Counts dtWed syI inï¬hiormelo in estimated the toesir ruioon the status ot the vtr Induction auntsor worth iouspsrtlu the immediate about random prohl rliillglo Toronto coun worlmi riirvil uotod by damtier ecu or sudbury to n13 overvthsj co in mobummdo commontWoduosdsy during hearing hetero ltoKtmDor master of the Eu rem Court oi Qatarlo Mr berordsrcd Sudbury can on am local to temporary executi The decisionwus victoryior the international Union oi Mine Mill and Smelter gamut lingualfl or elected and it untitled em $513 use or the recon props said it was this tohdvoiett out so executive imiihwii on culoii wsliara to the rind Iloose ï¬rlflrabï¬ï¬mrninimd it not by ttrsirsys worohsoded to the shsrltt by former local on President Don Gillls when the term at his predominantly pro steel cxecutivq expired June to lie said wanted the or erty protec until the Oats Labor Relations Board rules on the WWW oi uniï¬cation vote counted last month it gave Steel amorgln at it lnitl hid gigoln mimic the localirom warm nave HELD unanstsy said he pesrcd tor three members ot local wbovhsvo tiled areto tion involving Mr ayloli wanted the orlii to rota the keys untilthls action comes as taro they courts next Tuesday We say this wartoro is on the verge oi shooting woridro Miniature ponds greeted Eds montoa motorists Tuesday as they drove into subways pass lng under rolwoygtracksge in Civic Planners Blamed For LackOi Initiative STRATFORD CP Protes slonal civic planners were crit lcized oi the closing session oi the second Stratiord seminar on civic design ior tailing to take the initiativo in achieving re gional improvements The no delegatesplanners engin devclo crs archi tects and municipa oiiielals tried Wednesday to iind com mon denominator tor iuutre cl vledesign in six examples oi good planning they had studied ln separate groups during the toursday coolerence in most at the examples stud ied ssidarchiteet Irving Gross rnan chainnau tor the presen tatloo oi iindiogs by each at the six groups the original initiative was provided by an individual or small group oi people not by proicssionals In some cusés this should not have been true Charles Blessing Detroit plan ning commission director said only eight oi the 00 planning boards in Ontario towns have master development piano He suggested ionisation oi council of professional planners to ill in with an overall plan tor lira entire province vlncialgovernmcnt is interested waraair SUBWAY the city Two to three icel oi water collected in the suir ways 0verburdaned sewers could not cope with the tor Semlnar Director Arthur Stin son Toronto said members oi the last Commonweelth study group who visited Ontario mun lclpniities were pleased with the general wellbeing of residents but appalled at conditions gen crally oi cities and buildings tie said there is not enough real criticism oi Ontario munl cipolilies Mr Blessing said architects engineers and planners should not sit on municipal councils or boards butehouid retain their liberties as privatecitizens to make proposals illonaghan Toronto said leadership in community plan ning should come tram the pro vlnc governments depart ment oi municipal allairs since at the 60 delegates at the stems lnar iew would do anything about what they had learned Forgive me lm realist the consulting engineer said He said he believes the pro at present and would like noth ing better than to receive con crete proposals from the sem inar but none were prepared ammonor renlial downpour which hit the city during violent rain hall and lightning storm GP iVlrcphoioi No intolerance7 Warns Government MOGADISCIO Somalia AM The Somali government hosls sued stern wamlngngalnst religious intolerance iollowlng the total stabbing ot Mennon ite missionary lrom Canada The newspaper Corricre delta Somalia which rcllacts govern ment views said Wednesday the killing at Media Russel Grove 33 oi Markhsm 0ni had no justilimtion mod to these modern times Grova was stabbed to death htonday night while supervising enrolment oi Somoiose for courses in English instruction at his mission school in the Somali capitol liis wile was wounded seriously HSQLE HABITAT Drummond Castle with its lomous gardens is atoutiaisite at Crleii in Pcrlhsltlre Scot land MinaMill executive led by Tom Mr Kimbers decision all the mom in the hands is pro laylorJVOnly 2000 ol the iocsls 1000 members tools part in his one Women Fail To WASHINGTON tAPt lho American partot rpaoo il likely to remain snailmale domain ior some years to comb the tederal space agency soyl in explaining why women have tailed to quallt ior member shlg to tho exc usivs astronaut elu George Low director at spocectoit missions tor the Na tonol Aeronautics and acs Administration said nons the six women among zoo appli canislor astronaut tralnng have been able to meet allthe stringent quaiiiicoiloas estab llshed earlier this your Low also told the House oi Representatives science and an lronoutlcs committee Wednes day that the pool at qualltled mcnwosmore than amplo to meet the need for the to or to astronauts required to carry out planned spaced explorations ite pointed out that none oi the Women space hopeiuls was let test pilot that some oi lbcm locked thoreouired relen title or engineering education and others were too old AstronoutJohnHi Glenn des orite persistent committee oiled toning shicd away irom getting unma Ionawn Mqu Good Peek Fresh biscuits know no Mason butln the warm and lazy months oleoummor theres no better tim tor buying Peek Freon the meantime hir raid Va Schltl coonrol tor the little group said the keys should he tell with the Ihcrill un til ownership oi th settled Mr Ray iSpace Training Too Strict Carpenter howevo ol astronauts must ienccd lot test piiotawsayinfl that man is not lust biologi g1 specimen goln ltr qditoiproger tor the sherltt to protect MIN ILL CONTROLS pr arty lay property For exnnglc Mr little and oirier etory Maire Grade into the lpnce battles oi the sexes As iar ssrhowos con cerned Giana said the space ellori should got tho best qual tiled people whatever their tax color or creed lie joined with astronaut Scott ln support that poten expor along tor ride in space AVlAllON EXPORT Britoins exports of olrcratt engines and aviation equipment have reached more than 000000 since 1945 coo Every glass at Dow has it Every rip reveals the uniform flavour that comes from masterful MUiTiBLENDING of 36 smooth perfect individual hrcws Always satisfying guaranteed to please Dow isthc easydrinkin best in bccr Treat yourself and youllsoon sce i1 trues Picnic Barbecue gonads Drive in the country Whereveryou are youll llnd PaokrFroan Whoreveryou poyoull enjoy PoekeFreenq