eed the promotion to flight lieu strengthoi the Air Traiiic Con troi School MEI at No FWHO Mar Ground Approach At Camp Borden SAVE LIFE OF BRADFORD BOY No Sradiord boys Jackie and Billy Pong are alive to Ally thanks to there ilvs Sloncy Point children Linda Dempsey tell is credited Employee suggestions adopted by Canadian National Railways last year yielded the company 005178 in tangible savings This ms the highest annual savings since the plan was instituted rs years ago hiivllle general super visor oi employee services nnd suggestions said that in lost The quality oi the suggestions was very high when measured economic return to the can say total oi 22M suggestions were submitted In 1001 and were accepted IAItItIE Barrie iirma too havs plans that pay oil to persons making proiltable suggestions liart Rae public relations oii iclal at Canadian General Else trio plant here said group oi winners recently received stone and the company is con tinually making payments For raioty suggestions used there is nominal award oi 35 But ior something that saves the company money either in cost oi material or by other means the payment could be much more Mr Rnc sold the savings is calculated and tha person who make the suggcrtlon receiver percentage oi the savings ior the tirst year Ontario Hydro has an em ployee suggestion plan ior each region suggest on in review ed by the da artmeni head with concenr ior adaptability and ior the amount oi savings that would result Harry Lidstone in the Barrie handed over to the chairman Pub HOGAN Oificer Promoted Group Ca lain Di commanding midi acsrSln urn Camp Bordon has announ tensnt oHlying oiiieer Hogan approach controller on FL Hogan enlisted in the it AF in lots From tosses its ed as ground control in Controller at Na Fig ter WingNorthiniienham En land and at Goose Bay Ln radar irom 1057 to 1900 He was posted to Camp Borden in Jul 1900 where he has been ciicar in charge or the GCA School Shortly he will inks up villa France FL Hogan was born and at tended Patterson High School in Windsor lie is married to the iornrer Ruth Zisike oi st Onens Manitobs and the iamiiy re 41 Maple Drivo RCAF nu ior the tennis courts at Shaan June with saving the ills oi Jackie to with mouthtomoth ar tiiicial re irrtion The boys pulled the out children irom the water oi Laks Simcoe Suggestions Are Paying Oil For Employees Barrie Firms oiiica recently received pay ment of H500 The minimum Is and the average is irom to did Lakevisw Dairy besides hav ing proiltshsrlng also has suggestion plan whereby the person who makes suggestion that saves the company money recelves percentage oi the savings tor the ilrat ycar TRAFIC DEATHS TOKYO Reuters The Tokyo Metropolitan police board sold the death rate on roads here last year was the highest tn the world According to the report 905 persons died in traiiic accidents hcre last year showing ratio oi 94 deaths per 100000 oi popula ton ChainReaction Involves Three Automobiles District Ontario Provincial Police detachments report only two accidents last night in spite oi heavy traiiic Oiiicars said steady stream oi cars con tinued till early this morning Bradiord Coast Crako is investigating threccar col lision on Highway 400 Just north oi the Bradford olovericai Da mage was estimated at sea in the chainreaction collision Drivers involved were Algis Liaula ls Oshawa Stephen Barrio Rotary Club has recei vad letter oi thanks irom tha Ranls Board oi Park Manage ment ior donating iloodilghtlng Park Keys to the control panel were oi the Parks Board Charlie Grliiin by the then president oi Barrie Rotary Joe Jewell dur ing ceremony at the park last The letter irom Johnson secretary oi the Board said once again the Board oi Park Man agement and citizens oi Barrio have reason to be grateiui to your organization ior the com munity services you provide Without your generous assis tance tha parka in Barrie would be without many tacilitles which are used extensively and appre elated by the public Your club has provided wading pools shal tars and this latest project the lights of shear Paris tennis courts to enable longer use oi these iacllliies By all reports tennis is inst becoming popu lar iorrn oi entertainment and this ear thars are three clubs Thank Rotdrictns For Park Lights requesting rue oi the tennis courts or play and instruction Without the recent lights in Shear Park the Board would modern forms ITS EXPERIENCE Bunion St The people at Sarjesnt insurance Agency have tho knowledge tovarrange your insurance on Seriounl insurance Agency The boys are leit to rightl Don Want Billy Newton ital Cameron and Robert Nucky Examiner Photo GETS POURYEAR PRISON TERM 34yearold Toronto wslc der was sentenced in Mag istrates Court yesterday to iour years In Kingston cni tcntiary an charge orob taining $9000 under iaisa rctsnces irom Harris ank This oticncs was csreiui ly planned Magistrate Foster said The Ibr ontoDominion bank Ia out out close to $0000 He said Cresswslls record which be gan when he was it show ed that this was matter that must be marked Cresswcil is alleged to have deposited iorged chcquu ior 9500 lie iirrt withdrew $8000 When he attempted to withdraw 8500 more he was arrested Ha pleaded guilty to the charge Collision James McWiiilams 22 at Mid land and Andrew Davis 30 also oi Midland There were no injuries Time oi the accident was 705 pm Victoria Harbour Detachment had one accident at 1230 pm car driven by Reginald Jones oi RR it Harris went out at control and rolled over on High way 03 lust north at Hiiiadale Damage was estimated at $850 One passenger Jim Haliburton received lacerations to tha iace ConsL Bill Murphy investigated have iound it necessary to re iuss these clubs exclusive use on certain nl hts As it is now there is amps tima ior all by putting Shear Park into sitar dark use The Board at Park Manage ment on hehali oi the city oi Barrie and its citizens thank you grateiuily ior this donation which will without doubt pro vide both extended summer and winter recreation Barrie Chiei WamsParents Barrio Police Chiei Ed Tsch lrhart today warned parantsJo instruct their children not to accept rides irom strangers He said man made indecent ad vanccs to two Barrie children yesterday as they were retum lng home irom the Kinsmen Pond They ran home and told their mother chic lschirhart asked that parents tell their children to take the licence number oi any person who attemptsto pick them up LOCAL GENERAL IAIN SATURDAY JULY il lb Damage Heavy In Collision eoliision yesterday slteo noon at the Baylisld and Sin coo streets intersection caused an estimated mo risingI Drto vsrr involved wen Or is Bru natto It oi lil Essa Road and John Brooks Li oi RR Barrio Mr Brunetta was turning south on simcos street Mr Brooks was travelling asst on Slmcos street Earlier Coast Robert Green was called to collision at Mary and Duniop streets Cs driv en by Gordon Oolwel 60 0i is Mary St and ce Evan sited oi ill St George St Thnplo collided Dsrnaga was estimated at $50 Mr Colweil was turning north onto Mary irom ths eastbound Dunlap street IIM and Miss Coiwall was travelling west on Dunlap at the time oi the accl FARMERS MARKET New items oi interest show up every week at tha Farmers Market with load oi sweet cherries coming irom Beam villa and selling ior 8250 ris quart basket and large vari ety oi Airiean violets at 15c and up Tomatoes ware tile lb head lettuce two Ior 23c lesi lettuce two or Me cabbage two bead 29c celery two ior 25c beets two bunches lite spinach 20c iour bunches oi green onions or radishes 25c green beans and peas Me quart ti basket Fruits included iour quarts Macs 70c 70c black cur rantr 00 quart red curtants 35c raspberries 50c Comb honey was Me with other irom 850 to €120 Boiling owl wore ti each with roosters scarce at 40¢ lb Eggs sold ior 35c tor small 40¢ ior medium and tire ior large large choice oi home bait lng included cookies in variety 35¢ down Tea biscuits scones inllt squares dalenut loaves bread 25c butter tarts 70c dozen pies oi lemon ap pie and cherry 00c each YACHT RACES Wind mid water permitting Barrie Yacht Club will hold two races this alternoon Jar their iicet oi sniper lightnlngs and yachts The iirst race was to start at pm and the second at 930 BAND CONCERT The Barrie City Concert Band wili periorrn in St Vincent Park Blake street Monday sve nlng at 730 The conductor will be Albert Ilich DEATHS Brandord Bartram Stohbs Bil who installed more masters 01 the Masonierlodfe than any other man in Cans Morstreai Ludlow 57 treasurer oi the RCA Victor warrantv Charges ranging irom their to vagran and careless driv were dealt with by Magistrate Foster in Barrie Magis trstsr Court yesterday Ha sentenced Midburst area map to two months in prison ior than and recommended treatment ior alcoholism Ceoa Deslardins t7 at Mldhurrt was chargedwith stealing the irom Gordon Wil Masnbers oi the Barrie Model Aircrait Club competed in controlline contest in Tomato Organised by the Rain Beavers Club Toronto it was attended by flying enthusiasts irom sev eral parts oi Ontario and the United States Seven members oi the Barrie club attended but only three entered the combat races The aircralt oi Earl Ricketts and Frank Joliiia cracked up early in the competition but Chris McDowell managed to keï¬ going are were 50 competitors in the combat competition and up to the second heat McDowell was in second place This was the iirrt year oi competitive lnniaiil Police Chlei William Brown said today he believes the children who saved two young Rradiord brothers irom drowning should be recommen ded ior awards involved in the rescue at to yearold Jackie Pong and seven year old Billie Pong oi Simone Street Bradiord yesterday were live Stoasy Point children Stonay Point is on Lake Simv cos and about lo miles south east at Stroud The children are Robert Nuc ITU Strike 8Months WEST PALM BEACH Fla national Typographicsi Union against the West Palm Beach PostTimes and the Pensacola News Journal entered their eighth month Friday with no settlement in right The news Itth have continued to pub flla strike began over provi sions oi new contract The ITU accused the publications oi uoiair labor practices About iTU members are Involved TRY EXAMINER WANT ADS Company SUPREME WELDING to mouérarsr Roan RICHMOND HILL 88441 Linda PROPANE motocross mama canvases THAT COUNTSI ltd SimcoaCount asow as Mairag or Insure cc schist St ARC WELDERS ISO500 Imp trom515200 omsz WELDER Rent for Season to Stsico Sept 30 1964 only 545000 OXYGEN ACETYLENE ARGON EELIUM NITROGEN COMPRESSED AIR raucoucrnrur The Real Estate and insurance ilrm of Smith can will in future any on business under the name oi Cainpbellwith DSnrith Campbell icrmervWardonlo and Mason Donald Campbell as contour PHONE 7mm suratiss LIMITED HIGHWAY 11 SOUTH DARRIE Twill GIBSON DIOXIDE UNIONMELT SIGMA it choicest mscisrnarrs count Barrie Flyers At Toronto Meet Suggests For LifeSaving AP Strikes by the inter Ebert son as Bayiield st Barrie iogtwomenhadbeendrinkingon July They returned to Wil soos home to sleep When Wilson awoke Desisr dips and the money were gone Derlsrdins was drlrscd July He pleaded guilty Liquor has always been your trouble the rnaglstrais told him Desisrdins has had several charger under the Liquor Con model lying ior hurls and he iinlsbed in iiith spot beating many well known model flyerr isrrner rear Rally has giv en the liarris club permission to use one at his lleids to fly radio controlled alrcroit Active participants are Ron Meisoo Ed Dudiow Bill Heap hiiise Pelit and Earl Rickcits The members had the oppor4 tunity oi picking up some use lui hints on model aircrait ly ing and construction last Ved nerday evening George Bissau one oi Can adas top combat ilyarr visited the club irom Toronto and brought along number at his aircraft Awards ky Dilly Newton Don West it Hal Cameron ill and Linda DemprEy 12 They wcre assis ted by Bob Blackwell oi Cale donia and Terry Davis 16 ct Churchill it they had not been as quick to act as they were we might have had more serious proh lcm on our hands Chlci Erown stated lie urged parcntslo discard old Inner tubes tor the protcc lion oi their children The Pong boys had been floating on the Inner tubes and had fallen into the water They had paddled out beyond their depth and were unable to swim An innertuha is not good liis locket or thing to be swimming on said the chici Attributes Downfall Of Man To Alcohol that Act and was reuntly eon Vista at impaircd driving The clinic may be lbll to help you CARELESS DRIVING Magistrate Foster lined Char lea Webber oi Bell hurt $35 plus $1950 costs ior careless driving inoirlli Township Const Bob Thompson said he had to travel at speeds up to 75 mph to up prehcnd the accused on May in Re said Webber was caught as be was getting out at his car at his iathershouse in Leiroy Webbcrs wile was crying he said The oiiicer said the inan had travelled at high speeds and in careless manner through De irny streets dotted with pedes trians and cars The accused mans lawyer sug gested that the oiiicer was mls taken in hisaceount lie raid the accused and the otiicer knew each other and that Web ber would not speed when he saw Constable Thompson going in the opposite direction ilre corutabis raid that Web bar was going iast enough for me to notice turn around and give chase lie said Webber had strong smell oi lntoxicaot VAGRANCY CASE Four Toronto youths were charged with vagrancy by in nlsiil Township police and lined 25 and costs or 10 days in Jail similar charge against iiith youth was dismissed Convicted were John McNabb 10 Mike nails 17 Thomas Iopac 17 and Douglas Nutt in Frank Sansone is had his case dismissed Miscuav SALES ls SERVICE stairs or arnnr N0 11 HIGHWAY 1735573 moaosvaorsosvrrnuars Wt lawn ItsH BAR1R IE TRUCKS raw fl$yl graï¬wwwlwflwmngd TM swarm Iv armm The boys were apprehended by Coast Bob Thompson oi the lnnlstil lorca July The oiiio cer made the arrest when he iound the youths wandering aloog Concession to its said they had less than are between them They told him they had slept in the bushes near dance hall the previous night and Intended to return to Tomato lo day or two They were then going to return tor the weekend he said He had come upon ths boys whlls lnv vestlgating the thelt oi radio itinNabb was charged with the oiience Magistrate ter is awaiting presentenos report beiors sentencing the rtudanL SMIRK During the trial Flrtclll to pat and Mchbb continually smirkcd siouched and looked disinterested Their sour ear ned them sharp reprimand irom Magistrate Foster Your attitude didnt impress me one bit he told them Yotsra treating the whole thhrg as joke lie commented that Nutt had behaved himsclt and he thanked the youths grandparents Ior showing enough interest to st tend Sansone proved he had visible means or support and sstlstied him that he had destination the Magistrate said when he dip missed rsansooas case Vagranq charges against iour other Toronto youths Norman Raieito Mike Coady Joseph Rurry and Richard King were dropped at the request at the Crown AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR FORD OF CANADA TRUCKS is PARTS GUARANTEED USED TRUCKS Heavy Duly Towinl Truck new Complete min Tailoring New Dump Body and anus hlllInl Axle Fiith Wheel Auxiliary Fuel Tush