Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 16 Jul 1964, p. 2

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qlnmmwnw vV Weather WI WITH loflmxnamvmtowtm Thursday July rs ms to wand with Item nasty iWih Year No1 Barrie Ontario Cans woman as ION RSI BAllOT Titan 7e For Copy14 lapse Governor Scrantons Motion Makes Nomination Unanimous SAN FRANCISCO tCPiScn aior Barry Goldwater the grandson of tee captured the Republ can nomina tion Wednesday night with case on the first ballot and promised to carry the conservative cause to the American voters HI the November general elec on It was crushing defeat for the liberal and moderate wing of the Republican partythe erty of Lincoln and arted its future path on the course of hard conservatism Twenty three minutes after the roll call at the 50 states he gan Goldwater becamethe nominee when South Carolina cast its is ballots in put hisn over the 655 total needed to SEN BARRY Goldwater is clsoo alter having been am to at their convention for the shown late last night at his headquarters in San Fran ineted by the Republican Pan presidency AP Wtrephoto Student Loan Scheme Bogs Down In House OTTAWA CPiThc govern ments student loan scheme bogged down in the Commons Wednesday as an English French spilt crystallised on the bread issue at lederat aid to education No henchrspeaklng Con servative MPs broke with their party colleagues and announced they will vote against the bill in its present iorm Remi Paul Berthier Maskinonge Dole naudicro end Louie Joseph Pigeon Juliette lAssomptlonw Montcalm Joined the 1s hed itlstee in arguing that the led eral loans would interiere with provincial Jurisdiction over ed ucetion Englishspeaking MPs replied that federal action is needed to cope with national crisis in higher education The universi tiss problems transcend provin olel financial resources and pro vincial borders they argued Today the Commons enters its third day of debate on sec ond readinguapproval in prin cipleoi the bill which pro vldea for federal guarantees of bank loans of up to $1000 an nuaiiy to needy university stu dents The government will pay Wa percent interest on the loans tor the duration of the burrow ers studies and for six months siterward Quebec has an nounccd it will opt out of the plan and accept direct grant iii compensation or lost bene Opposition MPs indicated Wednesday they will introduce several amendments in commit teeofthewhole and the debate onsw T0 or MADE sonar Due to previous engage moat Mayor Lea Cooke was unable to make the draw for The Barrie Examiner PixthsAMixw Contra yae terday The draw will be made to day in the Examiner oiflcas and the winner will be any neunced tomorrow weeks vacation for two in Nassau will be the grand to The ter calls for seven days and six nights at Mon tegu Beach lioth sightsee ing trips and countryside tour oi the island and air travel from international Airport Toronto to Nassau lhousands oi entries have been received during the liveweek contest Toronto Newspapers Issue Fat Editions Despite Strike TORONTO CPiTho three Toronto daily newspapers pub lehed reiatively fat cdltiona Wednesday the seventh day of strike by their on printers During oneday lull in dis cussione sponsored by the On tario government the papers brought out their biggest Issues since before the walkout The morning Globe and Mail can so pages plus its eightpage thrice weekly Report on Business and in the afternoon the Star had so pages and The Telegram 54 Supervisory and office person nel were manning the compos ing roomsas well as filling in tor the mailers who refused to cross picket lines of local 91 oi the international Typograph cel Union lcuc lha mailers belong to separate local oi therITU with their own corp tracts permitting them tolwaik out during printers strika The strikesfront was without incident during the day as both sets of negotiators maintained silence while waiting for the re lumptlon of meetings with Innis Fine eblet cone ator for the provincial labor de partment On their own titelncgotiators were severely snarled in so as oi issues The keypoint was that of jurisdic time over oiectronio computers doing composing room work Then the managements put into effect some work changes that been agreed indivld item mania noun tract The union looks on this as major issue and also as iusttiication for calling the situ atlos lockout by the manage men Detroit Without Daily Newspaper DElIiDIl Detroit Wednetday went without its two daily newspapers tor second day las representatives the publishers and one or two strik ing crait unions met to clarify issues in dispute the Detroit Newspaper Pu Ushers Association rar both the evening Datro News and the morning Detroit Free Press in contract negotiations with craft unions The association and Plate and Paperhandlers Union local to met Wednesday but there was tract talks between the associa tionand the internationalPrint ing Pressmen and Union local to The two unions eiruck Mon day andtbelr plcketiines were not crossed by members not other crait unions Radio and television stations WWJ AMFM and WWJTV also wore picketed but their apar atlons were not affected They are owned by the Evening News AssoiJatio Mil Iten sot aehts no sign oi plans to renew con Assistants is expected to continue next week Fridays sitting has been set aside for study oi spending estimates Wednesdays debate boiled down to contsontetlon ni fiederalist and rovinciellat attitudes to Conf oration The ledcrsiist view was argued has detail by Ron Bastard tLVan couver Bursard who called for strong central government am becoming alarmed at the constant attempts we see here to whittie away the power ot the central Parliament the nyaarold lawyer said Mr Pigeon and Mr Paul said the provincial governments are closer to the people and better equipped than the federal gov ernment to assist and contva eduea tio nThe conetitullon clearly gave the provinces ex clusive iurisdictlon over the whole field litr Pigeon said some Liberal backbenchere have called for federal department oi educa tion and he wondered whether the student loans represented the Iirat step in that direction Senate Approves Govt Bills mews tCPSenators re turned to their desks Wednes day alter controversial two week builds and awiitly gave second read as approval in Eslilncipleto threa government The Senatomet in thaaitcr noon and hold rare Wedncs day night session ofone hour while the Commons took Wed nesdayevenlng oif as usual The ppper chamber had voted torrcccas until Juiyrzophut the govsmmont scheduled an ear lier resumption alter the Com mous passed three pressing measures in quick order last week and Monday Senator AI lister Grosart PCOntario said senators should be careful in iuture not to interrupt the legislature machinery by taking holidays at the wrong time Second reading was given to the lollowtng bills Creation oi an integrated defence conunand under single chic and authorization roll lionsyear merger oi the three armed forces dPayment oi tit montbiy youth uliowaneesto par cuts of students and disabled youths egedto andsr and Approval oi atz75000000 transaction among the Amer ican Canadian and British Columbia governments to fi nsnce the Columbia River dnms scour MEDICARE heronr OTTAWA CPDFederal and provincial health ministers will begin detailed study out week of the iuture of ital incur sauce and other ioth saith rams and initiate discussion on Hail royal Conutiisslon rec ommendetions tor compre hensive medical can program leans over to brother William Faces COLUMBUS Ohio APinr Samuel Sheppard convicted oi slaying his wife in one of the most sensational American murder cases has been or Ohlo Penitentiary atterservlng nearly so years oi life term But he must face new trial new trial could clear Shells yard and allow hlrn to resume his practice of medicine It also could possiny result in con viction of rstdegree murder and death sentence under Ohio law And the former osteopath only months awayirom possi bio parole appears to hava En othar battlacomlng up even for temporary ireedoin pending tb new trial Weinman in Dayton ruirIl Wednesday that the tilyearold Shop and was denied hiscon atitu onei ri is in his i951 trial in Cleve and Thatrlal re sulted in his conviction in the bludgcoa slaying oi Marilyn Sheppard Weinman said Shelf pards custody is void and it Cuyahoga County or tboetate takceno action within so days the release becomes final walarnans so pagedecision dcnounccdthc coverage given the case by three Cleveland newspapers and also mentioned three wellvknovm radio com mentators and columnlsts The Judge actlngon re quest for writef hebcae con pus ordered Sheppards release under noooo bond Joanorrigan cuyahoga CountytCleveland prosecutor who handled the atatescese in the trial 10 years ego sald he will asltior stay oi oxecrstion to prevent Sheppards release Ohio Attorn General William Sexbe said decision would be appealed The state Iawtsays no one HEBES ONE Ite acsims tor them to charge tan dollars to tow inn car the garages complained thewiie Sureiaagreed hubby hut withvthennj got tire to shoe dared released by oourt from us districtoourt iudge Carl dont worry lm getting even marks to the GOP convention to who bowsisle head during Iastnight Scranton had just itlrcphoto Ohio MD Released ew Trial DR 8AM SHEPPARD indicted for firstdegree mur der may be admitted to hell Corrlgan said in Cleveland Sheppard was indicted on firstdegree murder charge but was foundguilty Dec 21 less of murder in the second degree He was sentenced to lifebut is eligible tor parole this tall LATE or stombe sanebnodsafoue nominate By motion at Pennsylvania Governor William Scranton his leading opponent the nom ination was made oiliciaily unanimous Victory for the 55 year aid Arizona senator who once is mented there was no msior place for conservatives in his party came amid all the tradi tional hoopla deafening uproar and sheer pandcmonium that accompanies an American pres idential convantion PICItS RUNNING MATE SUSAN sCItANToN to Gov William Scrantona re been trounced by Sen Barry Goldwater for their partys residential nomination AP Pearson Returns To Face Commons OTTAWA CPiPrlma Minis ter Pearson returns iate today from the Commonwealth prime ministers costumes in tondon to face questions in the Com mons about what litplans to do in Canada to reinforce his plea for racial equality in the Com monwealth lie is expected to report tethe Commons Friday on the Marion talks IIie address to the conference Monday emphasizing the need to recogan racial equality in fact as well as in principle sparked questions immediately in therCommons about Indians and Eskimos in Canadas ier North and about immigra tion procedures Government spokesmen denied titers is any racial discrimination involved in either question Gene Rheaume lPC North wcstTerrltories asked whether the farnorthern Indians and Eskimos would be given the right to voteAIl Indians and Eskimos do have the right to In the District oi Mackenzie the vote in the Yukonvierritory and Territories The dinrlct oi Keewatin rcp resenting the eastern pert for northern continental Can ada and the district of Frank lin which covers the Arctic is lands have no form ot eieete government News Kasavuba Tishonibe Boycott Summitf LEOPOLDVILLE iAP Congolese President iosepbkasavubu and Premier Molse Tshombe will bo cott the Africansxnmit conference in Cairo because an udwe come sign hes been put up SherbrookelostOiiicehobbod Three armed menieaca with largoquantity ol mail from be main post office easy today The trio tiedlupvthree overnightshirt fore oingthmugts 1M bagsoi ma postlotflcssemployees be Russian Launches Satellite ueie So an anthem Earth satiemte Cosm as viet Union mums most westerly of the Northwest rlot positions tain battleground In the midst of the contusio Senator ThrustonB Morton Kentucky the convention chair man told reporter that he had been informed Goldwater had called Representative Wit llam Miller oi New York the Republican national chairman had oitcred him the vicepres identlai nomination and that Miller had accepted But Goldwatar and Miller both appeared on television later to say that it wasnt as buttoned up as Morton had said it was Goldwater said he hadnt phoned Miller to ask him to ac ecpt second place on the ticket But he added that he is to vorabiy inclined toward the upstate New York representa tive gt Miller said he thinks that alter meeting at Goldwater with state chairmen today some deilnitive announcement on the vicepresidential nominaiion which he said he would accept wouid be forthcoming The vicepresidential nominee will he formallyeiectcd at tonights closing session Miller 44 and Roman Ca tholic would be calculated to bring to theticket skilled campaigner noted for his rough and tumble political battling Goldwater is an Episcopalian Anglican semen sons cats Thursday nights single roll call pursued to the end in the overcrowded Cow Paidce showed the overwhoming man ner in which the Arilitna sen ator had made his views pop ular with the ratio delegates The count showed Goldwater 533 and Scranton 214 At this point chipper and smiling Scranton appeared dra matically to walk the iong length of the piatiorrn to the Greeks Tuiks Cease Fire moosm Cyprus on ceasefire took held Wednesday in the Kyrenlan Mountains be tween Greek and iurklshCypf and Canadian members of the United Nations force worked continually vent further outbreakeol tiring However the situation re mainedvtease and Wednesday brought the first exchange of iire between the newlyetationed Turkish detendera at theail Turkish village of Temblns and surrounding GreekCyprIot polt sitiona iust north oi the noun Firlng la the mountains started Monday night and con tinued regularly for so hours After an overnight lull another iteroo exchange began after dawn Wednesday and insted haii an hour In ailnearly 4500 bullets were tired between opposing mostrof them hill positions trom GreekCy rlntiorces The WILLIAM MILLER For VicePresident rostrum where he moved to make Goldwaters nomination unanimous The hall burst at the seams with the thunder of approval Scranton his lace solemn for the moment tod the delegates that the time had come when au honorable man can say that the sense of this great con vention has become abundantly clear His view hadnnt pra vailcd he conceded The Republican party must now emphasise its unity not its ditterances Scranton said We must now be about the business otvjic eating Dem erets shall work for and ME supportJha ticket chosen by this convention Former president Eisenhower commented that Scranton call for party unity has vasty in creased our chances Iorvlctory in November CALLED REBIRTII Michigan Governor George Romney withdrawing as fa vorita son candidate saldlhe delegates were wunasslng the rebirth oi Americanlsm America To soften the bitter atta they had made on him in proconvention campaigns New York Governor Nelson Rock eicller and Scranton hur ricd to Goldwaters headquan ion to talk with the winner In Washington democratic national Chairman John Bel ley issued statement saying that thahcpuhlican party hep been captured by radical min ority completely divorced trom heritage and princi ples oi our nation In an obvious indseatlon of the kind of campaign the Dem aerate intend to launch against Goldwater Bailey added That radieai minority has dictated the choice of candidate whose purpose is to divide rather than unity the country and whose philosophy has been described by his own party members as menace totito peace and pro grass of America Goldwater told reporters he accepted the nomination with humility IIe reierred to his grandiather Polish law who had emigratcdto California to peddle1 wares morethantop years ago The iamliy had gra dually bullt department store fortunes Arizona Now he wanted to do something for his country and his party gerbus centraiiem inlthe Amer ican government PLEDGES CLEAN FIGHT He would lace vigorousrhut clean battle against President Jobneon in the fall campaign he would try to strengthen American leadership and beipsupport the constitu tionalrightpoi states at home And particularly he would try to reduce high American crime rsteso bet it would be safe for lean women to walk the streets again Ills subdued humble tone con trusted withihls sharper re sponse earlierin the day when he cscribedIJohhson as one of the honlc individuals and the sg rest latter in the United States Goldwater said rtcd resregation aloe one

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