THESE PENSION have total at Tlo years at living and no yeara trailroadlng Old Combined service Ioi retired employees at Canadian Nation al Railways who attended their tirst annual picnic at Spring water Park yesterday repre sented several hundred years oi railroading More than 75 pensioners many with close to hall century oi service attended the picnic with tireir iamllies The iirst annual picnic had been scheduled ior last year but it was rained out and some at the oldtimers iearcd the same othing was going to happen this year Previously annual celebration lion over soon yard is Bnlrrio Rai behind them They are with age ilrst and years at service second irom leit hiorley groan Back Area University sinuoe County resolution in circulating among municipal basements to gain alan or countys reserve hi on no AF station Edgar The univer sity iouading committee ior the Georgian Bay area ieeis that county unitmlty is list and that tho dismantled adar bale would be tha best place ior Gm Eeiore sites could be consid ered the committee nod to deter us need This need was indicated by results oi the education survey conducted by comnrittee under chairman iii Ramsay oi Barrie Dna questionnaire was sent to nudenta In grades it and rs gt another to parents black Eimvaie 7050 Torn Read Barrie MM and Frank lihiteman Midland 7w Examiner Photo lroaders Recall Days Of Steam Engines look the term at banquets sl gellllier Street United Church Yesterday oldtimers irom many parts oi Ontario swapped railroad yarns oi the steam and cold days an on they wisiiully admit has passed Na men got laid an argu ment about who had the most service and who was the oldest The games and races includ ert people irom live to ill The plcnlc began at in am lasted all day ltcsulta oi various were as follows avcnls fTells Kiwanis or Centennial Plans At Barrie Kiwanis Club din ncr meeting this week Hruca waen young Barrio lawyer and chalrrnan oi the Chamber oi ICommerce Canada Centennial special committee produced detallcd map and outlined the Â¥rupnsed local protect tor bay rant park which has been ap proved in principle by Barrie City Councl am positive we will still bave the same setup oi pro vinces in Canada ior Centennial Year that we no have Mr nowen stated major prob lern with our FrenchCanadian iriends seems to be economics ihesedilierences can and will she ironed out All through the birlory oi Canada there have been separatists but the prob lems as they arose were evenl ually solved Development at Centennial Park would proceed in stages tha iirat being to complete the resent parkland at ttre loot ot lctoria St Next would come completion oi bay illlin to Til iin St Then land would have To be acquired irom the rail atoad to put through the propos ed bayshore drive to Aliandaie Road and develop the beach area in that section garner acrrvrrlaa Mr Owen told oi some other activities in the planning stage ior Centennial Year inbarrie valving the Barrie Collegiate IHand Art Club Horticultural Society and other organizations which have already been taking ateps inthat direction From the Kiwanis Club at Barrle possibly linked with the Kempellieit Bay Kiwanis Club thc Chamber at Commerce com Mien was asking three thlngs imam nacvnsra Produce an outstanding arns can nounlg Ships were towering above Mass the main street oi Colling my pineal oi iioat ior the greaieat parade in the history oi Barrie to be held in the Canada Centennial Cele brations Provide iunds to install drinking iountain with suitable plaque in the new park Undertake trip across Canada to Victoria EC some time in loss or 1967 to see what the rest oi Canada looks like and Invits the people out there to come see us Mr Owen was introduced by Charles Rogers and thanked by Ed Taylor The meeting was held at anshora Motor Hotel OBITUilllY WILLlAM GREEN Funeral services were held Monday aileran ior William Herbert Green at Orillia who died suddenly at Penetang July ii in his Evill year Born In ms at Pennystone Yorkshire England he was the eldest at iamliy of 10 chil dren born to Charles Green and his wile Jane Wickham Emigrating to Canada in 1904 Mr Green and his wiiethe iormer Elisa Mason settled in the Stratiord area tor short time beiora taking up residence ill riiiia Mrs Green died in The late Mr Green was em ployed by the Pedwell Lumber Company and prior to retire ment to years ago was an em ployee oi DormOliverLong man uiacturera ot mining and saw machinery He was member oi the Ftea Methodist Church in Orlilia He is survivedvby two sons and tour daughters Charles oi Beamsviiia Ralph oi Barrie Colitugwaod Iripyard hope to launch another vessel the lnrantsla July so This we Frank Whileman Midland Per cy Dixson Barrie Shot Put Frank Whiteman hildiand Travers Barrie Earl Long Barrie Threelegged race ior men Travcrs Percy Dixon Girls is and over in ya dash Jocelyn Arrlirauit Pat Patterson Judy Manol hoya ii and over 75 yard dash Bobby Norton Girls 11 and under 75 yard dash Rosemary Bramah item nls Robson Janet Dutrliac Ladies open 75 yard dash Mrs Cdeshnw lira Gordon LOCAL GENERAL STORM AHERMATH Ontario Hydro crews in the area are busy cleaning up ai tor the storm Oiiiciais said power was all only short time in any area but the atom leit broken trees and branches that have kept crews busy flMTFORD Till busload at people will leave Harris July 29 to see perfor mance oi King tlichard ii at the Strattord Shakespearlan tea tlvai The trip is sponsored by the Barrie Horticultural Society and Mrs JsaaGuble said all tickets ior hill bastard have beensold WASAGA ANTMMS No new animals have joined the growing animal iamliy at Wasaga Beach An African El and Antelope and Coati irom South America arrived last night at the Upper Canada So cietys Zoological Park and were welcomed by director Car Van Eysinga The Park is open to the public year round HORTICULTURAL MEET At special meeting the Ban rie Horticultural Society iinsl ized plans ior the annual dis trict convention on Oct The business session will be held in Trinity ball and banquet will he in Collier Street United Church Fellowship hall Evelyn Mrs Arundel oi Orli lls Jean at Gait Marion Mrs Walter Rothwcil at Windsor graduate or Royal Victoria Hos pital Barrie and Mildred Mir Keith Findley oi Mactlet Ten grandchildren including Miss huthmarie Green and Harold Green of Harris and two great grandchildren also surviva brotiher Harvey resides in Eng sn tharal services were conduc ted by Rev Mr Kay irom tile Doolittle Funeral Home with burial in St James Cemetery sham Burr in chambers iootyrellunloader the am at its type to bemilt in Call dogwood uh or built rér sto total at 701 forms were com pleted by students at those set warmerastound Incomplete One question asked Do you in lead to go to university Yes said roe Barrie collegiate stu dents Ll Illdllo in Midland lbe ilgllres were 69 and it and in Orlilia lit and 17 The totals were and Would you attend college in this area ii one existedi The answers showed two ludeuts at every three were in lavar at an area college The ii res were barrio res to 71 Mdiand to Tl Drillla lot to 41 Would college in Shncos County chun your plans about going to uavcrsityt Barrie as yes to no Midland it to Orlllll 17 to rd MILITIil REVEBTS The parents oueetlonnalra was answend by at these were incomplete and considered to the tabuiation Does your son or daughter plan to go to univeni Darrin in yes to no and to Orlilia to 11 Would you be pleased to have him ior berl receive this Ia rtructlon in Simcoe County at least during the iirst two years The ratio was live to one Bar ri it to Midland 56 to it Orlliia its to at it at tha pres mt tinla university education appears to be out oi the ques tion would the establimmant rt gtmlmt year courses con un change your plans Soon as Barrieitea said yrs Nona laid on The results were sbnllar elsewhere hilri lmdatoworliiiaalto COMMENT Here are some at the com ments printed on the question all terms by parents and she so We have iour children Wheth er wa will be iinancia able to help them iurthsr ther edu rleatig iaa big question mark any progress your co mittee can make and the scum er the better will be amt wel come university In Sirocco Coun ty particularly it it were within living distance oi Dril lia would mean many at our children could attend without hardship on the parents lin Survival Rple Deience Minister Is UnpOpular Lt€ol England oi 0w en Sound commanding oiilcer oi the Grey and Simeon Forest ers commented on proposals by the government that the mil itia revert toeupportoitbsreg ular army in the event at an emergency The govenrment proposes the militia give up its present role at national survival Col England pointed out that the unit has heardnothing dei Iaiia concnrning any change irom tbsrole being undertaken by the Grey and Simon Forest ers expect it will be mince tober beiora the militia units know what roles they will play in the iutura Hersey Barriealder man nd retired armymaior commented that the national survival role has never been popular with the militia in my op nion The permanent army has deilnita role in the Emer gency Measures organization it seems to me that the militia res verting to its previous role at support ior and in addition to the permanent iorces would he prelorred by them and is more realistic Associate Cardin announced in Ottawa nrorday that the militia will all but abandon its national sur vlv role predicted on nu clear attack and revert to its iarrner tall at providing ileld support tor the regular army Observsrs believe that this in dlcatcs the government con siders the possibility oi nuclear war as remote and convention al role ior the armed iorcer as nlors likely Col tee retired Army oiiicer said he believes the gov ernment is moving in the right direction think theprimary iunction or role oi the militia is not only to support the reg ular iorce but experience in tire past has ahowrr that they not the regular iorces have been Army in two wars He said he has certain mil givlngs about theiunctlons as or II survival is concerned be cause the two must mniiict You cannot divide training and get eiilcleucy out to two diiierlng idess1 Col Lee said he was pleased that the government has decido ed to concentrate on the militia to form part at the army in case oi an emergency MoreThan $800 In Prizes Ollereri lit Orillia Fair Prlro money amounting to more thaqu is being oiierad at tho orlliia Fail Fair and Horse Show to be held Satur day Sept 12 in the Orlilia Fair Grounds The prize money is distribut ed in tour stake classes program has been arrangedwith the assistance oi Tommy Gay lord and includes events ior all ages The lunior horse show will be gin at 930 am and will telslurs seven classes including junior tamper Junior working hunter open equitatlon junior jumper open jrmior handy working hun the Canada steamship Lines in Montreal and will carry coal ironorelron pellets and Exclaim Photo The tar open equitatlnn andlunror knock down and out Events in the senior horse show will begin at 130 pm and will ieature it classes Those to be presented in the alternoon include open working hunter lightweight middle weight snd heavyweight green Jumper open jumper pleasure hack green working hunter lightweight and green working hunter middleweight and heavy weight and working hunter sick The evening perlormnnce will lecture green Jumper stake local pleasure horse class work ing hunter stake ladiea western pleaslns horse class green working hunter stake and open jumper stake The periormance in the even inghagins at and includes the our stake classes where the Canadian Horse Shams Aa soclatloa rules will apeI 1i All entrants will be vited to attend bullet supper at 530 pm and allowing the evening performance tlra Orliila Cham her oi Commerce annual danca will be held Those who wish program should contact the secretary Mrs Barton lo Tecum seh St Orlilia Barrie Musicians lit Gravenhurst The number oneaecordlon or chestra at this years Kiwanis Music Festival in Toronto will be thei iealure attraction this Sunday evening at Music on th Lake ll the main part at the Canadian anrlalty or the paying bath at costs by students when trying to gel mahliabsd sliarmda it is not the tuition lee pan eats and students worry about it is the high cost ollvlog in another town ran certain our children would bave mudl better chance and deï¬nitely would li there were audl naive ty nearby it would re the opportun to those could not other aliord it would like to sea uni vnrsit established here as like idea at smaller mora intimate classes Ail comment was not iavor able however One parent ro marted do not believe that university in Simcoe County has the nastiest chance or suclt sex at this time Another said believe that buy should be away irom home ior period or time so that it would teach him to take care oi himsell Instead at de pending on his parents all the lime ii there were univer slty here he would miss this experience Plan Widening 0i Grove Street Property owners along the north side at Grove Street irom bayiield to Toronto Streets will soon have its lawn to cut The city will be buying strip at land there to permit lxioot widening oi the road Cost oi the land purchase will be about 000 The public works committee has advocated wioot street Tha city has only 89ioot rightoivway on the street instead oi the normal so ieet Parking on both sides oi Grove Street West will be banned ran TWmWWOFFrmwrccwswwl was In mmrauasnarmrrrlm WASAGAS NEWEST CELEBRITY ON PARADI Baby Hippo Draws Crowds lldmiring Looks ilt Wasaga Theres new wrinkle at Wa saga Beach hippopotamus watching Though the sport is not expected to sweep the coun try it is becoming increasingly Eopulnr with visitors to the eschs Upper Canada Society Zoological Park baby iemale hippo was pre Ecnled to park director Cas Van yslnga in June The limonth old animal weighs about 1200 pounds and is about six ieet long its enclosure contains pool Baby makes irequcnt appearab ces ior its public Mr Van Ey sings says it oiisn rests ior hours on tire edge oi its pool soaking up run other days it comes out towards avenluls Every appearance is greeted with an oooohi lookl Swim suited and sweatered girls press against the team ior closer look Boy iriends and husbands stand on ilptoea Tots kneel and peer between the rails is it dangerousl Wheres its horns What does It dol Ttlese and other questions abound But baby doesnt care She just ambies around her mm or goes tor reireshing Later this summer two adults will loin her Then hippowatch ers will really have something to ace TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS lets talk Cents aboutjentertaining Nearly everybodyhires to entertain And everybody wants to be considered good host or hostess Problem is that afsmiiy income badgaedror mortgageearpaymentsinsuranoe and other ï¬xed expenses wont stand big entertainment bills doesntmakeeoonomicseoso So what to do awheoyonknowthatamongyonr guests some prefer gin others rye Heres thesolntion vodka rum sherry or beerand your budget wont stand such an assortment use will delight MMc keep yourentenarnmen certain minimum Bny just one liquortAspecialbrand oremugrmm Its dame TROPICANA Made by Woods who have been distilling tine rumsior over 75 years And whats special about TROPICANA Its so versatile its practically onebrand bar Besides being Superioriightrum by itself your guests will enjoy it in any rumdrink imaginable It makes delightful versions refreshing changeh of almost any drinkyou can name Just try TROPICANA with three or four quite diiierent mixes Youll realize youre on to some thing goodl VTropiheola for instaneel Lots of people haveaiready dis covered Tropicola They délighted with your Tropicana Ginger Tropicana and To Tropicana and Diner Lemon or what will you have adelightfulidea mighty satisfying With TROPICANA your reputation is established and yourbudget saved