msmwxvv IMM may eftvaw rmpMwrwr whv AIME names MONDAY MT 11 sses IN THE SWIM FOR SUMMER Heres swimsuit that will Elem the youthlui conservar vs who really likes two piecers but doesnt go lor the teenyeweeny bikini Desig ncd by Tracy Adrian it rrsnde ot orion acrylic tab TC KEEP IN THE TRIM Initial Weight Loss Is Small It Water Retention Is Great By IDA JEAN RAIN When you step on the scales this second Monday it the pointer shows satialylng two to three pound loss oull ieel jubilant initial weght loss however is highly unpredict able You might lose live to seven pounds the lirst week or the ï¬nale may register no loss One gentleman complained bitterly that alter dieting strictly tor lull week he lound the pointer up two pounds Here Is the explanation Water retention had postponed the registration of lost pounds in the process at reducing there is alien temporary shitt in wa ter balance Pet is stored in the body in Individual cells each one con taining droplet oi tot he stored tat is burned or energy the droplet get smaller But since water Is byproduct oi to oxidation of let some wa ter may replace the used fat in the cells The water can be retained until the lat giobuie is almost wholly gone During this tnterim no loss is registered Failure to scale down at the alert oi diet is not due to any resistance on the part oi the let To get the picture at what he drop pat tat into as or water Fat tioats its lighter Since stored water weighs more than the let it has displaced the scale can register gain DECIDED no no Prolonged water storage can continue tor so to so days per haps longer One homemaker dietingwith her husband lost no weight or 21 days During this period her husband had last nine pounds Diecouseged she decided to stop dieting But that night was restless one she got up many times The next morning she stepped on the scales and tuned the pointer down nine pounds Water is re leased through the kidneys and when stored water is released simultaneously in millions ol cells the pointer plunges Water retention is not influ enced by the amount at water consumed It is well to drink plenty of water between meals tor it helps prevent iatlgua and counteracts the tendency to con stipation When the quantity at odd is lessened constipation is sometimes problem particu larly at the start at edict Talk bulksupplying substance with your doctor about it Ask his advice about using some bulksupplying substance it you all to lose weight on schedule dont be discouraged Stay with the diet Youll lose and catch up with the test starters As rule the more overweight you are the more you are apt to lose early in the diet With considerable excess there is likely to be more sur plus waterstoreri It you lose this water rapidly which niten he as on highpltttein diet tigl weight loss may be drag matlc Tomorrows Menu isseskisst Chilled fruit juice torsion Poached egg on Thin slice oi toast Butter or margarine mt Mn and egg or strips lean crisp bacon 70 cal Cotiea black Non nutritive sweetener ii desired Total Luncheon Consomma on rocks as an Salad Quartered tomato so so Cottage cheese Vs cup on watercress or lcttuca Bread thin slice Mr Hard roll Butler or margarine pat Buttermilk or sidm milk gt Total 355 CM Notes Dietnrs low calorie dressing may be used on salad it desired Lateditcrnoon Energy Boost Place at lreah lruit as Dinner Meat lost slice 4n sBzked scorn squash BO sis HO it as assess so so Butter or margarine to pat Choices Beet greens spin ach or asparagus Sliced cucumbers and sweet onion rings 1a in ML Slice oi rye bread Butter or margarine ls pat Melon ring Total 460 MO Total calories ms soos Notes Meat loat recipeuse 2010 353 Women Estimated To Spread News OTTAWA CPI when it cornea to news its best to on mat too to worsted lisaith Minister ludy lsalterIhuaas tonights the Com mons ay The advice came mm It liarslng tNDP Kootoasy West who was concerned that details at the governments new youth allowance payments may not roads smaller communities in Canada atlas Lsatsrsh said an ems slvo publicity eamralJn is planned byJ the heath spart ment to tone Canadians ot the em yearly allowance to be paid to psmla with is 17year aids in schools the allowance also is to be paid to disabled children Mr Herrld said people in small towns ottendont know ing can take advantage at on legislation Would the min ister conslde enislllng the aid ol womans organisations to spread the news When have wanted to get intendlion and publicit have always lound de Wtd on women to do thl ctal those with childn Wes Coast MP said Instant Homes Brick Boxes LONDON CPI Carl instant homes may tak ve days to build but British writer tun back lrom Montreal says the tar outclsss twohour models Are reall doomed to livs in cubes ths look exactly like box ol bricks Alias iiope asks British readers oi the Daily Telegraph And she praises Montrssi ares housing development Each house was totally diiten eat in sits srance price and tannin ey were tradi tions they were not like box bricks and they each stood in landscaped garden littss Hope Iell in love with Canadian kitchens too She says British kitchens are hopelessly small but with Canadianstyle planning existing kitchens here could be improved How many tEritishi house wives havs cupboards on the wailright up to the eeiilsgsl And how many havs relriger ators hanging there too she also notes most Canadian homes sport monstrous deep lrcszeunlt in the basement although she was assured that some tnmiiies struggle along with trams rig in the Eelrigerator which is rare As no relrigerator saw seemed to be less than colossall am prepared to believe this Miee Hope ya wistluliy Clothes Determine First Impression WINNIPEG CPI United states home economist Wednan da suggested experiments in vo vin models may be used as mu to research into the im pactsot clothes on other people Dr Mary Ryan at Cornell Unlversi told the Canadian Home nomic Association convention that research pro loot in her own class involving models wearing dillorcnt cos tumes found class ratings de ï¬ed more upon the costume an the girl wearing It Dr Ryan professor of tex tiles and clothing said live girls unknowu to the class modelled costumes rangin trons slightly outoldaie su to tight skirt and sheer blouse The stud ents rated the models describ ln personality traits ree weeks later the test was sated with tour of the live gir wearing dlltersot cos tumes the results Dr Ryan said showed that thevone who were the same costume was rated almost exactly the sense and we could assume that dit leen bee and veal egg skim milk bread crumbs ween pep chopped onion save meat got alias for lues lunch tor rs Bedre squash whole to retain moisture Cucumberss Dilute vinegar with water add non nutritive sweetener ii desired Dnnlopz Dr Ryan lelt the project al though it did not indicate any general tiseocies indicated that clothes at least sometimes are very important in detersnin lng the iirst impressions which people make specialize in halfsize DRESSES FEATURING Dan River cottons an enema 71M IINN LANDERS am emwwmmnwamu womwmwflv Wnfl new Exotic Dancer Claims Shes Dear Assn mens so your Regal Eyeful msnt Thank youotd resa column recently wile wrote to cd that she was disturbed because her husband had come home treat sta party where two iris did wile she should not be thrown cit balance by cheap little bimbo whose mater snt huiarsdlng at aisle in the alto er For the tirst time in my lite tool should dslsnd my pro lession have been an exotic dancer ti pseisr this to strip pert tor it years am no cits iittla bimbo but hard ssnr ng woman who paid taxes on 000 last year an ilnished schooling at age se went work 51 the cities hi major TV nos work in the to months worked titers received more Indecent proposals and pinches on my starter than In the la yam have been doing my There can be artistry and taste in exotic dancing am told have roast hearing which mskas men respect ms the average male would think twice belore he tried to pinch woman who bu her own dis ds and mnks and travels with soopound drum mar since you claim to be tsir Ann hope on will print my letter and gvs the customers an mintTNT Dear Dynsmttss try always to lair and hers is your lat ter giving the custom ers an eyclul thats your line thank you CHUMMY IERVICE Dear Ana Lenders Have you noticed that service employees are becoming chummiar and ï¬iï¬unislnier have and dont lily butcher slwsys greets me with Hello Honey or What will you have today Dcart lied this embarrassln partic ularl when someone know is slsn ing near Am wrong to eel as not should say something to the Vdccstion In Wildsv II Does OldFthInledt it till butcher asked tor data or al lersd to deli the ip acts You told to attend you it you can stand however ask in to call you hire Clock sh in th also pr some stringy ro Theses PROTECTION Dear Ana tandem Is It mng to Tdiscipline the children im two lrisnds who bring their youngsters over mainly tilréeblittle lItattssstia pens by everything is last as lightning and unless someona keeps so use on him minute he can take house apart mother is one oi relaxed tpes who never sees anything have to take matches out at the childs mouth ssh trsys out at his hands and move the candy dish on the mantel or he would eat every place He has torn up my mogasines and broken my records ills moth is al ways sorry but thats as as it goes She says to be ard on Jerry because ml ht destroy his natural cur iosly Children need to tnvestlo go How about thisIRoblastte Dear Robins You have not been disciplining the boy youva attempted to protect your property and the boy against his lack oi training The child who is ersnitted avcrylhlnlf and any ing at home wl try tor anything and everything when hes out His mother is tailing himbadly youngster who does not learn what no means is bound to iind the world lrustrating and un happy place to live in and will torcver be at odds with those around him This is howmls its are made luiun You Has Advantages By ELEANOR R085 Despite in travel abroad all over the world indeed It vacation timemore and more lamllins Each year elect to pitch tent and spend their vacation in the wilds For youngsi this is the ideal vacation and their elders cars benelit in many ways too such vacation otters many advantages It is inexpensive it Is health lui it is the ideal way to shed tiresome routine You can do what you want when you want And it is an experience tor youngsters one that they will ï¬mbnbly look back on lonely tho ytars to come Such vacation does how ever call or more carelul ad vance planning then most other terms vacations lot oi gear is required yetihe more you take the more there is to rep track oi And space is ab ways limited Iamtl powwow ahead ol time to stermlnn what is or sentlai what can be eliminated and what can pinch hit tor other things may bring to light resourcnlul spacesavlag rc For example nod sized colice pot Iven too there are only two colice dr nkers in the group does Just as well as small coilce pot and sauce an the cottes pot can be used or heating dishwashlng water cooking vegetables plus all the usual saucepan labs Another example ci splen did spacesavlng pinchhitter is baking soda Used in combination with bar soap balsln soda pariorma the inaction detergent tor waehln both dishes and clothes Uscd ry as scourer it takes over the duties at an abrasive cllcnnsar on hardtoolean utcn And since it swcetens as well as cleans youll thus it indla penseble for keeping the ice chest vacuum bottle and ootiee pot trash which means that the flavor oi your lood and drtnks Taking trip Buy Travellers Cheques from The Bank myou Cant lose Vacation time is the time for carefree fun But imagine your disappointment It after saving for It all year long you should lose the money earmarked for relaxhtiors on flse ï¬rst day of your trlp With Travellers Cheques that cant haELen boy to buy easy to use Travellers Cheques from Ibo Bank gas cashed only by youl When you travel use throne assretry thats yourIarsd youssalonciss virtually every countryin the worlds Trhveflers ChequufronstthorontbDominlonbanh memeemm genotype Dunlap le0wen St unnamedt Mature Years For Women Can Be Exciting Reward ROBERTA noseca Today womans mature years can be an exciting ren aissance use Dr Peter 5am msrtino President at Fairleigh Dickinson University When her children In school she ch are to rebuild huul nationally and to bar pen sonsi outlook Dr demmsrtlno ts one at the latest guiding hasls behind the mucbneeded movement of con taining education ior women in talking to women and dare oi womens groups our ports in this iieid tound an rwisrinslng number or ton Ilse women who want so in anve themselves in partlml or fulltime lob as soon as wsstble Dr srtlno told us in intcrv in his cities on the lesnsck New Jersey ccmpus 11Isy want to try something new But many at them want shortterm courses and concen trated programs that will pra psra them to work soon Tnay dont want to dawnls throulh Iusi tor the sake ol going to school To till this kind need Fairv ltigh Dickinson is initiating this tail on each oi its campuses cossraes or mature women who want to prepare to work MAXIMUM FLEXIBILITY The courses all with maxi mum tlexlbllity can be taken either tor credit or no credit Both career and liberal art pro grams will be avsliabie Coun sailing and testing will allo be given where needed and the university plans placement service that will seek in put the students in the Jobs they are trained lor Most courses will be given over tour months period wont be tainted una etis HERVE DENTIFRICE Again it saves spacavby serve ing the tamily as drniitrlcs it the water happens to be hard which well water usually is handful oi baking soda soitens Dads shaving water And soda is veritable pint slzad medicine chest when it comes to relieving many minor mishap itches resulting lrom bug bites poison ivy and sumac and brush scratches common occupational hazards oi camp log are all soothed with gen erous application at baking soda paste simply mix pains lul oi haltln soda with enough water to use it spreadsble Sunburn or burn imm grah blng bat an handle or irons grease spldt ers shed their sore neu whe cool soda blcarb compress applied But camping in our parks is tun it is line recreation and it brings out bit at that old pioneering spirit which is all the good three days week in three hour session Assd typical sub tects will be scwuntlng ubrary work teaching remedial res Ing insurance and real estate Other courses will train women tor Jobs as saccutivs secret lea medical technicians boa lsi personnel and trans slice stalls Basically were tryng to give women who want it nest Women Lag In Iet Age SAN FRANCISCO AP women business executive irom Canada today criticised wom ens lsiiure to get ahead in the business world and challenged other working women to make its mostoi their business tal Ellen Falrelough lormer dab lnet minister and member at Parliament for Hamilton West said Canadian women are legg ing in the Ilelds science technology and politics And she added women in other parts at the world have the same gen eral laillngs In speech belora business session oi the Zonta interns tinnal convention Mrs Fair elougb said We live In let age and yet many ni us act and think as though we were living in the age oi csMels litre Faireiough is one at to Canadian women executives at tending the international con vention Twentytour countries are represented by the moo delegates lAURENCE HEWING AND KNITTING CENTRE The largest selection at domestic and imported yarns in stmcoe County KNITTING SUPPLIES TAPasrnv YARNS sweetest KITS MAKE YOUR antacrsoN nows Laurence SEWING ls KNITTING CENTRE challenge and new conï¬dant says Dr Samaritan As an educator we ask at the coodusian otour int view bow do you think in turn woman can snak tbs mos ot her chance tor voeatlonally culturally and her personaoullookt LOOK T0 success When she wants to do some sunmartlnn wen gm sees and the attitude at making success itmm practical viewpoint shall have to be able to do tbig at the ma rims sbs integrated her new interest with her home and iamliy has way she does it will be dillerent in eve case Sh needs the latest lnioni mation about the iieid shg chooses And the hasto learn the discipline and pie urea cl reading up so the nerd But when woma do these things sise also achieve continence in her re issan Theres limit to her poesibsg achievements wannsna ssassnnsans THERMOJNGRAVID by the meters at The longest Invitation line IllaINDIAN II CNIIMIM tnltsd Ilmtlng slotstooling alapnal IIMOINDMVINU MI Wool look at least sreltssnoeshtg so am am absM ass lush as me am they so thin in vital to time EXAMINER COMMERCIAL PRINTING SERVICE ll BAYFIELD 5T 110 DUNLOP moses mm oALLons OF HOT WATER PER DAY ssmnlcauv with AND 11 coste You ONLY