Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 23 Jul 1964, p. 12

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11Vttfivv4fiwi Ins $Y mm is we transmisslionssolirmonsnnwcs Take HYdroiFor Granted Until The Lights 30015 slon oi the Barrls PUC has Mlle Utilities Commission dramatic trucks are easily tdsnlillaels as The cost at power has risen they are lirecallus red in color ihroin mom to toss Prom will gold lsttaria on the door hp SALLY um AHBRN peers at oretint pertaths col stalt Writer tee and sometimes burns the One at Barrlas oldest indus whm do an mm or tries and the one on which all um mum mm PM ML The souroe othde ior ass or Pmm more municipalities In the ro dmlmd mgehftldiilr Vince is the Ontario itydro fills yetsown elnaana sls by the citizens oi Barrie who snacnblfu flogrmim$mfi£ buy its products in 109 the PUG bought pow mt mm mm er irom Ontario Hydro valued Public Utilities Commission and wins and lm la the products it otters ior sale Home In Wynxhu MdMIcmc 99 year was ths iirst year power water Without the WC and its rrllles mum at hydro line and water pipe ohm yam perated and there wouldbenostrretllshtl adminisicrld by thl Hymn Izlgygdflktflgmt ectrie Power Commission oi 0n tsrlo with the government oi 3235333 gull Ontario as trustee and banker but idle mammoth public service gmyzlrdhaxgfi 33°33 enterprise known as Ontario ol this power 03000 Itlso ialltnfi er the Iron ecelvad in lib Ind arty alblllty at Public Util ties ooo in im Commission the municipal will llloashln row will water works system 0W ours In Ii mam HPM ilfurmlfiu lied within the P0wuigmm0atsriowilydllbs my by risen irom into to loses his RmfiMfi flgfllgfi nine Mill Perry and Thomas 7525s customers compared with 4500 cuslotriar in loss hmfifgdnfiasml mm in tree the powsrn ei Because Dames water all my 99 mm comes iromwalia and is illtmi three substation located on iield Brock andlst Vincent Wflnmml Now there are sight stations and titres industry owned Industrial stations are alilan General Electric ileld Rubber and Universal 0001 WAIIltwoltKl suvsninrsuoanr ell ICKS penalarms sr PLANT Hydro is not owned by the gov mxnlildwm lilzzlito mosthus mm or Nmmmion mt EDWIN WILSON clliower needs oi the city are bands to ilnd no watcr and ccrv lide Is owned by the muni Chm fiulzgrh Pm Ide mm mm mm tainly no hot water to shows Palm Iii it dilmb substation which is owned by and shave with in the momlng WH 10 1h iinal Inllylil Ontario Hydro and distributed imagine how dliiucnt and an the cltlsens and ratepayers oi debts which the commission has umth an my mum iiclllt lila would be without to 0mm 0W 1W in in suhstsllons and lines to thou llitle conveniences most people Because each municipality in Dmmmm WW mm mm Itd have come to expect and which the payment oi its wholesale mmuimd IM iridium hydro has made possible cost oi power contribute lo the Nth Pam Ju 13 Maior electrical roiects ear inera would he no electric sinking iund retirement oi Hydro 5ch KM 50min ried out in 1003 ncllsded the stove no reirlgeralora no elec debt eventually the whole own WW mm WW Pern installation oi substation at trlc irons or electric ilooc pol ershlp oi Hydro will be held by 91° 01 10 95 i0 Blm 13 Mary street and Johnson ishers and no weshting mach municipalles to operating in Elem LEM cnmnani 1° Street the installation oi the has the distributing at power Wt W1 id id PW tiIt residential underground electricity to citizens oi Barrie and Emma dlmlbuuon TAKEN Felt GRANTED EQUITY iN ilvnno In am mam on swflmm km Until power isilure occurs Barrie has an equity oi more um Company purchmd the amm cnmny comm Iew citizens even think about than one and one third million mm mm on Mm dub um mmmm how they got the electricity that dollars in hydro Therefore it is Jun 15 ML hm Nov km wmmmvy mound keeps them up to date with the the customers who hclp pay the was ap med provldm 01 NEW EQUIPMENT the elect on oi walcr works and New aerial Hit and related electric light commissioners to equlpmem milled ye take ciicct irom inn 1001s At present the commlsallon is me xenl mu headed by chalrmnn Dr Ed work methods and Increased win Wilson Alexander WWVWWM and May Cooke ioctaflwefe noted Ilia tllha annual in the early days electricity In mm WWW it mP At present the electrical de l3°tilt€llll°l°ill2 new waterways became sicclsroom and of mm will tho PUG As the demand ior power he 111eelecvtrieal department in cams greater no1 generation eludes the meter ataii line througllths ground no addition and his list about three yesu became an gxlflnglve and in section and maintainanee crews at illtrstlon is nccdsdl Each ago lots the city contracted with on iha meter departmentlnclud well is capable at producing one mm um in or tarlo Hydro to supply on kilo es the me readers and re million gallons day but the memm up mm 01 power pairs with stallstlon oi meters ioreman oi the water works depmmny mu in Mr are perionmed by this dapart plant Herbert Smith said that 5mm mm Ham mm ment Malntslnance crews invol there would be no roblem in 23m puma the three years the master can ved with underground wolkleel umplnii 0000000 gaions adny my pm be In In the original contract the altar communications and the fitha need arose on emuMm hm kilowatts rammed by the installation and malnlcnsncs oi mm n1 gnuon snide simmhatlwey and Powerttmn animations lhe llns section mm cm on AM my plant at His Shine on the does the outside work involved mu on my mum in 1i Wit WW0 it wo we illtl Bum mm ectrlcal department has it vs park The total water storage hiclea including two carat An capacity is 1352000 gallons WEfllgunmfly MURPHY PUC GENERAL MANAGER in 1003 the cost per kilowatt aerial truck with hydraulically Depth at Wells in the city range was $3005 per annum 053ml balagtetfllalme newlcst min just under 150 ifitiw 50 rotaIngepngwognshufpgmum on ee speca cc oosra MEADY ind vehicles digger truck The Wm pumped 1mm All the operations willtln the Deaplto an increase in labor Wm drauimu may walerdopartment are under the and materials over the yam derrick and sugar ahd truck xgslalggofiim direction at it it McEsdden LINEMEN UIING BUCKET LIFT 0N HYDRO POLE the coal of electric services to mounted my ladder we Hm land water works superintendent persons in Harris has remained included Wm our mm to the ham the wk and Seven vehicles Including cars the lame since July 1955 modifiede perform tn were mm vumm and tr cks operate in the de ELSONSECRETARYTREASURER in the period since 1953 sx oi tile department hm mom new ngndghimflm High 1m vumw take the jgbs Crews irom thls dpart water train the reservoir and mm in chm in tanks into the water mains and mm mm Including hmn my mi pipe ior homes and industry and oi cast iron water main within 0mm Im to mm the city um pom grim flhaflflam At resent wells already in operation are auiilelent to sstls lix Murphy iolned the nlsiil township and superinten by iy the need at the cityior aoins PubliciUtllltleI Commission as dent oi the electrical depart mm 50 time to come but the depart years ago as an engineer and mentiolned the Pill in m5 in V9 bm Wm ment is contiliually looking ior came up through the ranks to alter warI service in the air in Hulk Amalia morphisms sites and ound bseome general manager three iorco He started in the depart Only slidhtchlorlhflilflfl the last year could be developed years ago meat as meter reader and water supply is needed to con to supply 500 gallons per minute Mr Murphy mama asking three years Hie was made sup troi type oi medium which Mmme we the armor general manager initflmit White thrives on the iron content at and MMW gm on mission which employs 25 persons the filter to this treatqI Wm dam which why he should stick wllth the mould IMICKdEddflIi 1v man aana were common and Mr setters re was W0 auporn on one on kitchen and bathroom sinks mmvm anywhrm hat you Clitllld choosolzbetwfin department in gm lobar lli est oonsum tlun oi water TEN ma aooils bangs lite tried on we eye was this flat occurse June so with in the past to years the num puddle or big toad lrl little vickvsrld shovel He had serv t055300 gallons being pumped her oi wellsin operationhas puddle wed in th CohadlanAlmy ov On an average day about sooo incensed irom two to live with Being big toad in is very woo gallons are used in the city the number oi ldllonlyumped little driie seems to suit Mr lt and halt later he inlm amounting to aaosooooo Mum ldmlrably ior he said been loreman endlthrea AUTOMATICALLY as compared with thg moon that title were to make the de ycars ago was appointed super lha oporatlonlot the pumps ooopompcdlasty Tha nuns oiaiontoday he would makethe thndrnt and booster stations in the city but 01 mum an same one the water works department rue omen arm tron da Pattanden¢ashler Mrs liars PeggyGates clerkt are Paul Priest leit assist runsautomatioally and in sov toe910 irons om since lose Mn Murphy withith not employs about 12 ersons With ant biliin su rvisor med master control snei casions when even themott dewtwo or in Mi mi cm the left arm Mrs Vicky Du Shirley Priest billing clerki let Mus Marjorie Haynes dwmg nmy mummy wilffifiwnffiggggd dlcsted employees oould iind not added in the summper dew James Armstroli chtei clerk moat receptionist Mrs Lyn Misa Bernies Reed cashiers billing clsrlr In the bailr row with mmh1m ékgttifitgefnlo pcindla flowlquifiry ih Wilmflrmm war eroded tile file is the junior hfllbm WWW Mil Onsoi the lowest lltil in his member oi the menu emsnt reservoir and boosterpump memory was the right num permitth littarmi oi yzare oi lllll ltatlafl litd It meant de be oiyearstgo when the city service MM the 59mm il th W110 10 19M water system ran out at water sioneight yaprs ago native is retired each year out oi rev And at was the night the of Barrie hnmttendsd Barrie vanue city decided to wash down the inside central Collegiate All capital expenditures in the streets and the people up 0n the tilree PUG commissioners electrical department have been the hill were without waters havaamoiig thorn given at years linlttced 0M 1mm HM And then therewasdhe night oir service itothe commission debentures are summits oi the ice storm two or three or adwln wuson has do that the work at the de years ago when wirés were glav vsd the oommlsison 12 years artmentnlightiunction smooth zed inches thick with ice llX aschalrrnan and one year complete new system at fil there werent alot more by virtue at being Mayor oi billing and collecting Emilee ism ellimmcelgséhfilyadisuell Emir upmore annyearan aaW vv Hal ago on bimonthly cycle WW WW at distrlctln lwfiildleng grail The new system means that mam pm Munlcl Electric Association instead oi employing eeveral This sirlotvlaoommonly known metdf readers billing clerks M1 the GoorganBay Municipal and cashlerstoprocesunonthly Pm MM 3m El ctri Association amounts with onlyiona discount WC mm Din Wilson along with the wdate metar readers are mi weomflofly ilrst and second vicepresidents employ gcontlnually reading munw mmmmmuow 21 the district association are read nlsier Onebllllng clertr In mdmm slum automallcaily members oithe is mtloually billing anemoneann gsUB1me or Taronmltintario Municipal Electric As csshler receive or Wm Wm pug sociallon which is the legal cash with sever ly constitfitod body which re each month prIzseots Member municip ti ll lth would have been required In year asebutwlth the new ay tem there is nopisntohtn lm additional ontoloyseain the near The supe commission ior suture electrical and tar it lthayor hams Billing sanitymt rig parting minted the eomsltner son sassy sesame ILICTRICAL UPIRINTENDENTA tissues tutors

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