Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 28 Jul 1964, p. 1

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va francsrevanwmwumqnmmmwwmwnan mm Local Weather Cloudy with widely scattered Moderhenna tomorrow Low tonight or in Wednesday For summary turn to page two Centin om snh muffime locumNun SCharles Templeton candi zdate tor leadership oi Liberal rpariy to Ontario enjoys Senators CHARLES 11an chat with two young admirers and autograph seekers at last nights iniormai gettogether Criticize QStudents Loan Bill IUiiAWA CPtTha governA mentsatudent loan bill ran into barrage oi criticism in the SenateMandey although most oi the senators inking art in the debate said it nhoui even niualiy be passed Most violent criticism oi the hill under which the liederai government would guarantee in tcrestiroo bank loansoi up to 000 year tor live yEars ior universitylevel students came irom Senator lhorvaldion ltPCFMonltoba believe this hill is so had so irresponsible so simply votecatching gimmick that it does not even deserve to no to committee oi the Senate The senator said thebiil was bad thing ior Canadian unity lli that it exaggerated the opt ing but iormula ior provinces SANTIAGO CPlFidel Cas tro warned the United States Monday night that Cuba will answer shot or shot it an other man is murdered by us Marines at the Guanta namo naval base lhe Cuban prime minister held didhour press center ence ior an American newspa per men Visiting Cuba at his in vitation and to other iorclgn newspaper men who came to fWillilnswer Shot For Shot mlidel Castro Warns US and bad thing tor the young pco ie oi the country ot only was education rt marily pmvinciei respo ni ii lty but the need to earn the money to pay ior their educn lion themselvesrwas an lmpo ant we at building the cha actor Canadian young people The bill which got second reading at later sitting oi the Senate provides that Ottawa will pay interest on the loans while student is at university and tar six months later The student then taken over paying the lonn oii in between live and 10 years it does not identity needy student leaving that up to pro vinctnl authorities who will con tiiy ttudenta tor loans Senator ihorvaldson said he was completely and utterly anninst the bill Cuba wants to have the same kindoi relations with tho United States that the United States wants to have withthe Soviet Union he said The United States tIIcs to maintain cold war with us and at the same time wants to improve relations with the Sir vlet Union CANT BE DONE lhat objective will natthn ETON CHATS WITH ilDMiitEiiS et the Continental lnn From leit ldr Templeton Judy May and Wendy Schnarr Ex aminer Photo Consider Bequests 0i Malaysian PM OTTAWA CPiTunku Abdul linbmanaprime minister oi Mn leysia ay lens to outline to Prime Minis er Pearson the hart way he thinks Canada can he the iederation in Its dispute Wilt ilMWTedr iii expec ny spec requests beiore the Canadian prime minister who has given assurance they will receive ympnthetic consideration Mr Pearson played leading role at the recent Commonwealth prime rninisters conierence in getting uniiied led ct sup port tor the hedging cderatloo The tunkts end his ismemher oiiiciai arty which lncludes two cab ct ministers arrived late Monday irom Washington where President Johnson agreed to provide military training in the States or Malaysian pernonne and to consider stole credit sales ot rt equipment to Malaysia HERES ONE Father was sitting in the arm chair one evening when his little son came in and showed him new penkniie which he said he had icund in the street Are you sure it was losti inquired the other 0i course it was lostl saw the man looking ior lt replied the youngster NeiMese Then is For Copyl Psgu Sunnrnnrns TO TIME Govt Bids Farewell To Winston Churchill LONDON CF The House at Comrnonn today pays icnd nnd sentlmcntal tarewcl to Sir Winston Churchill whose career as member oi Parliament data log back on years is drawing to close it in sadmilestone in the lite oi the man who has ten neiounly clung to his place in the House he loves until now contemptuous oi the weight oi wars and the devastation my lil Apparentty only the growth awareness on his own part ths his strength no longer permits him to continue has iorced his hand in accepting the inevitabil ity oi retirement am child oi the House oi Commons whose servant am he once said oi himsell and these words were recalled nsain when resigning as prime min inter in 1955 at the are oi so he rciused the customary re ward al peerage to remain commoner and shamber oi the Commons Only now reaching so has he linall ylc ed to the pleas oi bin or ie doctors inmlly and irlecdn and surrendered to time noose stamens Ths House rncelsns Friday tor tha summer holiday and bar ring soma mayor emer en members will not he recs lad is Westminster except ior dissolu tion until alter the October gen eral election Thus the days are running out tor Sir Winston who will not seek reelection in the constitu ency oi Woodiord part oi the reconstituted district east oi London that he has represented continuously since lets his iirst whs elected in loco switched toihe Liberal party in me and wen elected as mem ber tor Manchester then so sin wsnarbw cnuncnsu turned to the Conservative party in his present constituency in the dying daynot thin Par ilnmeni members today sp prova sn nilparty motion es toillng Sir Winstons services Parliament and tha nation 14 Serviccmen Aside irom the party leaders speakers will include Sir Thomas Moore continuous Conservative member icr ths Scottish constituency ot Iir since ms and successor to lr Winston an lather oi the House Later delegation including Prime Minister Sir Alec Dou insHome Labor leader linrc Wilson and Liberal Leader in tirimond will call at Sir Wino ntons London home to coan fiarsoanliy the terms oi the mo on Ms times in recent years alter broke his hip and when he suitered pneumoniathere was speculation that Sir Winston would never return to the glosskn But he always strussled ac lie was there Mondnav his third With week esplta the iact hn stumbled and al most tell July to when he turned inbowtotitss nkcrnshe lett Many think ondsys was in tact his ilnalylnit but it till could attend the disscl ti theisll to Killed in aoun Viei Nam lGON an iiour on se lcemen were reported killed in South Viat Nam today as tho pect US government made lFinns tor big boost in its to itsry manpower in the communist threatened country Up to 8000 more American mlltary advisers and training personnel may be sent to swel thaUS iorce oi about idiot already in the Fear BIOOdYWeekend country No vcx tension oi the Amaricens lim ited combat role was in pros Ths our American dead were reported by reliable sources who could not give the circum stances Fourmore dead would bring the total Americans killed in action against the Communist Viet Cong to lot since Decem her Ml The new commander oi Anter lcsn iorces in the Paciilc Ad mlral Grant Sharp told reporters today he doubts events are leading to general war in Asia and thatha is on limlstlc about progress in South council Kpproves $168928 Debenture For services new mm industrial park will be undertaken by Barrie Kinsls chalrinan oi the industrill Commission announc ed last night Work will start within two months The park will be situated on the west side at Highway 400 can nrds south oi the Universal Cw ars plant The site will be north oi Asdagh Road wsst oi the linrrie inlrgrounds and east at Patterson ltoad An industrial park is land development ot city or ri vate inventor it comprises all serviced with sewers and roads and than sold to builders or man uincturcrs FOURTHme This the iourth Barrie ladun trial ark will one better Mr nzis says commission will attempt to hava buildings montructsd on spcfisdation no new or expand compan ies could move ridist in He not ed that on per cent at Metro Toronto new industries took ov er prev oust constructed units The land is already owned by the cit it costs Wm Serv lcss wt cost an additional lied are Council Imed to issue dc benturcn tor the service expense lest nltht This is as iar asnarrin went in its iirst thran lndustrlnlparks Now industry wsntn to set es tnhlishnd right an We must rovidn more compls services Kinslo said its said that since so per lent oi Metros industries are moving intoestsblished buildings Barrie must have baen working only on to per cent oi the new industry potential lie said there are titres sni hls sources ior building an tor the city to roach The Barrie industrial Ass stance Corporation and local builders and investors will be slvan the tint chance to erect building ior inning it local invasion do not show enough interest outsiders will be given the chance Mr Kinzle said ths commis sion already has one pro ct who may be willing to buld shell Once the shell is erected any number oi small com antes could be accommodated al 7i letting space and erecting walls EXPLANATION industrial Commissioner Jack stimulate industry and employ ment Mr Oraybiel stressed the va lus at such location to ma incturors Department oi til way surveys show that some 900000 people passed this site last year The publicity iacior will be stressed In the heavy sales cam paign being planned by the in dustrial Commission N0 MAKING No sinking oi lots will be don until the sits oi property rcqul ed in known Mr Grayblel said He noted the need ior flexibility The lots would be laid out to give maximum mum to the smsll industries The larser id dustrlon would not block them irom the view on Highway 500 The section which will be lots or iutura development liesba hind row oi hydro townrs and comprises in acres it is not economic to service this area now the industrial Commission er said all iti i°ih€°°l ve ra way ways would not be made until it as determined it they were needed he The trend is to truckinl noted Bnrrln is in an ideal lo cation ier truck routes Aid Roberts spoke oi the eco vtm road planned tor the park lie said the road would provide wonderiul service toruaiiit tarantula zfltthfiiliihcloug Sun way clovarleni its large trucks would nunhle through the city he slid TAX HOLIDAY Mr ltinsle suggested in holiday and delayed payment plan could be arranged iicoun cilkso dlealraldbcldflb it Joliiiis In or en rn on Iliad Hersey explained thatvthe cityvowned the land and that it could permit the builder to pay when the build ing had been built and leased and also keep irom taxing the property unti ths same time Ms Cooke commem dcd commission on its work and expressed the ho it would bring iurther expar on to liar The three other industrial perks established by the city are located as iollowsi the area bordered by lnnislil and the itali Viet Nam Sharperrived in Sniggin on his tint visit in Viet Na its will cooler with lot6cm Wil liam Westermorelntid US commander inVlet Nam to see whst we can do better and to see what more we can do The South Vietnamese govern ment announced the new buildup Monday allot contor ence etwenn Premier Nguyen Khenh and US Ambassndo ltlnxwali Taylor Grayblel explained the project way tracks irom north oi Ves ihe park will be broken into pro to the south oi Hints Streat three sections Section will the area bordered by Perry Sh comprise I1 acres at cost at and Jscobn Terrace between 700 per acrn ction with Highway 400 and the ionisiil ld acrns will costs total at Robertboys Street lineandthe son Section to be developed site south oi iighwnyioosnd later Wiii so It $3000 per acre north oi Ottnwey avenue and and cost total oi mm to west oi St Vincent Street builders Plans tor the iourth nrkmust The total recovery is mom tirst got to the Out Munici The city would make prniii pal lioerd ior iormsl approval elem fihs venture is com This is expected totalrn about proiit undertaking designed to six weeks accomplished Cuba will not tolerate being separated irom the Socialist lilac Castro dwelt at length how ever on the chance at improv ing relations with the United States We have no resentment against the American people he said it would be stupidity not to be willing to discuss our ditierences Santiago tor the celebration oi his Nth of July revolutionary psovertsent Castro again reiected the us denial oi his charge that us Marines killed Cuban sent at theGunntannmo border two weeks ago FCastro made clear that he would not give up his ties with the Soviet Union to improve ra iatlons with the United States MarEruptln Rochester ROCHESTERL N31 CFAP Violence rl Rochester atmgglcd today to regain semblance oi normality irom bloody weekend or race rioting alter Governor Nelson lino ler during surprise aid the Lake Ontario city was vic itochester Sunday night on or ders irom ltockeinllar who acted at the request at local oi ilclals City and state police hacked by ilrnmen with highpressure hoses were unable to eniorcc dusktodswn curiew Saturdey night and Sunday morning Eu show at am by the troops rumbling through the darkened streets in trucks had the do sired sobering client on the rampaging pillaging mobs Aiter his tour iiithe gro sectionlined with boardedup store win down battered by bricks and hotllesliogkelcller conierrsd inc so minutes with local oiiicinls snd antenna the national guard and pol lie told reporters later that his tour oi the battered sreds con vlnced him that the situation was in hand but that the guard and toomen iorcs oi state troopers would be duty as long as neccs iisavloience touched oil when police attempted to err Negro youth scuiilins out adanca hail Friday night aided in the oredawn ho liondny tim oi extremism but there was no evidence oi outside agitation liocketeller ilew to Rochester Monday while an uneasy truce was being eniorced by hun dreds oi heimeted city and state police lie said the racial violence was clear evidence oi extremism that cannot be lusti tied but he inlt that ere was is connection wills the ca vio ence which ripped through New Yorks Harlem and Negro area oi Brooklyn The relative quietinltoches tar prompted hopes that some solution could be inundto curb the simmering unrest heiore the week was out Worried oiticleln said ri vatalywhey isnred and er bloody weekend might erupt when isctories close and thou sands oi workers are reltsscd tor their no nidnysoii Rochester hunted by men and some whiteslat tragic toll ot tour de it did injured end ml tors in properly do Natinnet guardnmcn 1500 strong on by to preserve law and They rolled into SLATE anionic thighway401 ronoNrOAcni mm north lanes iiighwsy sot extending irom Cornwall to will be opened to trellis Friday it Beaver ilircr tiidturnedToSe MM ii THE onan St nested last night its the re one oi several measures used Rochester reeds am pm salt at curiew which began Ynghfakzzgddy £51309iihiiiscuriewwnsphotoip

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