Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 13 Jul 1964, p. 6

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guoéézafifis Js p¢wWmwnpwwm 71 Mli AND MR8 HOOPER 50th Wedding Anniversary Marked With Open House The bride Glsdys Kelcey wasnt the least bit superstitious when she choose July it me tor the date at her wedding to Aubrey Hooker so years ago To marks elr golden wed ding unnlvers Mr and Mrs Hooper cuierto ued their many trlcnds and relatives esterddy aliernoon at on open clue re cepilon The couple were married at tho Sophia Street residence at the brdcs parents the late Mr and Mrs William Kelooy The late Rev Edgar ior rector ol St Georges Anglosn Church Allandsic oitlclatcd The hridegrcomr parents were the into Mr and hire Octavious Hooper oi Allandule The brides sister Mrs Bowen oi Gran villo St and Kelcey oi st Cnthsrines the brides bro ther were wedding attendants ALLANDALE BESIDENE Following the weddin the can couple took uh rerdence unda where lio was an em loyea 0i Cans an National it ways ior so years Prior to retirement seven years ago be we train conductor The coup iamiiy oi two sons and aughter have been closely connected with this newspaper Their eldest son Norman who was killed in ac tion overseas during ml was associated with the advertising department when the agar was known asiha Nort ern Ad vance and later as reporter ior The Examiner Their son Robert Bob is stall mem ber oi the composing room Mrs Austin Ayerst Aileen their daughter is employed in the bindery department The celebrants are proud grandpar ents oi alx grandsons and one granddaughter VARIED iNlEllEdid Mr and Mrs Hooper are members oi Essa Road Presby terian Church and in tormer years Mrs Hooper was actively associated with the Womens Asaoei on oi that church The bride is also charter honorary member oi Golden star LOBA and member oi beaver so Mr end Mrs Rudolph Rah sign the register allowing their montage in Essa Road Presbyterian Church with Rev Hell officiating The bride Wendy Marilyn Waite is the daughter at csss micrometers Rives Foster of it it Barrie and and the 11 Watts The bridegroom is the son oi Mr and Mrs Gabor Rab oi lbr onto Kincnrdine lathe new residence oi the newlyweds Photo By Faverol son rouronnow initiative and enterprise will pay all now but dont try to iorco your opinions upon otlt is Any display oi ovenaglres ness will work to your ment in tact instead oi insist ing ondoing things in your own way take others into your plans since its daywhen team work will win not can BIRTHDAY it tomorrow is your birthday your horoscope promises line achievement within the next to months Longrange Job burl nese andor tinanclol programs put into etiect between next weekend Sept should cut minate succesaiully by the end oi December with good inten mediete break indicated dur ing the that weak oi October The period between then and late December may be some what on the dull side irom tinanclol standpoint but In other uptrend good ior three months at least is preasged ior the beginning at March Creative workers have gen WHAT THE STARS SAY By ESTBELLIIA erally good year bciore them with the months at August Sep tember and next January eut stmdlng ior accomplishment Personal relationshl should prosper in the year as and travelwill be governed by un usually beneiicent aspects be tween now and midSe temhar is generally good parlo tor all Canoerlnnsl trip taken in October could also he enioyabls but in this case do not snake it an expen sive one or you could oitset some oi 1904s gains Look tor stimulating social experiences between now and September also in late Novem ber and December and next April and it single new re mancs sador marriage during the balance oi this month in late August late October Feb ruary it or June chit born on this da will be extremely sensitivean emo linealqualities which ilt him ior highly dramatic stage roles ereditarls writing or the acorn provinces PbonslilsanntreeorAhderouimraIom INTI31AM Prior to her wedding in Central linked came Berry man was eat oi honor at several III to Kiss Fluids McAllister brides maid was eotaoaleas with her mother llirs Rune hieAliist at miscellaneous shower had at the elongateI residence Collinst us were as bore oi the brides iamiiy are iormer gwood resid ents Another miscellaneous ahower was held at the her it Highway co the bridegroom was present at thisparzi and on any in no yours Mouroy matron oi honor was hostess at resentation nay held at tile eels street at her mother litre 33A hock wali The brides associate eru ploysea ol the 81mm Coon egiotry Oiilce ware eats presentation party at the summer residence at Mra Will iam Casey Alcons Bosch the bride Nancy Baker is the da hter at Mr and Mrs Russell sker oi Ferris Lens hokeb Lodge the Barrie branch at the Canadian Legion and the Ladies Auxiliary to the Bro iherhood oi Rel way Tralnman she still ilnda time to cars ior her lovely flower gardens llir Hooper shares his wtiea interest in gardening but the ve etahle patch is his clnl pr do He is member Con nthisn Masonic badge Mr Hooper is veteran oi the First Word War hsvln scrvod liva ears with the sin Black Watch attaiion OPEN HOUSE During the open house recap ties the coupe received ap proximately 100 triends and relatives For this special day the bride received wearing reity printed rllk ensemble in ins and green tones comple mented by corsage oi yol Low roses with gold toned rib one threetiered wedding cake made by the bride and decor ated by Mrs Robert hisgulre was the focal point on the tea table covered with Madeira cloth iloral arrangement oi yellow murnr centred the table tanked in gold tapers POUMNO TEA Presiding at the tea table were Mrs llm Werlow Mrs Kelcey oi St Catharines si rlulsw oi the bride an Mrs Wisdom Tea assistants included the brides sister Miss barbar liclco oi Toronto Mrs Lorne Konk also oi ibronto certain oi the bride Mrs Robert Hoe the eelsbrents daughu tarnlpw Mrs Austin Ayersi the couples daughter Mrs Al bert Ks cey oi Barrio law oi the bride Fell hire Pratt and Mrs Bert Hooper Timothy Ayerst andson 31 in charge at guest GUESTS Outoicity guests included Mr and Mrs Donald Kelco Thomasitelcy all at St Ca arines Miss Barbara Kolcay Mr and Mrs Richard Kelcsyp Mrs lama Konkle Archie Kel oey Mr and Mrs William Turner Mr and Mrs Suther land Miu Edna Marks ell oi ibronto Jon Tell Mr and Mrs Vern Bowen allot Osh awa Mr and Mrs Norman Kelcoy oi King City The celebraan received van lcty oi beautiiul giits including money tree created at gold branches and golden roses The branches oi the tree contained tan made up oi tour gold miners andd sliver dolian brushed with l0 Among the many on atuln tory messages receive were cards irom the Prime Minister oi Canada Hon Lester Fear son and irom the cedar oi the Opposition Hon John Diet cnhalrer plaque tram the Province oi Ontario lgncd by Hon John Bobs wus also received FOR THE WHITEST amass unussv Wilma wnonrr ouusoriwaar pounce near Censuses sro CALIJZB Sill llsrhusbandisthe nnoiiir and lire Dtlnn oi Bayiisld Street WITAOI DUE ir and lira Absent son Richard and daughter mu sally IMI Allard all oi shale non street were weekend mom in oi Mr and Mrs idem brook at their streamer coitus near brmbridss INOAOIMIN Mr and hire Herbert Tili man oi Churchill have announ ced the engagement oi their daughter Claire ions to Paul Allen also see oi in and lira Rich Mac The wedding ceremony will take place at the home at the brides parents Aug Collil 6M United much will be the settial tor the wed ding oi Miss Rose Maria The daughter oi Mrs Paul Brennan oi boost West Germany and Peter George Cook son oi Mr and Mrs Bert Cook oi Barrie ribs sitarnoon ceremony will be held July NEDDNO nuners Mr and Mrs it Blmpkln oi Minete Point were guests at the wedding at mpkl nephew Charles ltir and Men relt to Miss Beverley Dunneit held at Lansing United Church Willowdele on Saturday The reception ior 10m guesta was held at Peller Restaurant National IODE Receives Citation The National Chapter at Cen ads IODE was reconth was noted with medallion on be hali oi the Chairman oi inter national Co operation Year Canada in recognition at its contribution over many years to tile purposes ior whic in temotiaual Co operation Year has been ionnded The Citation reads as iollowr We honor the im erial Order Daughters Oi The pire as an association that has never been narrow and parochial an Order that understands that while cherit begins at home our home the whole wide world and our iarnlly is the human iamiiy For its work oi reliei during and alter two world wars ior its measures to relieve ruiier lug alter wars devastation in Europe aiter tamine ilood hurrl na volcano and earth in Armenia South East Einope and the Carib been For its shipments to The Save The Children Fund sent to needy children in Korea males italy Greece Germs along Kong Morocco and an For its medical aid program to indie scholarships medical studies supplies textbooks and paediatric ward For its support oi education by program oi scholarships bringing students irom Ghana Nigeria indie Pakistan and the WastJndias to Canada and ior its library program to so rchnola in the Caribbean in particular we honnr the Order ior its recognition that the best service developed ior Canadians at home should also he oiterad to others beyond our shores and ior demonstrating this ballot in action tor over an cons no EVENING WEAR Bermuda Junior League member models heavy skirt in tapestry design with Spanish type hem suitable ior twilight and evening wear in the remltro icai island col ony Tha iesh on show at Handltcn hotel was art at the recent Festival oi lowers held every spring Photo Home Economics To Be lipDated TORONTO GPluldigh school home econoqu courses will be brought up to data in Ontario next iall Students will learn to use modern appliances and quick cookingiooda They will be taught how to cook the sort oi iamiiy meals working wits has time to prepare They will make dress or suit irom synthetic abide and learn the dturacteristics oi tox ttls tlbres how they are made and their advantages and disad vantages The changing patterns oi living andnew modes oi spending time and money have introduced new roblems in the iamiiy says ioreword to the new program Furthermore new kitchen appliances the need ior quick meals the increasing use oi processed icons and extra at dal demands within the com munlty are changingithe role and duties oi the woman in the homo Grade ll courses will include lamil development textiles and do ing The new Grade 12 course will teach some oi the problems in world nutrition consumer economics and man agement ior modern iamtlies and housing and interior da axil olidatcby mortgage CW1 Adoptions To Be Extended mun Ont CHk ibs Catholic Womens 55 dispel Childrens Aid Societies sin ream they have tor the baby without handicaps But what the drildren comm into care she satima in Ontario that lit into these three categories Ontarios adoption program is smder study by the CM in tour other rovlncee in conjunction with ree provincial govern ments she said Mrs Marble raid the eco nomlo and social erpects oi 0n tarloa indian and Eskimo prob lem are other challenges tor the league Annual reports showed morn bcrahip oi 81467 up see irom last year in cat parish coun cils The league spent $59063 on education mostly on sdrolars ahlg and mm on weiiare we mvagnmpur weream crawlersum lt samsaaamnaumxmnounaruusrslfius More Liberal View For Birth Control WiNNiPEO CHA Univeb sity oi iaronto proiassor sug gested Thursday there should be more liberal approach to the birth control problem in Canada DrGoorga Baton head oi the nutrition department at the universitys school at hy giene said that in the tower in coma group large iamiiy can cri is the development at the and all its members Ha addressed delegates at tending closingday essslon oi the biennial convention oi the Canadian Home Economics As sedation Dr Berton said survey eon dueted she tinned states shows that as iamiiy also in creases iswer iamilies meet recommended iced allowances Increased tinanclol allowance in lowlneomo tarriliter would help However it must also he ulised that many at these iam lilea would have votusterily con trolled the siso oi llitJi iamliies it they had the means to do so Dr Edith Weir assistant di rector oi the human nutrition srresrch division oi the United States agriculture department told the convention science on tar has provided oily limited answers to questions about load that matter most to the borne maker Dr Weir native oi Win barn Ont said that while In ern scientiiic techniques have meld posing more stage an compoaea iood the homemaker still can get only limited answers te questions such as whether her anally would like the land and how it would taste CARDB flml WORLD UNTIED NATiONS AP Tho UN Childrens Fund asti mates in new report that it sold 3000000 greeuu nerds around the world and cleared 300000 on them in mi oom parsd with rooooooo cards and exeooooo in ms STAYNEH NURSING HOMI STAYNER ONT lor elderly and convales aat arts Excellent iaclil as ior private or semiprivate Hot and cold water in rooms Register ed Nurse In attendance Reg MARSHALL Pbons amuse Skyler Advertising The many pages oi this newspaper are iuli oi news oi many things News or people and their doings in nearby places and to the tar comers oi the earth And most recently in the upper reaches oi outer space But there is another kind oi news that you hold in your hands as you read newspaper Not the news at people but oi products and services the news or advertisements it has otten been said that the inaction oi advertising is to improve the standard at living it does have such tune tion But it must start necessarily with the munuiacturerl who make the products What advertising does is tell people about new and better thingsand new tortures oi established iavorites and where they can be bought in very real sense in hicrcase demand and lead the way to lower prices It is literally and actually true that practically everything you buy would cost you more it there were no advertising Without edvmising to laiorrn the public there could not he mass production as we know it today wills all its economies and advantages People cant buy thingsor want things unless they know they exist The big problem in this country at this moment and likely to he big problem ior some time to come is not so much overproduction as undemnsumption Advertising is the ideal techntmse ior mass communication because it is the cheapest quickestand most responsible way to reach the people it is iactlthat advertising will speed up sales and create valuablergoodwlil iorea brand creature Witness the actual Get out from under bills and monthly payments You can pay your bills in full have cash in hand and only one monthly mortgage paymentwith Coronation Mortgage plan workedouttosuityourbudget Got in the clearcall money vslua oi any welladvertised wellregarded name it is equally certain that back at that name or that pro duct must be honesty fair dealing and tall value tor the price There is builtin penalty ior evéry misrepreetation Advertising on unworthy product or service simply means that larger number at people will discover its disadvantages arsenals cont VFRANK commonersnar Coronation today call CORONATION NELLES THEYRE THEv MORTGAGE PEOPLE PHONE norm all the sooner rho day the advertisements will buns you important news oi sonnothing youwant or need and whers to buy it news vary otten that you could get in no other way or at the shine low cost emceecontrive No VI News ANDADVEitTiSING MEDIUM

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