41 wmmW mmgmmwuw GILFORD women were ng the lit attending the Frccser Forum in the arena but at Alilsion last night lhs gTreezer Held In intersrou tstniii Home makers In Slmcoe County tum cd but In torcc to the two Ircezer iorum sessions held Oris wcck under the auspices oi the Ontario Department at grlculIurc The South Slmcoe orum was held here Thursday Ight in the arcna hall The orth Slmcoo one took place ednesday night In Collier 5L nIch church hall Barrie Both evcnu attracted audiences oi over 100 Lecturcr for the iorums was aMlss liinry Mclnnls Toronto home economics branch oi the Ontario Dcpurtment oi Agricul tirre In Aillsion Mrs Bette Miller outgoing home sconce mist tor South Simcoc and Duti crin participated In the demon sirations in Barrie Miss Me Innis was assisted by North Slmcoe home economist Mrs Peggy Campbell All aspects oi preparing nods ior Irecring were covered In the iorum So were pointers on irccser mnInIcnancn how to make the best use oi the space dovnllnble and which lands and recipes respond best to ireeslng EthVALE Stall Floa nshlp council this week apt Wynn the recommendations he inquest report on the accl dental death at Dcnnls Jones May 25 The approval came at councils July meeting Dennis Jones died that day at 1130 pm aitcr being struck byte truck at Anton Mills The truck was driven by Donald 0r chard Mlncslng The coroners iury recomm ended that the speed limit on the rand where the accident oc curred be anan at so mph This Is County Road No the boun dary line between Vespra and Flu Townships The jury recommended that slow signs he posted through Ilse builtup area and that proper supervision be given children regarding bicycling and walking by parents and teachers ELMVALE Speciali Sun day was the occasion iorspeclel eelebrntlon In Wyciliic church Elmvale it was the 60th anniversary at workshlp in the present church the only Angli can church namcd tor the sch oiar who translated The Bible Into English At the morning service The blitnst Rgvcrcnd Howard Clark primate oi the Anglican church and Archbishop oi Rup ertslnnd preached and made the iollowlng dedications The chapel oi The Healing Christ new chapel dedicated in lov ing memory at Jean Swan ion mer president oi Vyciitle Guild installed and iuraished by the Guild members new Com munion rail and gates given by Haveloek Graham and Mrs Cock In loving memory at their parents Mr and MrsJ Graham sterling silver bread box and tray ior Ilon Com anunlon given In memorytoi Oacar Nelson Archer and son Edgar by his wile and tamily Memorial cabinet or this tow er chi lven by Mrs Jane memory oi the late alte Watkins her brother mortal lectern In memory an Swan given by the tea re and pupils oi the Sunday School Rev Stubbs rcclor irons 19201952 attended the sar vics and took part In the cere monies The remarroi the church the service assisted torum was sponsored by the Ontario Department at Agri culture to give homomakcra In South Simeon an insight to Forum Alliston Aitcr Intermission those In the audience handed to written questions on their individual irrcser problems These were answertid by the home econom ists in charge CBC Denies Show Dropped Niton CPI The CBC denied Thursday It has dropped the current aIiaIrs teisv sion program Tomato File and dis missed host Ed hchIbbon Spokesman said they were he wildered by letter trnm the Board oi Broadcast Governors to Dr Morton Shulman Tor orrios chtci mronol which said We are lines advised that the program has been dropped an Mr McGIbbon has been released dont know how the EEG got this Impressinn spokes man said we have every In tention oi bringing Toronto Flls back In the tall with Ed Mo Gibbon as host Flos Township Approves Inquest liecommendations For Road Ilns Township council will now ask the Slmcos County road com mittee to consider Imposing the epced limit and erecting the signs Councils action onthe inquest report will also be or warded to Cotnem an onto supervising coroner at our tarlo To hnlstcr Its road construc tion plans Floa Township Is ap plying ior supplementary grant of $15000 irom the On Isrio Department oi III hways li approved It will ng the township D110 road construc tion grant ior 1004 up to 31W ono Township road work done In June amounted to over $22000 clerk John Robertson reported Besides construction the bill covered application oi calcium chloride to about 10 miles at township roads and oiling near ly six miles ciitayEllls who conducted the choir tn the musical portion of the scrvlcar 250 AIIZND The church was tilted to over ilowlng with 250 present In the congregation including many iormer parishioners DutoItown points represented were Detroit London Toronto Ajax Barrie Hamilton and Branttnrd and the surrounding area reception iolinwsd in the Parish Hall whcrctbe ladies oi the congregation provided so gelshments and an Anniversary everyone toured the church to see thenowl retInIshed ancv rlsty the sit at the WA the ecclesiastical shields gracing the cast wall oi the church do Episcopal ChurchJId theJISA the Anglican insurable Canada onto Thcse are theirs at Chapplc oneoi log oil lamp iromoid mans ChurchAllenri bren wired and hangs navE Lecide conduits ch readerspa it 0rowsw carj Historical items from tonn cr days wers on display and plating York Canterbury the the ecclesiastical Psoviaée Ontario and the Diocese oi or riseh choir members reiurblahsd hatrg ero as rir ths chnlrlroom slnd gaclafy the attractive candelabra in the chapel has been raiashlooed and lead onojoiftlra extreme or was made Isipit oi the iirnt utliul piece at work was done by titshaodr ried the prisnatps cross and to the latest Iniormaiion on home ironing practical Shown ha srs Mrs Ernest Bell leit and Mrs Herbert Hughes amer Photoi coon Hound Field Trials Set For Ilngus ANGUS Special For the Iourih consecutive year the Canadian Coon Hound Associa tion Is holding Ila tlald trials here The dates were set ior July or and 70 Activities tor the two days will Include bench show and night hunt on Sat with water races and general meeting Sunday Coon hound owners trorn many arts at Canada and the US ll meet at Angus lor the competition Organisers hope to have 100 nunassume AsJULYflnlllnu TNNISIII NOTES Cottage Owners Their run Rig III In recent oopyr article in Mlol lloba Mail It was ilsrood that warshaa been proclaimed between municipal councils and the owners at sum msr termed Cottager Mention will mutation at over mum tiesk They Itva long at oi grlsvancss which they Insist must be racttitod bot ton tranqullty can be restored In ths resort tronts One oi the mosi prominent demands tsehaagsa In the potent level which will one elections withoutbavlng to travel long distances They also sock voting rights tor span cs oi sols ownsrs oi proponlas Th wantsn end In the has pa oi some rural corrects whic have been putting road blocks In the silt oi toilgm attempting to nominatedtor seats on councils They ask islr share at their tax dollars The cry is taxes without re catat summer property own claim they pay as much in take as the yearround resi dents sndIeelIhey are entitled to cut In educational taxes aIrusln that thsy pay Iuil ad ucstlooa taxes without making use at scitonliacllltiss article says the iodoratlon thinks that Municipal Aitalrs Minister Spooner Is sitting on his hand and doing nothing to help the cottage population flrcir oiticors have talked to Mr Spanner and considerable correspondence has been ex changed wlth no visibls re auIIaso tar they claim It was pointed out that the Ontario Hydro had 0000 oi these summer customers and doubling this or occupants plus those who do not have hydro In outside areas and adding to too dogs entered in the var Ious events Water races will be held at the ONE pond esstoi Angus on highway 90 The night hunt will be between Highways 83 and 50 as In past years Orange Lodges Paradein Beaten The annual Draogsmsns cale bration at July I2th ls being held this year In Beeton with the icstlvlties sci Ior Saturday Like Orangemen around the Commonwealth they will be col ebrating the 274th anniversary oi the battle at the Boyne River In Ireland In which Protestant WIIIIam at Orange deieated Ro man Catholio James ii and set English history on new course As always the Orangomans motto will be One school one tlag one language but there will be slight diiieroncs this year for the that time the Can adian Red Ensign will be allnw ed to fly in the parade along side the Union Jacklt Is an apparent compromise aimed at urrlting Union Jack and Red En sign Isctlons against the new maple lest tiag at Prime Min Ister Pearson CASES PENDING EONN tAPlWclt German courts have sentenced use per sons tor crimes committed un der the Nazis JusticeMInIstor Ewald Bucher has reported He said 000 more cases are pend Ill E1mv¢rléChurch Marks ills 60th Anniversary oi Havoloek Graham an art isan tn woodworking Anniversary plates and note capers two souvenir mementos being distributed by the two lad Ies groups bear reproductions oi the exterior and Interior oi the church the handiwork at parish artist Charles Shaw DISPLAY NAME PLATE name quilt dated 1m bear IIIg the names at many parish Preston wile oi iormer reo Ilgners oi that era was on dis The evening service had as Canon Leslie limit principal oi Wyclltis College Toronto cost grcgatlonal supper was held Iu esday followed by an address and showing at moving pictures or recent trip to the Holy Land byMRctvMBtrlianmIDraeInod ps rovomonts and Inltcrationaein ths church have been Bahamian the men yc ting oil the mailation 1m Ella thtlsam Iicart play being loaned by Mrs guest preacher the Reverend trout assume towcrchlms rt memory oi the Wycittie church urrn the oi besntitut llurnnls will continue to serve tor many years as loch peacotut place oi worship In coping with the glorious countryslds in which itatassdsp children the Federation iesis they represent an army oi 1000000 persons They claim Nottawasaga own all took the extraordinary ac tion at csncellln an advance poll ior munlclps elections on the grounds that coitagers had put up late oi their own and properties who have he were trying to gala control at the couch 0m rsrspay wants the commit mend chasm in the Municipal Act which will coating the right 91 cottagara to vote In muni cipal slealnns Ive the spouse solsvownrr oi cottage prop rty the irancblsr nd permit municipal eldctions to is place earlier than Thanksgiving Day sothatvettng may be oaths lastly smut to Thanksgiv ate the tranquil sr rs snrta came the their thousands with problemslhs rural councils wsro not traced enough to handle articls elsbns moat councils have nudsisarmonioua adiust ments oi ration with the summermi ants Ottrsrs vtaw themas admitstalking eityiolk who want to run everything themselves The cottagers say they want no more than the rights accord ed year round residents In lnnlsill meeting has already been held this your with other pending to discuss certain cons ditlons relating to art time residents wholcont buts 653p cent at the tax rsvenus otthe township PONY 0N DISPLAY At stroud IGA tonight the pony which Is boln given as prise draw with to ct Including ad mission Io the park and sat urday will be on display Tick ata will be available rs to give everyone chance on the raw The pony will also be In lnnlsill par over the weekend The ticketst which ioeidsde other draw prlsss admlt one person to the big day at the park which iosluresths Brick and Rolling Pin Contests arc ads andtop bandveoncort park will be open only to hold an oi these tickets on the Sat urday The six youn monuiivooi them adults one an Indian juvenile he were picked up last Wednesday by lnnlsill police taco drarges oi vagrancy and their In poll court Stays At LOREHO Speciall The July meeting oi Adisla Town ship Council was held at the loretto CouncilChambers Council accepted tho tender at Arnott Construction Ltd oi Arthur tor the erection oi the Small Bridge Lot 22 bemon Concessions and The amount githa Arnott tender was 61 The municipal tax rate Ior that was set at 10 mills an arm and residential roperty commercial rate mil These rates remain the same aslast Year bylaw was passed and tor Stolen Weapons Still Missing MONTREAL CPIA spokes man tor the national detence department tostliled In court Thursday that is high pow cred weapons stolen In raid on the Fusiliers Mont Royal nnnory last January ar ill Ional direc missing Paul Harvey reg tor for the deienaa depart ments arms distribution centre was testitylng at the prelimin ary hearing at Joseph Hector Marcel LnIIbcrta lelberte was committed to atsndtriai on charge or II legal possession oi nonrep tstcrcd pistol Harv testiï¬ed that the automa was one at the gens stolenln the armory raiti masked terrorists Six young members oi the Terrorist Ar me do Liberation on urban have been convicted an seat to prison or staging the raid Harvey said theme was ns still so salngnre tour ren guns iive sten andtour semi automatic pisto in can or TWO iEV EILS Owalssc Lodgs overm tar not Now APPEARING The ALLEN rsr resellus in Folk Music Adidla Mill note 63 Level wanted to IhsDcpprtrrrent oi Highways ior spprovgi This Byst petitions tor supple mentary grantoi 2000 or the erection at the Small Bridge The iollowing accounts wers paid generalemot weltsra 09539 At special meeting held re cently Adiala Coundl allotted grant oi H500 to the Steven ondMemorlal Hospital building It Next meeting will be on Au gust it atln pm ARREGT COMMUNIST AliIMAN Jordan Reuters Securlty authorities In Saudi Arabia have arrested number of persons iollowing the discov country according to an oiiicisl ssatemsnt broadcast by Mecca In this Jordan capital FRIDAY AND ssrunosv hm event nurserrmr moor roads and bridges 07 siy oi Communist cell In the radio Thursday night sod heard IRAN war nurramarnmwW vm we gamma High chhool Rates Boost Pros Township 64 Taxes comm Mill Mullet HOME rsrsn and residential It mills use mills Businau and commercial res mills use mills County rats mills OJ rnllla High School rm 70 mills PM mills Commercial two mills l0 mills Cuban colloctlu Iosnrliis res mills Orr uh IN mills 1A mills Phalpston street LI mills mills Federation oi Agriculture mills 05 mills The Ontario govcnrmen es the I064 tax ainst the are at Hos Township by contributtag ucatioe grants ill Highway grants 60000 wellsro grants 06 Unconditional srsdts Total grants In in amount to in turns at 21100900 The education levy tor ms was 4561 municipal Ie $5028 muses Ilgursa are education levy 8000 muntc pal levy Magistrate Sim an comparison table at the 10 township arsa raise Ior ml and tau 10 SCHOOL SEGMENT AND MILL RATED TORONTO tctt Iglatrala Busineusnd Fannaad Mill Rate George Guardhousa III rule Commercial Residential July It on togailt not arng Section or Area Assessment Armament Comm Res mch on rim RA No new satesno rat in mm 33 at 13 33 ra 111 1055 Am gï¬nflmï¬f usspuo sores tom m1 1333 and Albert acemorn all oi acNga 333 am no so grants attacheringI one wit HSSSNNP lam 1m 61 0120 MS us wfl°mlxhlfnlmlglf¢3ggig Vol rassISA Nil 1051 me and gm bad hwï¬m Ehnvss It Ml E0 of II III In CI undor Section so oi tho Appren mm tlccsitlp Act IN SCHOOL ASSESSMENTS AND MILL RATES Robert Cecil Fitzgerald Businessno Farm and Mill Rate prosecutor tor the department Commercial Residential oi labor alld lhaton April 11 he School or Area Assessment Asscsment Comm Res had seen all three men working Flea 15A No scream tiro 1000 on cars In Guiilo Agivs dovit rouse youruli garage 33570 117 1057 lie said that none oi the men ssszo use not rents space and tools to 151255 lsto 1170 cartlIIed mochanic The 170795 37 1177 ants space and Is to W005 1030 1510 he want to its their 51785 ms roar mm 1570 1503 red men he said 153010 1670 1510 war not working on their own vehicles 625450 $3209535 Saskatchewan CCF Partyiiieet To Ponder its Recent Deiéat REGINA CPI The CCF adopted the name CCF Sass party In opposition alter 29 kaichEWsn section oIthe New at uninterrupted min in Democratic Party Most candl atchswsn meets In uni dates Identiiled Ihsmselv convention next week to she CC to tha election stock oi Its April dates by rmm 9mm wood the Liberals and to hammer out Lloyd Mn 46 plationn in keeping with Its rm cm mm of new role blcsslng Born In the economic In opposition we have drums at drought and depres chanceiio sIt back and reflect alon In he CCI won power little more be said In an in In use cnssadlngl socialist Iervlcw Were not so occupied regime It pioneered long list with the plumbing ot govern oi social legislatio most ia ment mona oi which Out at that roflsotlors Mr aorymedlcalca iLloyd ham scheme Implemented In 1001 plationn to mm problems individuals allied economy at San complex society In ms the party lacked cru sade In Its bid or reflection The Liberals won seats the can 75 and the Pro essIvs Conservatirss one in ll member legislature Commenting In an Interview on the partysnew rolsA Dlakcney health mirrlster In the iormer CCI government said The democratic socialist par tiss are little puzzled to know whatthey should do altar tlrs basic social reiormsu We are coming so this In Saskatchewan though the New Democratic Party anada still has gobsoi toms to advocate in 1001 whent came the New Democratic Party In tederalr politics the arty continued to be known IDENTIFIES 17058115 aroscow tAPl Cylindrical stumps iound In the central Asian desert at KysylKum ara the remnants at iorcst not less than 0000000 years old the Soviet news agency Tasa reporls cistern See rrrpNe mores MATINEES DAILY AT 21PM flomitromassua lmoeissmuslur Mmlmmudwum susysso ADVENTURE In Colour 0C In Sssltntelssw WILDREN rt amuse lit snowrno AT1 run we nos ens JAY claim1 35 705 Miles North Barrio al Guthrie ssrunusvjrmns rm ens no em BARRIE HURONIA DRIVEIN THEATRE THEATRE