Hymanw mun Er WMHW MmamwvwmvwamwrWrw mwr MW DISTRICT STUDENTS and their Frenchman guests spent part at ilrasday on tour or Martyrs Shrine st Midland rrom the lait treat row are lorralne Cote Mon 22 BAN NUDE con sult map at Waaaga Baa pointing osst their exact loca tion tor their handrCsnedisn guests From the tall are Lisa as Port Vlau binder Coughlin Eugenia streeix De EXCHANGE VISITORS Students Tctice Tour In Two Languages Yaterdsy was big day or youngsters it at them Frenchflnadian exchange slu dents who were taken on tour oi Martyrs Shrine and Fort Ste Marie at Midland ioliowed by rehsshing swim in Georgian ay The tour was sponsored by the Barrie Junior Chamber oi Commerce who have also isn ned trip to the Niagara ails area Saturday and splash party at Bass Lake in Oriilia nails the youngsters are in the The liria were accompanied by Fran Theorct lather oi one oi the Barrie exchange students who acted as iniarpreter The trip to Midland was the tlrst time the FrenclnCsnedieu students had heronI togalihzr in agroup ea or arrv iiarrIie with their hostesses last was ORDER DAY So the order oi the day was French as they shared the ex periences theyve had so iar witls their triands in iasniliar language translating tor the talkative ii trealhlldsettau Trawth Bebe any rs Comtois of St Mustache Back my left is Linda Muir oi Angus Kathleen Woods oi and Nancy Cowsn ay Point Named Administrative Oiticer ill RCA Station Camp Borden uadron Leader Bill lost city has been named as the new chioi administrative oiiicer at RCAF Station Camp Borden to replace Squadron leader Russ Murray who has Heep transferred to RCAF Ste ton Cold Lake Alta For Mr Laiierty this will be homecoming since he leit this training station one year ago to scam comrnandin oillcer oi RCAF Station ii on the thorns or James Bay Prior to king stationed at Camp Bor on he served in training post ion at Aylrncr until that station closed in loci During the SecondVWorld War he completed tour oi opera ons wills bomber Commandos member oi 57d Squadron op gusting from Winkenby Lincoln re and second tour with unknown based at Leemlng Yorkshire England Sl Laiierty is graduate oi the ECAF Stall College To bonus and brings training and administrative experience to his new assignman lie takes an ardent interest in sports activities especially gait and hockey and during his ravious tour at Camp Borden came member at the iam ous RaisinOne Club on the 9th hole ol the Italian goii course SL Laiierty married the ionnar Dorothy Gillespie ot Kingston and they have three children Cheryl Deborah and John The iamily will reside in Anderson Park on the station Mr Theoret was kept busy Mtpone point just before they bee had lunch at the Shrine he told the French students to leave tag av lng they didnt need on um Then he told English studants to bring what they heeded and leave their lunit on the bus immediately one oi the Fran Considers students Witnesses Will Meet Dennis Rogers local presiding minister ior Jehovahs Witnes Iel announced that Christian convention will be held in Lind say July so to August The program is part oi the regalar training conducted in all congregations oi Jehovahs Witnesses in list lands around lie the world it is such training equips Witnesses in the prac ticsl use at tha Bible Climax tor the convention will come when Mucilsarson will delivar the public address Paaca Arnon Man oi Good Will or Armog don which Mr MacPhorson au viscs the preaching and toac work at Jehovahs Witnesses up to Hud son Bay in the North and Win nipeg in the West Eorrla residents will be sarong morethan 2500 minis tars expected to attend this Lind say meeting one oi to conven tions arranged in Canada this summer Ideas in Barrie Men Diiler Widely 0n RetirementlPlans Whatdomehplaastodowhen they retire According to do sampling at answers to this question most men plan to do what they now do in spare time or holidays but they plan to do more oi it John mean or at the liarrid Prblle UtilitiasCommls sion his hie plans all made Said Murphy Its very simple what im going to do is in when retire in the manner time 11 go down to Big Bay Point and mat the waves And then in the winkr go dowrs to the Gull oi Mexico and count the waves down there Earris Fire halal Roland 1r win sald ltve never gluon it But was ma his and mechanic and qrslteo kick out oi this type of work Wit retire li spend lot more time at this bobby places and co things like to make atrlpio England and scewhere my arm Is buried Aid iollliie in the ter ent oi Ontario lil loud lot more time playing to than Rory ODond Ontario Hydro public relations oiilcer said At this moment my desire is at my leisure to explore every part oi Canada espedally the Northwest Territory and the Yukon id like to take lots oi pictures and to recreate in my mind the story know these regions but not in our history books at the prey ant tlms ld like to trace iolk tslaspiolk songs andiolk lor James Lowe trallic supervi sor tor the city oi Barrie does at look iorward to retirement Mr lowe said ldont think Id be happy retired think ld have to be body have two growingsons who plan to go into trallic engineering so cant see mysoli retiring Stall an ax Mcaetrick oi the Bands ty Police said ilve never th gist much about it but should because We only got so years to go misnomer woos Ans who seems link And when Mr ihaoret loved up with qucatce cest ad llnished his explanation the whole group had good laugh th The tour started at Fort Sis Moria Where the soup was divided and the En lls studsnls were taken on our by Mi Sylvia Higgins oi panel lccondyaor general arts dent irom University oi Wast em Ontario EXPLAIN HISTORY Another guida explained the history at the tort to the French students many at whom hove limited English vocabulary which is lnsuiilcient to cover technical loiormation about an archaoioglcal excavation and the i000000 nstsuction presently going at the site The gir were shown the re mains oi canals altar and tire placaaaxlstlng in the time when the Jesuit priests had their cen tral mission at Fort Ste Marie They were able to ace the be ginning oi the reconstruction which is to be centennial ro ast costing more than ti Tha girls were showmona uron longhouse already con structed palisades which have partially reconstructed and other protects currently be dooe by team oi work men also Unrest Mstaner Ooleita Dssroalers Malone and Joy amidst Peal street Examiner Photos in the small museum set up at tho sits they were shown logs which were recovered irons when excavations mm and in the early at the logs were charred is the tort was burned by the Ju liiis May 1610 ADDRESS GROUP Father liaron Phalan uit priest at the Shrine addi ed the inside the sh in both sh and French ii explained history oi the Jan ult missions among the Husons and traced their pro ass until thay lait Huronls Herons scattered to return to Qusbso The students anioyad lunch at the Shrine caiataris and spent time looking over and purchasing souvenirs oi the trip The group climbed to the top oi the hill behind tha Shrine where the could see tor miles out into corgian Bay on tho norih and down the Wye River to the south When the group reached the rovinclal park at wasaga oach they slampadad oil husto change into bathing suits tor cooling swim alter hot and humid alianroon Then it was has to Barrie and goodbye to the group Thursd ma theyre oil againto Search Pressed For Murder Knife soars oi man pressed the search last night tor the kaiie behaved used in the Friday night slaying oi Mrs Doris liay is in her Dunlap Street apart ment Mrs Roy was lound with her throat slashed and seven stab wounds in her chest who was arrested Monday night in the lunch room section oi Hamilton bus depot its will appear in court in Barrie Friday Police said today the murder weapon had not been lound and the search continues All yesterday man searched side adiacant to the Junction ii Highways 21 and too Last aim rm roams asssrvuou Honored By Masonic Order Frank fasr rlephyslclan was highly boar end at thsonnual Assisting in the search were Emergency Measures Organis ation voiuntears men irons the Provost datachmont in Camp Borden and an enginesr imm the Royal Canadian Engineers metal detector was also usod ln char oi tirs search dur lngths by is Co tlrcen oi the lie was loined Captuliud Cow vast Corps detachment and Bar illaflchlei oi Police Ed Tschir An engineer or Royal Can adian Engineers at Camp Sor dirn is handling the matsi dated Coast Green said low area all volunteers help in the search during the day coming angngoing as their work hours P9 Meanwhile lia who will ap pear Friday made no ap plication tor le ai ald lawyer Oillclols said to ay as or as is known counsel has not an been engaged to daisnd TWO OPENINGS QUEBEC CP Stores in downtown Mao City will be able to stay open two nights week Mayor Wliirld llsmal has announced Downtown mer chons wanted the opportunity to compete withstduuban stores which now remain open more than one night woolen il acting in Toronto last week oi the Grand Lodge AF andAM otCassada in the Province oi Ontario Dr Shannon who is an honorary member oi the SupremeCm oil or the Masonic Order inCan ada was glvanars honorary iiie munharshép and sppolntedtpy tha Gran toltsiiosrdoidsaaral m1 lodgeiorbntlrlof some Report Water Shortage no stun in smurf oatmlru arse eted south wales mm the town oi iouriis Elmvaa Toma oliiciais said iod th llmvsle wall mor thsa lltoo durihgvth ast skills the have leaty to sup ly the twin as MB as curing isn mm who require it Arnold Seiuood parks super visor tor Do oi bends and Forssla or this area said We are having some isms in drilling ior weiis it could that some oi it caused the recent bot than it Is very general and area goes rlï¬st up to the Severn River at humid weather bis an Ontario or the ma reported water most rt tempers re in byd ht day lhssday and throunout the area with tile rslstiva humidityarouad so do lbed by the we snnsn as prhslty has lor hot day wata shortages were no mo lav three municipal as the Windsor area which ad mm high at dsgress Meow Isndwlch West Township real deau were restricted irom wa tering was between am and Watersnain pressure hit any cw in the residential section at Sandwich South Township Only trickle at water was coming through the mains to houses to highIOI lh OngWeltare Payments Wallare payments unountlag to nearly asaaoo will be made Sh in Barrie this year Last month some two was paid to lot lple And Junebecause Is himls usually lit at the wollaro wsiisre service is ad mlnlsicrcd Cit clerk Bea Strsu irsa hs lied man Trad Chu ill and two oliice sacre tsrlas ail oi whom have many tlm other chores At the lighthmd ligands lot men re or oh wysliare llec Ihis aeoï¬re city hall oorrld nd or city clerks oliice ior ours DESIRED WWI Their numbers include dsurb ed wivss the unemployed and it the unemployable Payments to pcopla unable to work too lid cause at on steel or mental dis abilities wil account tar as iyiourviiiths at this years bud llatos are controlled by tire shares so per cent oi ths cat with the Moral govammsn Barrio actually pays only 30 per cent oi wsliara costs or midarris oi the city Money paid to people living here but who are classliied as residents oi other cities provinces or countries is returned by the on tarlo govsrnmerrt or by the com munlt involved Sim larly Barrio must pay lira to per cent char abacir com munities support Barrie poo pie oavwoliare ALLOWANCE Allowances srs calculated to provide rent cooking taciliiios Free madl csl can is provided tor the wal iare recipient The city pays 25 per month tor each per son to the Ontario Medical As socialion or this service single man on wollaro would race vs maximum oi tibia per wo 0i this sens is ouad tor iurnlslrad roomrtoca ior hydro war to cools and soon lor ii cod and clothing deserted wile wlihlwo children ages two and live iood heat and wwld get nearly twice as much be allowed arm par wssk to bar iamlly it to rent mall apartment and so can to pay for ro li thew mrec lant saa source at income in will Klo hsbly reduce his bl anon grant The clt does not can csi pa msnt ii sec isni has earn Incense Mr than says The arm monsy om ncouragos person rehablili himssli lie said the wollaro recipient should learn to acononslu by gurch ng nutrllious load and not ndlng the mossy on irivolous itsms ALCOHOL OUT Aayoga caught bu as alco Mr Strsushsn joined the citys slot in loss as walisrs ollcsr sistsnt to the clerlntrsasursr and than town and oily clerk band provincial govsmmsnt which wollaro oliicar rs ls lor lroaplng tight on pa manta Ben the rigid ouailil oations tiaht cits ire mad onsppll als Barres liars budget is one at the low st or citi at comparable also be MANY EDMOND Lots oi casas ara rejected because individuals make lalse applications and do not divulge sourcos Mr Straugiran gets taklln aluits oitsn we caï¬tfluuchx cg all poops oug are po ts he The hav be directed to his 01 ca is son or club too proud to come until it is ab solutely naceuory to struggle throug But some always hand out Tirlst ulte aw woliar oil Others ar But the city is usually aiocatlon or in any city wastian time pout ly quai ei income says is headsd llltuisd givsrsM Lhasa money ii Oil in but tho sheet We that person who is applyin be cause he is ill and un words is sent or msdi amlnation to detsrvnlae how it onto snsn Whip individual obtain are ms to bordera line people who ara usable to trt ï¬rmwarlvu buti stlli can as or uses as bathed person li ad but physrcoa to wartime is sent to the overament em ployment oilic ii must re port at toast on children does not come under tlris wells rule But it the bus wiil aotsupporc his the city or the woman will charges or roast INN CHICKID ii the husband routs work clglurt action is iili av it made it soolisone olsa is paying her rent ii the children era bel gisctod be sp li cwdrons Aid Soclsty is the acti diao yments are youngva M10 ha been deserted by husbands who have dialled to proï¬ts up Strau oa says masrs goes on the rocks because heavy nthly payments so evil oi 00 easy consumer credit he notes and the husband leaves The welisre oillcor will than attempt to rociiiy the situation by discussing the proan wills in Were not mar liars but we do who we can in many cases he does hsve to pot as counsel and listen to all tensity problem oi the poo1 EL tweusvuiVuhAflM munaw summerwas usng Mswwwmi