cum iN pylarnu and ready ior bed tour oi the air baking children prepare to Mire hem Iait till are me Paul John and Sandra are new are at Iummer camp Paul aIksd Will my picture be In the pIpIrI Wendy II tExImlnIr Photo Serviced Lots Must To Attract Industry ii man II in the mattrat ior serden hose to weter Ihir aty Iarden toni he will takI hla buIlneIs when it the owner oi the atom he lntron ireI cant provide ImmadtItI Icrvice He wont unite the sale but lameone elre will William Itinrie chairman oi rthe Barrie lndurtrial Commie sion said the IImI reannIng Irplica to computer thinka Iocatintt buIlnerr In liar rie Readily available IIrvtced tnduItriIi lotI muIt be pmvrdad Mr itinle recalled one oo errlon several yIIrI Igo when prospective buyer was balnx Ihown property We climbed ova tonne In to hey ileld and into nert oi anait was one IIII we tort bncIuII the buyer realiIsd that council could not annotr the area It the time not owned by the city and put in Iuwera overnight it war about thiI time that Mr Kintle Iald he decided to run ior council beam did not ieel council was mavina iaat enough or iollowlng the Idvice oi the induatrlai commiaaion DIFFERENT ATTITUDE The attitude at council that existed then was thIt when the buyer ahowed Interest and Ir ed tocome to the city then well service It Mr KInIIe laid Monday evening oounetl proved the industrial comme alona propoaal to oIthllrh and aervioe an indurtrlal pIrk west at highway 400 Ind south oi the prerent UniversIl Cooler plant Also propoIed me but some sheila be put up with wallt and space Iilotted to suit the induI try purcharing the pilot Seven or eight years ado Mr Kinzie Itated Burris tooit big step ahead lay outpacing other towns and oi es tn Ontario and altering reIdlly avaIlIbla ser Vlced tndurtrIIi loll We could take the prorgaet down street and Ihow im Icte oi veriour else with eervleea in unit tell him that all that remIined waI to connect his plant up to the services This vine tremendoua advantage but think in the last iew yenrr weve been getting behind the Mall ESTABLISHED BUILDING Ho Iald that in the nu iew yeera 00 per cent at industries moving into Ioronto have Iona Into ertebllrhed hulldinge end this is why Barria ha been iorinl out to need extent its bad situation when we have to work OII only 20 per cent oi cur potenta We still intend to have land available or bualneIm withing to build Iheir own bulldlnubu we ieel we have to go one step iurther We muat havevsome thins tomseli iflidtuit which ready wa ns lha industrlnl commission has recommended thiI atephIeIuse now competition tor Industrial tents In Ontario has incrsaaed In lever pitch and where once Barrie took advantage oi the opportunity to attract In duetry other towns caught up and moved ahead Wa want once min to be able to otter at once both had Indbuildlnl ieeItion ior Indua try incl lite Idaa oi having iiits Hydro Polo To ilvoid ilqu Dames exceeding 01000 concur In as yea ch31 lIrtti tint it mltudm to to in order to avoid ccoiiglon with another ear the accident waa investigated by OPP iho ipbodyer vehicle iollowirll two others outbound on highway lay the hiucfliatrom ruitwuy crooning in iollowinsear applied broker quickly fto avoid rsarmd urllillort Mn Lpbody acrosliitlmdrddinto tndurtrial bulldingr with varioua alter oi space and helium raa dy ior practically Immediate oc cupInoy in must in order to rcIIIII the hill potantlai oi in duatry looking ior new locatlnnr You cant sell Inythlng un And you murt llulrthermtrrreI Inpar once you have to tIltI certain amountoi aamhla in bualneae Irlr lorder to reIllIa thIt poten it Is hoped tint private enter priIe will coma rich and Ch Int butldlnga specu atlon and this way well have then davei opera and inventors advertIIIn our community in order to it their own vaoant buildinaI Plants brought to Barrie to hire ovar land in previo in durtdal parliI include Itili im lIIlElllmIIi West Bend oi anada ManIlieId Ruh bar Fiartomer Luikin Rule and CanIdian Iampait Corp Ltd among others Weihem secretaryoman Iler oi the la Chambr oi Commerce aaiq think We rI ouired otherw II It wouldnt be moored and the location is very nice indeed HI pointed out that havinn run It in thI draitina rtagea during the past year and hali It Is Ideal Is courtterpart interprnvinciIi Pine On iharehold oi InterprLohvinciai Pipe Line Co special meet lnn approved propoaal auth orizing the company lolpetttion ment to deal this tall investors lyndlea da Limited The eaters Syndicate livaiorona stock spl oi th companys common and claa than stbiect to shareholders approval oi IiuguIt not IitI company declared 70 cent di vidend common and 0t Cam Dominion bridge Co Ltd Al goma steel Corp Md announ ced it will take up 30 per cent oith mora than 1000000 shares at Dominion ilrld Co Ltd posited or June 20 otter or let share The rhIraI Erehsred on pm rnta Friday was ior 500 AIIIIton 30 per cent oi the ouid work out to iron rmm Com ny reports net erm ing six month ended June $10 mountedtotiflih 000 equal to do common share as compared with 0000 000 or 70 cents common Ihera in tha iirrt III months oi mt Bales ior the iirIt Iixmonthr Iarnlnll to the development on the net Ilde oi hi my i00 it is IiirtitIly what is re oulud and may turn out to be In idIIl location Iwo reprerantaiivea oi Indul triIi tlrms in BIrrIeRohert Hauck vieeprerldent and at manaleroi Lufltln and it tJIhIon president oi MInIiied Rubber both approv ed the step by the industrial commtraioo cant Imaline how to not Industry without place to put It the availability oi property to put it on iI absolutn IaaIn tIIl the mica and and oi lend by the when the com blny moved Barrie were In eIIIntiIl pIrt oi the com or once and the industries titaty come hove Ilka weeds noun that done good hir Gibson Agreed wtut Mr Kinria Out the city did trem endous iob oHlinaiiy but haa stand down recently and agre ed that the prelent program man uap In the right direc no era In no long wrymtowaré providing Iuiileient industrial prnperty in die city TORONTO STOCK EXCHANGE Compiled by Flynn ii Dunlep It IIrriI BULLETIN BRIEF Imounted in 0047002 as com pared with 027300 last you Anthea imperial Limited ii Willmot Prerldent oi AnthIr esrnings oi hlI compa told on ior the iirst six months at the current iIIcal year It com ared with 44 cents common are ior the same period to loot the loot iitture raiiccta the lnciuaion of John Wood operItinnI tend to proacquisition rning mnority interest and is on the lncreaIed number at and traditionsliy higher in tit Iart six months Conloiidlted Minlnl And mel iing Co Canada Ltd Net ear lllnll ior the in month ended June so lost amounted to Vi 100000 equal to It compared with 1222000 or iieents per shara in the con riod talt duct liner AlgomI oilor which is tial Increase in the net Iltiorthaii oi tot ll main to thI IncrIIsI the aeliinl ricer nd the Incluv oi nonrecurring profit Items equivalent to about ants per IharI during the itrat haii oi this year sd attributable Finds Time to Teach And BringUp Family Howdoesawotriurcothu with In children menace to ilrtdtllrtetoiookaitIriiltiii aridbaria aawslithnd doea the inn lIlI suiiart lire Janice LIII LetitII to anna It Is well uraiiti ooh mm III believes the IIIwers depend on number oi tittn or ms and havtalg thiebendyfltld iInc iiyetorths lot and reaming ia Indhappiari tlia Idrs LIIrIng physIcII Idu cIiion tIIchu wII born In Ban riaand iinlabed hlIh school It Bank Central cellulale hetero her Imiiy moved to st Thom Ia she than Ittanded Wertarn University Ind married to It Ihe taunt tor at rviII near BIroiI Ihe waa married that iaiI Ihe attended thI OntIrio College oi Educl tion Toronto later the LaklnIa moved back to at Home where Mr Lairing worked in tha Royal Bank lira belting taught school It Wed Lorne near at home and titan anothorysnr in It mmu they returned to Barrie in not Mr Lakinl is now an IMHII tant tor Nixon Buildinl pruducta Mrs LIklnl haa taulht ior three yaara in Barrie two year at North mIlniy llhyIiuI Im cIlIon and yur at Central tIaching girls ocetrpatlonal nrta iaIl Ihe will return to North Ioee to Toronto as one oi III In on the ear lower at Iran am and site II back hours by 530 pm Mrs Laklln Iaya one big help ir thIt lnartiy hava ood housekeeper and III VI very and hub aha Iaya wh to school on it is not as hard as it might Iaent beeauseher Iehool age children are In cIIraea the nine hours she and the hurband are work tn so that except tor the pic no children the iImlIy la together II much II In homka where thI mother doernt wor N0 AFTERNOON NAP When you are teachinl you orgIntIa your time better and you dont ave the afternoon nllillnd on dont hrva II much time ior ahopptng MrI LIltlng nya iheratore you do not Ipond II much money She or anirea oIhIr thin too to mIkI eII wnrtr For In nor the children wear thingI titat In any to look aiter icei titat Im better mm then become wher IN awry you make point dolnl thinla when not home that It you had true to mate you mlIht put oii irom day to dry Ihe houIekeepIr does the Dr Rynard MP ior simcoe Eart haa ruggerted that the iaderai leverament use FiliiMEiiS MARKET flrI Inners market war roaring rucceaa this mornini with wall tilled tabiea ior the aatiaiied cuaioraars tor the doc cela Irtilice andrycab tori Ice each beetr lilo can branches itch 10o rIdIlteI lie cIrrota green onion bunches 5c per i0c turaIpI ior ldc peer in oh bIIkat areen beans doc qt new peta toss lowerc to doc buket marrowr lmn WI lpanish onions ior Cucumbera made their itrat IrrieI too qt Nd curl tic Iooaeberrler too missed lower the bunch again because oi the preralnr MIG yam LIhllll tsrcher houaIwIia and mo routine things and this lereI me more time with the children alao ttnd now that the chil dren heip each other and they entertein each other TYPICAL DAY Mra baiting IIyI than la really no rush thInI II typical day In her ill but while IhI is coin to In at 000 050 She haa elaIseI irom mo and when she when home It mo she picked up the children It Kin ntonr Pond n°iiit°ii it ll er go Iluring the remainder oi the aitomooo alter the niche up the dilldran Ihe does housework wthIn lmnInI and so on At all tI they ottIn go ior lwlm and take picnic In their boat 1th II liioot con vertible top When they return home she works on her course she Iald her proschool III children look totward te Setur day and Sunda when Ihe ia at home mom ut think actu aib my children see more oi ma titan aosna children III at their nonworking motherr School hours are exactly the lamp II mine IndIummer holi zlyavare exactly thI sarna me LiiILE ILEEI ShI thinkI thst probably she oxide on iewer houre oi rIeep than most people tactltlier sum II Edger ior tht ertabliahment oi muchneeded unleraItIes in Itaiemenia in the Houu oi Commons be raid rul gert to the government that the per eaplta cant be doubled need ior more buildinga in my own riding oi himcoe EIIt there Is radar station that Ia being eloaId down Iiti buildinga and grounds cost ap preximml to million but they Ire new the hands oitht Crown Assets Dtrpoaal Corpor ation In view oi port oitlu Hall commiarlon and in view otwhatwa know about the situation In rupeot to educa tion mink ould be one oi lineIt thin the ledera ment can do it It would melt Iuiiieient to en tabiiah university th Iht Initidtnga and the site re Ivall Ibis All the gave out her todo Ia make necessary grant to go personnel university can be eItabilrh rd stetedltitat time la run ning out becqu mo away when the universiii oi IBMamounted to 0000000 II comprred witit Morrow In the comparable toes period Columbia Callulose Lid arninga ior th Ix month ed June 00 amounted to comm or tone ahare al compared with Inmate $010 share in the correspon dlngperiod last year lotat saIeI tor the iirst six rnontha oi thslm ilrcai year grutnm CIIIIIdaiId Paper Corp Ltd Netearnlngfior the months ended ma IBM amounted H080 or ti per share compared with Mutt er it per Ire in compar ab me period indicated not an ior tha three months ndsd June I0 perm illl to 11 cents Ire compared with wits or to emit there in thI June ouarier yleitaiimsdie YInrtietIa THERI No CHAIGI FOR IHII OIRVICE with All Iking included bran mutllns and bireutta are dot lIrge new huttIr tsrta 70c don iitilt ImIItIa son dot Aaaorted cookies date nut loavel bread rolls and data Iqu lso oiiered TOWNSHIP or Itnrsnt Vuiaka notice that the lat Regular Meeting in the month oi Auguat oi theiownshtpol innteiil Coun oil will be the on Tuesday theith dry oi August 1004 beginning at 10am Thla applies tor the month oi August only and replacerrthe meeting which war to be held on the 8rddiAuguIt 1004 wlli be needed Remember that it takes yearr irom the tint ItrrtI until he gredu II real problem You cannot Itart today and minute to morrow Time is runningroui doroirinrelameteedei busy dry Sicknara oi course turn you IpIrt and had only ona nrtanee thIt was who one oi the children had to have tonIIIa out Another thlna that heipa hIr II that Ihe can do two or three thlnI at once My mother iiv ea won the roadrnd thiI II eIiety him When cant keel In eye on trunrr Ihe II Mr Leklng buya thI merrier Bealdea being wonderiui with the children he also halpa with many hovrehold choral Summing up lira LIItInI Iald enioy teaching and get more cut oil than would out oi any club or womens organization think the mental exercise sti mulaiu my atticteney in homa Internet enioy taschlnn teen Indlaamalotw The older children are very interested in my teIching And tltroulh thin let to know lot oi pie they ma non tIct with she said Her hobbier are goli rnwinl prunin chrirtmaa traea and garden rtg Mr LIkinn and Dr bailey have 10000 Chrirtmu treea on to acres and Ihe llker to prune the trcca She alao has small larden It the hack oi the hours and enloya working in it Although site didnt II In Ihe murt have rents able memory become with her eche dule Ind res nIIbtlitleI you Juli cant all to iomt thinu Simcoe East MPBacks Demand For University on ua We have problem rightnow whidr has tried ior sometime but II becom ing more acute he say to the government that even beiore they conIidel thI Hall oommiuion report they must deal with thiI mat tar Ia one or very rut urv gen because how can they conIder plan when they do not hava the perronneil We We got to have univers ItIIr We have lot to have the buildinu and equi ment We millet have the in nod person ne Again ask the Intnlrter to keep In mind some oi the RCA notions that Ire being aban doned Ask the mintater to look at them very eareiul to no it they cannot be utiiud the training oi young men and women we needle brdly in the proteraional work Theltey to carefrecvatation an ich lrIIeIoan Tmniuingmwavdlng vaIIttan yau II II ii taking IIIOIIIVIIIanI Get IIIII is mercury IIIII trait atIIn ledslng eatva eiItltlng Ind equipment 21 rmw tVAIIIWMWWrM uyflrvmtwplrwmwvmm IraI Iran nameIa tamper mover use Troops Returning To Borden rm Camp InLBig Motorcade Membera It the Iseead IrIIs port Company who turn cornu pietad two moeiba ei trat II tiiiewrirglaimlm at were rationed with it outerto and Quebec Mill ill men will Irrtva iI ahtcler at the Icuthleil aloe the route np litan to Riviera dI toup thence well lull the it LIwrencI River to larnham part Montresl war to illusion and north to Camp Pet awawa UliII ior CImp Borden Pell wawa wedon Ca Pinon Ind Won slIgId It Irnham Over Loon vehicles oi III in travelled the mute and steel oi nIIrly eonoo gallon oi lIl war mIde available ior them It various potnte LIrIIIt Ilngla group In the mesa exodus was the 700 men 150 vehiclee oi the Van who had the Ihorteat trip to CImp Valoartter outIIde Que hec city in next larfut mun was the second batta ion RoyIt CInIdiIn Regiment with heIrty 000 manand ltd vehicler It hId the longest route to iollow all the way to London Ont All but one oi the Ontario unite travelled by road lbI eruption was the itrat CInIdian GuIrdI which sent about NO men back to Plcton by air irom airport Parents Observe Camp Activities Pulmd oi mottaunting EVth Corrine Ricotta par Iy or II Ion ry pIIoI Irry dartetian taland had our ior King Elmar hilxamo and rshta nlghthatdiaat III Brian Dope el Activiles It 1its cam II namd illrlltlan hand will conclude ISImooI ty mmun todIy and eIranlilbIIetup ity Recruiion Service It Elmvaia Glencrirn Mon strltI and demonrtratlonr Ihow day Ina camp Ictivitler were In Sklta were presented at tha rented tor the visitora Awarda perentr nidht which took the wen presented during the we heme King Arthura Court by the iollowing foil Quelnhire under Meiy oily Lanceahlrd under sir ivanhoe lVIit Mini mong and sir Floyd Floyd Kins Campehire under Lady Elaine Judi Phillipa and Lady Marilyn Marilyn Btgeiwt title Ihire under Lady Patricia Pat Huntea Worchuterahire with Sir Galahad Robbie Stewa Yorkshire under sir Lancelot Rate Helltnn presented phyrh cal iitnees demonstration Introduction oi the Idminiein tlva rtaii King Arthur and thee clllor Rona Heilina won the tent court teeter wns by Queen Gui group award Members oi the revere camp director Donslda up were Lionel Copegog Nash yrte idixmony Bradley Mar singsong was Iieo enjoy Biliiitiï¬ iiiiiiil WEATHER the tuition this year cooItst Id oi il major mercies and mlwllagmeomtntiona tor mgrit lIIt week an vahieios zoohuto thao irom gaunt we neston Pltllllll Cam 31 den Iced Cemp Vale In On The hit Idvence pIrty lIit Comp Gagetown luiy Ii leav lnx iivadIy rap In road trai iilc baiore the meta bodies took Novas began at Ian cneath oi the three morninll holin IlnI iart Monday Iban were three singing aroaI Ill StIii ad parInia in com bined team eiiort deiaated the younyrtara in two volleyball games It to is and ii to II No swimming canning or phy lal ilIneII awrrda were pre led because oi inclement ather during the twoweek camp Because ot cool weather there was no Iwimmlill demon stration Hector Copegox waI winnar II In archery award The York ahlre mup directed by noun Warmer Sunday Forecast States Blight warmer weather will move in the Barrie area Sun day there will however be law cloudy periods Noon tenurerahm It The Barrie Ex aminer it Synopeia Mrioly sunny waa thor la ox acted to continue acrou so am Ontario today and Sundsy althoth rcme cioudtnaaa Ia llkeh SundIy Ir warmer air edges into the re gion Variable elotutinesa with Ioattered Ihoweu and is the temp Killeloe Muokoka with natural shown or thith derehowerI in the alternoon and Illllnlitbl Warmer Winda south Iry low toallht run hndIy Windsor it Ibomaa landed Kitchener Mount Forest winch St CI southern Leke Huron regions Windsor landon Smithy with 10 period WVllilbl0 oio bees and ermIr MW Light winds Northern LekI Hum Geor giIn bay Loire Ontario NIIg IrI Haliburton re on Ior °llsi it runny Iy ow cloudy riodaartd warmersun day tht winds IImeaami Coohrnne reliant North Bey Budburyr Variable cloudiness with iew scattered Ihowara term and Sunday War mer Winds light tcdly Dottili erly id Sunday White River oma west ern lameI Bey Ml one Mainly cloudy with iew Ihowara to day Varlahie cloudineu Hunday EIriton Satiit SDI Mario as sasasasssza22223 asgspsssssassgsanasa camera nutrition new concept in rete making her mode it perf Ilth ior North Amerlcq life to offer on additicnei amount of permanent inrurnnee which may by added to brute low cost plan for the family man Ark for details