bersl Comnions member ior Leeds and richer Smith Pm irasslvs aeoservaUve Comm NEW YORK AHLeaders oi major civil rights or antra tions meet in summt enn iercnee today with northern race riots and national politics high on the agenda Roy Wilkins executive sem tary oi the National Association ior the Advancement oi Colored People warned to his call ior the meeting oi the possibility oi incseesingly violent and iutiis disorder Besides Wilkins those sched uled to meet at the NAACP headquarters are Whitney Young executive director oi the Penetang man was taisen are burns when his light air crsit clipped telephone wires sold rammed into telephone poe Tbs twosealer singlecngine airplane burned completely Only the irame remains The wing is wrapped around the pole in Penctangntshene General capital is pilot Don McGinnis oi Pensionsllishene it is be Iievsd Mr McGionis son may have been with him in the plane at the time at the crash The plane came down about 030 pm and ilames quickly ttracted large crowd iioy ownsbi iiremen put out the blaze the truck was brought tsom Wyevnle tor the Job Viiihsesses Recall Torture OI Children In Nazi Camps FRANKFURT APiA sisinny boy on his tiptoes strained every muscle in his small body in an attempt to unit bar hanging iive iect vainches above the ground iia couldnt make it and broke into sobs fihat bar meant the dii ierenca between lite and death tied hstonched it he would have lived little longer as slave laborer in one oi ths asis 250 concentration camps ihis is one at the memories oi tortured childhood revived in this summers rsih oi war aimaa trials in West Germany Piece by piece the interm tlon oi how millions oi youn sters died in the camps comes irom dozens oi Witnesses Their descriptions oi Isuiiering and oonrage olten cause Judges and courtroom spectators to weep New Headquarters For OPP vTORONTO UP Public Works MinisterRny Conneit today called ior tenders ior $250000 quarters building with separate Cupioe eight miles eastni Montreal Night Club By Tire ni°iiiii°i II WES ern dutroyed by its early today gPénetasig Plane Crash Injures phospital last night with sev ii he slid there arent any Jobs LATE NEWS HEBER SMITH VISITS MILITth BASE John Msthcson left 11 ans member iorSimcoe North or escort Asslnlboins with members oi ths parliament ary deience committee stand on the bridge oi the destroy Urban Leagus Phiii Ran dolph chairman oi the ational Negro American Labor Coun cil John Lewis cisairman oi the Student Nonviolent Coon dinating Committee James Banner national director at tisa Congress oi Racial Equality and Dr Martin Luther King Jr head oi the Southern Cluistlsn Leadership Conierance in his invitation to the her leaders Wilkins called the am lustion Senator Barry Gold water oi Arizona as the Repnb lican candidate ior president actor that could produes ths Department at Transport oi ciais ars investigating the crash The accidentoccurred on concession to at liny Town ship about is miles north oi Barrie HERES ONE need job Senator said the man irom bishomo state lhs senator thought ior Wcll lll toll you but heres what liido lli get up commission to investigate why there are no ions and you can be the head oi that with salary begining at ten thousand dollars year These witnesses have related that nearly all small Jewish and Slavic children who so rived at the camps were killed immediately by gassing shootw ing beating hanging or with injections oi carbolic acid ad ministered lnto theirbeart muscles They hsvt testiiied that babies born to women prisoners were touedalive into ovens or onto open iises so as to spare the costs oi more expensive methods at murder They have described now the 35 Elite Guard staged mock courts to terrify older children beiora executing them The have told oi medical expe meats performed without lil esthetics on oungsters by SS physicians how some chil dren inugist thelrtormentors with ierocityspawned by desperation Commodore Clarke tha deienca committee is visiting military establishments in the Halllax CP Wisephoio 4Hold NY Summit Talks sternest challenge we have yet seen Kong and Mayor Robert New York City Holdup Govt OTTAWA CF Till Com mons midsummer war at nerves enterails thirddarts day with no end in sight string at is Conservative MPs delivered lengthy speeches Milly matinan their pan tys strategy at he dlng up sp proval at bill to live the gov ernment $39010731 in spend ing authority ior August and September With the exception ot Justice Minister Favreau members oi the iour other parties rcirained isom speaking They hope that the Conservatives will tails tawas stedming heat wave It the Cpnservativas manage to keep tha debate going ior an other eight or has sittings days the government will run GOLFERS NOT BARTON Vt ABCows Yes cows And the sign on the iirst tea at the Barton Country Club entreats goliers not to hit them JYel says club VicePres ident Ken Elliott guess were not like moatansntry clubs But we have lot oi un The ninehole course is laid out in the middle oi Amri Yveainas tum Amri who leases the land to the club dossntplsy goli hlmseli Hes too bus pmtecting his herd oi 50d ry cows irom tha go ers Weve had to modtiy our fulcs little said Elliott In insuirsnce agent or exampa we pay wa ter rules here all year round Winterrules permit golier MOSCOW Reutersl UN SecretaryGeneral ihanlrsnet Soviet Premier Khrushchev and Foreign Minister Andrei Gro nsylto today amid expectation that Then would try to get the Kremlin to by its back bills Wagner held second round oi talks 1besday on ways in pro vent iuriher racial violence in themselves to exhaustion in Dtv counan CLUB stun unans I1insage to be built at South Por The Edgewater Hotel Montreal suburb oi Points Claire was Police estimatedthsioss at 00000 ior UNLpeace pingoperations Laoo and other worldpmblems also were expectedto beudisc cussed ihant handed the premier richly en aved Burmese sllvsr bowl ch Krushchev admir provinclal police district head shouldbeexinbited in senm iornsors than an hour on the two men want to the Krem lin tosee Khrushchev Gromytto id oosday the unisns mum Can and Middle East iorces ringiy ssidwas benntiiul and ran at ram use with drlhso on peace ree adoi troops irom neutral Western es mgr Continue Search For Glider Pilot BRANTFORD CPI i1Ie search ior missing glider pilot Francis Popp and his aircrait will be concentrated in thres areas oi southwestern Ontario today ioiiowlng three separate reports hlcsday oi possible sightings Ayr Norwich and ion Point will all be closely chec ad by search parties who ainceMon day evening have been hunting ior the 25yearold glider pilot irom Jersey City Ni Popp competitor in the Ca nsdisn National Soaring Asso ciation championships was towed alolt in his radio equipped glider at 430 pm Monday He was headed west wisest last seen Private planes Joined RCAF aircrsit and Canadian Coast Guard enttsrs in ths search luesdpy that extended irom London Ont to Hamilton End Guelph and south togisalta re Lengthy Speeches By MP3 Spending Bill out oi ruling authority eteetionwili become overpower ing The Conservatives many ot whom are itching to ilght so election thtsiali on tile Oonied srstlon and ilag issues have made it knowu outside the Com mons that they intend to stretch out the money debate ior 10 sittings or more Their announced strategy is to discuss the spending esti males at diiiereot department esch day Monday was devoted tothe labor department and iuesdaythe viocus shlited to health and welfare Conservative MP sald the plan involves talkind on ior estry today and imnjsigratloo Thursday TO HIT COWS to improve his iairway lie as long as he doesnt move the gall appreciably closer to the oc The cowleso ioroedvanms modiï¬cations oi the course We have iences arosmd all the greensabout three test high to the cows away Elliott sad What happens it the ap proach shot strikes thsiencs1 Oh we lost allow the olier to take it overunless hits the lanes on the back at the green Elliot said We have to count those We have to carry insurance against the cows Morton and weve had to pay oil iew drner Farmer Vesina sued on law oral occasions claiming ud rler damage and won Thantg USSR Payments would pay not one hopecir ior UN operations they eonaidtr unlawiul One such opes tion the Blastersnay was The Congloior which Russlas groan tlunpald lrtscow ihs Soviet Union doesntcon alder itseii bound by the peace keeping sssessmsntsv ior The air UN because those lotus were not under the control at the Security Council iv and Communist countries were tozSocuritincuncil cess midway manoeuvre mile voyage told vlanding spot ior US Pickering obviousiy valled gevsrnmsnt under Prince Sou the temp atlon to call general rsns poweriui AtlasAgena socket with ths camera laden hanger spacecrait aboard pushes itseii airyward on the dtarioi mom towths moon that Moonshot May Hrt Target onsanaua Calii APiThe camera carryln Ranger spacecrait psoha ly will hit lla target area on the lighted side oi the moon space scientist said toda sitar an apparently sue lien ins Dr William Pickering di rector of the jetlpsvpuision lab mm oratory which is guiding the lionpound vehicle onyits 33000 In press coo ierenee it get in the target area aimmilewids plain inst above the Equator in the centrs oi the lett halt oi the moon lhs area calledths sea at Clouds by ancient astronomers who imagined the lat spaces on the moon were bodies oi water waschosen as photographic target because it could be good aaironautl within iew years ssldit appear the spacecrsit is red to dnr ayse tracking data ior several hours beiora we determinerthsrimpsct area eeisely Bepers linson sboutellie house In the iinsl minutes Ranger television cameras are to transmit snort than 1000 closeup pictnms oi the moon back to earth Then mile trip the spacecraft will crashland will take you the moon AF Wirephoto Ranger latest attempt oiths National Aeronautics and Space Administration to take clossnp pictures oi the mines oi the moon was launched irom Cape Fla Tuesday morn ltiaior event in the oomionte eourse manoeuvre was 37 mileanhonr kick in ths pants designedrto bring vitsnger on course toward its target ares new eiinrta ara made to billss the situation th Wilt lng hot drinks iisshiights and weather crew at ulah1bursdarn Wu lunacy KIWI two NetMsn Than 7a For Copy2 Ines EPerwurwasoadsn any 91 Ml Vlad ï¬wr Three Conditions Set Forth MOSCOW Reuters Brit sln told the Soviet Union today it will cosponsnr ltnatlon conimnca on Laos provided sourced delivered to the Sovist iongo ministry an instruction irom ths visltlns British iorsign secretary Rich ard Butler listed three main conditions conisrence Establishment oi united vanna Phonma the neutralist prime mlnistar crassilrs in Lani The return oi rival notisn troops to positions they hold in Fsomsry Sunday the day beiors Sut lsr arrived here the Soviet Union called ior new itna tion eoniersnca on Laos to meet next month Russia also said rejection oi this proposal might iores hsr to give up conhsir nrhi arm Britain an Bussla andlng co chairmen oi lm Geneva conference which an teed dependence and non iniotmed so said the by Khrushchev powarin rm Dana Nine miners trap ed since Mfliln day can icet srgrnnnd in limestone mine in Eastern France were cheeriui and in good health today oiiicisls re sorted it may beihursday or ida beiors they can hs prong to the surisce Five otherminars have not seer heard irom and ara ieared ea Drillers sank small ipc into the underground salery Tuesday night and exchanged signals with the nine miners ihey lowered microphone to the men by largar pipe Jliown want iood warm cloth cigsrettes wives and daugh tars spoke to their trapped loved ones Enginefla said thejmovsment 3qu today oi large area oi lng operations to rescuetha nine but the sin inch slcel shalt had not yet be gun oaoosisn asssauce men as saying Rood though we ararold and wet We are waitinfl us but we wt the mountainside and as large areas began to subside oii pushing through lior wists but rescuers waresbls to continue work For IiiNation Conterence by Butler who arrived hen Monday ior ilvsos visit ihs sources sad Foreign Minister Gromyke tossed alarm over the Laotian lustion to Moscow had not made any at decisions on how to deal with it nilsr told Gromytto Britain was not against lenstion con iorsnce on Laos but wanted further discussions on how it would be organised The Russiaproposed cooler eocs includes the United States and Communist hina Sources said tisa Russians had agreed to deter ths decision on ramslning cochsirman oi the lies contor encs until all it powers an swered The sources said Butler tell the Kremlin was tired oi the Laos problem and it wu be coming possibia embarrass ment because oi lineal strained relations with Chin Gromyiso told Butler the seas sgrsement had been violated and tha US continued to inter tors in tiss countrys siialrs Gromyko also said Souvanna was prisoner oi reaction sourcos said the two mln rs agreed to continue discus slons at the United Nations in the isii an new Russian plan iorshndb to impinl iorca ronsislng neutral Western and Communisttmopi the control oi ths Sscun Locate fitliners In French IMineï¬ CHAMPAGNOLE theutersi mountainside was not threaten hing oi be Rescueoiiiclais quoted the Our morals is in good health Wa sr ior you toirea be patient la esrsd in this morning cials ieared ma landslide The movement cit gaping holes up to six isat Bulldorers ware gouging hoiein the sideoi the mountain in an attem trance tunne block oi bard limestone toreo nanm by isii