Jami phone PA um number to all or Editorial Dept is GENEVA Reuters Ihe United States agreed with Rus rla todnyon the need for re lion nod West Germany byrsayi Irritant It Ispossible Iornon nuclear powersto start war port military cooceotratl or movements WAWA CPI Sonie psr yllamsntery purists are wonder ing whether Erher ngiers resignation from the newly Speak electedstfousa of Commas legally correct in pointed to tharules can said thatsorini rstorl once to West Germany to Mr Reglerwho bade sweep tpototsd example at War prop lng matori In British Colum agsnds West Gemsny he blssnurna uitiam con said is doing Its bertlto ake stttueocy resignedMonday to Its pleceamong peaceIovln ns turn his seat overtto New Dem tlons ocratic Party leader Zortn saild Nero discugsion Dmifll 0W 5° lie resigned by notilylug two another nuclear power integras tlon ot NATOs nuclear forces om NDPmemm PM collective control over nuclear merit and having two more gunmen and other Wm son write to Chief Electoral til Oiiicer Nelson cartonguay for Franz Joset Strauss West byelection Ihs datisis matter for dfmcï¬ifgmgragngï¬ Prime Minister Diefenbakerto be gripped with nuclear wasp deem one eaddod Militiq Quells apply lathe United Kingdom Parliament to which Canada and other Commonwealth coun tries look when their own pse liomentary rule boo can In Britain an MP can never resign Iiis seat can only be coma vacant death by up pointmentlto Lords orb ecco ting some government to whl makes him Ineligible for Cornmons membership British hfPs wanting to rd sign apply to the chancellor of times coder tor an alp late most as steward or be itiof Her Majestys three chillers hundreds of Stoke Desborough and Bumham or of liar Maia estys Manor of Norths HAVE No Bull These positionahav or responsibilitiesin pay But acceptance at during the ssibillty at war by Vmiacnlculntig or accident Neither countrys delegateto the ticouotry dlsnrmarncntcon tereace here form at iy sub byshnvln the rtunit to push theisuttonm REPEATS STAND American do to Arthur Dean nnttng our common sgrtgmentf an proves no war by accident stressed revlously stated US suggestions for Im proving communications and noise nonsuncntuourrrsi deage was estimated at of RRII Cook $20000 In this blaze which stown Firemen could only has do be db tum as natï¬pmmmdon If matter at ca stresse prev erupted on the farm at Cal stand and we on as termined See Stnrylaga at only gm mum They dressed the cpnterencea com mitteeot the whole In dis giving advance notice at major mission at preliminary partial d1 em ml military movements and man oeuvres Soviet deioflete Valerian Zarin He also raised the American emphasiud theneEti to halt the proposal calling on parties to spread oI nuclesrwcapum i0 disarmament treaty to per therIpowers Audit observation posts at agreed at he went onto attack the location includtn mater ris North Atlantic reaty Organic ra centre bases are iiiiongTime Senator Dies hamstrth huge barn and valuable livestockl Causo the SiUatfairsv almost Norris Is expected tail curious end monthsogo warning that the back to Canada this weekend ta the activi Ice and internal op struggle between the stir and prepare tor his oneman Inquiry erations of trade unions rep the CMU had turned Into Into shipping disruptions and la resenting take workers cnga ed reign ot terror across the bar strife on the Great Lakes in shipping and work nffc iuke front The jurist Irom thcBIitish shinninsraourntlons in theorem Prime Minister Dtcfenhakor to decide Mr Itcglor apparently cm ploycd clause In the House of Commons Act designed to cover the circumstances at MRswant ing to resign when there is no Columbia Supreme Courtwns cutting short his holiday in Britain to undertake the inves tigation habor Minister Starr an nounced the appointment Wed nesday but did not say when the Inquiry wlll bcgin The Investigation established under federal labor laws willl deal only with labor unrest and Ehipping disruptions on th disruptions winterter once with the St Lawrence Sca clays and her assments of pa In Canadian and American Iake ports the Lakcssyslernl gt The goVernmcnt specifically mentioned thcScafarers Inter tlonairtlnion tind oi Canada thelerrns of referencethe only unicovao designated The investigation was mended by the CanadianLahor Congress backing new Conn dian maritimeunion In tight against the maverick Seatarers union headed by American born Ital 0Banks engineers union CLC President Claude dodoin called for ludictalinquiry into Ft been Sewer Nith Regulations CHATHAM tCIi sewer conatmetion project in which two persons were buried alive complies with regulations In the trench Escavators Ac two Rescuers dug CherrleCamp cats on caused by sandy soil com month many sections oi Cha thamwhlch flowsf when posed to air for co naiderabls tlme BRUNO Que OFFSen ator HonrlCharIes Bots as who agronomlst in the agricultural lite ot the province died Wed Ivnesdny at no farm home few miles south at Montreal He had beepili for some time Senator Bots Liberal named it University at Ithaca thctAgmnomic Institute and the Catholic Institute In Paris France gt lie saw military service In became widely humans so stratlons continue power brought ruler Gen Canada and overseas during the LIMA riru APiDomttn ken up uickly am rnllItoryjuntn who seizure Vrebuits from hemispheric alias lhe armed forcesunder the leadershlpwot strongman pre icardo Peres io nuttin elections Troops iirlng rubsmach aunbursta Into the air and gasand police using water and Lwteidlng truncbeons shrewdn cradle demonstrations spar ed students and teen users bro out In the capital protest against the military takeover oi the government to do June to national Vspeakar oi the Common said tor nrnemberot mentqultting his sent between roasraar Mr Lucas poilticalsource says there now Is some doubt as to the legality at this move and it will have to be cleared up be fore on decision can he made on set ng byeleciloo date legal atithority In Portial moot sold the provision in the House Conanons Actwas de gtgned to coyei the case ot mmqns apes ergwho was in gn gird is pointmcatedrorn makes the members for Commons mamb hip The ontycare canadlin par liamentery authorities can re call on member resigningbo tween election dayand the first session the new parliament involved former rims minim Mackenzie King 1045 He wasdeieptcdin titer TIC ersl election thntyearin Albert constituency and Gien astronaut Thera Ia no to its MP Ii MacDatrmtd Portia Libsrai wh I1adbceh ra leeiod witha comfortable me an election and the first meet lorlty ree tudents= wura reported hell from thoiliioot dcep applied trench Tuesday night after she had been completely covered Large¢Scale Move Arranged Im Oi WestVIndtans To Canada VtlelAWA The tomb is Guinness include were gration department has sucv ers and 23 dependents cessfuily tapped the Weat In The immigrationideps ment dies forrtiti persons to fill jobs has not yetrccelvcd report inCsnsdaIn the rofesslonai from the learn afterlvlalts to technical and skille fields Trinidad randothcr islands to department otficiat said the the we mm number Is expected to increase Amt ngvrsgn to 200 or more followinglthe In completion of remitting drive movemen FirstWorld itar as ch nrmy lieutenant Onfhls return to Canadsin 1919 he bacnina professor of nunl economy at the the In stitute Honour chlei of the rural economy service oi the Quebec ministry at agriculture from 1919 i0 Pious To SendToVénus by an earth slide Wednesday workmen dug out Frank Van Goethem oilioibg well who was covered practlc ally to the neck when the Oshawa Estate0de Sound Vidn Whiieh Earlyand rough estimates us cards from the Contedorationot Labor whore leaders wera re delr Ltd today unveiled oneoiï¬ ported considering general this mostsrecialised Jet liner strike in retest against that airplanes In the world mllltn sezure ot owes The The CH1 gisnti used to confederationcdntrois 75 Ear teachnrsopleito fly Its to countrys Iaior teach ighter pilots touse the complicated electronics and ra dar attack ayatcmEot one single type biplane the 0iStar tighter let were that the complete system IorVCanada would cost around $90000000 some $12000000 for the generating equipment to supply the signal voltage and the remainder tor the blaclr the coup suspended dlplonintic relations with Peru and halted further Alliance tor Progress In eney Alarm Repeater and oconsists of small black box Swhlch plugs into anyeleclrie raicircuit outlet in the house The box rings like an alarm oclr when signalling voltage is superimposed on the power grid This would not affect the rlcal device in home such as radio televrsion refrigerator oil furnace no and ssoowiu in place by the end of the ummer DROJS STUDYING Authoritiese said Ontario has been awarded died al contractto study the cost southwestern Ontario under an the westby Wind bases which cost somewhere betwaen $5 and $10 each No firm conclusions have been greached you how the receivers for each home would be fi nanced Results oi the Ontario Hydro survey are expected to be Imnwn this fallCost of running each home receiver would be no more than tor an electric clock maximumof one cent month HERBS ONE uV Thebrldo bad cooked her first Christmasturkey Her proud hubby with the carv niie asked What did you stuit it with didnt have to she re rSarnla and on the east by It shskarOou CPI his figures In Saskatchewans edlcal ochre dispute stated elr case before the same con he college dropped its de mand that the CCF govern ment suspend thecontrooersial ct but said it wouldnot ask ootorsto resume norrnalaprac iceuntll special session of he legislature passes amend enia the college proposed Dalgleishyspolts at the an system whereby private Insur ance groups would operate In plied it wasnt hollow nual meeting of the Saskatche wanvCCF partyto which the college had asked tube in vltedIle was interrupted five ttmes=by laughter or land mur mursas he readfrom 2000 ord text He received briet pplduse atthe end care Insurance plan About 200 at the colleges doctors are providing tree emergency servi at so of the provinces iss ospitais racrr MAINHALL3 About 050persons packed the main convention hall and lobby it of downtown hotel to hear Dr lialglelsh also propose launching Saturday shrouded neighboring planet balloon to point 922 miles In space Wednesdayzto test election term at partnership government plan He also said the college would accept results of plebiscite on medical carepnovlded It was worded properly and the re sults were acted upon as soon ed by aparllamsn tary system not by plebiscli Mr Douglas made universal medical care Insurance mis jorport or on campaign In the taco provincial election which returned the CCF to power New Democratic Party was tanned by mergerot the CCF and organized labor The CCF In Saskatchewan has not lint Interplanetory Spaceship CAPE ANAVERAL Fla AwWith arsuccesstul balloon otln th record booksthe ace agency now takes dead elm abVenus with antinterplan etary spaceship scheduled for An AtlasAdena rockebis set to blast off before dawn Saturday to start Mariner spacecraft on 225000000rnile jnumey to probe mysteries of the cloud Scientistsanr technicians lab oredto prepare the rocket and payload as another group launched 135 foot diameter and inflation techniques for an improved Echo communications energy edits particles less energy In tat cessiuily at an altitude ot 230 miles and scared upward to its planned trulcctory peak before itiiiinghack toburn up in the earthsatrnosphere as planned 13 rnlnutes after launching The National Aeronautics and Space Administration reported complete success of the mission to contrast with Wednesda brie flight Mariner la teuded to makea Als month journey across the vastneaaot spacebefore flying close to Ve nuts in early December Mariner is packed with strumeuls to measure tempera tures and study composition of the Venuslan at to de termine sire tin the planets and record high cosmic dust rate which char ed and the part at the universe hopesany serious pr possls by Ihe doctorswilt be given careful consideration At the sometime he said Therenre doctors in the leadership otvthe Saskatchewan college whoknow better but have allowed themselves to be come calspaws oi the Liberal Earlie return to normal service by the doctors could the necompania by special session of the faiature pllota In this substitute than in Psémierhldydtold thechcering convention that It Is considerably cheaper Canadnlr says to train the Ihfl aupersonlcjtartlghtm it se The CLAIR ookslust like its parehtï¬the CLAiAf twoseat primary trainer at which the RCA hasordered too except for couple at bulgeaon the sidesbchindthe cockpit and long slim needle nose much like theStarfIghteraj Thosa jbulges andthat nose contain the same radar and electronicsgsystems that the Startighter uses to tindhap prooch and attack its targets lIIa guns and rocketscarriod by the fighter Epragcnntrollad andvfired byrtbe electric iraclrl Ingsslam the the Health Is can proceed nerliruce Kidd ls his education YTit =2 fTEIIRA Pahlevi toda Assadollah om minister said they were uati mlllthly old which has been pouring into the country at the rate of $75000000 ayear Ithe US action stopped sh ot full break to diplomatic relations and US Ambassador Iarnes Loeb was main InLIma Venezuela Cotombin Costa Rica and Dominican Republic also rcluscd to recognize the military regime and suspended diplomatic relations Brazil Mexico and Panama studying the alt denied to the lost chlora charge that the elections had been rigged lie was reported being theldtn area of Callao le 5W Poposai Msnlster day the governmentwelcomes theiatest etchewan College of Physicians and spute on games WW oxford or Cambridg ordered to rd ister Dietehbaker named three by three member team headed by White of the departments admission Iv to son total Jamaicans and 42 residents of British Gulaoa now have been accepted for admission toCanada as taunt grants The Jamaicans Include 12s single and married workers and 104 vdepcndentsr while the diana large scale compared with the trickieof arrivals in recent years has been siblc under new Immigralon regulationscnactedheb the regulations provide that anyperson from any part ot the worldgwlth assultable edu cation and skill re ulred tnCnn ada now may app to enter as immigrantsrrcgardiess of race color or creed treasures crown or PrimeMiay flit anno EstamaIAtfalrgt Minister re would beam ConSiders More Indicated toreportors that he may be considering Mr Ricardo Etycisroid textile company pomnnolyandl relations of ficerfor so There havebeen reports tha Mr Ricard may bebrou tint hecabinet However is ap pointment asohief conservatl hip would also