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SHOP AND QWHOUSE Bill expelnee it to Box 84 Belrie Englan novn AND hum vented to work ulu promotion Aunuet Civic naee eomlnllon nnd prim mom 1mm if left Tuillmminilmwï¬ nunhnn mymn TEACHERS WANTED TEACHER Flo Townehip School Aron Bonrd requiru tencher or rurnl echonl Dutien to corn meno Sepi not Martin eelnry $3300 pervnnmun plun nllewence tor enperienee Applic enntn pleun ntete ounlliicntionn and lent inspector Apply to lieninnld Archer Secretnry lreuurer Eitnvnle Ont RB iZTENDERS let011 Jill €1315 ï¬nal up min of voile min Applionntn was we Treuurer nmvm Aeerntn cut rm TENDER iendern will be received until Aunu me or purchnne of vnlun commercial property OF TEMPLE 85 COLLIER Bit Bnrrie Lot nine eexlea Addreu tend ere to RECORDING BEW AllY BO Box 41 Barrie Ont as CT liAUCTION SALES AUCTION SALE Wednesday Evening JulyziiB mShnr line undernlnne Auctioneer hen received inntructionl Torn no Public mu re the meow HENRY BYlHELL Ora Townrhionenr OreBench turn mth nt the Orv Sutton rim down to the bench end to the rend turn left Md About We mile cut Sale of nil homeboch lumina ingr toole end to loot nt lerme cnnh No me en lit the chattel have to he nold JERRY COUGHLIN Auctioneer Wntgh or iulillint Juiyvtl for Want A3 Service ï¬nial 1232414 Iii yurn old HAY belen mover Hey well nnved Quentity ot hon stun MNEOUB Dnvid Brown nnctor model no diuel hrnnd new one nor at noun oom plein with troutend lender end All modernnit as steel Putt David Brown Mirrow Plow lood condition New Holiend dl Enter yearn good on new Mll Side Delivery Reine yarn old like new mo 6M0 Mon truck with tech mtion sprinttooth oultivntor min Bow Cothhuit tractor Innuure eprender No Set at hp motor Bernp iron dem irnctor dine Power lnwn mower Rublnntired mun nnd ruck ee extennien lndder Po into plenter Potato diner ullon nu tnnk intern onnl power rn er two et neilon ll drum lee loinoh cement blotkn Air compromi nnd pnint nprnyer ea nheete ti me rootinx brnnd new InhoeinotM eteoimi brnnd new ntlty oi li 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eulte ooneintinz oi Enable chem nndmtmflectl Liv lroomnmw unerpee enry chlir diuuriield nnd citnlrll to match or rocking drain bode lnnkd ezrrinu wliih mnttrenn eompe eneer ntnpl new in mealtime and table hall torn mnniei clock power lnwn mower lnwn chain nuan Uty dinhen qunntity oi linen were nltvorwnre bedding luulu inclinin vinlen net GE rnnlte cuehlonl pillow drew cunning nnd rnnny other nrticlee too numer to lint flannrmh on ell furniture 1km end oonditlonn of pro perty will be given time at me Nothing to be removed until settled 10 monument or the lite will notbe held ruponnihle tor ne cldentn enproperty evening of rule Funk Webb Clerk JERRY COUGHIJN AUCHMI CRAB mu KINBNN NC MP Five white emnn returning iron dnnunnd tivn Name tour of them numnt farm wetturn trorn Alnonmn Were killed be lore down Bundn whenztheir cnrn collided hen on with mil merthe motorewere pushed the minute The denth the 100le two survived the meltnu wont hintrwny Wreckin Na Cnrolinn ninu mimnt mm titled near 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