naaarsou and Mrs ilrsoh Votsvs nd island NY spent the trend with Mr and Mrs and Mrs Arley Moran his parents Mr and hiring ii ry Lyitle rs ar Vilited irlsnds In till citlseas had their iort meeting at the home at and Mrs Sitarpies They ed shuiiieboerd and ere iiirsBsnun assisted In entertainment rs Blower visited her ter Mrs lim Jermsy iiowera In the United Church sy were plated by the sy lsmiiy in memory so Jermey and Mrs Frank Munro rootevisited Mr and lilrs Misuse last weekend in Joy Kstsunoii Montreal guest at itsvMr end Mitchell dy hiaeDougnlI and daugh Frances visited at Mr Mrs Jack Pugaleys iiss Leursihnmsnnirom sseits ivallslItlng her sister Ellis eg rs lhomsa Guiiliai visited the village this weekend Jim Goes oi Stoooy Creek is iiing Mr and Mrs Mrs Roy Grey and Barbara visiting In North Bay NEWTON ROBINSON Dy MM ROBERT LEMON number from here attended WilcoxCampbell wedding in thris Saturday Mr and Mrs Vernon Counsii ant Sunday with David Con el at Klueys Boy on Knbsha sire Mushoko Mr and Mrs itoy Brooks and at St Catherine visited Brooks last week and Mrs Pnplll and in sons oi Geor etown were ndsy visitors wlt Mrs Lee United Church Women with Andrews as hostess met the Sunday School room odnesday evening July re Brown was In the chair ers Hughes had charge the worship period Arrange ents were made ior August Mrmnmun so and Mrs iieerge Breeders and sons oi Barrie Niz and Mrs Roysrsedon and easily oi stratiord and its and Mrs Harold Broaden and My Lyon oi Burlington Miss Aoosfcbs use Toenails la halide tla Mn Mrs UoNiuooborn gt By ems WWI Mrs Ann Walsh and Mrs Bruce McCuiN Toronto wsrs tn iowo Meodsy with their sister Mrs Joseph Kins Mr and Mrs Oral McClain and totally are holidging this week at Wssssa Bea Vialtora with Mr and Mrs Barnettrwers Mr and Mrs Roy Barnett and iamily and Mr and Mrs Iiem Ber nait and Chsries both oi ior onto Mrs Agnes Walsh has been holidaying with islands at itoehes Point Lelia Simoos Mr and Mrs VWllson Ottawa srsspending couple oi weeks with their daughter Mrs Msllioo and iatnily Mr and Mrs lJoyd Leggett are at their cottage on Lake Rasseau Miss Essie Collins Lsthbridge AltoWtison Wise and sister Jean Stroud spentlhuradiy last with Mrs Wise Miss Lynne White Orange villa is visithtg at the home of her aunt Mrs John Veais and iamliy Mr and Mrs Bridgemsn Weston spent Saturday with Mr and Mrs Anderson Mr and Mrs Jack Dunstan and ismily Washington DC sreon holidays with Mrs ireneGnlbraith and other irlands Merle Harris Anton who has been visiting at the home oi Mr and hire Hervey Sim pson returned home Sunday Friends oiiilliy Keogh were Hiewdflhen it was learned at passing July 12 in St Michaels Hospital Toronto The as sans nowozu on Bsassis Parrish ibroaio laser droves was ailsraWodrsesd and m3 Toronto celled iiiid Mrs James Smith and ontbstrrwsy hometrolaitm mine tbs had been Is in New market hosp where she undenssnt so opsr Mr and Mrs visited and MrsAiIen Worden In and Kim Int Thursday at Midhursl Miouuasr Mr and Muslims Nash and Denelda iett Saturday July it or twoweek bond along the St Lawrence an Gasps Peninsula Mr and Mrs orssr and Nancy leit Saturday July it tor hoiidsy tour ihmu the cups Peninsula asters ibwnships end Boston They were accompanied Mr and Mrs Newiovs at Sr tehewao Congratulations to Mr and Mrs Orsesj on their meat marriage The sympsthy oi the comm unity is extended to Mrs James Coutts Barrie in the recent bereavement at her husband community shower was held in honor at brideelect Miss Beverley Sutton Friday evening In the United church school Miss Sutton thankedths ladies ior their many gitts West denier Both sides vuhtersble norm 32s oeas nous re turned home aitsr spending two wesksr vacation at Mr 1de liiiller avs uroed iiomdiilJMuaiioh Kristwhm they peat twewsstrvusiieac um as one and Blanche mtdondsyettbbir and Frank Croath at Stsyneri has rs nsras Dont at the Unit ed churchorgsmday sohdgelrpicnlc July st Oro pm can basift Join in ii Igor Services will resume at Ed na one welcome 2sitedohurohiwSuadï¬y ihorpe oiiicistinvg Mr and Mrs Hayes and baby Midaael Whitby spsnt Sunday at iisyes Robert Maison Tomato is holidaying with his grende eats somoastnn ex on Senligrn ts Clowea comm unity in the sad bereave meat Mr and Mrs William Cal beck Toronto visited Shear downa during the wseit Mrs Sheardewn and tamily re turned to Toronto with her parents Mr and MrsC Sheardown were Sunday vieltors oi Mr ahd Mrs Shannon nook coaiascr amass By My asckaa go down alter ali trumps have been known to break 40 So this starts you thinking that maybe something can be done to cover thiapossibiiity Theres one quick way oi ilnding out whether trumps are going to break all right and sequins nuac BILONDIE hich is to be as plants in toes thats by leading them So you 110 play the race at spades on TELEVISION moons EKVRFHANNELQMEREIf inworstisersasehraaliud fNown phallenging problem nsosr was is no oonaa rma Show 3031 hasnrisen You havelto loss ummerama 000 had nlvsr Jamborss club and spade come what Z13 iinn iii iiuisnomhsilisiiat Yam itwa PiiONE CALlSOR SHE SAID us MATTER Nowmlw Perry Muon vsge the hand is to cut your MOW OFFERS OF LIFE AND REMEMBER last The Detectives heurtlosors tram two to one sonng DEATH WHICH 3W1 assess in MomsAw can osLMA moorswav Wsstnr rt anon one Tstw snii ninistons ms Weatnusyeiu News MPemiBIPd WNW If 5H The Nell Macon lLIO lilole how the opponents hearts Nature oi Thinls Iha Hitler Gang can be divided so thut only My Three Sana Ghost Squad country Junction Man and tits Challsnae CBC TV News The Weatherman Today in Sports Community The Untouchs DAY JULY 10 Test Pattern Pope Pals News Itti Spuris Motll White Orchid Summerama Tel no Cars at Huckleberry Hound Three Studies News Weather Sports Father Knows Best PRESNGE aso Naked City SATURDAY JULY 21 moms Pattern Les News Wsathar 200 Bluhlli Game of Weels 500 On Slilii Asa hugs Bunny 500 Country Time 630 News Weather Sports ass tnim Stooges 700 some ai flinll Days 710 itnbin Snoo soo Have Gun Will Travel sso Fates Dunn 900Front Row Centre ttie Into Your Danes loss rommy Ambrose Show 00 BBC TV News 1110 Weather News SDflHl 1115 Georgian Chin Twin Elli Enilll At Sal Believe You crro HANNEL T0 ONTO IIIUMDAY JULY 10 see Proleuors Hideaway Mu ths Lawmsn and Sports Weather News 700 Leave it To Beaver nao The Baal McCoys soo Theatre at Ehsht Tire Marrying Kind Opaning lead hing at dia eiiort to guard against it for falling down on the job munds You dont ever take things tor granted it youre anally careiul declarer instead you assume the worst may happen and then make every possible wiieres hand where it would be easy to go wrong and yet it you think the matter aver theres no good reason Suppose youre South playing iour spades and West leads the king of diamonds There seems to be nothing to the hand when dummy comes down you haveitwo hearts and dub to loseand everything lookeJine But yet being eareiui you say to yourself its possible to one heart irickwtll be last little thought brings the answer West ppened with one heart but hsdoesnt necv essaiily have to have the KJ itiyiorhls IhidEaet may have one of the honors despite his pass II this is the case satisfactory solution is possiblew Accordingly you lead spade to the queen and return low heart tram dummy When East taliows low you play the nine West takes theviack and re turns diamond which you suit You cash the king of spades and then lead the queen of hearts hoping for the best it doesnt matter whether or out West covers The king and ten are trapped sndyou lose only only one hearitriok thus male ing the contract Toninrrowrihs rehid hyihe opening bldderï¬ iFiNDWltEN GEIA HOSE OVERaTURN ON TH H063 lN MV HANDS JUST ANWATER EM PLANT CANT TRUST MVSELF 1010 Peter Gliiiii Jim News Weather Sports ii Faiadluna only cnosswoanj identiï¬es your WELCilME WAGil SPflNSilRS flrms of prestige in tin busineessndcivloliisel your oommonity gt For informational sea 56302 WELCOME WAGON muss JUL 10 00 Domino 1150 Free and Easy 100 channel it Theatre when Ever She does ews 400 Froleasorsiidesway 500 Lawman News Weather spam Donna itaad Show Channel Nine Theatre Harlem Globetrotters Have Gun Wui lrsve Country Style til lens may Thsstrs News Weather Sports Friday Nilht ihealrs Johnny Conehn IAMDAYJIILY 11 Cerioons Pmlessors Party Sports Calisae Bil FourPlays i4 News Weather Sport The morssonu Whiplash aunt it try Flats at 1200 lithim mm Miss on ACROSS ZMEIMJ lliathasnat Her dualism lPacluwny lDistigure LOonvassants gramme ILsung shoe 60mm ILSialpsdack 1thl mAppenring Riveter 18 ï¬niteness timbers rgutser eminence lineman 211 eonsrouse minimum 960an lwunabug 10me 1100am ILStudy mDerivnttvss undressed llWhethat summit iLMsna nioiw name Hog brew lettel waning Oil tor IV named ma mg Juliannasar scsryel 3Lflenusofr Negative beetle vote Account tion sensrs prom 80119 to the 37315 Milieu 89th VAHHHVAVAHHIVA nllllnnllln HEQIIVAHHIII EIIIMHIIIIIQ onnlnnnn snowmannoon it your carrier has srri so by non pleasephone PM 2433 And Copy Win lethalva To Your some THERE Is no cusses see this SERVICE nilIznll nilnon MHIIMKEII assess AND SKEETER