Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 27 Jul 1964, p. 6

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eail Sunday Wilasaver HOLIDAY CRUISE Pittund aboard the SS lam line in Honolulu harbor on July 11 Just prior to departina tor iiveday leiaurely cruiae to the mainland are hire Flu THORNTON WI mite Kramer and her eon Mark iormeriy oi Sunnidaia Road Barrie they were aria at the Hawaiian village dunlog their vialt to Hawaii 4gH Club Girls Attend Meeting Mateo women Inatitute held ite July meeting Tinned evening in the United Guide Oohool Room with Mra from hooters MWW vialtore moat oi whom were on Homemaking Ciuh niria and other daughters were resent to hear the roll Mead her unaware As this was the Home Econ mica program convened by Mrw ll Bleoir it was very iiitlng that the greater part wee vary ably presented by Hi Hubgirls ihia conaiatedoioorn ania by Arlene Beatty on Cotton Accoaaorlea or the Bedroom exhibit two piano numbera by Pat Sane hum Ioroua aid on The Teeom Jedicorn Eaton and Alter tab ing the Hi Project Cotton Acceaeoriea tor the Bedroom and diaplny entitled Salaty on the Highway in Club Girl Sianda on Gun project fiddemonatretién Ioi Salmon earnp everyone at lunch time by Mr Bill Jinxpl waa followed by two garty ga which were won yMraElwndBoneande Reg Fleming Mn Jennett oornrnenta on the motto when you arebnahina both enda uneet someone mover the enda brlnglng out how world aliaira can be brought down to the home lilo inaponrn men For the buaineaa session Mra Melville Dixon presided with Mra Carr oaaiatlng in the aecretariel oiiicd Encouraging Her Plea center Mantis ran imagine yoursell arriving home from work alone at not em You parked your ear next to the railroad station and auporta were given by the tree aurur Mn Peter clashey Among the drankyoua receivi ed war one rem the Cancer Society which in oomparlaon to the other enclosed liat indi cated that the IIIomton and area campaign hedrbeen moat mwardlnz Remlndcra were iiatcd aa loi lowa Simone South Dletrlet Social Cooketnwn July pm arrange your own tranl portation leave your coohiee with Mu Elaolr that alternoon Garden Club Achieve ment Dey Alilatoll Aug laid Cemetery Care till am hi tins hire Black and Mrs Bin Current Events in New Monthly Diary for August meeting by Mra Jenoett NAME LEADERS aH leaders or tall project will be Mra Finkheiner hnd Mrs Riaplcr Mn Charles Reid and Mrs Reg Fleming Each Ml leader and her aasiatanta will recelva gilta or her urvicea at the complelt tlon oi each project as well an retaining the ivylaw on this matter members were naked to narrate cupbonlde or large Womens institute bowl lhe August meeting will be held at Springwater Park with Mae Black II human visit to Simone Minty Mue eum will precede the meeting which will be followed by pic nlc lunch Cara will be leaving the Thornton oorner at 130 pm and member were reminded dint became of Achievement Day falling on regular institute day the date will be Aug 27 one week later than uauel For Help Ignored By All one teenager ahoutcd Aw come on Youre drlclien The whole crowd set up chant Jump Juran Jumpi Finally aeven year old taterted iar your apartment uh Wm 100 teat away Seeing man at the iar end oome down and he wee taken away for medical treatment the parking lot you hurried 5mm HANG word line call box You More recently you could have thudwelfareWomonfl1dy Lendino Role Tm swans5n In Theatre Life In Houston Ibe amern Theatre neon ibll PM dim 51 Honored theatre women make poraiod it yeara old and proud am rice is complmlahmlal ididih Elan an men un deflating la Mre Johnny Beyond Moneyi MONTREAL CHTho bee Appeal Court ruled Friday HOUSTON Tex AP in mood perch would receive the duiareooe better care rum her matter ibrooto atone clerk than with mostly male monopoly with bua The court rolocted an appeal ther Bronlman lnx alagie community veaturu that awarded cuatody oi the drive and determination child to the mother sherry la th All heatre Moore onetime entertainer the appeal conaidercd that the oi theAlley la Nina Vance la or had wealth iar beyond the meana oi the mother iar beyond thou th could be given by wealth alone the Montreal iamily which con Min Moore obtain dl bola Diatillere CorporationSe Theres at her lather wealthy Montreal dung mummy 1nd am The Alley is But in Houaton there are two operation with loagrunnlna theeth centre theatre 1th lower court deoiaien and both Ira tributee to iemeie mainly on amateur perionnere Iadvelunteer helpers Although comedy ruvivala whiah began in ion and how la oi Broadway hitahu been the Mr uatlce remand mo getting ready ior im iva aurcrt boa oiilce lure over the qucite id iha liveman appeal expansion with the help yun nun Vance hea melh while you may he need with nvcrnad bench unanimouuv nicotine mat Undilouted mlatreu oi tained ma demo oi artian aome ilnanclal probiema wilbin eneu with proiuaiooai ty actors lhated rellea Sla edemadrama But the mother could pm on rounda oi aduitry Mr Day Journey into Night and vide the child with advantagea Bronlman haa alnoe remartled avaat arde Waiting ior MrSronlman la member oi Godot incorporated vom irorn her husband in not name outed we manna myrouoaaow lueedey should prove very tint bluineaa union immme will mm in lumber and late October play by it aria until thia time out when you will enter iar Minuet ahould on or true mama My leg November December mum and under no cimumatancea mm 5mg apeculate during thou months your horoscope indicator that in your grime lilo you are generous iniiu al empbaala eat ludlcloua later the neat year you can with on happy can let experi pom oi lyaulca The Three common aenu and window in com in Auguat not managing your budget aolve late October next temher ay and dune Social lie and travel abould prove etimuiailna be for Biondealrma LaDouee and tween now and early Septem lbe in empbnir aiihealre the recent hlably Irooeumi her in December January and ia on muaical ahowina oi The Unalnhabie next May With the exception he such an Gentlemen Pm Molly Srown child bornoe on on will 14 hennaltivaandidealietieand wiilreadi to un mumhw no TRY WNW WANT ADI PHONE Mid STAYNII NURSING HOMI ITAYNII ONT For elderly and coevaleo ent tienla Excellent ieollltra for private or umbprivate Hot and cold water In rooms Rlliataa ed Nuree in attendance MARSHALL greaf deal waifing for you atyaur Chevrolet Dealer read oi aimller instances at in menu Maxims VALUE aenaitivity to auiiering in other Kwaamiwmaewvm pereonanndyouwiilreadatiu car You crawled aroundio the more no doubt liar tbia unspeakable phe H8 MM met nomenon any relation to vio Pleaee help max Please help el lence eagerly watched continu ally on iVby children and Light went on and window mm were opened at lanai at them or later determined by tbe police do believe it baa Dont you We start with the int two or thus toharden his heart to the One man ahouted Let her Imam he may mm alone and the aaaailant PIlWIl walked away Several mlnutea PARENT QUESTIONS ater he came back and stabbed ou again You screamed again zilm dying lm dylnzl Lwae rem sraanno aummary re rtedb eoclel The attacker drove in atlon or M53131 ninth ibacir oi th jcame hack and atnbbcd you Han there been progress in prevention and treatment oi mental iiineaat According to recent baa been decline in the num 3an her of reeldentpatients anvin crease in lhedaily expenditure EWHY per patient and ot the number Durinl all this time not one DlPDYCiIiBtliltflfier 100 patients So all the onlookers and llaten in public manta hoipitala and zero tilted iinger to tummy increased manuals on team not an iotelephon p0 munltyhouaedraervicea ior pre vention treatment and rohabila and behold two weeka um mincident Amentaily deranged youth later there was another shook on storey hotel ior two houra Ihrenioning 750th anniveraary oi the meet cnnnnnnraa cnanrnn Bury St Edmunds in Eng und thlryenr celebrates the Jump gills twatohing ingot the baronewho helped town on Jumpi Jump drawfup the basic ireedoma listed lathe Magna Carin Theres one place irriown where youve got your pick of upon 45 different ways to be homecominghero for the rest of this summer our Chevrolet dealers onestop and for many more to come shopping centre Take look first hi the 36d Jobsmooth Chevrolet thy luxurious should have its price examined Look for the brandnew younfigatheert yo the only can that could come tween Chem Look for flibfunloving rearengine Corvair Its the 3m first combines goanywhere traction wrth exhilamizlng action Look for the th ty roomy Chevy ll Itsthe for thosewhowant to on an economy drive resound your favorite an noeChevelle whom II afoot summer

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