sy crevaceusecu seemsst asssaos TlMINti sun hat the date the Cat Horsahos Pitching chsm enset rls Plaza Pitching will start stilem was sort othoping the date would fall on Mlnesing softball night or even curling night or the peak of the hunt in season or on the dse ofa fell fair This way just might find out the tgrofcrence of Ella wor El Crawford Regardless of the sport you can bet our boets Crawford wil be on hand more often than as competitor Thats not bad considering the must be 00yearsoid If you havent seen Crawford pitch horseshoes then uve seen him coaching at third base for the Mine club in Barrie DistrictSenior Softball Club If on havent seen him there youveseen him curling youve missed him therehtoo than you may have ossed his path somewhere in the bush You must Rave seen him winning first prize ribbons at fell fairs ith his sheep Regardless of where youvesoen him hes always oflthe keenest competitors and always with 01 Because there are no other items on Saturdays blender to disturb him Crawford will be at the Plaza itchln horseshoes something he does prac cally every day winter or summer His rosence will make it fair bet that the cham iona while not only held in this area may stay ere tor another year at leasttil like 801 Among the News vyingfor the bauble will be world runerups eive courts will be played sim ultsneously Crawford will also he featured in an exhibition match against Elmer Hohl oi Weilesley El defeated the world champion at Richmond Hill May of this ELLSWORTII CRAWFORD year Hohl was runnerup in the worlds tourney in ndtana last year Another exhibition will see North American champ iDesn McLaughlin of Oshawa play Clayton Neebof iWaterloo runnerup in the Class championships at Indiana successful pitchers from here will attend the world tournament at Grenville Ohio later in the month and the Canadian Championships at the Canadian Nst mional Exhibition Toronto Some oi the other area layers wholl compete and have good chance at do extremely well are Geo Miles and Wally Graves of Barrie and Logan rows and Wray Saint of Midland Therell be many moretoo pBuildog Growls Sammerllno In Tonights Wrestling Final Dick Bulldog Brewer claims to fear no man He claims that he can lick anyone Thus far the husky and mean professional wrestler has prob well proved his point While not winning his matches in the mast ethical of manners Buil dog has time and time again cred Barrie Arena patrons ts his objective to defeat Bruno Somartino here to night and again send the fans home snarling Chris and John Tolosfight Red Lyons and Tony Marine elm muml Duffie 101 will defend hisworldr gt Preliminary has Haystack iunlor welterweight champion Muldoon against Taro Sskuro ship sganist Eddie Perkins ï¬r BROWEE T0 DEFEND TiiL NEW YORK AP Italys fracture nanometre trout to Bob Bowman of Maple Avenue Bob was use ing fourpound spinning The water off Hayfield done it again Fri ayhnlght it gave up four and PATOUINN of Barrie leit and Glenn Mugtreadoi Weat Kildonen areold friends de spite the fact they meet lost since ayssr Clean er rfvsdyitii the rest oi the west soccer team yesterday Ileli stay wills Pats family during the east vlsitlsst germ stayed at Glenns me It was thewposita eats the vioua season miner Kidd Rates ropesres LONDON CF Canadas Bruce Kidd me be an Mg duckling on cinder ps but one day hell emerge as great as another ugly Itlillidl Emil zatopek oi Crechoslo vakia says former British Olympic gold medalist Christopher Brasher writin in The Observer Sunday be nothing but praise for the 10 yeeroid Kidd after the fine showing this Toronto student made in tin shing ascend to one or Britains beetdlatsnce run ners Bruce 1rlioh the barefoot botanist Brasher who won the sold medal for Britain in the 1000 Olympic Games at Melbourne by sweeping to victory in the howmetre steeplachase says Kidds performance was an other run on the road to Tokyo The Olympic Games in the Japanese capital in sees may show Kidd be one 01 the all time Brasher adds Kidd the Canadian and United States champion at three miles tried his hand at the slim distancevagalnst first class internatione field in the annual British Amateur Athletic Union track and field champion ships Saturday at WhiteCity indium it had rained ail mornlnf end the cinder track was sowed somewhat great athletes Carry Back Sets Record Now roars for Carry midway down the home stretch and broke the track record as he captured the 100100 Mon mouth Bark Handicap in spine tingier that saw favored Kelso finish second Beau Pur pie who had upset both of them the July Suburban Hundl cap was third Expertly ridden by Johnny Rots the 1001 Kentucky Darby winner scampered under the wire in 200 25 for Saturdays IIl mile trip three lengths ahead of Kelso The time eclipsed Round Views track mark of 0501 10sct in 1047 The winner paid 69 3320 and £200 Kelso ridden by Willie Shoemaker and the 4to0 favor its paid $100 and $220 Beau Purple returned $200 Carry beck collected 7004700 putting his total at 1005000 vlly bet Prove It captured the $102100 Hollywood Gold Cup Handicap earning e102100 Windysands was second and New Zealand runner Cedis third Prove It returned 00 0820 and $200 Windy Bands $100 and 3320 and Cadiz who won the $100000 added Californian early in the meeting 05 The fat purse increased Prove Its earnings to $450070 Ridan making his first start since secondplace showing in the May Presknese sped through mud to score seven ength victory in the $10250 Arlington Classic in Chicago Mighty Fennec was mad and Admirala Voyage Itidan 4in0 favorite ridden by Avelino Gomez returned $300t310 and 0200 Mighty Feunec paid $1740 and $740 Admirals Voyage $370 The victory Ridnns fourth in nine starts this season was worth$04050 sarcomas by TI sssoomun anuss Baiting Jim Gentile Balti more Orioles put Baltimore homerun in sixth inning of 04 opener anli won the as second game with No 24 in the ninth Pitching an Mahaffey Phil adelphia Phlillos turned back five hits 21 beating them for first time in career with his line and twobit lureEx cenrelnbew amines Photo Il six Back smashed into the lead At Inglewood Calif the her ahead to stay with his 20rd league lending Dodgers with 301 Is sedend On TheTrde In the battle of the Braces mlioh as won with brilliant clockin of It minutes 10 sec onds world record is 13110 set in 1000 by Murray Halberg of New Zealand Kidd was scent second slowerabout four yards be hind Tislieh But the University of Toronto freshman was grate ful tor the experience despite the fact the 1017 clocking was the fastest hes ever run the diatonceoad the fastest three miles ever run by Canadian Obviously Kidds mark can notbe recognised as Cana dian record since it Was not set in Canada Doug ifer of Cal gary holds thsCenodisn record of 18404 He set it in 1000 Brasher in separate article compares Kidd wlthZstepek one of the greatest distance run ncrs who set world records in virtually every distance from 0000 metres onto the postwar years LOOKS UNIiT Kidd is really one of the odd est dlstancorunners ever to appear on 0track His hair is amost shaven down to his isrgeskuli and with his pasty face and lantern law he asks like an unfit boxer He carries his arias well awpy from his body with his ldianéis flopping as if they were on But what do looks or style matteri One day hell emerge Iiy THE CANADIAN PBEEB American league Is Pct GEL New York 4035 083 Los Angeles 4080 051 Cleveland 40 40 545 Minnesota 47 40 022 Chicago 47 so 511 Eaitimore 40 44 011 Detroit 41441404 Boston ssssise Kansas City 415045111 Washington 20 50 341 70 Saturdays Results New Yorho Los Angcles Baltimores Cleveland Chicago Detroit Washington 4Minnesata Boston 4Kanaas Cltyd Buadoys Results Nsw York 011 Kansas City 60 Baltimore 00 Cleveland 45 Los Angeles 04 Washington 110 Chicago Detroit Minnesota Boston Second genie ppd rain Bilil transits By MEOCIATED FREE AmsrlcanLessae sari HPcl vitunnels Boa 01301110 041 Jimenez KCity 100311 108 304 Sieberss CClty 340 011 110 510 Robinson Chi 007 51 100 010 Runs Pea and Wagner Los Angeies 04 guir Runnels end stebern Doubles Robinson 20 oTriples01mph Kansas City Ilome Runs Wagner re stolen from Wood Detroit 21 Pitching Donovan Cleve lend 121 000 Strikeouts Pascusl Minne sota 120 National league All it HPci Davis LA 57400132053 fClemenie Pitts 317 01 111 350 Ituns 02 Runs Wills Les Angcies Baitcrl In Davis Davis 102 Robinson 03 DnvlsuLo Ange Home Runs Pitching nail 143 Huddersfield Yorkshire es great as that other run ner Zaiepek Zslopek won three geld med als at the sees 01 mplcs in list ainkl Finland wi victorissdn the 0000 metres 10000 metres and the marathon Kidd Saturday showed tre mendous improvement in losing gin tsreaisatever rsce Satur sy In retaining his 00 tlrreo mi title last February in New York he was clocked in llt00 Here he had some of Britains finestpecers to spur him on SETS EARLY PACE Marlin If man like iblioh resident of ortsmoutlr took the lead from the opening gun as he set the fast early pace sis sins lsterthst Kidd ls ta fastest teenage distance runs per he has ever seen You ran great and you have great races to run he told Kidd and Derek Ibbotson at These three stayed together until theiast of he is laps dust as the bell lap sounded the Canadian abbed the lead and it looks as though he might have caught the two Brit one by surprise Ibbotson didnt have it to cute Kidd but iulloh re span cd to the challenge came up to the Canadions shoulder and outsprlnted him down the BASEBALLRECORD Los Angelcs San Francisco Cunliam can sense 00310 Rails Batiedtn Wagner 00 Music St Louis22135 77 030 Robinson Cin 33505112334 Davenport SF 20905 00018 Davis and strikeoute 200 straightaway to the tape Ihbot son finished third New York Ford 75 at Kea sos City Pfister 17 Washington Rudolph 23 at Les Angelcs Bowsfioid 00 only games scheduled Games Tuesday Detroit at Les Angeies Ni Cleveland at Minnesota Washington at Chicago ilinltlmore at Kansas City New York at Boston NationeiLcogna Pct GDL or as are 59 34014 50 35 615 00 40 550 10 4000 552 10 44 40 400 10 40 si 440 role 34 54 080 15 Chicago 30 00 170 20 New York 24 00 170 84 Saturdays Results Houston Pittsburght St Louis Milwaukee Sub Francisco Philadelphia Cincinnati schicago Los Angelea 17 New York 11 Bentleys Results San Francisco 38 New York 00 shutouts 07 Pittsbuth ea Pittsburgh Bt Louis Cincinnati Milwaukee Philadelphia Houston Los Angelea 01 Philadelphia 12 Cincinliatl 00 Milwaukee Chicago 44 Houston 01 ProliablsPltcbers Today San Francisco iSanford 100 at New York Craig 512 night St 110111 Sadeciri 50 at Pittsburgh iMcBean 00 night Cincinnati 1sz rest at Mil waukee fIIendiey sat night Houston Kemmerer 00night tCnly games scheduled Camel Tuesday Philadelphia at Houston Chicago at St Louis Les Angeles Jacksvlile Toronto Buffalo Itocbester Coiumhus Atlanta Syraouse Cinclanati Seiiord Captures SCIG fit Borden Nani Seiford of the host club won the Slincos County Invita tlfilLGoli Association tourna mentat RCA Comp Borden yesterday lhs husky servlceman had an lehoie score oi 10 by far the beat in the first flight and of the 00 golfers Second prise in the same flight went to Begnel of Camp Borden Army with an 00 Low net honors in the first flight White 11 Thompson of Air Force with 09 and Taylor ofAnrw 71 Bornor of Army had the second night low gross score of 02 Runnerup was McDon ald of Air Force 04 Net winners were Walk sr and Packhsm oi Army 07 and 00 Third flight grose winners were Gibbs of Army 00 and McComb Biookiea 07 Net winnerswore Barker of Coilinswood 00 and Faint Brookisa 70 Barrie CountryCiub was re Erslasented by only three is oars Utopia Nips Thornton 21 Pitcher Irv Nelson stroked runscoring single in the bot tom of the seventh inning to give host Utopia 21 victory over Thornton Saturday Nelsonse blow scored Jack Nelsons blow scored Jack moved to ssoondon Bots Dunns safely Utopia down 10 after four frames scored its other South Simcoe Baseball League game run in the sixth inning as Ted Lsyoocir bit home run Singles by Chester Morris pitcher Don Johnston and Joe Timmons accounted for Thom tons telly Nelson limited the visitors to halfdozen belts two byiohn sion and Tlmmons Johnston was tagged for sev en blows three byTsd Lay cock and two byKenweJl Willows Whip Torontoniana Vareoa Willows siugged To sonlo AllStars 175 in an ex hibition softball game at Queens Park Saturday The host girls were just too powerful in every respect Their barrage of hits included homers by Barb Jenkins and Mary Berthclotte Lemaitre Gregery did the pitching Chicago Cardwellm at item will play two nutchel ageinctBarrIesndomsgslo sell rentlcesofCamp dea rmw wet Barrie Fair Grenada As well as Barrie Beri players parents the westernerswere greeted by city officials and the Kem penIelt Tmmpet Band West soccerites Rieqdyiror West Kildonen Bantam Soccer Club arrived in Barrie late yes teidey afternoon and the boys were immediately whisked oil to their respective homes for the next fowdays Boys or the Barrie bantam learn are taking buddy as member of the family Activity for the outoftown era has already started This morning boat cruise was scheduled Ati pm the kids should be pounding away at the Barrie loll Club ran re will be few occasions for headaches for couple of hours this evening as the west erners sndtho easterners meet on the soccer pitch at the fair groundsat aoven oclock Following that its over to the driving wrestling show Ilreadnya program will start wills picnic at Springwater Park That evening its back to the fair grounds for another 00 minutes or so at line foet bail llfayor Ml Cooke will kick the firstbsll in this game needay Instead the dung sters will spend most of the day at Wasaga Beach Upon their return they willtake in movie at the Roxy Thursdays show starts at pm with 10pin bowiing at IIolldayBewl Soccer with the Kildonans playing the Ap prentices from Camp Borden Army will be at seven farewell banquet at City Cafe will follow Early Friday the visitors will leave for Toronto and their home Barrie Areas to take is the Nosoccer Is onftap forWed Action Packed THRII what every local soccer lad knows is good bunch of boys While youfmey not be able to follow the youngsters to the beaches movies etc dont forget totske in the skilled matches at the fair grounds Last summer lire locaikidl went west and played to three ties whliewinnlng one game PlattBeaten CatThe Court BICWIN INN Ont OP Bob Jacobsdefeated Den Platt es in the mens singles final of the Northern Ontario tennis toumsmcnt in Huntsville Botb ere ironi Tomato In the mens doubles Jacobs and Plait teamed to defeat George Oiley of Iondon and Gard OHearn of Tomato 01 40 01 The new womens singlsa champion is Mrs Iris Ireland of Tomato She downed Mrs Barbara Waterbury of Toronto $002 The womens double title went to Mrsf Dorothy Hanna of Toronto and Mrs Ireland who beat ltlrs Waterbury and fier Marg Foster of Toronto 01 01 In the veteransI mens singles event Doug Grant of Believiile defeated Jack Corbett oi Tor onto 00 03 Grant teamed with Fred Torrents at Toronto to whip McAllistcr and Les Lewis of Toronto 02 02 ln the doubled Themined doubleswas won by Mr and Mrs Waterbury who defeated Gordon Keever and Mrs Mary Poster of Ten i0li4 01 eurrppe revue iEIR1 siniriiaof