BrideWears silk organza Ar Wedding In St Andrews Vows were exchanged between Miss Shirley Ann Woodrow and Audusiiobert Earl Wright at an afternoon ceremony in St Andrews Presbyterian Church July Rev Ross Adams of iieintcd tWhite glndioli and pink car nations adorned the chancel of the church The Wedding mm and Perfect Love were sung by Donald Lalnson accompanied by Raymond Daniels of 0rlllla The bride is the daughter of Mr and Mrs Archie Woodrow oi Nelson Street The bride groom is the son of Mrs Mason Wright and the late Mr Wright of Shanty Bey GOWN 0F ORGANZA Entering the church on the arm other father the bride wore full length gown oi silk organza over taffeta The dress was fashioned with fitted bodice lily point sleeves and billowing skirt lbe gown was enhanced with iridescent sequins on the neckline and at the waist tier ï¬ngertip veil of silk tllusioaluiio was held by crown ot iridescent sequins The bride carried ban get of pink roses1nd stephaao are LANDERS Dcar Ann Leaders My wife and readxyour column every day and we talk about it Now have question would like you to settle Please print it so she can see your answer in black and white Larn member of labor union like to wear my an ion button at all times because lm proud of it My wife says Ishould not wear celluloid button with local number on it when we go out socially especially to church hecleims it looks out at co Isay labor union button is badge of honor and it is never out of place After all in some countries people cant join labor unions and Im proud to have the privilege Please decide who is right UNlDN MAN Dcrr Man Its wonderful to he so proud of your union badge that you want to wear it everywhere but agree with your wii Theres time and place for everything Freedom to worship is also privilege de nied to people in some coun ties But would you wear badge to your next union meeting reading am Lutheran Wearing union badge to church or social gatherings adds upttothe same thing It would no place =DearqAnn Lenders read wit interest the letter from the man who rented the up talrs ofjhis uplex alam of fournlhenaa cw months later five more peopl moved in as gucs learned how to deal with such owhrowteuants You can beam the manshunch was right when prove it bu egsuSpected the guesm were payinglrent to their friendsï¬rebany splitting IBelorle rent an apartment or home put aelause the lease stating how many people araaiiowed to the dwelling family is are Time Place ToWear Button be wrong just out of said he couldnt Mrs Marlon Piikey the brides sister was matron of honor Miss JoAnne Hawks oi Orillia and Miss Rugh Woodrow olNewmarkct were flower girls The matron of honor was gowned in blue organic over taffeta with matching pill box headdress She carried cos cndc bouquet of pink carnations and white mums Thcflowcr girls were match ing bouliant malls of blue or ganza over taffetawllh white straw hats They carried bas kets or pink carnations and white mums The bridegroom was attended by his brother Alton Wright of Shanty Buy Manley Hawke of Oritiia and Jack Greenside oi Barrie were the ushers RECEPTION The reception was held in the church bail Receiving the guests Mrs Woodrow wore sheath gown of aqua linen styled with ed front panel White access orios and The bridegrooms mother as sisted wearing sheath gown of blue embossed bengcline oa hsncedwith beige accessories corsage of yellow roses tee him the lg sts will move out in hurryFLORA Dear Ananrmdersi Im ashamed to write this because youll probably think lm terrible person On paper it will sound awful but if you met me in person lmsuro youd find me quite nice Imarried my husband ten years ago Three years later ldivorced him because we ob ways seemed to be lighting One year later married sno ther man and my errhusband married another woman His marriage lasted two months and mine lasted three months We agreed that we had both remarried out of spite Within six months we were back to gether again as manaad wile Eight months later we were fighting just like before put up with it forthree years and then divorced him We could nt staudto be apart and the lrlds kept crying for their Daddy so Iremarried him Everything was fine until three months ago Now we are tight ingragaln and want to un load him for good But Im afraid to take the step be cause of what has happened in the past Please tell me what t0tl0AGATHA gt7 Dear Agatha Some people cant get along with each other or withouteach other You two are chronic battlers with basic needvior someone tolight with Enlist the aid of third party to referee the big onesinstead of run ngltoth til it For the wedding trip to at town and points in the United states the bride travelled in from Oriilla Newmarket Brook2 line day at the Canadian Home Spainhos sheath gown of turquoise bro ceded satin with white access ories and eorssgo of pink WEEiv on return the newlyweds will reside at 55 Dunlop Street East Out of city guests attended lie ltceton Newton Robinson Toronto Shanty Bay Oro Stat ioa Scarborough and Lefroy Use Seville For Educatidn OTTAWA OP Todays teenagar got pat on the back fromla Tomato teacher Thurs From survey taken among 226 high school students Edna Park unassaciate profee sor at the University of Tomato said she found todays adoles cents have more spending moneythan ever before but they save fair shared it and hlendoi sop city During Vancouy Bri Coleus New iilrlndlro Ernest Barricou vid parties Ryan of Toronto and Mr and Mrs Tbornas tangle of South fleid MerriamIre seats this pack at Baysiairr lodge Minetrioint Mn Leanna is gt nae Key Thom on the other not toting risol Metropolitan Life lastin nace Co when itynn was dlstrictmraagerntt enerL Ryan are patentsot MP Tomato Spadioa the an on ayev aou couples attended theiniarmal dance at Barrie OoirahyCluh Ercolient musicon provided byasirplece oamho from Barrie Collegiate Band led by Carl Hamilton Special prises for novelty and lucky liolis andCheilu Tierney Next Setimiay there will be an iaiormal dance to piano music following the club mixed twohail foursome competition On Saturday July there will has special dance with music by Tbmnto orchestra presently playing at Bigwln Inn Lake of Boys Muskoka Mrond Mrs Reginald Gram uwbo Mrs an nut Arm of tag the Bltrie gtravoilcro tumcdby motorto the is in via the Georgian Bay routclo onto nonsraonrrnlmcn Miss MadiyaSaio of are Toccata France Irviclting her Nets litre and Mrs prizes were organisedby $3 chart to Scan of Suanidale Readies the simmer holidays Ehe willrrctura to France at the end ofbervacstlonto assume hcr rition on the teaching Bllt at No Fighter Wind BRIDAL SHOWERS Prior to tier marriage Mrs Andes Wright was guest of honor at amtroeilaaeour show or hold at the home oi Mrs ForLoveorjMoney Simeon Coudiiching will be brightened by the up pearanon of talented Carol Starkman in the Red liarns secolpd presentation of its eight wee season lorrner visitors to the Red Barn lnrltidlfltnl mint will undoubtedly remember Carols blondu beauty In the Seven Yearlteh and in Will Success Spoil Rock Hunter ibisyenr itiiss Sterkmaa will star in the sophisticated com edy For Love 0r Money by Hugh Herbert author at The Moon Is Blue For Love OrMonoy will open at the Orlllla Opera House this even ag et 830loclockend run until Saturday The comegy is achermiag sticationsnd nai mafli Piflflto limit in 0W vcto its comedy revoivss education It is evident that with more education beyond high school as goal and the wisdom to save to achieveit we can expect great things of our young Cona disns as they assiano the re sponsihillty of maturity she told group discussion on the Economics Association biennial convention here Miss Park said the students incomes varied from $759 to $1797 week and that 69 per cent was earned by the students themselves Those questioned were boys and girls from Grades ti to 12 in schools at Toronto Scarborough North York Sudhury and Whitby They obtained their incomes from summer employment parttime jobs regular allow ances and irregular amounts given by parents for some spe cilia need Attend Day Camp Day Camp for retarded child ren began yesterday with 15 children registering for the ses sions held from 930 am to 3pm The campsis held at the school iorrrctarded ren Blake Street with daily swim ming in Ralph Snelgroves pool Supervising the activities is Mrs Ursle Keeper of the YW CA The chief counsellor Miss Nancy pluck is being assisted by senior counsellors Misses Susan MscLaren Caroi James and Connie James Misses Diane Childsg and Christine Small are junior caunseliors Dusuto the holiday period moving day into the new quar ters of the Sheltered Workshop is=ientauveiyset for August Moran cannon The 14theentury Gothic ca edrai at Gerona in northern 73 feet around famous actors roman ces with beautiful actress sin somewhat suicidal young gr Miss Starkman portrays the glamorous actress while the male lead is played by Tim nthy Findley who appeared in to the role of the young girl Mrs Sage Is Hostess Edenvale UCW Session The July meeting of the CW was held at the home of Mrs Sago on Wednesday evening with lsmembers and five visitors present Mrs Douglas Glffen vicepre sident presided The roll call was answered by naming at Springwater Park on July bamous Canadian Woman dï¬lfteg lily Mrsi Gordon gifts or Retarded Children 55° Mrs Bitten inns Ch 13 was read by The speaker was Miss Mar gnret Bates Reg ofNew LOWE Miss ates showed slidesand spokaot her Work among the Indians and Eski mos inthe JamesBay regio reassess opens atoning cram annotation all titres of the items recent productions in Tomato Judy Sinclair whowas last seen at the Barn in loss brings her own special quality the Bazaar and tea Mrs it and Edenvsie Cow groups Nov was the date set for were to cater for abanquet Sage reported that Mineslng llosisscs for the evening were Mrs Degeerand Mrs Maw PERMANENTS SPEClAl 550 complelciv open macs sharia nL an pm oranuoits EVES BEAUTY SHOPPE It Em Alludll lor appointment ell Alt8571 St Vincent urnedtothc dined vocational Parhside Driver osssnn as tarrmd Mrs Tsitmailfvlsited Frndceg Switzerland Enl revelled arena FAMILY REUNION Descendants of the in North Gross oiEua Ttiwnship nth cred at the home at Mr and Mrs Jack Garbutt King mit Farm Kiog Ctiy for in tensity reunion Guests included Mr and MrsAlhert dress of Collier Street Mr and Mrs llaer Clark and family at Port Credit Mr and Mrs Don Reid and family of leads wt OiShaniy bay The Womens institute of Shanty Bay held the July meeting at the home of Mrs Sutton The roll call tAvhlnt for first aid was answered bylo members Reports from standing comm ittees were given by Mrs Bowman Mrs Ross and Mrs Lovlsonh Mrs Martin gave the re port of the District Annual and teet The theme for the meeting was snfcty and several mem FLOBENCE lialy AP Striking designs in heavy soft wools and wide military shoulders featured the collect tions of Schuberth endLancetti showaiMonday night as part of italys fall and winter highfash ans Schuberth tended to blanket accessories bondanaa wrapped calots neck scarves hankies in the band ribbon cockndes But undernea were some striking coats suits and dresses Done in heavy soft wools they panels7 Straight skirts were lightiyyshirred gt Lancétti dld wide military shoulders often with epeulette pads ona narrow silhouette Many gowns were flat but toncd spirals of fabric Travel Arrangcmcate AIRWSHIP BUSRAIL HOTELS RESORTS CRUISES CAR RENTAL 0x Johnson and co Lid world Wldetssrvico ea costs roinnnlop eun by ML M1 igadAScolllndandlreiandom ltooertloag otPi Holdluiy Session eluded hints on Institute pro coders for standingcomrnitl Military Trend Shown In Italy his new lines under cloud oi featured front and baok apron surgeon truer toilets The dress was fashionade Liltttsd bodice With not rcoopod oeckilnclol any are embroidered la Voted pearlIThe not of own wnvboulfant percent It Wild and read rls held the fingertip vclio ruiie liiulloo Thrbride carried white prayer ibookadoragd wlth crescent sprIyLof roles The bride was attended by Miss AnnEwasko or mold ol honor Mias Ew trots gow wanolgreen satin Her limp was arirclet iug material Tho groontnnan was thomnr Tobln of Toronto Grant stephv ernon of Bramptonead Dale Golds of Barrie were ushers The reception was held at the RM In Oak Ridges Follow ggn wedding trip to be Quebec whorevthc bride near Greets attend wedding from Roche New York Niagero Eat Chethnm lien rte lfltohencr andNorth Bey the caeternunited States the couplewlii reside at St Lam bars read articles pertaining to thesublect iho meeting closed and re reshments were served GREAT ADVANCE iyork Retreat model lasu union for humans care of the insane was inrlttid the or ksh philenihro ho William Members were advised that the annual trip planned for the 1231 of July has been caneei estrous nrvnn Bestimowaol several Avon rivers in England that in the Shakespeare country flows loo miles to the Senora QUEBEC JASPER SEATTLE WORLDS FAIR and raspy othor interesting aces planned vacation tor in dlviduals or groups Leave when you Know the cost not you go Fay later plan available See yowtrnveiasentor once vein tramway can Shannon EXHielrrON Now on DISPLAY OF GENUINE RARE NOTICE To obligations BEAVERlUMBEIt been complete remodeiliagserq it Easy monthly partners anowis THETIME FOR RESiDING wttbmeiateasnoe free slu minum or asbestos no yearly painting BilROOFING new colorful protection with asphalt shinximnNEW mousse Comltieteli ie leaned snd ire modelledrby tcheu specialists Mensanon AND FAMILY noonas extra living space in your Muscat utiAltAGEs i7 singleor twocar design to pro test your car and give yearni ditlonel storage space ALUMI taunt noons and wrnnows WP finalih for controlled vent ilation and insectfree slimmer living NEED MOREROOM Expandyour presealho by adding an additional fullsize room at the side or at the rear meanness sroNss sans noun narcissism Poona on was