Ontario Community Newspapers

Barrie Examiner, 17 Jul 1962, p. 8

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Wigwamvenue IgIemuorrrvrn mum Itinrtefilrfprtetor IAkevtew Pure hm Ind Dairy 07150 unite ved It Ittnate firebany on the but hoortera cltyoiBarrie haa ever had VII born In loll IuBIalr Oat Illa lather iaaIIhIKInrle and three under ran the it Bremen Haste Iaai Dairy Blair and IItrtbuted mil IIreeton II He worked Ior one at Ma uncles It dai In Pmton and learned the IIrybuato SERVED IN WAR Durin the war Mr Itinaie ii iolned army II privatII went overuamnd returned atoll urgeant 11a ldoeant think hlI accomnllahrnent oi min to alati aergeant II any thlne out at the amine but am he Ia prouder win log the mlle race to tour min Inter and uucoade When he returned tram over IeeI he houlht onaroute dnlry hualnera In Guelph 11a rceIlII that alter buyiaatt he went home and told hII wlta II II the want dairy have ever Icon but bought he eaure it war the only one that would accept my meagre down payment lie aald hIr wite quILmht with me and we got only with Icrub bruah and paint bruahI Mr Klnrie did the aateur Irlng and delivery whia MrII IKinrie warhcd bottlee and in two yenra they built the but Ineea to three router lie mu hueineaa Juat Icem leat tohe there Iorthe alk an He Itlll encourageI aaking ior hzeineae nnd thinka people like to be naked ior huelncsa But we never high prcuure any one By lo the buaineae In Guelph had outirown the build inga and the anIea were on the lookout Ior another billi IN Ila Inw an ndverliaemcnt In paper tor dairy Ior role In Barrio In that Alter comingrto Barrie trad looking at the dairy he called at the Royal Bank to Ice the manager II Firher hir Filttttt called the Incre tary mane er ot thd Barrie Chamber Commerce and the three oi them went Into Mr FlalrlrIoiiica to talk huIineuI BOOSTER FOR BARBIE Mr Klnzle racelII thII meet ing with delight have never heard Iuoh booatera tor Barrie it Impraueri me Io mudr that have need tirII approach in in Mr Itlnzle recalla that ha outI all the torward gaara In ycar II deputy ureeven two yearr ae reeve and ttve yeara ten to have 20000 boortera tor mInytimae and lI nwthellaesgtfldoeirfiwflhd flat Canada to iaItIIl veeuum flavoring unit ihla machineJ developed In Carolina to com bat the flavor oi leak wild onlona tanllk ram ea Inytorelgn Ilaver Itlnlt weed iurnipa onionI had allthe roblemaoi one atartina huaineaa wt out money DRIVES IN REVERSE Willard Illnzla tI not man to back up but he reuiia one occarlon when he made an ax ceplton When he will deliver ing milk In Guel one morn Ing II he war out to etart hII truck tranImIIIiorr were Itri dor out 01 order Ito cou nt drive iorward prone to Interra wae the moat guano own mayor thayever Ihalblimt Inn uni In myxttrrrn of 0th war Barrie beooming citya lot at ple Wflllfliflfl It Some tell that the county aeatwould be moved Item no Barrie Iothera thought Barrie would lou III drama and will othen theuglrtit woul lore anIneu II iirinir when Barrie became city the publicity Ive in palm to prothI We mmedlat aly embarked on live year improvement pro ram mine are the tint ctyIIn North America to have complete fluorescent Itreat lighting STILL ACTIVE Mr Kinxie aayaz Since Ive quit being mayorI am to be more occupied than ever and thought id have more time Ila iI active 11 the Barria had only am mu indurtrialComqutonchairmon IayI Ihe customers had to be aervad lo backed the truck around Iherouie which covered the whole city oi oi Guelph can toll on had Itiii neck when waa through But building up dairy buI non her not kept Mr Ktnzle out otpuhlic attatre lle aer ved Ia monthe aI alderman 19571931 an mayor There were annual electionI tor mayor dur lng thnttirne Ir Itir Itlnrle aeid he decided to get into city politicI about roar He Ieya there war at Inch oi enthualaam on council and the Junior Chirnher oi mmerco naked me to run One at hie tirat policioI when he become mayor woe to institute ayItem oi lending perrenal welcome card to every newcomer to Barrie He Iald Ivloelleve It to bet Barrie then one MIR INTEREST He tried to Itir up more in tamt In elcctIona and believe this eliortr were aueceaeiul he at Zone oi the Georgian Bay Development Aaeoclatlon and ha been making an attempt to lengthen the leaflet Ieeeon Ila am The irqu oi tourtet ourlneu II done In about two montha and id like to tea it the year round We ahould he Inviting srouoa up irom ioronto all the time and come oi thcae zroupa would put on ahowI here and local people would go and eoioythem Being chairrn oi the Bar r1I United Ap taken up tan bit hie time Mr Itlnziee hobhy II old carI the antique type Ile tlxee thornuo He had an old Model Fordln tire Domin oonrnncr name By JAY ancrren South dealer Northsouth vulnerable Norzurr can eroee Mae tlilcate loot IIDIIIJ brokerage qucen or inch or diamonda In tract was poor one near or our wuotry woul much enhanced by having our idualirm the remote oI hit tavorite topic thI oily oi BIrrII Charge IIILawyer With Stock The IVNEW YORK APITha FBI erreated disbarredlawyer to day and charged him with Iranrporting aerate Itate liner part oI the oroooooo Itocit con house vaultI Michael Lekakoe arr ot Brooklyn waa charged with tranaportlng 100 Iharea oi Itoien International Burinaae Ma chines atocit to Miami July 17 the elect wna taken tram Bache and Company about three weeka ego authoritlea raid At his arraignment en naI tent US attorney aelduthat ba elder the IBM rtoeir LeIraItoe had alto moved 1W eherea ol General Motora Corporation atoclr IBM closed at them and GM at $4975 Monday on the New York Stock Exchange or total at $43123 totnl oi $1379415 wee atolen mm the veultI oi the Well Street brokerage houae planet the KQ eI cluirl the alam would have been eatia Ioctory one But thlnaa being the way they were the cons However South made the Juursrnrouss DONALD DUCK BLONDIE JsNrmArausr WHY POLISH WASTE OFTIME IF YOUREJUST stuKQt aim anyway He rocognizcd 3351 EAST that normal play war not apt 2un 41108 to succeed and that the any eat U11 real chance at making the 0w hand we find eltheu dalenél lemon vcxvrz CHANNEL BARRIE 233 alga lb nuaanflmrlrilgil 11 1333 ism mun IhoatrI eAKQtoa lendwnlth ten EDIE pineyeedunl roerea low diamond to the ace Iat 1wa am owng ow on row we Ir The bidding giggly erfrt arroneoarr may to mm Nara my gtlam zliugguglstfiéflixdn annuals ma iut Plttdnr one so Pue on new II fir upward 133 rfifiek 73 Opening leadten ot ciuba Blonder iogcedlto willll with °° amne lilohth ttlflihnthhtil him at In wznuarnny won re Vacation Time South ruli and dlacard and me out rittun Dick Tracey will Iifiiilgé if he made the atom or result MI Foouya and Pal Cilmran er of come Em mum have Tftv Newr WaIthIr soortr New eather Sport mmm um that WMYC If Fifi on huntton comer II It ever does well Inhaled 1° mm by m1 WIhettéflmbitd Movie tee nun Tim In Bali McCaya hm 1n otruggia along with ping the king otdlemonde on on mamm Ineeauameeae FFFfapsnyrpsIué 32ggsssuszgs 25858238 timed WWI 31 certain dillicult handa trying to Ilhe ace when It was played 11 11 on II naive Probably irewould hnva done nihilufllar Itnnn oafllryugrineunn was this It South had telegraphed rnm Blonder Man and the Chalienic Many menth by mm Ihiiilil°taw firm You can criticize the bidding 19 hm 01 and PM Bachelor Father Today In em in rm hand if you we to before tackiingthe diamond 33I but the fact to that many lilii good pair would wind up In the But the play at the diamond name had contract with two 50 early in the hind mad CFTO CHANNEL TORONTO diamond The x40 it difficult or East to realize ween Jun 17 WM cluba are wasted values or CWHY Willi 5W 10 too ProIeIlura Ilideaway eta Nawa North to hold opposite the South and eventually it COIL him The Lawman non Bachelor alum tho contract III ran fggmrgoNipfimetr it Northhad had the king rennin Smart deienle MD Charka IoIab iornbrtona Terriiory new new cnosswmo wannaanny run 11 was Lumen fig 55 who my rrno nIIIIhe my 13m Itm or dual zIoo owner Hum 15 omby SAuotten 241mm tmore hathIdI trorn Beat 1m one mm Nawa abortztne 01 My flatworm Hideaway 108mm 7Oifl CurI good lawman mu only soartr Weather New gm nghratrlairt commune SBeetlve Theatre at Nrre MTMW ILGellirone month were em new II no In Final horaea lficenign 1801am rentInterim imlyer WMMWlfllp Wm it lily 33311 31va STE FWRl 1on Marine 1o AIME mo am no any out Mt Channel Nina heatre LWEWOIMNW 121an tor mm tndluanra Illde The Lawn uo Sparta Weather NIWI 700 Leave it To Beaver i331 tElt The arrytngthno up one Nrrea City PA 87433 Pater Gun Immiy la norono 5r gemeegthIn aperta 333m It It In 50 YARDS INONFMIITCIIEI IN RFARIIEN MIRROR ssrlriépsxP 38232383388 AFTER FANFIJLOHEIZ RELIGIOUS COOKIES IriPsm sssz EE auz SAWYER IIIIVAEIIII um 362433 filmymm Innendowchihié WWW MUGGS AND SKEEIIER

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