CONFIDENILY wml slows alarlls AME All lllPORl canoe senator your would be rest plurals and than will wear to below your choice Noose your child auteur Is oulbls and 1m to lndusi os lays barrio miner Birth Annaubco ma tool can our ClIsanad In rive the acts including name and we will goblin lth is out edlgl or only to Tel hurls PA or this spilled service FAWNAI torls Hospital day July it Mrs nowAllIllAi Iba soyrm ioris Huspltsl Us on Monday July lost vote Now le rNengn are ll Iarria so IA llan Arthur ENGAGEMENTS WEBMWMWLLAN no as sIlImIal is Inuuuneod at as Eliell daughter or air Ed Ir Webb ol Strand and In re Webb In Mr Michael liaelilliIn son or Mr snd Mrs noheld Use Milisn at Victoria British Colum bis The marries wiil llhl place Saturday Aulusi at our nelucir In St United Church siraud om DEATHS ORRfrank At his home to lllilsdals Ontario on Monday July it rm milk Orr belov husband or Psmles Menthol lov lug lather ol James Jolson or Slouimllo MsrsInI AIlcaJoL sl Annes Qusbec Ind Verna Alma Mrs Georl Haskell oi Sharon In his lord Ir Rallies It the Psihirk Funeral Home 117 asy llsld Si barrio Santos In the chapel lhursdsy II prn lnlap meat United Cemetery lilllsdalI CARDS 0F THANKS ImmNWl wish to uprau our sincere appreciation to our Illcada neinbars and relatives for acts or rldness and sympathy Intended during our rIcent ba rasvament la the loss or lovlll husband and isIhsr erla thanka to Drs Friedrich In Ear my and nurses and sun at tha Roysl Victoria Hospital Mra William Swltxel and anally CLOWES iiirfand Mrs Kllgour III Branliord spent the weckmd with Mr and Mrs Lawrence Fraser en route to Saskatchew an it was decided to hold presentation and allow or for Mr and Mrs Tony Marohll don July 20 at Edgar comm unity hall Mrs OBrien FWIO board member spoke on Womens Institute work and Mrs Earl Scott past president of Hawkestone WI gave re view on her trip to Vancouv er 30 Lunch was served by Mrs Ernest Bidwell andMrs Betty Dybald CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TELEPHONE PA 82414 Condensed and ciaasiiied advor llsements are sorted at the rate of to per word per insertion ior one and two Limes 3e per word for three out or live times and the per word tor or more insertions l0 addl tionalrehsrge it not paid within 10 days THE MINIMUM COST FOR ANY IOLASSIFIED AD VERTISEMENT We FOR 24 WORDS WITHIN litDAYS 0R Slim FOR Ll WORDS II CHARGED PER SINGLE IN SEBTION ERRORS 0R CORRECTIONS Advertisers Ire reminded thlt Ill phone Insertion orders are accept ed as convenience to you the Idvrrtiser lilerllioro the Oiusldcd vAdleiIlinE Department requires III Idvertlloia to kindly rIclleck their advertisement immediately Illcr ï¬rst insertion In order thlt any errors or ornls reported borers that same may the rollowiug day We wish to old but that ibs Barrie Exam ner is responsibla or only one Incorrectly printed tiled or rtloll order insertion on any advertisement and then only to theextent or portion alssd ibatinvolvee tha mlerlrlI Errors which do not lessen um vslue or the advertise meal are not eligible for doner tinns by nllko goods Corning Events to per word mlnlmum charge $150 Birth and Death Notices for up to 25 words over 252words be per word extrat In memoriam No Iioes $150 it verse used 3e per word extra BLIND LETTER REPLIES loiorlnstlon regardlnl Idvertlsers using Blind batter nun Numbers Rios Replies ls held strictly ounilu entlsl It lies to Letter Boxes will he hed onlyl dsys alter lle day of publlcstla Clabsliied advememente and notices ior ihesapages must be received by pm day pre ceding publication With the ex ception of Classlied Display edverttsments which must be inhy izzoq noon preceding day tscbad commEm mm pro apartments with Apartmenit completelyp eadsoliconteiood 11110er erly is worth or bit the sum was Pricslhls lathe tideslplace to make your fvesimeatc pay CIll Cur lilooltermso SUMMER PROPERTY Nicely wooded lot 67 ll 200 Sandy Covevcresceni Harbour locality slaw cssb Call Nonnlioakotb OPPOSILILPARK Ported lo cation Ior the retired oouple This cosy bedroombrlclt bungalow Is on Perkside Drive For particulars dial Maryann Smith ron mum YOU can sue llsr rnoranrv WITH ME CALL LES POPE ANYTIME EVENING CALM Doris Nuttycombo PA swear Itisryaala Smith PA ml Norm flasktn PA mu curly ltlcoaterlusa PA was he use FA also has invasluve Anlus in Mill Members or lhI Olrrle ohum RIsl Esme Beard HENDERSON REALTOR ll COLLIER mm PHONE all users MUST BE SOLD illlo WEEK Your dlolce oi lovely iiva room bungalow or one and hail storey home Downtown location One mortgage at very reasonable terms Cell Percy Ford FOUR BEDROOMS Attractive brick ranch style split level entrance built In appliances recreation room well located Landscaped and Ill spotless con dltion CaliEmsrson Swain IN VIEW OF BAY ihreé bed roorn brick bungalow landscap ed gnrdge suburban lance ideal location vacant Passesl stones owner already trens Isrred Carries for 8103 otter nrgent Coop listing Call Em erson Swain RllA RENEW salsa oonorau wucolé PA caste PERCl rono emu chanson swabs rs oases men Morass soon Member Barrie and Dlltriol and Ontario Rasl mm Eusrds 10 COLLIER sr BARRIE PA S5901 Realtors OPEN EVENINGS TILL PM HUNTING FOR Family Home with boaulllui spncious grounds bedrooms ultra mo dero kitchen lull basement recreation roomdouble car go rage closed In breezeway Bar gain at 3126001 owner leav ing country Low down pay ment WINTERIZED cottage at Big Boy PoInt This is an outstand mg buy at $7000 with gooI terms 10 sanctum Panda Avallsbla Evenings CIlll Merv or Eda Gould Ora idle IIIfr Slemr PA soars Orcs Brown Lloyd nr Floris Hockisy PA Hill ROSE REAL rsrare EROKER II TENN STREET BARR CALL DAY OR EVENING PA 32379 Member ortllu Barri Real Estate Kari Mlflnlll PA 9911 Emory Miller PA 0030 Nnmblr nor the Barrie Ind District CA II AL OR Nut door to the imperial Theatre 45 DUNLOP or gt Iud Dlstrlet Real Santa liosrd New three droom home Large living room kitchen with iargsdilling area lots at cup boards and storage oil heated Colored bathroomTlxtlues van Ily divided basement Large lot In good residential do close to stores and schools Central Ontarios Largest PA Midi Loulhaed hieypar loows lid RsoN no to classic prosper low wit nicely located amonghlsllel quail boots it it deepi ibistbedroplnplani iliuiiyideslguad ltsaover kitchen rooms and with Localohm room also Ith overflow meat lmm ulItI throughout 7s EUGENIA SOMEIHING NEW AND DWI 009 lildel between public and separate hools hotels modestly griced home that has everything yo Mil bedroominiha than like Lovely collisions place separate dining room tut the house btilltln china cabinets planned kitchen ends his bright basement with an outside entrance complete this picture at real oomiorll Exclusive PA asses coswspcmcaorlaasr Now VACANT lulllaolararossssnou oleloo transler to loadon given you the opportunity to Owners sudden make lull and complete inspection oi tllis very modern shed room brick bungalow with garage its completely rattled Amitysired borne with large recreation room plus dell At this low price this lovely modern home cirrlss at monthly plus taxes Cooplistillz No sea Cell PA Hoot to arrange to Ipeclioo LEAST EXPENSIVE HOME IrlriNEST BLOCK 91 MELROSE AVENUE 312500 Here is iopnolch value tor thlsmonoyl Its onoownarapoi lusty kept brick bungalow set in loveiylrelicleioncedrzrounds with an extra wide patio at the rear its sbedroom house with big bright kitchen rec room endaluminnm stormscreen equipment 33000 down will handleand its still bank mort aasel 2asonoonanlcrt nunsamw ALLANDALE tam Older style but with modernizedand very cleaneiiracilve in terior this would be the pcrioct little properly buyer Priced for cash thirty day possession aveulnos CALM Had II it MOOREPA bdldl ROGERSPA ester CONNIlbuPA sures MEMBERS HARRIS dl DISTRICT REAL ESTATE BOARD 5W CAMPBELL REALTOR PA 0024l 7PAjd0E42 NORTH STREET Three bedroom brick bungalow yearslold on quiet street This well kept home has living room with nice large window during south kitchen and Iploce bathroom Fullhnsomeni nice grounds Priced Btl2WOTElml bllingd Worth an inspection Bd No 787 LEFROY MAIN smear as loan on room kitchen on main iloor Four bedrooms andspiece bath on second floor Fullbasenlerli pressure system arlesleo well gr good water supply Nice lot with shade trees Price only TEN ACRES WITH BRICK HOUSE In beautiful setting oi maple and evergreen shade trees This older type hame has large living room dining room and kitchen onmain floor 1hlee good bedrooms on second floor Easement new hlrnacepprcssure system hot and cold walpm top This country home is about 10 miles iromwfï¬lerfln excellent huy Must be scenic be appreciated Call or particulars PA 60m evenings Smith Campbell PA 87389 SUBURBAN LIVING Beautiful room home very closotd the city limits on paved road Erick bungalow with attached garage Large entrance hall Family she kitchen aawcllas dining room Tiled bath room with oversize vanlty All city conveniences close to school Low taxes Cell Reed PA 32617 EXCELLENT LOCATION FOR BUSINESS $7000 huyslhls commercial property on Blake St Consists oi Quonsat Hut 32 70 Frame oliiee buildingria 24 Property ideal tor teed business warehouse body shop etc woth for more andat this price It Is bargain Terms may be arranged WINTERIZED comes With $800 down you can own this cottage at Mlnets Point Older type with large living room Four rooms in all space heater Included See this soon Joan Lang pA II5761 1elnnr PA Mall Smith Campbell PA 87330 Member oI Barrie and District Real ntlia Board Norman Shelswell REAL ESTATE BROKER DUNLUP ST PA 59961 PA Oh Firsthiortgage Pupils Avaliabl Interest 60 of value saoo pow LL PRICE Six large roamson two duplexed veneeasily locatedon High treat near Queenie Park Call Norman Shela ormsn PA Hm RAYDDN KOHL REAL ESTATE aroma Everett helm Howard Norris COUNTRYHOME Situated onzb well fenced level acres miles from Barrie on paved highway Close to public school church and store storey house surrounded by its trees Full basement Living room large modern kitchen dining area and pantry bed rooms and newjllpiece bath room upstairs Small ham and hen house snow with $1100 down Bnleoeeon one mort gage payable at $7225 lmouth ly Private SBIEHCEIIPA 3002 MARION CRESCENT bedroom bungalow two ye iully landscaped ï¬nished ra tion room Less than original Low dewnpIyment Owner no In Telephone PA Iod THREE BEDROOM Brick tIshsd hauls wa Ira ol ll bllementl pownlylew Drive violn Low dawn payment iwlth or without Ilirnltliro usvlns coun ssAl Isaacs anoltaa Pa emf ll CLAPPERION BAltsiiE TRANR mes on cause Msmher lsrrl Ind tit Real Botanic Ellie REAL ESTATE Broker Phone us to 03 DuolopCSl 141ng in MARE WP dull OWEN JUNEPA 87037 YPA H835 MIME OARL WOODWARllCrasuloru TELEPHONE 84281 ry TolephoaaflPA Moll belora for an Investment loansell sew real bargain immaculate brick home with livlng room dining PARTNER For retaillurnber and supply Telephone arm Pluto purpose Po ltunnel FNOIP till service call ares For iurtber inform all room room MOVING boot target to trIusrar your lNSURANCE sad it you aeedextrs coverage at any kind SEE STEVENSONS PA m1 113 Dunlap at no LAID Houses or lourrlots one too bridg uls meow wICma lo Natcsstar Nil res tutorlustre Wm TAXI trail sod MINI cash as duwls on odaru comicrtabie overloaisin La Irl1I Examiner lAVlt 0i rhettl below Three beIMroum rick be close to xchoolirshopgllll line NR monounmrlgs ll vanity Itc has Iowa lIla pbous PA class 00W ier Want Ad Section accepteduntur tons Day hetero publication sandarssull plciurs window WT on our POERdOIt llonsasegesmhrrous yrs no or the ctmadrrn OX YIrrIIExImlnIr MORTGAGES IMMEDIATE Nomi OI is some are PAYNE TAILORED TO YOUR BUDGET IF YOU NEED MONEY llocoluuiidata debts oPsy oil existing murtlllu our mortssges coming due lllnme lm rovernaut IAuy wo while cause Pllsowl Mortgage Funding Ivor SimpsonsSears DUNLOP ST Hamher Ontario Mortgage nrokers Aasocisttoll MONEY AVAILABLE FOR Consolidation at Bills Home repairs ole aoNus WRATES LiFE iNSUREDj $l549 Ill$56 Monthly $3544 at$9Q Monthly Up lo$5000 and 00 month to repay SEABOARD DISCOUNT PA66fl77 I4l Dunlap St MORTGAGES lat Ind 2nd bougbi sold and Arnold CommerclIi Ind realdentlei moneys losnedou existing mortgages Barrio Mort age Brokers PA slam Exclaim in mortgage wants edun Barrie property mono Good discount year term cIll limb Carson IIIIl Estat FA aus coronrunmss outlet in Weston Ontario good sound investment for the right person wishing to invest approximately $5000 with inter esting returns No triflera please Apply to BOX 22 BARRIEEXAMINER ESTABLISHED SEED MILL Inr sale luliy equipped Immediate possession Apply It MscLIrs WA Collier Street Barrie Oill tIrlo trustee or Ivy Syndicate Maanrrrcs CHANCE Excellent 2ny llruineetltlbn reireshment store sold In apartment Busy cop her two highwa mick eta espoogs ellan Realtor nrlllla annals acres or commercial propriety for sale see not rent Ige nooioot driveway Five miles north oi Orlllla on Na 11 Hills wsy Small living quarters on pm party ldeaIAs at for motel site or anyone wsn us to ltsrt up in business or themselvesNo real estate please Telephone PAozsis Orlllil MAJOR OIL aw FUELPOIL BARRIEA Vdcompletecom Liberal commas 011 the tobtralning Smalllnvestmsnt reoulr mower LETIEBIN FIRST lusrnlvca To BOX 30 BARRI RENTALS First months rent 1m Ononahd two bedroolsl apartV meals completely selfcontain dern one bedroom IlliIllllliSIlEII sellounlsined lsrga two bedroom trance Telephone PA Mill Itop Telephone PA arose Lew RENTAL or sepsnle apsrt room kitchen and both Id of em Also heated glrlgu Ivallable TWO BEDROOM Upper Aplrt In new modern buildill verylcloss fORV UNLISIEDI iSTRiBUTO for ND DISTRICT any support sowi or the Clean Elï¬n build salqu tor eommsrdslorr Industrial ï¬hpwi PA ill Muaslwu lloMEs All IDIN W0 eon Bulillol this work 1am and private collation marries ssro spud lood isutlaa wo 5th outlay ib ovum OFFICES STORES RENT omoe SPACE roe nmt well to ssied on Collier at llassuaIbiI rates lspboaa PA sores be twarn am on nitlll noun or renLrWItsr and hydro included One said Crown lu Asonlly uopmrl three bedroom house close to IlsrriI Plaza immediat sslnu on forum attached Apolt in lies on Earria OP thfll ooltcbert PA LAROITIIEBE Bedroom Erich nunlslu overlooklnl on llsldwln liable or Lane 00 per man 111 on use hilphunl PA Mi mun plunoorr Reusel or slug location All hledIrd coslvealenm Stova snd ruirilrreior supplied Telephone PA 60900 HOUSES WANIED TWO OR THREE Bsdmum IIould Wallch with imminent Reasonable se iellphone mpbnldeu Air Pores an Cpl Dsrby APARTMENTS FOltRENT lsirMONiHSRENT FREE ed stove refrigerator Janitor service From 085 monthly PHONE no costs ADJOINING Phï¬C Beside Lake One and two bedroom 31de meals complete with shave and relrlgerator Use oi washersod dryer Redecoratcd annually PA 61060 BLAKE ST AT PUGEI Now vacant Ground floor Mo aporlmeni Separate entrance Near east and shopping centre and beach 75 monthly PA 87475 PER MONTH liloderacenual Irlmarlt Ireshly deeorailcd Apr py It Pool Street Apt THREE BEDROOM Apartment In modern triples Close to schools and stores 100 monthly Avsllsbla soon TolepllhlsePA as ONE BEDROOM Aplrlmlrlt with stove rand rcirigesator newly de corated Wort end location Tele phone PA 825 liter p111 TWO BEDROOM Apartment tor rent dlsivlltullln Dunlap IStreet Heated uururnlshed APliVlIt eu BRIOIIT llpltllra lplfllnonl Inn ntahed seltcsnislned Private parking Centrally located iele phone PA M1 aiter pern LARGE THREE Room uniIIrIllsIled belted apartment prlvstn eni rInre Business couple preferred No pail Peuetsng Street llt bus ulene to elderly couple or lady in XCIIIllle delight services South or Barrie near Churchill Write Box 27 Harris Ehrsmlner TWO BEDROOM Aplrtmenl IiVIsll closet space Very clean and mods lmmedlIte possession H531 ment In duplex seifconuslned EXCEPTIDNALLY lugs draw Ipartmcnt available immediately to public and saplrlte schools Automatic laundry maintenance service Stove and relrllerator op tional Plved parking facilities Fnr iurtber iniorrnstion telephone PA DEB or PA M34 TELEPHONE DIRECTORY NUMBE SUPERIOR PROPANE New Phone Number on olssl llwalSouth 3011428 COMPANY lres loos paldi committee mu rm Nepal lsnlturvrervlce Roslonsble mï¬wï¬gdfeom sauuusn or new PA 110 Watt mm BOOK dd able blanched ballad dope Home In two bedroom illbid meal Barton IMMWM Sultan lunhuialoluauw spartqu entrance vata halts Irlltrsi localio All ea Motion ram 100 AND IVA rs autismn an ml no chloral NM Ispbu Robber or near rid to owe aausoou artmb re liar ad siova Irma arla tor can close to all math poops PA ems VIWO IIDIOOI unlurplohtd continent sor Nesta Ian blackness Poet mm Ill ROOM Aplltlmnt Mitt hath Private entrance New de ductions rs PA him may pm UNPUanlims sail coolsiued the room Irtrnlnt lee rInL sedimentary lasted located at authorised SL Tdophoas PA mishap AoartmaniJur rant Cauirsl Three rooms and bath Isllcontslnad private IllIrInee Hui hydro water and par supplied 87d Telephone PA rwo uaonoosl unfurnished IvsilIhIa not rtns osslon Ap or PAH OI Lands ona bedroom rtmsot lncludlnl bedroom llvlng Ndll llloben butlliu uuphosrdr and closets Relrlsrslor stove and wsshlns rusc ins Private ent rance on Telephone PALMS ONE BEDROOM Apartment Owen and Grove Streets Ample storage Parking iIund room with er Eiuva Ind aerator Avsllsbo dulyl TI is soul as were MODERN sellsunlsinad unturn ishod on two bedroom sport bsth and enthuse RNlllllll nested Bright and lulluscu III livl room two bedrooms spacious lll chon Central location Adults only Psrhlog UNPURNldlllin tour ruuul Ipasb chilies Telephone salsa meat with private Illlh Bus stops It door Heated Available immelt rilsiely tlil per month Loudd gull Gunn Strut Thirphom reincar luppllld Lllinlirymouln Ind loclp er Necbildroro All lane fluviewl Apartments zlo Dunlop St East TIlephonl PA HMO annals Ulli Apartment priv bathroom no entrance Not all basic rclrlgsrstor Ind dutysiuve Looled on no Avenue Apply as Centre Street TWO EBBROOM unturnished IpIrtmant in new bulidins ii dern conveniences Lsun lllties Close to school Avs his now Parkih space Hill liter THREE ROOM Ap Iilns tailed three piece hath hardwood floors Reirlaerstor laud heavy duty slave Sailcontained imme dlltoipwusion Apply Arm strong Hardware 95 Dunlop St TWO FURNISHED newly decora ted one bedroom apartments Up per IpIrtmout llsI ilvu rooms and balcony lowrr has iourrou nayhsld Wellington dl PA also NEW AND pddm ona Ind twp bedroom IpIrtlbents overlookint scenlc Kempeuielt Hear Ila Ier harm and tor service Included Automa wsshlng cllltiea MO SECOND FLOOR Apartment with two bedrooms living room with dining area selleuntslaedhested Central locationultent Ireland late occupancy or or July lAp ply Merrick PA MAM altar noose eases TWO DELUXE uniurnlsh bcdronut lplltmunll prlv deck and balconies Drso pliedLaundry and parking iIcliit iu real ble rent NeerVest End PlIzs Telephone PA mar SECOND FLOOR One bedroom apartment large llvlng roamykit open with excellent dlniul ares seliconllllied heated Central lo cation Renews Apply ll Merrick PA 87 ter pm PA assss MODE tw Ill ground tlnor unlurnished apm ment in Struud apartment house Available noonUII or swimming pool No distention to baby No pets 71 monthly Telephone Siroud All Refrlg 2131 power ST PA early Aarlclss rel sale ASPHALT PAVING orARRANo to canals DISH Mid idllyohlciestor Wrecke AhiCAN SCRAP METAIS unlop scwm Joust across Hwy 00 PA 843856 an es validIV sols GUARANTEED Prlcodilorll 35900 ldeal ior the cottage EPLEiTS TV alld Appliances 117 humor 51 BARRIE PHOTQL REPRINTS available at The Barrie Examiner it you would like to have re prints oi any news pictures taken by our stall photogra phers ploasecail atour Busi ness omce We are sorry we cannot accept phone orders GlossyPrinIsl 5X7 $I00 8xloi $135 PM 10 DAYS ONLY Furnaces Forced airoii or gas installed complete with duct work as low as 275 PER WEEK NO DOWN PAYMENT Usedoll an inns to WOODWARD AND SON ea sores on smoubsllu STROUD THERAFTERS ANTIQUES The Showcau or Simeoo County FLOORS or ANTIQUES FURNITURE BOOKS SHAV ING MUGS GOBLETS PEW TER FINE CHINA BRASS COPPER iRONï¬ jorENDAlLY lOIaJn lo l03m lawns CRAIGHU fr our more PA 8340 VFREE Year Guarantee on Used TV picture tubesrï¬l plus 30 day warranty $49 AND UP McFADDEN ques Occasional furniture brlo absac china and glass NowAT UNFIJIINISEED one bedroulla Ipartnaellt in modern private home Four piece hatil private entrance parking ties Close to bu stop and erldplaaa Immediate posscal Telephone UNFURNISIIED Apartment two bedrooms living room dining room kitchen Ind bathroom Ground floor closeto downtown Utilities lllllpllttd Adflitl $85 month to responsibleAIenaut Poss ession Augurt Telephone PA 56143 MOST COMFORTABLE PIICO to live in burllo Modern large two hedruum apartments Ivsllsblenow In brsnd new buiidlnls ioested Ina lovely ruldentlal distrch rate and public school Parking not water lup stoveop rent lyllVISI Steel street namepgr telephone PA uses or eveningeylASloo noolaswo Let NEWLY Furnished sued elieil bedroom anddully equipped lrli chon Suitable for one oriwo hasslislrsl g1rlsSlo Weekly Includes all solution Telephono PA M100 TWO ROOMS tor rentKitchon and bedroom Com Italy ed In nice oi IIOAI fll Io upie 95 wth ll utilities Thlophone PA 05115 or In llurion Avonupl Try All lï¬umlnnrtlani PIONE PA 824 721 wasrrucn Tolevlslon or III rssle PA more ed Phone PA M427 DJilllllioar odl Mall incl Telephone KENMORE WASHER with tllflel Ior sIlesI ood rs Gowns at unrcrr occurs Aral ii an Ior in good condltl oh Pelephone WW oI runs real well $50 Jainism Restaurant Telephone are Crd rurswnlrans bought Iold repaired Student rental rIigl lo mullgllly then ass oarlop stuwlulielysflilsagm OUItNEY anaemic to Couch Bed and Drlvles OllhIiCIlNllle Coleman Lamp ilï¬nlll kaolin Bolttnry Chan an phone PA 84054 or III Tm COMMERCIAL loot dairy showcase with stars beluweopper pipe and eomDnl Ior LaukaIndrulllllire nomm Prices Restaurant phe hill creemere KitA numerator