaboliebouldto buns efvoi companies the with great variety cos 0n the question of the date taking over control of insurance Aims of lndub try Organisation has published the reunite ot ll which sugg ity of the her voters is strong government control of bile opiniooe that ma public including uainn Iurance conspany investments This he done qalnlon poll was tshee on the lion me like to see state control of investments made by insurance 03 cent of ed Iplrlllillli only 11 per comperllee and pan cent who answered yes and 19 per cent who had no vleweltbsr Those who saldprtiyseo were °e I1 per cent yee and ill on handrail Labor tors voted 58 bad no opinion to mu mam 0N INDIVIDUAL This control of innuaau corn humid ll iii one of thee II contained in the book hignpole for the Slatiea which was published as com plhete statement ot balm policy fact that the heavily agalnet Labor it went so pile of new thinking out doubt less attributed to the far that three out of four British adults hold some kind of insur ance polio miiiifl the snaiori went any government euranoe £0 and re endless of do not interfew once with the investments of in II since these are vital to the value of their insurance holdin it would there ore seem cal to conclude thst the attitude of voters to any widespread plan for nationalisation oi what the Socialists cell the com mending heights of the nations econo would not be et all laverabe in the event of this beoornlng melor election no ILiI sn BIBLE THOUGHT flse wicked shall be turned into heliend all the utter that forget lodeFella sxlr One of the moat II in all thehibe roastu 121 itll jsinwnr You Cant Be wernll rare rï¬neemneltbltmnllxuaiw an