Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 1 Aug 1964, p. 11

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lIAIMIISMAIKII RM MACHINIRY CHARLES CHURCH Farm Supplies Service Cue Hon Holland David Brown nutty Farm lauipeneat HARVEST TIME NEW AND UIED Cembinae lwathm IIlieihln Manhinel several good uae Iiindora III BURTON AVE mam CASHTRADETERHB Iui uaoueoa Traci in aeed it it In lieu 133i chhpseIWchimu eeanee eox roaaaa Harvaataa one Eloh if hhd flnpaoii iialleelq Iii ma Ia uni tram not finale newer a3 in antié Ia and hue er audition mi llama nrniea ellohcno me try No ten or DIOR WII loiier eearln tIavI arm or on rubber red Cant Iail II It Mill II IIIIIVII er llama Iiulil 26 AUTOMOTIVE MOTOR CAR FOR IALI an BUICK Convertible good bad lldfllbll iii iiurhiee imp wimma III on our paymentr Phone 1mm Iivh ii Still no on II liv Io eth Telephone reaeeet CIIIVIOI ream ior iuua with match na interior lira automatic body and meter Al mom ITAIION WAGON IN Paniial tvr lane two dear IIcIlient ren ogltenr Toilpooria no dluaVOLMlvAnalya Trina me Hi coini CIIIVIIOLIT in In fillen llnr Iaiamnroriiiu or II am firearm rite leIn Barrie anilnrr AMERICAN leild It dddi va good condition ad ti mo 1min imm prire tile or beat otter 1M1 eilphena rm roan Ialriana ve uternatle Poconotantra dwhed too am atone resend ulflll IIUICK hardio black with blue ml White inter or automatic whi will ilru in it rendi geg me custom bu ea ie no Id DODGE door VT two ulantatle in blue and to cendtt on Tirat raaaonahie la alter taitoa ii Telephone no of 170 Feel Illl EIIIVROLET itieoayne in an black odwltll mfl intIericr as can on lira Carlaee Wellington are HarriI Ont rm CAR TNIURANCIT il eav an prIierrad dri We naure any driver re at 51th ac°ra iaprarten lb 71le TAKE DVIII balance will Ibdl it let VI automatie me IV ll Oldie do use an ax edit an Renault tIflldili Iedan ea or City Melon lradierd at Inhena mint TRUCKS TRAILER IRMA ton term truth eat with raciu corn late Al eon dllbn Telephone dTTIOI CHEVROLET ITON it l9 flagella Malti clienmiauephene to Mn II AIM INTERNATIONAL Coma blnatlen Durn box it one no tilreiahrea yy tfmgg 71 rlreo one arcur it And till 750 mill tranarniaaicn ready in go Ighetto ilil Ilinmie er Harri ll MOBILE HOME HOLIDAY SPECIAL lt Ficciiinc cuatorn built your choice at iioor plan and interior coiore Hydro cord iuli pro Ina tank regulator awning rat burner aiovo hose bumper iie once general axle hitch inataii ed car wired ibmenih warran ty Full price tlnso 10 down tit per month on bank payment on EAST 0R0 TRAVEL TRAIL Elih Frenchiae dealer liighv way it north turn north at Hawitoalono Oven weekende our motto Iwnr In one condition Telephona 716465 IT HANDLER 1le MI High iiuonliuViha Ave thri Meet BPERSONALS wollldl ANYONE who witnund tal accident batwaan two pad Ill All 10 VIII Mite ttertibll on No it Iii noun one leaae ogntentyw IIird or land aundara Ltd at MM or Ilarrla WOULD ANYONE who min latal accident batman llliilWflm Iicenu HINT and Pontiac Iedan lice No it It way rni not It Am Ind 00 Towmhlrt etan II III ilna ey on In lltvlamenre ituiiihdth It IIMM on Barrie LOST room vrareil war lady gold wrm notiso itildii Pleau telephone mime IoHELP WANTED EAL HELP AGENT IMMIDIATELY NEEDED are to Tim tilt laitlea uten Inenthy TV ID no lb Imll wwrtttnli lot Ill imam an Dept Hubert Mmlrlli EMPLOYMENT WANTED lilil iia iaeiy 1mm mm EXAMINER ma Abe eaona newer Io till woman MALI MILI AVON OPPORTUNITY NOW ilIiIl Wehndnvi ay or interview lire Walker Box ilo Collin or call Barrie we remind 13535 to It induced inn II that and Wall lea do alaeltaer CA DH iimddveua to uni eurI day tailina eaehatea enamel lull alri raameia rice you fibmviu ll Ill Ill ll DO oiiii coauaiice It cola tanner Ava genie DI eat MALI HILF SALESMAN REQUIRED FOR HIGH VOLUME DEALERSHIP Training Provided New Car Supplied Salary or Commiaaion AnnuaiGuarantoe WRITE T0 BOX Id HARRIE EXAMINER WANTED CLASS MECHANIC or Year rentico En uire Ron onnigaon ARK MOiO BAltitiE EXPERIENCED SHOE SALEMAN required new ior iuil time poet tlon in Oriliia Proterabi raduato oi the Footwear ine tuta salary according to ex perience Our nail to blotmed oi thla advertisement in writing to BOX Ii IE EXAMINER 2° Iimtn person ni ma Org Chem Ina aroundI adneaday Auauai MALI FIMALI BOYS Illa GIRLS tor BARRIE EXAMINER CARRIER ROUTES Application Forms available at CIRCULATION DEPT 16 BAYFIELD 5T HEY KIDS MAKE EXHIBITION MONEY necurlna daily ordera tor the lobe and Mail Soil papera on Civic Holiday Monday Auauat to per copy cemmiaaion EXTRA BONUS PHONE TODAY 7181123 lAltT Oh iuil lime lam work or married couple four men manment liedam aenveniancee th weal Metro Toronto Ila orient arrangement or right Iaaeionai loan EH om rrn me our ierin lt Dewna wua etyu BALI LEADER National league AB HP Wiiiioma Chi 309M187 Clemente Pitta interstate Carly Mil an db Id 136 Benin Chicago on on Maya San Fran 271 as RuneMaya ea Allan Phila deiphia id Rune Belted InBeyer It Louie 71 Santa 73 title William Ola mente ill IlenbteeMiiiiama re Ole monte 2e Tripiea Pineal Cincinnati Santa Home RuneMaya to Vita iiomem Iioiea BaselWilla lea Aw geioe at Brock St Louie ea Pitching Keuiax as An gciaa and Marichai San Fran ciaco 750 Strikeoute Kouiox lie Dryedaio lea Angelu led American League II RPM Oilva Minnesota ass 76 ill uo Manila York 18753 on Mt Fregoei Ana to to are Robiaeon Blitz It Gt Ind Allison Mina me mm RuneOlive 7e Aiiiaon nil Belted titslum not an ltd Kiiiebrow Minnesota zstillOily 149 Roblnloil Doubles Braeloud Beaten and Oliva to Trip oeYaatrremliti Bolton From the Angciee and Ver aaiiee Minnesota illomartuaa lliiiobrowlu Powell Baltimore TI mm liaaeeA arieio Italtlo more to Well cage id EntitledBlinker Baltimore Mn no em rord New Yersz item eteiiroeute Hadater Barton Peun€biuaefltt in we pei Ln no uarter in 4127 reel Aieuettea announced whole aadian guard nob Geary Poliehliider Leads Racers MONTREAL gage hit ggégi II noon The tint in team poeitiena with Brighten gt iriuimnt aiao muiaed no In Palha tinlltad Tridaxla lap with as other ridera to 14m tlcal time oi cream lie baa lad the iieid by enetiy aecooda or the int two deya Julioo Deiocha and Andre Dhaano both oi Beigiuma tour man team were in second and third Ipota with total time ot 8020 and 502106 SCISSORED SPORT BREAK RECORD L05 ALTO HILLS Calii IAPiDon Beholi an 18 yoaroid Caiitoraian Ihaltmd the world mantle ireeatyie record Pride night aa he beat Auetraiiaa urray Roeo in the its national AAU awimrning chempionahi The iorrner Or olonian awima tor the danla Clara Club went the met lteae iio tab In dill OUT FROM AU MONTREAL ICPt Monb ayer cute Friday in the at their humilialln and Rough it are leven imporia and eix Cana diana were released including hoidovor im uartorbacha Francia the be aerioti and Warren Robb and veteran Ce MEET IN FINALS TORONTO WtIND Mont real ioyera Jan ammo and Ciau IllngALing will meet today in the iinala oi the Ona terio veterana tdiinla chant gonahipa Nordettnn advanced the iinaia by deieatlbg Ned Btailerd oi Niagara Iaiie Ont in the IernIiinala Friday it took three houra tor FungvALing to turn back John lienua at Toronto In the other semitine 97 HOW IMPROVEMENT BEMlDJi Minn tAFJTem Franckhouur Minnesota Vik intt deieneivo ck iniurod in training camp accident ahowed Io much improvement Friday that hiI declare aald they liiteiy would take him all the renoua Hat by Iaturda Franekhaueer was critically urt Wodneeday in making tackle during scrimmage IT CHOP CHOP VANCOUVER 0P Eriiiah Columbia Liana Pbiday met the Canadian Football teem dead line tor player cute to dropping oiaht Importe tram ha roster The only new American play are will keep ihla year Holland toe pound heitbacit Minnesota and dim Mellow geunioa twoway end irom Utah puny vaWaa vmmmmev as Mrmwwmmm raoaaaau uruaear owner race NEWS FROM ALLISTON anuaaun tor ayatem iavdry acetone lag wattirogntreiu er rivara or more an item the potato iiaida mambo car are being tilted by Ionic tannerI and are good Thoee driv lag three the All lien and Boo ion die eta could aaaily Irna gine that they were to Prince dward leiand or New Brune uicir when they aoe lieid am laid at poiateee Ia iaraa the can eee it ie aiao lnioraa at uwhwmwn ma grade thom at the lame iirno aleo load thorn into trucita read tetaitotemarkotertetho potato ateraae barne CARR MARIN or the ceremony 5t Johha Uni hutch Allie too July at when lan MIXIII drr Pram took ea his bride hilly Gwendeiine Carr daugh Rev Stilton oilidatod ahow tor otllr and IiiI Carr Glitch IL Ailiateo northern Ontario the young fie wiit live in Brampton attrea wen preaent item at Celharinea Barrie and Alileton MOWER FOR BRIDE about the bride Lily Carr rlor to weddin wee van tho atati oi Gor don raydo School Brain on Ipeneored by Marjorie are er waa given by lira Re io Doria Thomae dtoidtvliie tea service in bone dlina Iiiaa Carra Strode can at El Johna United Church Allieion lied Chinese Diplomat Vanishes Fromils Embassy RUJIMBURA ARIA Corry muniat Chinaae diplomat who received political aeyium at the United stator Embaer here May as haa vaniaiied Ind the Burundi mornmoni iI angry lhe diaeppearanee atomic to an unfriendi act which could Image rein one between Bun undi and the United States the govemmeot radio eeid Friday ltcaiied eharnelaaa the em bee aroiayoithemetothe ldmillairatieo at King Mwambutei Vi lbo diplomat ie nlna Chi ping at who arrived May It take up dutioa Ia aeaietant cultural attache at hinaa bla ambaaay in Burundi an impov lilerarni HIM little African at the top oi Latte lung detected the next day He hailed cab drove to us Embealy and Iaitad tor Ararat can help in obtaining aeylurn Tho Bu ru ndi varnment which ha been armed by emiuoriea oi Peking wanted to question Tung The U3 baguneatanymbinum An ambaaey apoiteamao raid Thing had expmoed desire to go to the United Staten Hie breakiart woe taken in to him snnmr Escapes mount wrnnow Bank ampioyaea check the toes under window Imubed earlier in the day by hooded hushed bandiia who antaabod their way out with lead pipu to eecapo with more than too The men arrived luat um cua had been diatribu ted to tellera cages rntnuiea belore the northead Iionireal brandl oi the throotoDornln ion Bank opened yesterday CF Wirephoto UK Politicians Free To Plan Campaign Termination oi the eiiectlve iila oi the present British an un iiamont now leave poiltieana bony truisted IIa oiiiciala houid rea to plan their campaign strategy tor the October gen eral election In the Conaervative camp than are aim at Iwitda oi emphuia to domain problem mm delence and torsion ai Wedneedey morning and he waa Ilitl timed to be gone hare Diiease Threatens To Take Teenagers Lite MASON Midi AP Then ager Harry Botek haa been told hie iiia will be taken by rare incurable diaeaae that he tiret thought threatened only hie eyov echoo eight The ioyearoid Maaon boy twice wae tehen thia year by tho 118 Army to Walter Reed the Medical Hos ital in Wuh Doctena iii are tried to keep iernuiiona of scar tiaeuo away irorn hie eyu than grad uaiiy became aware oi the na ture oi hie ailment TWo weeke aao ilorrye par aita told him the disease would be iatal want to be the beat at what can be Harry uid today you want to load In activeilte un itm you an ouiatanding competitor in track meeta and aaaiatent maria MP Seeks Seats For Indians OTTAWA OP Gordon Aiken Conservative MP to Parry Sound Muekoita rated in therCommona Fri at one or more scale in the Commona be eat be in dian MFI who would be elected by Indian banda Icaltored aaoaa Canada He Iaid MPI have dieetueed the aliaira oi the lndian peopi tor too long in their absence aug on that it had repreaon live in the an it would bo meaniagiui and we would be doing something to live prove the aituotlon oi the Indian peo la The latter Aei aet IndianI apart them other Canedianajand provided dliioront aet oi rules governing thorn Parilamatt needed the views at mad indian dpoiifilmile tor Inca amen lotion that remote tho dung one gt MAKE EFFORT lltelr great ciiort ie to be able todo what other ethnic map in canada can now do roonte oi the Canadian nation Bu belore they can do that iny Aim apohe dobete continued on an interim cuppiy bill giving the gevtzrrrww open autiwri the count email bandeth in on naiionai level and ittica ore elm were much more eonscioua thancvorv had on ager oi the Maui ma so treehman iootbail team last year piana to tote part in track and Ibaaitetbaii thia coming year He aaya hell iiniii school maintaining good me to stay on the team and then loin DIV of The diaeaaa di aa higue ia ah ailment attache the mucuoue mam hbih mm 31 mean are usually iatni Murpednmm oi mootha to yearn Suspect limit In Ottawa Iire UlIAWA CF Arlen II Impacted In the Beacon Anna Hotel tire that claimed three liver Tintreday lm airaid thiI wee no acci dent Hotel Manager Phil llor wite Iaid Friday He laid he thinka the iiro yaa deliberately ambient to make clear it haa no intuition oi aboiiahing or diminlahia any reservation lndlen eodera were worried about MA statute that giveI the eitirenahip minister the right to diaaelve reservation it he gangs to in the Internets oi the Rhodesia Denies Detours Budget Press Reports emsaunv 1m Southern Rhodcelan goveth epoboeman Friday denied preeI reports that the territorye do lice expenditiuo lor testes rented to Ihuredoye get wee more than double the timed tome rind IBM liguro 1y repo waa more titan douhio because ot minnrdaetnndlngrover the pe riod covered by the iigura ahown in government document elat Ina expondiittre but The apoiteernanmnid eviig teaoryv me we drown in title ea in tact only tor the etamonth period Ioibwhlfmthe diaeolution oi the lodera oi Rhodesia and Nyaoaiaod lut Dec Ii Tho II In the peattedmf elven he the docu ment land are teenoomi no there art but did not elaborate An investigation waa launched The enmooo tire took the liver oi hotel ewitchbonrd oper ator Mra AddieMcCormicir It Zucceni 27 hotel to ca worker and Dr Earl Ceivbt e1 oi Wabaa Mesa vibe died oi an upper cnt heart attack alter being roe cued by iirenren irom tourth Iloor window Although many TotIce tool they are on rate ground in attacking i7l1WIitlon Labore Iomewhet ambiguoua deieoco policy including donegotia oi the Nesaau giving Britain the Polarle rniac atlasthey also knew that Erit IIh aiactiena traditionally are won or lost on domeatic iaeuae But in this aphm Labor letter the initiative with loaded otter itena about the houainl abort the hide coat oi living the pght ct pie on tired in comes an an ponIionera and widowa lack at college teciiiv lice and the governments wage reatralnt policy that Govt To hlia hardest at and to tenchara new CANT AFFORD IT The Coourvativea ace and in title mughhouae debate is their claim that the cotmiry cant attend the aocioileta pm grarn it Is all very well they any but how are pay tea in The Torlea now have devised their own longterm eoctal plan based on their target at tour per cent annual growth rate and they inaIei that the aim growth rate to ii oanee tiaoLaborpiIniamtpeav aiblo at this time Variotu opinion poll tend to diaearee with end other but they do concur in varying de grees Laborhaa etrong 2de despite recent gradual dmpa in Popularity Labor lender Harold Wilson concentrating on his classless Image seems to attract the younger set couples who no neither iind nor aiiord borne Prodlaim Defence Staff Bill UIIAWA CPI govern ment biii aetting up tingle da ience INT replace the chiala oi atati will be proclaimed by the cabinet today it was an nounced Friday by Detance Minieter lleliyer The move la the iirat Itep in intonation oi the Canadian armed serviced Approved by the Commons The other membera Vieechici LtrGen Geotmy Walah no iormer chiei oi the general eteii Chic oi operational readi naaI MAIGen Jean Victor Al lard bi who la being promoted to Lieutenantgeneral ei at pereonnei RearAd miral Kenneth Dyer as tanner vicachiei ol the naval stall who ia being promoted to vicead and Senate earlier thiI month my the bill received royal went but war not in ioreo until the cabinet proclamation Mr Heiiyer also announced the makeup oi tbeinaw tale rated deienoe atati to be headed Air Chlei Manhei Prank Miler do tanner chair Hill at the chieiI at Mt eomc Chiei oi iolietica and engin ecring Air Vicebtarahat Clara Annie It iormerwtee chiei oi the air stall who is being promoted to air marshal Comptroller general Mai Gan Robert Moncci 47 torntar head at Eastern Command at Haililiax who II being promoted or their own and who are im manent with the British pace oi The Ieciing list in that many Mia voting tor the that time atill resent the tact the Conanvotivea bad to go to the aristoaacy Ior leaderPrime Miniater Sir iheyreinato HA5 PERSONAL APPEAL But Sir Alec haa even number at hia col leagues with the personal ap peal he baa generated since he took over horn Harold Macmil lan leat Octoba still mirroliiielam toad to agree the tiah elections are determined by aventa ol the last iew months hetero the vote net hintina vafifilimmanl oi the ur ve year term since the int election any totem tionol erieia probably would help Sir Alec the iorntar ion chm minister Many observer eel Republican Barry Goldwa iera candidature lor the most dency oi the United States may work in the prime miniatera ia vor giving trash relevance to lereign and deicnoe allelese ilcid in which the Iotaeervatlva funny he whole and Sir Alec particular exaioya mid arable international reputation But even it Goldwater lenb successful in his bid tor the White House the Conservatives can take Iuli advantage at the mere tact he is candidate atom the 115 election wont be decided until November alter the vote here JOINS CABINET EDMONTON tCP Ron dolph McKinnon Social Cre dit member oi the Alberta icg iaiature tor the Edmonton ann atituancy oi dtrathcnna West was ewonoin Friday so minister at education He succeeds An dere Aaiborg education mile istcr Ior it years until hlaap pointment Wednesday as DIOVIII clal treasurer to tilt the va cancy created by the sudden dismissal Irom cabinet of Hlnman

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