vummm WV mD rrsu wvwmmmwrmw Etrr horror Published byCaaadian Hewspapera limited id Bayiield Sire Walla hibiiaher ruuoav may as seenasses et Barrie Ontario rs Wilsur casual no New Plan For Militia Is More Logicql Support Force ant but brlei encounters with eaem iorces as Korea the Beer and lust rebe ltona and the Fenian raids basically it has been the militia the arttime sol diers who have aggplled masses oi manpower requtr tor the Csnsdis Army Those volunteers who train one even ing week plus some weekends and give up their holidays in summer tor the same purpose have oiten been ridiculed by some parts oi the civilian populace but rarely by members at the regular army militia during the lastwar known as the reserve army are citisen soldiers who are trained ior the deience oi Canada should the occasion arise and history has shown that it has been oiten The return oi the militia to its iridi tional role as au port iorce ior the rig uair army to lo cal and sensible though it will substantially smaller than it has been in the past iew years the de artmont oi national deience con icmpla as reduction irom 40000 to 80000 men the militia should emerge irom Hon Paul Hollyers plan as much more eiiicient and uaeiu reserve iorce available ior national emergencies The Gre and Simcoe Foresters Regi ment ahou not be one oi those aiiect ed The local militia unit is in excellent strength and condition Only the weak er regiments across Canada and there are tow will be cut it will be recalled that under the Con servative government the militia was as aifned as its rimary iunction the task is preparing or civil deience and na lionsl survival work While at one time there seemed to be some in to to this arran ement its iundamenta weakness was at it attempted to impose an as sentiall civil iunction ens military or gsntsat on The result within the militia has been isllingoii in recruit log and general lack oi enthusiasm amongyoun men who would otherWlse be intereste in parttime military train lng The armed iorcer regular and re serve mus always be equipped and pre pared to ve assistance to the civil au horities times oi emergency but their rimary role must be military Civil clones in civil responsibility and short oi conditions under which martial law is declared should remain complete iy under the control oi local and pro vlncisl oiiiclsls iwith propriate co ordination and guidance rom the ersl authorities The new plan which the associate de ience minister outlined to the Commons deience committee is the basic irame work It on which the commission hlldr ad by rigadier Eerie it Suttie retir ed militia otttcer has made recommen dationsior revised organisation The In two world were plus such unpleas militia has been assigned tour roles in order oi Primacy they are ill military support the regular army to act as trainin iorce or able in anemerv red into brigs at ng groups internal security and assistance the regular armys national survival work in its ilrst and most important role the reor anised militia will be capable oi rov lng 0000 men to take over car in deience installations now manned by the regular army and also oi torm ing logistic and special units which are not provided in peacetime This would tree the re lar army tor the duties essential war esta lishment levels which the present emergency plan calls upon it to periorm The second and quantitative larger role ior the militia calla ior 000 et iicers and men to be available ior im renc oi be ng and mediate mobilization in three bri sds trainin groups These units woul be come framework upon which larger iield iorces could be built as they were sitar the outbreak oi the Second World War and at the same time would tree the exlstin regular army brigade groups ior other utles ln givin the militia these two rin cipsl assig ments oi course it wi be essential that the overnment also give them the tools wt which to do the job Militia units will need equipment and training isciiitles which are as odd or almost as good as those rovide ior the re lar army tor wthout these things ey will be unable to sustain the Eliatttiiiitjg interest and enthusiasm oi their oiiicers and men The third and fourth roles assigned to the militia under the new plan will re gulre relatively small numbers oi men bout 2500 would be required initially ior such duties as guarding key points eugeniaing internment camps etc An ot er 1500 would be used to augment the re uiar armys existing national sur vival natallations An overall rider the plan recognises that in total nu clear war the plan itself would be scrap ed and the militia like the re lar orces would be completely emp oyed in survival operations The iormer civil deience planwas mistake and has been isiiure Young men do not join the army to learn how to be parttime policemen end iireu lighters and in an case these duties are more properly he responsibility oi the civil authori es lil The overnments new plan it it is iol lowe through with sensible reorgsnisa tion and adequate equi ment should with the armed long way toward rais morale in or militia and restoring it to the honorable role it has played in the past DOWN MEMORY LANE YIAI aoo IN TOWN Barrie Examiner July 24 1010 Peace Day July 10 was suitably celebratedin Barrie Parade was line ectacle with Barrie and district war ve erans in the lead headed by LtCol John Mo Phoe oi the Simcoe Foresters Barrie Fire Departments iloat Dove oi Peace won ilrst prize Collingwood Kittie Band in new uniiorms made good Impression Miss Hanmer Moore and George Vickera won prises ior de corated autos Ball Planinngiis iloat Summer Home took second Prize and third went to Fishers Flour ii whose truck contained bevy at local beauties with sin Wh bring home English war brdesi Underhilla Jars Band won prises ior comic outiits Cecil Poole Russell Duii and Bert Laugheed won prises ior best decorated juvenile outilt Farmers are not to blame ior present hi rlca es declared President ert oi the United Farmersoi Ontario at big picnic athdhurst sponsored Vespra club Coutts resided nest Drury oi Crown Vice resident of UFO was present but una le to sports The Barrie Examiner Aistnortssd as second laaa mall na°ii°yiifrit Wt Dallyl lundsya Pand statutory KINNIT Asng VIC WILIUN tisasrsi III flMePflllIml All DAVID INN Afldlliflll MUIIAY HILL llfllll MCHAIL Domini CIMIHIDI ii ll r12 In iii otnr hro guises ntsrlo ll ton liens out We enuniilsrudironnr Whigh yersta Rube hand and ing in Canada 10 due to recent throat operation lnnls iil Township celebrated Peace be at huge picnic at Killsrneyheach ooks town won baseball tourney Chiei weak era were Chiei Justice Lennox Boys MP and Alex For son MPP At Barrie iair grounds io lowing Peace Da parade program oi sports was he Fayette oi Penetan and Harry Leadlay oi Cookstown he win nln horses in harness races Moore oi landale won motorcycle race Vitum ble oi llillsdale won three main ioot rac es Seven teams competed in base ball tournament in harrie with Ortllls taklng ilrst prise beating Collin eod in iinal Ivy beat Barrie 92 in you ior third money Barrie team had old Gunner Gill itching with he Morren catchln Ho ly Dyer pitched ior ivy withTom antluAgl catching lniirst gameEarrle beat landale who had bePlant pit hing and not McMiilin catching own at Barrie tendered banquet in honor oi returned oldiers invAgricultural Hall Me or Robert rout presided Jack trathdees or es ior dance Capt itex Ardagh who yearwlth Canadian Forces has returnedto Barrie He mistic about the situation in Andrew Msléomson chairv men Board at Educatl ers to prove mone bylaw ior pro oat ed addi on to West ard School Pr nce oi Wales Iv contractions views PRIITYRARI INDIVIDUAL Ottawa Journal The DES survey oi multiple obhold the moonlightcrV He is the moonlightera He is individual only 26 ployed ersons in or cent oi all em tetam Men who rw lsrly work flinging iield iorce up to arroar morn 11x Miners Get Lecture 0n Basic Economics ly MclNiYlll HOOD BLACKPOOL Lancashlrs mom Addressln the annual contor ence oi National Union oi Ely mu Mineworksr Blackpool lord Robens ch oi the Na tlonai Coal Board gava miners timely lecture on ele mentary economics in which he urged that there be an end to unoiiiciai strikes and absen teeism His emarka met with the warmest applause oi any speech made at the coniersnce Only group oi Communists among the delegates some oi whom interrupted Lord lichens with shouts tailed to iota in the general acclamatlon tor the advice iorceiully given by the in board chairman wit or mariy minister at prow er in the Labor aha ow cab atand Lord liobens stressed the im portaace to the whole coal in dustry oi keeping costs and prices at level which would enable it to compete with oil since saw all competition has been cutting deeply into the mkrkels ior coal and he strea red the tact that ii coal mlnin were to survive there wont have to be sound policies on both sides fllfl llNllEW nsese was one way Robert in which the could be increased by swam too million and an million year That was by the discs pearaace oi voluntary absente plaln dait in oiiiclel stoppa ea in the word the mines Seeking the hard But 1m would he said made problem lord Robens P0 ed their iull live ay week he alerted were subsidlslng their worhmates who hunting themselve irosn wor stumbling block said Lord Robena is unoiilciai strikes best year we lost the man my isntsatlc 037500 sala one cent The only people hurt are the men who work in equivalent oi 0500000 by strik ss with the beat consultative machinery oi the country to row away this amount is lust nationalised in dustry which eta hurt by on Is all the slrtk do not reduce inii 100st0 arrzan sat in an else ironic age all the coal beard got the miners nowhere added that tired per cantage increase in productivity give the coal beard something substantial ior The present wage structure nonsense oi in dustrial democracy and he promised that when the union was ready the Board was wlil ing to meet it to solve the was outapoken in attacking provsl given by Communists or enter to pro ior national minors to get higher wages li this advice was carried not hibtimdi it it won ru es ar hands it is negative ap proach lire sai no gener suppo rorn minasi present at the center the national strike pro Lord Robana sincerity the min irlsnd at court is the son oi the Coal Board drak There was ers that they Almost Everyone Writes Letters To The EditorInGreat Britain wuoou OP it comes to writing is teast to the editor nobody can beat the British tor quantity haillsd The terminal the present beet about the younger geneï¬ long beiore Mr alien irom Toronto supplied music on asked TEMPE Mi publishe by the to pretty rare it pretty rare enada held two or at the ssmetime itioonit tr takiJobs irons some unamglogd ut rewardsstilimustbe avails to industrl mbltious and energetic is hard remains vir sth has oeitcunn lussing over he rheumatism th man policy alt hemhard to at papers with their obs werknown tact be ins the cluhm hints will mob var the youngervghg set the chance oration coming tot worntn in The mummy start cc erent whenyl was boy What PIG ncad more flogging ear su writes gar oi theta daner One bloasom on my vAs he is rhododendron meaaum inches in diameter recordi ihesa asambl archetypes tethird tlvs whistles res ec rclty in my clothes could help me 0ocaaionaliy the corr ebce column come up its law readers nutcfly become as actor provlding the pew Vomwr rapper Wants To Purchase Barrage Balloons LONDON cma Canadian lumberman is in Errgisnd shop pins around ior balloons Big barrage balloons that is He wants them ior his leg ging business in British Colum hla and happily the scientists at the Aldermaslon atomic weapons research establishment have supply they no longer have any use ior heater Matheson was over here last year and bought two balloons on an experimental basis and also hired two bal lochhandling experts His problem was the moving oi great in ton logs down mountains and through danss underbrush The top and al ways snagged onto something and oilcn couldnt be bridged even by an old army tank he ought Then he hit on the idea oi using the balloons to tilt the top end without taking the main weight al the log with wiochcs it worked tide and now wants more balloons The scientists originally had used the Monocublcleot bait loona ior midair nuclear explo slen tests over Girtstmas is pretty hard on the it so they had ac var which were let on their hands when the taste were cancelled and the balloons were no lengar needed IALESMEN SERVED Canadian government trade olllcs operates in Milan to give Canadian exporters ussiui con tacts in the northern regions oi indicative bad Illtgldulyduhmm elm disappeared in Northumbrian Fitzpatrick sup wksrlï¬l eley dynamics iac Coventry ior it is that all small an Ti atandkardl lettsruln many rsase ocaus nce ram Something liksthlarv preparing biography Earl oi lhudd wallknown ior his col ttii lcctinn bl lithccnttrry locomo am sure many nd and on me that when kiat my irie oodni lolent elect ti III llil think its not worth lt Nance snoop Ifll icrthbiei screeds Editors in ieitersto the boneand print as many as they can gnawinguircaslatlnri is thus are merge longtwiirried garb Correspondents oitcn ramble rrulously ior wccits about topics so obscure that all but nu VANCOUVER Mil tl give him shocks which with Ilbhlrt Thacher 67 has received mam 000 lots oi blood in trans lon averages ï¬lms and the treatment continuadtndeitnileiy ha Mad Tums Criticism 0n Newsmen Who Report Work 0t House Patsieh Nicholsons sweat cellist today Dr Guy llsaressx lsctst Credit MP tar Cashes flattenscs ey our Isaacon MTAWA House at Commons has long beeo wit lrl WWW hi me any on have seen iii uiticira the government ior Ila lack oi pso cedural organth and knew hew But the prime rrualster sees the Opposition as the Iourcs at all avlia even charg ing it with systematic obstruc the pariilmentery eorrespoa denle ar more tag to acandaii at isct that according to them the MPan too well paid islaooo year plus seooo ior expenses and are losing too much time in the Chamber They even suggest that It is mora costly when Parliament sits ior longer periods This II Mute sled MPs an peld l0 monthly whether Parliament is in session or not so are the secretaries That means that other or not Parliament ad ior Christmas Enter or to at ver on Its already busdssrsome budget If PAID it or it very we pa meet them live pennaeentiy In 0t tawa so dont have to maintain residences as MPa do What is more they dont have to be reelected to keep their to once they have Imeeded ettiru position they rnrrs have to npert Parlia ments deity proceedings to preserve it What is their work ie an eralt How do they iutiii sir dutyi in what way do they dis charge their responsibility Here is how things go to ap proximately cases out at too At the opening or each days sitting in the House comes the oral question period no need to say that one and all are at tending Most at them are look ing ierward to see an MP ask questions on problems which have been dealt with in news Eaersoiihatdayortbeday core This means that in many cases the correspondents themselch create the topics they want to be talked about in the House Usually only the names oi ihora MPa who have been intelligent enough to deal with these important matters will be mentioned in the plpcra the next dayi FAVOR REPEAT other reporters or obscure reasons that seem almost in comprehensible give the iront pagcito tiaoae MPs who always repsst the same type oi ques tions even it they are inept or absurd in other words one could say that in general the reporters themselves determine the be haviour oi man MPa during the question pcrod since they report or not what they like or nott When the question period is BIBLE THOUGHT Abraham believed God and it was counted to bhe toe righteousv nelGalatons 30 To believe God is to trust Him He never asks anything more over all the iournalista with very less exceptions quit their reserved gallery and ride all allliop to their aiiiccs where ey ecoouche the news that the consider at MIL cat When do ey come back to the Cbarnheri For many oi them it will be on theii but day ior others they rsri tc poke their nose in tor canI minutes at smcuing and seat csrtainlng whether the We are asslduens or oral hut ycuflwiil ask as tbz can rcpo spec yer by an MP when they are not In the drawer flre trick Is very easy most at the rb are read the uncomctad rao script by the oiilcial llaesard rs rtere Thay must set ouckl and they almost nova to loo acsola test diagen ally it they are Impressed with paasa thaytml re rt it out contest notion catches their eye nothing is sent ior publication Yet many Hilts tweets more rvpersona per than otherwise would exert them selves to say things that will make the news which means things that will please the com respondents llow plan we sur tlce newspapers giving the tronta rum to an MP who under the fluence at passion or orrns ridiculous but all diacourseal nroder pondering words and saying only normal and responsible things seldom gets in to the ï¬nes beltinltely lltilts as as we oely ave rims wthmrwortmmm and in pa is dlcatlng the principles they would like do light ior es atoutiy last log onto respectm able and reasonable behavior but resign themselves to rarely make the headlines Let us our forget the words otthe MP who raids It does not matter whether does good or harm but write som met Members at arlilm as human beings otters marsh to flattery Iii means FormerDireoior Dies At 67 memo ice Frederi lcka Elisabeth Edwards Goats or who wrote acted in and dim ractcd one at the earliest color talking movies died Friday The iiirn made in Caliiorniafl about 1m was about arm glrl in the 10th century Mrs Gaels wise had lived here ior the last six years was born in Noflhumbsrlsltd and her ilrst husband the late Elvin Satori was leper with the Emma Juch Opera 0cm pony He died to 1m law years later she mar rladWallace Costs oi Brant ier and the couple lived there lid Mr Gobi died In 1061 Mrs tests is survived by brother and son OLD PAP vmoaw Man CWWorthy are dam arr old term near here man as sets edition oi the toba Pres Press an res copy oi ta Bottiah newspa per the inverneu Courier and an rm co oi the Presbyto rlsn Reno ior the nonunion of Canada containing record oi the churchs ilrst general semny in Winnipeg one ennui Iterative