32 4A egg n5 fï¬ gt3 its wk ¢E£ treats medial carton sgrud ttiesds provtnos onto their nees roses plain Men to use are insu The local pointof that ycnrotd dispute swung today to Ssskstoon where threorsomtn ent figures weretog vs the views oi goverruoont sad doe tors on the CCP sovernnsents compulsoryprepsid Itst feat Care insurance Act it was teamed Tuesday that Premier Woodrow Lloyd and Dr Dalglelsh sldeat of the Saskatchewan liege oi Physlcisns and Surgeons have been eschsn ng secret letters on the dime Neither the premier nor the college would comment on the contents of the letters but senior college efiidat attached rent importance to the letter Irorn Dr Dsigieisb The pre mier said at press coniersnce college spokesman sold reply hadbeen drsited Tucson the colleges opposition has satenod since the govern ment implemented the net July On that date most practisin physicians withdrew arm medical services MEETS VITTI COUNCIL Onthe eva at his scheduled pcarance bcioro tho provin eIIiI CCP convention in Saska tooii Dr Daigleish met late Tuesday night with other mem bers of the governing council of the college He said earlier he was un decided about what he would say but observed there are other waysz instituting med tcoi carat insurance that have never been seriously considered by both parties Before Dr Dsigieish speaks convention delegates were to hear addresses by Premier Lloyd and Lord Taylor British Labor poor who arrived Monday at the governments invitation as an adviser Dr Daigteish said Tuesday the college would talk to Lord Taylor who played major role in drafting Britains national health plan if Lord Taylor asked tor such meeting Lord Taylor emphasised on biefarrlvai that he had not come as nmedtetor but as no investiv gator ready to help in whatever way he could Don McMillan president of the Saskatchewan Hospital Association said Tuesday the association is still trying to settle the dispute nasnmo costrisiqu The last negotiation between the government and the college few days before the July start of the act were arranged through the efforts of tho Itssos ciatton In other developments court hearing was to continue today on an application for an tniunc tionwh eh would In cifect sus end operation of the not until in validity could be tested alter the sinnrner court recess Tho appiciation was made by Hans Tani vicepresident oi tho provincial Keep Our Doctors Committee Dr Lewis Maciten Warns That Trusts Dangerous IiThey Gain Too Much Power OTTAWA iCPtv The passi biiity of an undue concentra tionoi iinanclai power in Ca nadtan trust companies has been raised by Chiet Justice Dana Porter at Ontario chair man of the royal commission on banking and finance He said Tuesday that if they are given the power to move into equity investments in big way on bchuit at various trusts the result could be is ire mcndous concentration oi power and uninfiuanee beyond their ordinary roles as trustees The chairman made the com ment near the end oi second anti linal day oI commission questioning of the Tnist Com panies Association of Canada The 18 association companies as group handle about $1 400000000 in personal and cor porate savings as well as ad ministering some 51350000000 worth at trustee pension funds in which their investment now ers are almost unlimited But theibiggestpart of their business still is handling estates and trusts worth 30000000000 by book valueand about twice as much by market value Now restricted by provincial law to debt investments the tmstcom pantes want authority to put as per cent of there assets into stocks with earnings records ARE RESPONSIBLE Association spokesman Gor ydors Hodgeon assistantgem esai manager at the Montreal Trust Company said ati asses ciatton companies realize our stewardship and responsibility yery well in other commission question intih Association President It Bean viceprcsident of tit iiiaterioo Trust and Savings Cmpany tnKitchaocr said the sitcompany group itseil had no commenton theCaaadlan tax structure Bu tiniiodgsoa had some ideasct his own its said the theory at the sopcrceattax credit on common stock divi rashes wasthst it should in crease common stock lboidings monsoon iiiim guessan siart ot1heyear spent at thegovcrnmentehave uzthbeeeuse of Itltylt mlstesdla armstl tag tacit ti thesltustion Elohim susnvronss nucleus The committed also said tsh doctors recruited bytlso Baskstchswsa government are being deliberately mlslntermed ss toths adegus oi oinsrlt gen services an the truss also of the medical profession in thiseri The government has been re cruiting doctors to the United Kingdom tor temporary service st centres in the province where emergency service is not being provided The tree emergency service is being provided by its members at the college through plsns coordinated by the Cans hiedicst Association at to tale in the province representatives sent to Englandl prides Bï¬ltlslon Dr Noe use see eon of Medical Services Inca orsted doctorspon soredv medical chrs plan in Regina Jack tinsel sce retary of the itiedicot Care insurance Commission administers the government act said tirittsh doctors are to arrive in the province this wcck bringing to the number who have been brought here Mr Kinsel said the British doctors have requested not to 1have the press directed to them its said the commission will not reicaso any names and will not arrange interviews WORK UNDER ACT The commission said there were itdecton trorn Saskatch ewan or other provinces work ing under the ct which the co loge has opposed in Regina tho ovarnmcnt announced the spec ntment oi Harold Thomson retired judge of the Saskatchewan Court at Queens Bench as oneman royal commission to investigate complaints of dis crimination in granting and re tainlng at hospital privileges among newly arrived doctors The commission is expected to start work soon Hear rigs will be held in local communities but no decision has been made on whether hearings wili be open to the public Premier Lloyd said that alleged persecution of doctors is outside the terms of reference at the commission Terms at reference limit the inquiry to instances involving members of thc dollcge who wore registered byithe collegelicensing body or doctors in the provinceon or after Jan 1061 The premier said the commie sion is expected to look into the cases of Dr tda Fisher and Dr Joseph Montgomery two recent arrivals trom the UK who signed shortitcrm contracts with the government to practise in the province and thus increase the demand for stocks But he said protesslonai lavco tarssuch as trust companies nre worried about the scar city valueof Canadian com mon stocks asopposed to their real value This means some at list he said Expenditures Swing UpWard OTTAWA tCP Earlyyear expectations at sixpercent rise in capital expenditures dur tag not appear likely to be achieved and perhaps sur gassed intormants said Tuesi The governments temporary tsrlit surcharges adopted June 24 as part of the new austerity program might even provide an incentive thatwouid push capital outiays over the tense 000 total indicated in asurvey ot investment plans mode at the But officials said It is too early yet to gauge the tall at feet at this iactor The trade department now is compiling reports from its mid year survey at investmcnt tar tentionsin all sectors of the economy including business firms ammonia and public agencies The survey was carried out prior to the June at announce the doiias austerityprogrom which included cuts invgovern meat spending as well as the temporary tariff surcharges oi iii9 wand to percent on just over bait ol Canadas Im ports Survey ttadlnge are we pected to be announced towards tit oi the month The sixvpercerit increase indl cated in the initial survey would mark thefirst big upturn in capitalspending since the peak at JVWMNITI seer nsunssssssns BACON SPECIAL COPACO WIENERS SPECiALf Pickle it Pimento Macaroni ti Choose or tunahooa Style ideal tool SPECIALI Sac 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