rat exam WAY Am lei SIMCOE COUNTY NEWS EDGAR Mr and Mre Gordon Lauder enhyed in daya at Colum guahOaiario vialtlu Mn Hilda ea Edgar United Church rem regular summer eervieea thte pogo Aug at Hi and li mi PIN at told Rev Thorpe minister Mra Haiti Sheliaweli viaited In er the marina being birthday dinner rty in iron or oi her airter ra Neville Mn Gordon Bidwait epent laat weekend viatting her aiater Mire Atrna Gaiiau har Altiatoa Sorron rt at itr tem Rzien her patient in yet Victoria Hoapitai Barrie Waiter Howeu ta aiao on the etch iiat re we were an Handy waiting in Dailtoa Mr and Mn Meredith Mae IAod vialted It Atwood lart weekend RUGBY By MRS JOENIION Congratulatione to Mr and hire Morria Harrington nee Mary Pattenon ot Jarrett who were married in Coulaon United Church on Saturday Mr and Itln Keith McLeod Mr and Mn Don McLeod and Ken Mr and Mrs Earl Robert eon Mr and Mra Bernai lohn ston and Mr and Mn Howard Fltchett attended the wedding RETURN VICIORIA Mra Len Harrington and Maureen oi Victoria were here to attend the wedding oi eon and brother Morrla Harrington on Saturday Mn Herrington ha returned to British Colum hia Maureen remained and has taken position in the Soldiers Memorial Hoapitai Orttlie Ra Rutheriord Mre Blanche lletc lie and Mr and Mn Ed ward Johnaon attended the wed ding oi their cousin in Pane tang on Saturday lHOWER NE NEWLYWEDS mircellaneoua ehower woe held in Rugby echooi ior Mr and hire hiorria Harrington The bride and groom were eea tcd at lacecovered table with centrepiece oi aummar iiow era Susan McLeod end June Horne broulht in many baaketa oi lovely niits ior which Morrie and Mary thanked everyone Lunch war rerved at the ole JOINT PICNIC Womens lnrtitute and Fedora tion Group loined together tor yicnlc lat Monty kifltl when over 75 sat down to aaiad run per with ice cream and cotiee Alter supper there were candy scrambles lor the children Ev eryone enioyed walking in Mr Leigha epacloua grounda and viewing the antiques eing eong was enjoyed around In old organ played by Mra Tyeon the Langrnan Everyone went home asylng they had very enioy able evening Mr and Mn George Mar shall and Mn Front Clerk oi Wuhago visited Mr and Mra Maniord and Clarke Horne IUD TRIP TO YORK Several irona title oonununit enioyed the bus trip to York County aponaored by the Sim coe County Cmp and Field Ae lactation BilXTEit By MM MAY DENNEY Mira Heather Geulay epent tow days with Min Helen Hoi lnea oi Colwell Helen returned home with Heather tor visit Vieitors with Mr and Mra Ed gar Denney on Sunday were Mr and Mrs Don Holman and Gary Mrs Hon Manning and Donnie oi Toronto and Sanford Boutliier oi Nova Scotia Mr and Mra Gauiey and tamiiy spent Sunday at Eerl Rowe Park near Aiiirton Weieome to Mr and Mn Baker and iamily whomoved into the house vacated by Mr and hire Beer Mr and Mn Murrey Gauley Indlarnliy oi Rexdalevlaited on Sunday with Mr and Mn Elwood Cauiey WINORANGE PRIZE Congratulation to MBA No 1155 Baxter on winning iiist prine or the best lodge at Bee ion July 12 romp ro wnvnmzo Mr endMra deer and boys leit on Saturday tor month visit with irienda at Ob Mtï¬ am ee when Mr Beer beebeea pee envn WIDDING Mr and tire Wililenr Hand ado attended the 1th weddleg tern rm In Denney ibtoato no Mr and tire Billy Headereon and Robyn Mr and hire Henderean and boys and Mr Jack Headliner urdey evening av brotheblniaw apdalater Mr and Mn Elli Croliar Laheviee Mr Ind Mn Robert OHara and glria mud on remand with irieada at St Catherine LA AND WM Regular meeting at Baxter Lediee Aid and Womana Mia ï¬rmer3 ï¬dï¬uu wag held at re on ednud evening July with the dent Mrr Norrie Cochrane in the eheir here were to mean bere and tour viaitore preunt Plane um made toch halea the tolloerlag weal Bihie quee tiooe pmmd by Mel Mervyn Denney were very well anrwer ed Program committee wae Mrr Margaret Beyer and htiu lune Denney Lunch commit tee Mra Edna Edgar and Mra Bruce Edgar served delicious lunch hire Charlca Marshall thanked the committee tor the lovely lunch and the horieu tor the uae oi her home UTOPiiI By MM LEDA HUSH Mr and Mre Tanrea Exell at tended the wedding at cousin oi Mra Exelie in Shelbume on Saturday Mr and Mrs Burk Exaii and iamily prizhton apent tow day with the Exelle here teat wee Mn Beatrice McFadden Ed monton vleited ior some time with Mr and Mrs George Elite recently SILVER WEDDING Setumia Mr and hire John Ellie vial Mr and Mra Ed ward Dennay Thronto who were celebrating their twenty iiith wedding anniveraary and Mra Jack Hirona and iamliy Scarborough Roy McCann at Detroit called on aaverai relativea in thin vi cinity last Friday 51 CEORGEE WA The membera at St Georgea IVA held their July meeting in the church on iuerdny evening duly 21 Following devotione tavorabie reporu were given by the treaeurora oi the diiierent departmenla The Dorcar trea aunr Mre Jack McCann re queated that gilte tor the Christ maa hate and tor Mothera Baga ahould be ready ton September Mrs Gilbert MMaeier gave vry encouraging report on Strawberry Festival in une By MM ALLEN MILLER WATER SPORTS DAY Mr and Mra Gilbert Mc Maater nd Donnie and Mr and Mn lord Davie at en yed epeclal water ay Sunday at Markdate COMMUNITY EVENT An enjoyable Community ev ent wae held in the Community Hall Saturday night to honor Pater True and hla wile Ev elyn Following very eniny abie hour at viewing tiima taken in Egypt Mueimita Northern Ontario and the Wedding Day and troueeeau ten Mr and Mn were presented with gilte and elncere wishes tor happy iuture lhan lunch and happy hour oi visiting together liar ed up very en yable evening Gordon Bell Sudbury ie on hoiidaye with relativea here REPLACE LIGHTS SHERBROOKE Que CF lha city la replacing all street ilghta withmercu lamp in ior eo new ghte will be controlled automatically by eun awitchee which open and eioee when the intensity oi netural lightreachea certhln level ron rHa WHITEST sums 0wner anti Manager Mo AL WARD ar WDMIqWWS TheFriendlier Store lOCATED AT THE WEST END BARRIEPIAZAr crvrc HOLIDAY SALE nday August 3rd Al oifora tremandoua valuoa on homaturnishlnga during their iirst Civic Holiday Sale Everything in the atore has been reduced ior this big Hour Sale Come outaarly and look over our quality iurnishlngs at big savings for you Double dreeaerjwlth tilting mir rtr drawer cheet and book care bedv LRegular $14995 janrcr BEDROOM SET Yourchoiee oi eoloure Regular $16995 sPEcrULAR VALUESt FA rote lAMPS $999 ELECTRIC KETTLE 5599 Mereeni TABLE RADIOS Allcoleure 321 Marconi Perla recoup PLAYERS FulixyAutematle Speede 44 nteï¬nyeoth Top MATTRESSES gt OyitvBOXSPlthG 4459 VACUUM Lanuaas Complete with Atieehntetvie cnsnnnonr Piece Chromeyor Brenner DINETTE Double legged table with removebia centra leei 2Pleee ltelianlvavlnelal ylreneh Provincial FINGER iolcubic foot on of atorirge on door Han lacgeitripla dresserid draws and aerosa etopiraazar with no brass handler bad in wall nutiinish cursrrnnun oroAerrORTé Foam titled cuehione with year warranty on cover 391 cnnnnnn Isrr no rand runmrua nu entan War and cop Auto aile venom rounderten icoNtflJtiUQUl manna