Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 9 Jul 1964, p. 10

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ELMVALE DISTRICT HIGH RESULTS Grade results in order at merit The scale of rating is lst Class Honours 79 to roe lad class honours st to it ant class honours 60 In at Credit so to 59 Failure below so Honour Rail Average oi 73 per cent or more GRADE XI Jim Galbraith 82 per cent Alvin Leonard 9i Douglas Cos 77 canon x1 Joanne Whitiield 96 per tn Dennis Blow 85 Sumo Wan less Joan Ritchie 81 Grct DeGortrr 91 Bruce Corbett Douglas Lamble 79 Samuel Langmon 77 Dale Galbraith 7d GRADE Bruce Kitchen 997 per cent Wendy Bell MA Susanne Fin lay 932 Christa VaaEbslngs fl2 Peggy Miller 92 Robert Famcy 913 Faye Burnett 799 Bill Grexton 797 Jim Youngs 797 Linda Lsngmsn 750 GRADE IX Lynda Polych 991 per cent Judy Columbus 997 Wayne ihrrner 921 John Ritchie 917 Robert Baker 799 Nancy Roil fng 797 Jack lhurlow 79 James Martin 776 Marlene Jenkins 776 Murray Archer 766 Robert Moore 766 Jim Dyce 794 Sharon Pratt 79 David Galbraith 79 GRADE Xll SGD Secondary School Graduallon Diploma Jim Galbraith and HE Hislory Aige Chemistry French if Latin lnd Arts iii English 5861 Alvin Ronald and HE History Algebra Chemistry Ind Arts ll French Latin lli English SSGD Douglas Cox and HE lilslory Algebra Chemistry Ilod Arts ii English French ill Latin ssop Barbara hrrner History Algehm lfome Ee ii Chcm islry ngrath iii English lFrcncb and HE French SSGD Judy iflsey and HE History Algebra Home Ee English Cr Chemistry French Latin SSGD Sandra Langman History II and HE ill Home Em JC Algebra emistry ll Latin SSGD hiichacl Jacobs and HE History ll Algebra Ind Arts Cr English Chemistry French Latin Joan Holt History and HE Home Ea or English Geography Algebra Chemistry French $61 Hamid Black Algebra and HE ind Arts HI History Cr Chemistry Eng lish Geography French SSGD Bill Farrrcy History 11 Geography Algebra Ind Arts iii and HE Cr English Cbcmlsiry SSGD Elizabeth Ansley History it Home Em Cr English anrl iii1 Geography Algebra fChemlsiry French SSGD Judy Bowel History Home Economics ill raphy Cr English and HE Algebra Chemistry SSGD Sheila Elliott History Hame Ec iii and HE Cr English Geography Chem iistry Algebra French 5561 Bill Clark and HE ind Aria ii History Cr Err glish Chemistry Geography Algebra SSGD Wallace Shaw History 111 Ind Arts Cr English and Geography gsbra Chemistry Fren SSGD Bernard OHailarn and HE History ill ind Arts Cr English Geography Ai gebra Chemistry SSGD Lorna Lyons 11 and HE History ill Home Ec En glish Geography Algebra Chemistry French Gerry Blow ll Algebra iii ind Arts and Chemistry Cr History En glish Geography SSGD Arthur Parnell 11 History ind Arts ill and HE Cr Geography Algebra Chern lstry English Lynn Mills and HE ii History iii Home Eth Cr Geography Algebra FBhrglish Chemistry Doreen Ritchie and HE ii History Cr Algebra Home Economics English Geography Chemistry Jean iruax Home En 1i History iii Algebra English and HE Geog raphy Chemistry Eileen Stone Ii and HE History Home Ed Cr Chemistry English Geog raphy Algebra Donna lee Wilson His lory ll Geography illEn glrsb Algebra Cr Chemistry SSGD Patrick Marley Cr Chemis try French SSGD Michael Stone ll Algebra Cr Chemistry SSGD GRADE xr iira following students have been promoted to Grade XII of the Arts and Science Branch 9Year Program Joanne Whitfield English History Geometry Physics Latin FrenchLHome Ed iii and HE Dsnnis Blow and HE History Geometry Physics Latin French ind Arts English Sharon Wanlesa and HE History Geometry Physics Latin Franchgil Home Ec Joan Ritchie English History GMmEiUPhyBiIS Lat in Freireh Home Economics and HE rein Mom English and HR History Geometry hyai Latin French ll Geog English BruesCorbettli hellish History Physiu Latin Reach HE and HE Geornury ind Arts Douglas Lamhls and HE History Geometry Phyr la Latin hutch ii Dumb lad Arts Samuel Laogrnan Phaym 151017 590 fcs pd Arts ll argiish CI Latin Preach Sid Tjeerdams History Geometry ind Arts ll En glish and HE Geography Phyai ll French Dale Galbraith and HE History Geometry Phys ics lad Arts ll Latin Cr Eighsh French Heather mlong HLsiory Geography Geometry French ii English Physics it Ind HE Home Economics Linda Bumsth History Geography ll English Gcom eiry Physic Home Bc ill and HE Cr heneh John Archer and HE History Geometry thsiu Latin ind Aria ill English French Donna Thompson it Eng ilsh and HE History Lat in French Home Ec iii Geometry Physics Morley Minty History ll Geography ind Arts lll En glish and Gcornelry Physics Frmc Brian hicGrulh it English and History French ind Ari Geography Ge ometry Physics Emily Ansley History if Engll Geometry 111 French Cr and HE Physics Latin Janet nrrncr Geography ii History Physl Home Ec English Geomet French Home Ec Bob Burnett History ll and HE lnd Arts Ill Geography Physics Cr Eng lish Geometry French hlurray Atkinson and HE History iii English Gee ography French ind Arts Cr Physics Geometry Helen Graham ll English IHistory Home Ec Cr and HE Geography French Geometry Physics Mary Achuley lii English and History Latin Home Cr French Ge ometry Physics Karen Doon History iii Geography Home Ec Cr En glish and Physics French Geometry Ambrose Belcourt ll His tory iii and HE Cr En glish Geography Gnome Physics ind Arts French Marie Kidd Home Ec ll History lll and HE Geography Cr English Geom etry Physics Sandy McAuley and ill English History ind iCr Geography Physics Geometry French Douglas Webb ll History and HE Ind Arts lil Ge ometry Physics Cr French English Heather irney Home Ee Ii and HE History Cr English Geography Geometry VSIES Ethel Galbraith History ii Geography Cr English and HE Geometry Physics Home Economics Donna Jenkins History Geography Horne Ee lll and HE English Cr Physics Geometry Stuart McKenzie li History 1nd Arts III and Cr English Geometry Physics Geography David Pratt it led Arts llinii ifograpfiyfih English aging ry Geometry anne Crowa and HE Home Ec History ill English Cr Geometry Latin Physics miiorgid Piaherson on HF Geography ind Arts Cr En sh Pi slcs Geometry Ann Reid Home En iii and finish His ry si Seaman B8 The following students havt been promoted to Grade Hit or the Arts and Science Branch 4Year Program Cr sh Hiato figosrsohv Geometry royal George Hubbard ll and HElii English History Cr Geography Physics 1nd Artsx Geometry The allowing students have been admitted to Grade X11 oi the Arts and Science Branch 4Year Program History English His Geometry Ronald MeMann it and HE Ind Arts Cr English History Geography Geom etry Physics Frogch Donald Beardsal ll lad Aréls 7g Iand HEGeog ra sory Pb sea English Geometry lamina Jordan 11 Home Em Iii English History Cr and HE iFGeograpby Geometry Physics Donald Webb Ind Arts Cr English and HE Phys ics History GeographyI Gar ometry Shirley Biackmere II Home Ec History Cr English and Geography Geom etry es Biilliayer III and HE li Arts Cr English Historyt hy Geometry Phyg Gerry Cuton it and ind Arts Or Danish Hist Georrw Gm ctry bysics Bill Graham Cr and lad Arts English His tory ngraphy Geometry Physics in am Cr English History and liE Geog raphy Geometry Physics Home Emmmics GRADE in following students have been pmmoled to Grads Xi of the Arts and Sdenca Branch Mear Priorm Bruce alien 897 Wendy Bell sea Susanne Finlay Christa VsnEysinga 912 Peggy Miller 970 Robert Faracy Faye Burnett 799 Bill Grcxtoa 797 Jim Youngs 797 Linda LIB mnn 799 Susan Hancock Jim Thuriow 730 Janice Sweeney 713 Karen Caston 71 Steve Crane 799 Garth Wilson 70 Jean Archer 79 Knight 697 Beverley MacDon ald 697 Linda Kerr 993 Jim lrace 689 John Mac Donald 679 ibéla°° per can Brown ass Sharon Martin $58 Bids Jean Webb 549 Nelson wood Mt Terry Boll ing Ann Marie Elriclt 632 Bob Lennon 67x winston Johnston 604 Eddie Archer 604 Sharon Draper 590 Doug inughced 592 Nelson Sage 599 Beverley Troko 594 Sharon Gilbert Stu The following students have been promoted to Grade Xi of the Arts and Science Branch tYear Program Frank haddock 693 Ken Smith 661 Anne Rance 558 Bill hindlll bit Linda Nightingale 931 Fran ecs Chapman 699 Judy John ston 929 ilnrgucrritte Bell 612 Connie Moore Linda Gossiing 594 Brian Grier 500 Margaret Hops 599 iracc Draper 593 Glen Gallagher 599 Sharon McElwain 579 Patsy Laionde 599 The following students have been admitted to Grade Xi of the Arts and Science Brunch 4Year Program Howard mm 599 Larry Rance 599 Mickey Craddoek 573 Judy McClung 569 Peter Stone sea Rosemary Spring 592 Jim Reynolds 599 Tod McConnell 559 Larry Swan 551 Harold Msr shall see Willi Cox 540 Carol Graham 514 Doug Blow 539 Patsy Dwin nell 532 Frances Stone 530 Clarence Pagan 529 Carol Loltus 529 Carl Ed wards 579 Erin Stone 529 Michael Conn 522 Morieno Cowan 519 Parnell Hall 517 Don Cox 509 Mar garet Gillespie 502 George Conn 590 Lois Drsplt er 499 Jean Hancock 474 Paul Roe Janice ihrc rts9 Judy Stone The following students have been promoted to Grade oi the Arts and Science Branch 5Year Program GRADE iX Lynda Polych 991 Judy Col umbus 99 Wayne Turner 924 John Ritchie 917 ltohert EBitei 799 Nancy Rolling 797 Jack ihorlow 7a James Martin 779 Marlene Jenirlas 779 Mur ray Archcr 759 Robert Moore 753 Jim Dyce 784 Sharon Pratt 790 David Gal braith 760 George Ward 749 Beverley Elrick 745 Doris Archer 744 Francis Belcourt 734 John Kidd 739 Wayne Hill 729 Marie DeBaeker 723 Mary Jane Waples 79 Joe Houden 70 Glen Hall 977 Jim Blow 973 William Ellis 99 ohn DeGorter 552 Garry ott 949 Karen McLean 999 Lorraine Barnes 997 Peter McKnight 990 The following students have been promoted to Grade of the Arts and Soich Branch Year Program Heather Galbraith 779 Edie ke ijeerdama 714 Monica Haiiararftm Vern Gaston 948 Mary Arch Rita Bali 629 Barry Swan 629 Betty Spring 623 vid Dra per 923 Bob ingleton 609 Charles Jordan 90 Sandra Ke 397 SNOW FILM NEW GLASGOW N9 WP Mail pilot Robert Mcliwaina ape pears to have penchant tor snowin June He ran into snow squall this aummar whit flying from hera to Pictou land at 1900 feet 0n the same data lastvyear also during typi on summer weather he mstv angw at 2990 feet abovtMono LON DO Flavougsd Wins arm no can rratuoasiwrosr terrorIr iiNiiiil Wili HY Ii not 233 Atsrionilaii su Georgette Bell 511 Undo Gillespie 517 ibm Sandra Handy sat Jim An char 57 nu following students have been admitted to Grade of the Arts and Science Branch 4Year Program LynnGriffll Edgar Coir 591 Kenneth Smith 551 Hw lrd Sue 5M Garry Nrner sis Lynda Ritchie M1 Jack Bell Mr Roth Daniels 5m iim Ritdlll Carol 0rd Siam MersEsillaauJéniig an 514 us Anns McGinnls rm 1m ssa McGinnis 919 Gordon Kidd ELI Peter Marley 919 Arthur Vanuutroven 611 Linda Bish ney 491 Carols Wichlum Robert Johnston IM Barbara Grier Russell Simon Wayne Johnston 410 Herbert Moreno 317 THY EXAMINER WANT AN PHONE 1mm inAVIVnWmQuwmmflefifld raver909W minim rmsr across CNE Offers $17500 For New Lake Swim ien ye press con fererrcs aboard run down steamer isr out in Lake Ontario to announce that Flor ence Chadwick had been offered to swim tbslah from Youngstown NY to Tomato The idea was that the Callfaru nian would have the icy lake waters to hersai Things didnt work out that way First few uninvited start ers were at Youngstown in the early morning at Sept mt to prove that they could cou oer the umiie stretch Then its Chadwick gave up about the zomiie mark and little known throoto schoolgirl her white cap bobbing in tho waves kept going Marilyn Bell Just 19 hit the greens lined along the share plrisyed the venture are almost 00 lntsrnailo acclaim and unwittingly mu that swept lire world for four years 0N3 DHOWNBD Marathon swimming war the thing to do All sorts or is in North America sud rope lilndmoiberl grand fathers teenagers plunged into large bodies or water for swims to nowhere The great majority were hauled out their brief fling for dubloiu glory shat tered No large be or water in Canada the 11 led States and Eumpe war sate One man Cliff Snowden of Orllila Ont was drowned while trying to cross Lake Ontario And Marilyn seii now Mrs Joreph Di Lucio from Cam den Ni was the heroine of all longdistance swimmers When she quit the crass gra dually dled down until there were only mic or more marathons in existence But now the lorlisrtor of this buri nass has popped up again the Canadian National Exhi bltioain Tomato which oiiered Miss Chadwick tbs 07500 to best Lake Ontario for the first time has scheduled another crossing on Friday Aug 71 his time that ll7600 tin Canadian curred the ONE amphuioea in pr us And the sponsoring officials are so premely optimistic FOUR HAVE MADE 11 Only four persons have been able to heat Lake Ontario but the ONE has issued prise list 111 BARBIE EXAMINER THURSDAY JULY It for the tint seven finishers ranging from 000 in M00 dltloaslly the first womrr rwimmer to finish will get tram bonus and thrucood fe male mo bonus if tiring go according to the script therali be mm action In sccompanyinl bolts than in the lake Waterfront is rarely saw Miss Bell on her conquer tng swim at the lake Englth Etienne and the Juan da Furs ra Newspaper mcn whisked her to bideawayr lor the exclusive story of how she consuch this and that body of water And area while me was swimming launches of rival newspapers cut in on each other to prevent picture taking At times reporters and the old equalizersbare fiststo settle Irgumcnts All of this could happen again in August APPROVE BILL iha Civil Rights Bill approved by the US Senate is more titan 15000 words long fronationalisationnarratorrancum We fire oldest of sates mess pzmciptea mmrsetrap em But Chevrolet carries this success formula one step further It keeps building better product every year year afteryearimproving its trucks with advanced engineering features that make them stand up longer in crease theirreliability and performance Thats why trucks built by Chevrolet are Canadas pes esmialsoles leaders Chevrolet cant be beat forij Versatility either From the popular pickups and new lowcost Chevy Van to the moneysaving niadeinCanada Diesel Tandems Clrevmlethssa greatdroiceotj profit amfimmasvm Journabeier uncertainDumas BRADFORD sir Be our to see entire warheads line components and producing models Want extra hustle or muscle to more spe cifically meet your demands Its yours for the asking in Chevrolets wide range of engines transmissions and axles Combine your choice of power with Chevrolets Variable Rate suspension extra rugged chassis and stronger drive youve got truck that more than stacks up the roughest conditions There you have it Little wonder so niany truck operators follow the ieaderGhevroletm unbeatable savings reliability and service How about you Its time to see your Chevrolet dealer Hell put you on the mod to more payload profits fast QUALITY TRUCKS Ar wagscoflvrassi

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